Stocking up

Neela is in Optime form, fore-dated to the 3rd of December. Takes place in New Glasgow

Word Count → 415

The quiet morning air was abruptly disturbed by a harsh clanging sound as Neela tossed a broken scrap of metal out of the building she was currently rooting through. Neela had been quite surprised to discover a second human settlement in Ichikan territory, though it was a fairly pleasant surprise as so far she had found the odd settlements interesting to explore.

With a slightly frustrated sigh Neela gave up on the current pile of rubble she had been searching through, which had seemed to contain nothing but masonry and broken pottery, and retreated backwards through the buildings window, taking careful steps so as to not snag her long fur on any sharp edges.

With a last glace through the window, as though something valuable and shiny that she had missed might suddenly jump out at her, Neela turned and continued down the street, stopping momentarily to pick up her guitar from where she had rested it against a wall and sling it across her back.

Silently bemoaning her sore paws; Neela had spent the last 4 days travelling pretty much constantly in her Optime form, which wasn't best suited for the task, the collie strolled down the street at a leisurely pace. High above her she could see Grynn circling above her and looping through the air every now and then. Almost as though she had noticed Neela's gaze, though with Grynn's eyesight that was a possibility, Grynn changed her course and swooped down towards Neela with a loud shriek, the wind generated by her passing ruffling the fur on top of Neela's head.

As Neela grinned at her companions unusually playful behaviour something caught her eye. Just ahead of her was a building, about twice the size of most of those around her. She could see several collapsed metal shelves through the vacant window frames of the dilapidated structure, and quickly sped her pace up as she trotted towards it.

While Neela knew little about humans she recognised the metal shelves as something that they used to store things. Hopefully she would find some rope, or maybe some fishing equipment of some kind. 4 months at sea had strained her supplies of both and while she wasn't using the Meria Lea at the moment, it wouldn’t hurt to stock up.

Propping her Guitar up against the window frame Neela made her way into the shop, crouching down to look inside the triangular hole made by a collapsed shelf propping itself against the wall.

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It was a quiet day for Shiloh. Sarian was with her and all though Sarian was still a pup she was growing more and more each day. Aleo offered her hope and stability and care. Things Shiloh needed. He wasmt like Saxif. He had a calmer nature to him and Shiloh adored the way he looked at her. She was wrapped in thought when Sarian ran ahead and out of sight. "Sarian? Sarian!?S...Sarian baby where are you? Come back to mommy now. This is n...not the t...time to be playing hide and seek," she yelled as she heard a crash and went running.

Panic had set in when Shiloh found Sarian playing with a guitar. She went over to the child and scolded her for running off before she picked up the scent of another. She ushered Sarian away from the guitar and howled for whoever was in there to come out. She would fight them if she had to but she hoped it never came to that.

Word Count → 328

Neela could scarcely believe her luck as she looked down through the small gap. Just visible at the other end of the small space, wedged under an oddly shaped metal contraption, was a reel of what looked like human made fishing line. Eagerly Neela darted forwards into the hole, only to swear when the hole proved smaller than she had thought and she was not able to fit through, her fingers landing just out of reach of the useful wire.

Grumbling under her breath Neela squirmed and wiggled in the hole, trying to get further inwards and reach the wire. While she was doing so the sounds of somebody shouting and her guitar being messed with were audible from behind her, however between her own cursing and the enclosed space the sounds were muffled and muted, so Neela didn’t realise their proximity and dismissed them as unimportant.

The howl that cut through the air soon after, however, was clearly audible to the collie. At the sharp sound her head shot up suddenly, colliding with the metal shelf with a painful knock. Grumbling to herself more Neela quickly wriggled her way backwards out of the hole, wondering what was going on.

Making her way back out to the window Neela was greeted by the sight of two canines. The larger of the two was a grey coloured female with a white stomach. Even with the quick glance she had initially spared the woman Neela could see that burn marks and scars littered her body, causing her to wonder exactly what had happened to the wolf to have caused such marks. The other figure was a small puppy, seemingly the child, daughter Neela corrected herself as she raised her nose towards the two, or the adult.

