[M] I know you
WARNING: This thread contains material exceeding the general board rating of PG-13. It may contain very strong language, drug usage, graphic violence, or graphic sexual content. Reader discretion is advised.


Back-Dated to the 11th.Takes place in the strip of territory north of the dampwoods but south of Ichika, Neela is in Optime.

Word Count → 327

Neela strode briskly through the snow, uncharacteristically ignoring the attractive scenery created around her by the snow layering the ground being hit by the brilliant orange glow of the sunset that filtered through the thin scattering of trees present this close to the mountainous territory of the Ichikian border.

Neela was angry and frustrated and was taking a walk down towards the Dampwoods in an attempt to clear her mind. While the night was fast approaching Neela had no intention of sleeping this night; for the past week she was been plagued by nightmares of heightening intensity which had left her exhausted and unsettled.

Neela's anger and frustration came from the fact that she knew well the source of these knightmares, why they were returning to haunt her now. It was Ichika, the pack that she had come to love. Neela had no other defence from her thoughts and guilt other than travelling and keeping busy on mindless tasks. Ichika had stripped one of those away from her and was not exactly conductive to the other.

It was why she was planning to leave the territory in a short while, to take her boat and head down south to the human city of Halifax. It was also why she spent so much time, such as now, wandering outside of the pack territory, trying to sate what had become a needy appetite for travel.

It wasn't working well. Neela could only hope that an extended trip on her boat would have a greater effect; as much as she loved Ichika and wished to stay there the nightmares were getting unbearable and the lack of sleep was starting to have a physical effect on her health.

With a tired sigh Neela trudged onwards anyway. Even if the trip wasn't serving its original purpose she was determined to have at least one night where she didn’t wake screaming, Julian's blood on her hands and his voice in her ear.

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Word Count → 000

Amy hummed as she strolled through the snow. Her wagon rattled behind her, with Hadley lugging some blankets. It was a lovely night. Amy planned on camping outside before coming to trade with the pack on the far side of the mountain. She looked with care, searching for a place that met her qualifications. It would have to be fairly dark, but allow light in with the morning so she could bathe in the dawn's light. Water would be needed, as well as a place for a fire to be started.

At last Amy satisfied her search with a small nook, a stone's throw from a babbling stream. It was amazing that it hadn't froze over. Amy supposed that was because of how fast it was moving. She snapped her fingers, and Hadley leaped forward. The blankets were formed into a nice cocoon for Amy to wrap herself in, and an area cleared for the fire. Amy fastened the horse to a nearby thicket, with enough rope to allow it to graze. Satisfied with her efforts she started the fire and brought out some meat, beginning to roast it. The smell wafted through the air, a delectable call for all hungry.

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Word Count → 380

The smell of cooking meat filtered through the air and into Neela's nostrils, causing the canines ears to twitch in its direction like a bee towards nectar. Neela hadn’t realised that she was even hungry before now and glanced down mournfully at the second largest pouch by her hip, containing salted meat for eating when on journeys. Enough to keep hunger away but not much in the taste department.

Idly Neela started to make her way over towards the source of the smell, wondering if she could trade some of her excess supplies, god knows she had far more fishing hooks than any sane canine could need after she had raided the storeroom of an old fishing store in Westville. That seemed like it might be a fair trade; equipment for catching food for some food.

Mulling this over Neela strode towards the camp, her mood considerably improved by the delicious smell. However when the camp came into sight Neela froze, her teeth baring and a low growl emanating from her muzzle. There were two canines and a wagon palced near a fire, and it was the dog tending the meat that had caught her attention. More specifically the blonde dog tending the meat.

Neela's mind instantly raced to the odd object that she carried in one of her back pouches, a clump of blonde fur, still stained with Kiara's blood that she had recovered from the site of the white wolves attack. Neela had taken the attack very badly; while she didn’t know Kiara much the younger wolves innocent behaviour, coupled with the fact that Kiara was only two months off of her own son's age, had Neela chomping at the bit to find her attacker. For a moment Neela's instainct were screaming at her to attack the stranger, if for no reason than sharing the description of the attacker, but she quickly clamped down on those instincts.

Ichika no Hoen was built on peace and tolerance, attacking some poor canine just because they had strayed near Ichikan borders and had blonde fur was not acceptable behaviour. Forcing herself to calm down Neela called out ahead of herself, her voice echoing through the trees as she descended a slope down to where the wagon was parked, "'Ello down there!"

