Wolf Video
Okay, so I found this documentary online and Im about halfway through it. This documentary focuses on a director and his "project wolf." Basically, the director wanted to film the wolves and unlock their "secrets." So far I've already learned a lot about behavior by watching the wolves in the documentary. I would highly recommend watching this video.

Just thought I would share.


edit: sorry I forgot to add the link to the video. I fail
What's the name of the video? Or a link to it? :3 We need to know!
Okay, the original link I posted works until part nine. There is a large gap between part 8 and part 9 that describes the role of an omega. The link below does not have the best quality (although its not bad). This provides the missing film between part 8 and 9 of the original.

Am definitely setting some time aside for later tonight to gawk at these! <3 Thanks for sharing. :3
.... IT MADE ME CRRYYYYY D:!!!!!!!
HA. I swear, I used to own this on VHS. It might have been a different documentary based on the same pack, but I definitely had this or something like it on tape. WATCHED IT ANYWAY BECAUSE AWESOME.
Glad you guys like it.
Thank you for sharing! It was really interesting and informative. Big Grin
I'm glad you guys liked the video. So here are three more video's. Last year I was lucky enough to see this live. I was actually four seats over from where the photographer was. The sound quality is bad so forgive me, but there is one video for wolves, one for coyotes, and one for jackals. But if you turn up the volume you should be able to hear what the speaker is saying. You can actually see the back of my head in the coyote video.


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