Everyone I know
Nathaniel Guffawlins
My heart is numb, has no feeling. So while I'm still healing
Just try and have a little patience.
Word Count :: 715

There was nothing on the earth that could be compared to the beauty of the evening sky. He didn't mind having to brave the chill of winter to go out and have a look at it - the moment that he was able to fully view it he would forget about how cold he was or that he'd walked a mile through the snow to get to his special vantage point. A ragged wool coat and cap was all that he wore on this night, not nearly enough to keep the chill from gripping him as mapped the location of each and every major point that he could see in the sky. He had looked at his reference book earlier that day to refresh himself on what constellations to look for, and had been able to locate and chart each of them. The moon shone down on him from above as he worked, trying to judge the distance between his markings in the half-light. On nights when there was no moon, he would carry a small lantern with him...but the red-tinged canine preferred the light of the moon above all else.

He sat over the edge of a long slab of darkened stone, legs hanging over the side with his piece of paneling seated on his lap as he drew. He was nearly finished, just wanted to add a few other small stars in as reference points before he put his pencil away in his pocket. He wasn't far from the caves that he occupied with his siblings, but the walk back was more uphill than down and he wanted to get back at a decent enough hour. It wasn't terribly late into the night, only around eight o'clock or so, but he didn't want to worry anybody. Nathaniel was nearly full-grown and had been taking care of his own needs for some time now, but that didn't mean that he did not respect his family. He didn't want to get an earful from anybody for not being home.

The male hopped down from the rock, beginning to trudge back down the path that he'd made through the snow. It was a quiet winter night with no other sounds beyond the creaking of the trees above and the rustle of dead leaves skittering across the snow in front of him. He kept his eyes at the ground in front of himself as he went, looking at the shapes that his large feet had made in the snow on his trip to the rock. He tried to keep to the same tracks, shivering a bit and wrapping his coat more tightly around himself as he trotted through the dusting of white. He'd be home soon enough, and would be glad to see the cave formation. The rust-colored boy was now finally feeling the chill of January upon his limbs, fingers and toes beginning to feel dead and numb the more that time passed.

Pieces of his frozen red hair blew back into his face as a particularly strong gust of wind came through the trees, and he reached up to put the locks back into place. He put his head down a bit, trying to keep the wind out of his face, but it was no good. The next big gust took his hat right off of his head, and he turned in surprise to see it on the ground a few yards back. He set after it quickly as the wind picked it up once more, taking it even farther away from him. The snow was getting quite a bit deeper in this area but it was a fact that the boy didn't notice as he ran in pursuit of his beloved hat. He finally caught up with it at the top of a hill, an area where the snow seemed a bit looser and softer. Nathaniel walked carefully over it, bending until the hat was just within his reach...and then it happened. The snow beneath his feet collapsed, burying the male up to his head. He struggled, but that only seemed to bring more of the fluffy white stuff down on top of him. How far was he from one of the beaten paths? He wasn't sure. "H-Help!! Help!! Somebody!" He called, voice frantic.

Image courtesy of F3rd4

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Helotes has come to save the DAAAYYYY / +621

The wind was brutal tonight and the dark Lykoi sat upon his steed like a stone upon a mountain. The two of them were unmoving, as the ferocity of winter finally decided to fully show itself, and snow and wind whipped around them. But they were not disturbed by it, for the rider had the thickest of coyote fur, and that would have been enough on its own, but it was also enhanced by the large and thick gray pelt of a wolf worn as a cloak. All in all, Helotes was quite toasty, and Yegua, his mare, was covered in a beautiful deerskin hide. Perhaps the cold did bother her, but she was trained to show no discomfort, and Helotes was sure that her strong muscles were nourished and protected by thick stores of fat; Helotes had not gone easy on the grain as it had gotten colder.

