Warming the night


It was Christmas, the eve of the night, the male stayed up all night watching the stars seeing where his life would take him into the rest of the year. The male Sawtooth was lot as of what to do, and the stars sometimes help the male think more clearly and sometimes even guided him to where he needed to go. The male slipped back into the house though the hole that he had cut in the roof, to make a nice little way to from his attic to his roof. The Sawtooth sighed as he lowered his head down slipping into the living area of the house.

Walking over to the fire place, picking up the black cast iron poker the male pushed the ashes around hunting for a hot ember, after seeing the warm area the male took a handful of leaves that he had stored next to the fire place, tossing them into the fireplace, as he watched the star to smoke the male place thinner sticks and twigs on the smoking leaves, the male blew softly on the smoking in the fire place. Watching the fire kick up the male sat down upon his knees as he warmed him-self by the fire.

The male did have a lot on his mind and he just wanted this to be easy to decide. The silver male knew that at some point he would have to talk to Rendall about everything on his mind, however, tonight. Tonight he wanted it to be nothing but a magical night for her.


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