The other canine's howl had held an odd tone to it, so Neela kept her tone friendly as she called out to the two, "Hello! Is something wrong, anything I can do to help?"

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Shiloh looked down. This woman was new, Shiloh could tell. "I am sorry if i came off wrong. My daughter ran ahead and i freaked out. I hope she didn't ruin your guitar. I am Shiloh Grant by the way and this is my adopted daughter Sarian. Do you need help with anything? I know a good clothes store up ahead." she said extending a hand to the woman. Shiloh knew she wasn't a full wolf or even half wolf for that matter but Sarian was quick to run forward and paw at the woman's foot playfully. She had grown now to the point that Shiloh couldn't carry her and she watched the woman closely to see if she was hostile or not. Sarian normally had her wa y with people and Shiloh knew most couldn't help but play with her.

Shiloh hoped not to have another X'yrin problem but she did miss the golden woman. After all Shiloh had always know the woman was lacking something and after taking Sarian back she knew the woman needed love. She never wanted her to leave but she had threatened her daughter. Shiloh looked the woman over and smiled again. She seemed nice enough.

Sorry about the delay, I should be free to update regularly again for a while now.p>

Word Count → 552

Neela's eyes flashed to her guitar at its mention; the guitar was possibly the most valuable and hard to replace of her possessions. However despite Shiloh's worries the guitar was unharmed, aside from the usual dings and scratches anything surviving from the human era bore.

Nope, my guitar looks fine to me," Neela said, smiling and stepping forward as she took the offered hand, shaking it briefly as she introduced herself, "Nice to meet you and Sarian, Shiloh, I'm Neel and my companion-" Neela cast her gaze to the shop window, wondering where Grynn had gotten to, "-whenever she turns up again, is Grynn." As Neela was about to step back she felt something nudging her leg and looked down to see the puppy, Sarian she reminded herself, was pawing her. Smiling at the child's total lack of fear around strangers Neela bent down, putting her face level with the puppies, amber eyes warm as she looked at the child.

While the sight of the puppy did send a small pulse of sorrow running through her it was nothing like that which had been brought about by the sight of Jace's child, which was brought about by not seeing any puppies for a long time. "Hello there, little one" She said softly, giving the puppy a sniff and a lick in the ear before she straightened up once more.

Neela shook her head lightly at Shiloh's offer, "Thanks for the offer, but I;ve never found much use for clothes with my fur," She gestured down to her long, thick fur, "Perhaps you could help m-" Before Neela could finish a loud screech echoed through the building and Grynn swooped in through the open window. The falcon landed elegantly on top of Neela's guitar and scanned her head around the room, her eyes resting on the puppy for several seconds as she did so, before she transferred her gaze to Neela.

Opening her beak wide for a second Grynn seemed to struggle before words came out of her beak, her voice oddly scratchy "Neela" The falcon paused and Neela raised a brow; while Grynn was perfectly capably of understanding high speech and speaking it fairly well for her species she tended not to, preferring to speak her low speech dialect which Neela could understand. While she waited for Grynn to continue Neela turned her head to Shiloh slightly, "That’s Grynn, don’t worry about her; she's a bit grumpy and looks fierce but she's safe." Neela didn’t want Shiloh to worry about Grynn, especially as the bird wasn't far off from Sarian's size.

With a quick glare at Neela to stop her talking Grynn continued, "Neela… found knowedthing… buildermake, outside." Builder was what Grynn called humans when she talked about them in high speech, and knowedthing meant that the bird had seen something that she had seen Neela using, but didn’t know the name for; the bird often had trouble naming tools and equipment in high speech as bird low speech had no words for tools.

Making a mental note of the fishing line's location so that she could come back for it later Neela turned once again to Shiloh, remembering the woman's offer of help, "Sounds like Grynn has found something useful, would you like to come along and see what it is?"

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