The two of them stood on the crest of a hill, the snow up past Yegua’s ankles, but it was here that one could get the best vantage point. Umber eyes scanned the area and black tipped ears rotated slowly. Nothing, only the sound of the wind and blinding white of the snow; Helotes sighed. With a sharp click of his tongue he set his horse into motion and she made a small nicker of approval, as if saying "About time." Helotes felt that more time he spent with the mare the more he seemed to understand her language. He knew it was possible for verbal communication, even between a horse and coyote, why the Aquila’s raven friend spoke fluently in the canine high tongue, so why could Helotes not speak to his horse? He at times tried mimicking her sounds, but it would just send her into a frenzy of chirping neighs that sounded distinctly like laughter. Helotes felt that eventually he would have to find someone with the skill of the tongue to teach him.

Helotes let Yegua go at her own pace, for she was sure footed in the snow and would know the best direction. While he let her meander to her own accord, he kept his head high, still on the lookout for anything of interest, at times having to squint his eyes in the wind. It seemed as no creature wanted to venture out today, save his crazy ass. But suddenly a cry of help cut through the air; perhaps he had been wrong. Turning her then towards the sound, Helotes quickened her pace, but her trot was soon hindered by the depth of the snow. Yegua trudged through though, her breath coming out in frosty huffs that were immediately blown away. Suddenly Helotes spied something brown half buried in the snow, and he leaned down to retrieve it; a hat? Finally, Yegua sensing some danger, stopped and turned around to look at Helotes and mutter at him in her equine way. Helotes dismounted, the snow having gone up to his thighs if it weren't for his large, snow-shoe like paws. He walked several yards further until he saw that the snow had fallen away, and there, half buried, was a young coyote male, still in the grips of pup-hood.

Helotes quickly went into action, slowly edging down where the embankment had collapsed until he was near the boy, he then began to dig him out. Large paws made quick work of the wet snow, though it did try desperately to impede his progression. But finally, the male was mostly free and Helotes reached out to grab his arm, Here, I’ll pull you up. He planted his feet firmly on the packed snow to give him leverage to lift the boy when he had grabbed him.

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Nathaniel Guffawlins
My heart is numb, has no feeling. So while I'm still healing
Just try and have a little patience.
Word Count :: 587

He couldn't move much due to the snow that was packed around his body. As he had fallen his board had come flying out of his hands and had landed softly a few yards away. He was glad for this, at least, because he had no idea what sort of damage snow could do to the paneling if it had gone down with him and become covered. He hoped that the piece of paneling would be some sort of a hint to a passerby that there was somebody nearby...or some kind of marker for his body should he not get out of this alive. With of all the deadly canines he had encountered both in and out of Inferni, the fact that he would die due because of something as simple as snow seemed ironic to him. He gave a chuckle that turned into a whimper at the thought of his fate, closing his eyes for a moment and trying to take deep breaths. The snow covered him all the way up to the bottom of his upward-tilted muzzle, his two hands barely reaching out above the surface of it. It pressed in on his body, putting pressure on his lungs and causing him to panic a bit as he stood there. His toes weren't on the ground, but on another layer of snow that was strong enough to support him.

Nathaniel began to shiver as the cold set in. He didn't know who would possibly be out here at this time of day, walking off the path that had been beaten through the snow from his many walks out to the clearing. From this viewpoint he could still see a couple of stars in the sky through the crooked, leafless branches above, and he focused on those as he tried not to panic and move more. It was difficult to hear anything over the rush of the wind, and even when he concentrated he could hear nothing else. Suddenly, though, a sound did break through the din. He heard a loud crunching sound coming closer and closer to his location, then it stopped. There was a movement beside him, then a massive shifting in the snow. Someone had come! The male stopped struggling, letting the other dig him out a bit before he tried to move. He took the offered hand, allowing Helotes to yank him up out of the grips of the white powder.

First his breath came in harsh gasps, his lungs getting used to breathing more normally, and then the shivering started. He felt as if he'd seen this male before, but at the same time he could not place where exactly that had been. He reached for the buttons on his jacket with now numb fingers, trying to get them into their holes and failing miserably. Instead, he crossed his arms, trying to hold it closed while he tried to regain some composure. "I um..meant to do that.." He mumbled, turning to stare back at the large Nathaniel-sized hole he'd left in the pile. His gaze went back to Helotes as he remembered something, his entire reason for coming out this way. "Have you seen a piece of wood laying around here? Not just any old log, but a long slab? I think I dropped it when I..fell. And my hat.." He glanced about, but didn't see his panel laying around anywhere. "And uh..thanks for pulling me out of there, man. I feel like I know you from somewhere...but I dunno where."

Image courtesy of F3rd4

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Sorry bout the wait on this / +459

The young man managed to grasp Helotes' arm and the dark Lykoi pulled him up. It did not take much effort for the boy was young and there was not much too him. After he was free, he looked back at the divot he had left in the snow and made an embarrassed joke. Though Helotes found it amusing, he did not laugh, for the young man began looking around and asked if he had seen a slab of wood or a hat. Helotes was about to answer in the negative when he realized he indeed was still clutching the balled up, soaking hat in his paw, Er… no, no wood. I found this hat. I’m guessing it’s yours? He handed it out to the boy, though it looked pretty worse for wear now that Helotes had basically crushed it, he gave the man an apologetic smile.

Then, plodding through the deep snow Helotes managed to get back to Yegua, who nickered at him in an annoyed fashion, Helotes just patted her on the neck and looked back to the boy, Yes, I saw you at the clan meeting, though we have not met formally. I am Helotes Lykoi, Hydra. He added in his title, just to give the boy an idea of where he stood in the clan, And you are? May I ask what you are doing out in this blizzard alone? It was a pretty stupid thing for someone as young as he to be out here alone, unprotected, and susceptible to accidents, like the one that had just befallen him. What had he been doing out here anyway, did he lack all perspicaciousness? Sadly, Helotes had no idea that the wood panel the boy had mentioned had anything to do with artistic endeavors, otherwise the dark Lykoi would have thought the boy to be even more stupid then before.

Mounting Yegua then, Helotes trotted her over to the boy, Shall I give you a ride back to the mansion? He asked politely, wondering if the mansion was where the boy lived. He couldn’t remember if he had ever seen him around there, so there might be a chance he lived in the caverns. But Helotes was willing to take him safely to wherever he wished to go.

Luckily, the storm was seeming to calm down, and the wind was slowly dying, causing the falling snow to kiss instead of whip at the skin. The sky was dark, though it was not too late in the day, and it was bitter cold, the stars shining through gaps in the cloud every once in a while. It was quite a sight, this wintery landscape, but Helotes yearned for the spring, as he was sure they all did.

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Nathaniel Guffawlins
My heart is numb, has no feeling. So while I'm still healing
Just try and have a little patience.
Word Count :: 587 Feel free to PP anything you need to - him coming up on the horse or riding back with him if needed Smile

His extremities had only become so cold once before in his lifetime. He shifted from foot to foot to try and rid himself of the pins and needles that were attacking him. If he stopped moving and let the pins and needles go away, a deep numbness would be the only thing that he would experience. That wasn't good, he knew from experience. The last time that he'd allowed himself to grow so cold he had spent the better part of an hour in pain, nearly calling out due to the sharp, intense stabs of pain that had gone through his feet and fingers. Before that day, he had never known what kind of an effect cold could have on him.

He was dismayed that his slab of wood hadn't been found. He'd have to come back another day and look for it when no one else was about. Nathaniel snatched his hat up quickly from the hand of the other, putting it back on top of his head. He wasn't too surprised to find that the other canine, who introduced himself as Helotes, was a Hydra. He looked the warrior type to Nathaniel. His own form was slight and thin, not fit for duties such as that. "Nathaniel King. I've grown up in the Tirones Minor rank..but am a simple Tirones now, Sir." He ducked his head slightly, staring at the ground. He didn't want to show any disrespect to one of the warriors of the clan.

"I hope to move into a scout position, eventually" He admitted. He'd had his eye on a scout position since the ranks had been explained to him as a pup. His night-time habits were part of his reasoning behind it...he could watch the clan's border for threats and fulfill his own agenda as well, if things went like he wanted. He'd become lost in thought for a moment, but snapped out of it at the words of the Hydra. "I.. He tried to think of a suitable answer. "I was trying to hone my scouting skills. And..I guess I was trying to map the sky, as well. One can tell their position on the earth and direction based on the position of the stars above." He tried to explain.

Nathaniel had begun to shake over the last few minutes, now that he was back out into the cold air. While in the hole, he had melted a little of the snow that had been packed directly around him. Now that water was freezing, turning the ends of his fur into mini icicles. "Yes, thank you." He said at the offer of a ride back to the mansion. He had no idea how to get up onto the horse though, never having ridden one in the past, and looked up at Helotes apprehensively. "Can the beast carry two, Sir? I live in the caves..but they're rather cold. Is there heat in the mansion?"

Image courtesy of F3rd4

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OOC / +445

Helotes watched as the boy searched around but finally seemed to give up on finding this slab of his. He introduced himself as Nathaniel King, a Tirones, just fresh out of the Tirones Minor rank. Helotes nodded, Well met, Nathaniel. He said. The boy continued to chatter away, of how he wished to become a scout for the clan, and how he had been out here to gather information from a stars. A noble ambition, but it did not take away from the foolishness of him being alone. Still, Helotes smiled, Good choice, I am friends with the Praetorian, you would do well to meet with her and learn from her. It still got to Helotes that Vesper had risen through the ranks as quickly as she had; now she even outranked him. But it did not bother in him the least bit, with how hard and diligently she worked, she deserved such a position.

Now that Helotes was by the boy’s side, he lifted the young man up and helped him to sit behind Helotes on Yegua. The horse did not complain, for the boy was so slight that the weight difference was nothing to her. Helotes removed his wolf cloak then, and wrapped it around Nathaniel’s shivering shoulders. His own fur would do well enough to keep him warm, and there was no point for the Tirones to catch cold. Then, to answer his question, She is a strong and sturdy horse, she will not mind your weight. And then, clicking his tongue Helotes urged Yegua through the snow towards the mansion. The journey was slow going, due to the depth of snow, but they made good time, I will take you to the mansion, there is always a large fire kept in the foyeur, you can warm your bones there.

The sky continued to clear until there was no cloud cover at all, and the light of the moon and stars shone down upon the duo and the horse and snow. It lit up the world in a brilliant pseudo daylight, and Helotes could not help but stare at the twinkling landscape around them. Winter truly was beautiful, but oh how he wished for spring.

Soon the mansion came into view; a warm and shining light in the distance. Helotes turned his head to glance back at the man, I hope you know better now than to go out into a snow storm on your own. He afforded the boy a smirk, showing that while he may jest, his words should be heeded. There was no reason to lose a young man such as he, so full of potential, to the elements.

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OOC: Slight PP of him hanging on xD

The youth was already embarrassed about the fact that he'd been found in such a vulnerable place; he owed Helotes his life, really, for what he had done. The Lykoi hadn't given him too much grief over the predicament that he'd been discovered in, something that made him grateful. He didn't want to dwell on it or even admit that it had ever happened, if he didn't have to. Such a foolish mistake would not be soon forgotten. His chagrin at the situation increased as he was plucked from the ground and placed upon the horse. The size difference between the two was more obvious than ever up atop the horse - he felt like a remora fish compared to this shark of a hybrid, and he closed his eyes in utter humiliation at the thought of what had just happened. He was so insignificantly light that he could just be picked up and put places by the higher-ups if needed.

He had always gone out during the night without a problem...but this night had been different than most. It had been an unlucky situation that he had put himself in by walking off of his well-beaten path and into the snow after his hat. He thought about the other canine's words, what he had said about the Praetorian, and gulped. He wasn't sure if he was prepared to meet a clan member of such a high station; he would have to bring a gift or something to try and gain their favor, if they would accept it. He would already need to find something to repay Helotes for everything that he had done on this night. "O..ok"A heavy, furry weight fell over his shoulders just before they began moving, and he clutched onto it with one hand to keep it on him. He was surprised that a higher member of the clan would offer his cloak to him whether he was shivering or not - it was his own fault that he had ended up here.

The youth had never been atop a horse before and started when it began to trot through the snow. He would have fallen off completely if he hadn't grabbed hold quickly, taking grasp of Helotes' waist in an awkward fashion. The bumping of the horse's gait sent him forward and back against the other and he closed his eyes, trying to ignore it and focus on their destination. He didn't lift his head until his superior's voice was heard once more, and he ducked it down again before answering. "I..I'm sorry. I'll be more careful and not go out in a storm like this again. Thank you for helping me." He had a few things stashed away in the mansion in preparation of moving there...maybe something would work as a gift. The rest of the trip went uneventfully and they were soon there. He tried to step off of the horse and nearly fell, catching himself at the last minute and clutching the long cloak around himself so as not to get more snow on it. "Will you come in with me?"

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Really sorry with how long I’ve been taking to reply to this James XD Here’s a stupid short post to keep things going./ +181

The young man seemed to be apologetic enough for his mistake and Helotes smiled despite himself. It was good to see such obedient youth that held much promise, it once again brought to the surface his desire to be a father. But as they neared the D’Neville these thoughts were swept aside. He brought Yegua nearly up to the front steps, and Helotes felt the shift in weight as Nathaniel clumsily dismounted. Helotes followed suit, and the young coyote asked if he would come inside with him, Helotes nodded, I will, I’m freezing my ass off out here anyway. He then slapped Yegua on the rump and the mare, knowing exactly what this meant, lead herself off to the warmth of the stables.

Helotes climbed the snow covered porch stairs and opened the heavy door of the mansion, allowing Nathaniel to enter before him before following the young male inside. As was expected the foyer fire place was roaring and the room was relatively warm. Helotes shook himself of the wet snow before heading towards the flame and taking a seat.

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OOC: It's OK, I'm still getting used to playing him ^^;; And have very limited internet time. So forgive me as well <3

The boy had never been atop a horse today and wasn't sure how Helotes had managed to guide the creature to the exact spot that he intended to go. What was it that allowed the canine to speak to the horse and tell it which way to go? He puzzled over this for a few moments as the other male dismounted, giving the equine a slap to get her going again. Was this normal protocol for horses? He had considered trying to find a horse for himself, but he'd had no idea how to go about it. Not everyone had one, so he assumed that they were somewhat rare. As a lower ranked member of the clan with no political power, he would probably find it even harder to get one, he thought.

There was scarcely a time when the young male wasn't deep in thought, and today was no exception to that. He'd been saved by this giant of a canine and owed him a debt of gratitude. He would have to work on repaying that, on finding items of value or crafting the other something to try and regain the respect that he felt he had lost. "Do you collect anything?" He blurted suddenly as they entered the building and sat before the fire. "I need to repay my debt to you for this - for getting me out of there and then for not making me walk all the way home. Is there anything you need...or maybe something I could go and find for you?" He'd heard others talk of the abandoned human city...perhaps he'd have some luck if he looked there. "And about your horse...I was wondering...how did you acquire it? Did you have to trade for it, or was it a gift maybe?"

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We can close this out soon maybe/ +221

The young boy followed him, and Helotes cocked an ear at him. Had he picked him up as a follower? Helotes sincerely hoped not, not that he considered the company of the young male a nuisance, but Helotes knew that he probably would make lousy company. But the dark Lykoi humored the red headed coyote for now, and Nathaniel peppered him with questions and gratitude.

Helotes grinned nervously at the prospect of gifts and he ran his claws through his wet hair, Er… you don’t have to do that, it really was nothing, Nathaniel. But then again, the prospect of having a go-to for supplies was a lucrative one, I don’t collect anything, but if you could scrounge me up some cigarettes and tea that’d be nice. It was true that his supply of clove cigarettes ala Ezekiel had run out ages ago, and his tea supply was slowly dwindling, and he could not bring himself to beg for more off of Enkiel. Perhaps this boy could find him some nice different flavors, if he was resourceful enough.

Then, in response to the question about the horse, The mare and her filly, which you didn’t see, were a gift from a very close… friend. His mind reeled as his thoughts were swept to the ginger pygmy, and immediately his heart ached.

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