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Word Count → 000

Amy's head turned as a growl emitted through the air. Her hand fell to her short sword, ready to defend herself. Sniffing the air she established the female as a collie, one from the peace pack. How nice. Her last victim had been from there as well. Smiling she waved the collie into the camp. Hello. Care to join me for a meal? There's too much for just me. She didn't mention Hadley, as he'd already been given his allotted meal, and wouldn't be eating the deer with her.

Hadley stood up, sinking into the shadows around. He knew it was disrespectful to be in view when there were guests. Amy had hammered that into his head again and again. He was not to speak, he was not to draw any unwanted attention. Amy pulled the deer off the fire, and began slicing it into smaller pieces. She removed a kidney and tossed it to Hadley, who promptly devoured it. The liver was put aside for later, as well as the heart. The rest of the meat was neatly divided, with enough for both her and the collie.

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Word Count → 513

Neela dipped her muzzle for a split second towards the stranger as she offered Neela a share in the meal, which was quite a pleasant surprise for the collie, who had been expecting to need to trade for the food. She noticed the other wolf sinking into the shadows as she approached but thought little of it, idly guessing that the retreating male must be antisocial or have some other reason to not be interested in company.

As Neela approached the fire something began to niggle on her mind, or more accurately her nose. Neela's nose was twitching like crazy as she picked up a scent, something that she recognised subconsciously but wasn't getting clear enough to actually identify, the cooking meat overriding her sense of smell. As Neela approached she saw the stranger cutting up the meat, dividing a generous portion for Neela. Mouth watering the collie sat down close to the fire, brushing away some of the half melted snow with her foot, and waited for the blonde to finish. "Thanks a lot, wasn't looking forward to salted fish tonight, "Neela stuck her tongue out playfully in a grimace, fresh fish was fine but salted fish was something Neela had grown to hate, if noly for the fact that the taste generally signalled failure to catch fresh fish on her behalf, "The name's Neela, from Ichika no Hoen just north of here, you're actually not far from our borders."

Leaning back Neela noticed that the woman had finished dividing the meat up but didn’t move yet, enjoying the fire and trying to get a conversation going, "So, what brings you to this neck of the woods?" she asked lightly, before her hunger got the best of her and she leant over to get some food.

Neela's path to the food brought her nose close to the strangers fur and as she did so she froze, the familiar smell stronger than ever. Neela looked sharply upwards towards the stranger's face and inhaled sharply with an audible snort, her nostrils flaring as she recognised the smell. How couldn’t she? It was emblazoned on her mind and carried around on a reminded, a clump of blonde fur still stained with Kiara's blood. Neela's lips peeled back from her teeth and a low, dangerous growl came roaring out of her mouth while her eyes stared into the strangers, the amber orbs reflecting with a murderous light in the firelight.

Neela shot upwards into a standing position, dropping her legs slightly into a stance, though her arms remained down by her sides in a seemingly neutral stance. What the stranger wouldn’t know, however, was that this unaggressive stance allowed Neela easy access to the knives on the back of her belt, knives she was fairly sure the stranger hadn’t seen yet. Still growling Neela let words slide past her bared teeth, her accent degenerating through pure anger, "Yah've got sa'hm nerve about yah comin' back round 'ere after what yah did" Snorting angrily Neela eyes the woman, mentally begging with her to make an aggressive move.

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OOC is anyone else jumping in on this? and can't remember the injury count

Word Count → 000

Amy smiled politely as the collie chatted. She had no interest in such things, though it was a good way for building relationships. I find fresh meat the best myself. Amy picked up a piece and dug in, enjoying the savory taste. Her dining companion continued to idly chat, filling the air with nonsense. Amy could care less. She'd only invited the girl in because she was looking for another toy to play with. The pack here seemed full of such beings.

Just as she prepared to answer the question the collie bounded away. Confused Amy stared for a moment. Neela spoke, and Amy understood. A friend with the white wolf. Chuckling Amy leaned back, soaking in the warmth. She grabbed another slice of meat and dug in. Her hand ran along her sword fondly. Relax. I'm not here for that. She was only good for one game, after all. If Amy had been able to continue, the wolf would have died. Such easy prey didn't intrigue her beyond one round. So you're a friend? You were rather slow, weren't you? Not there at the rescue at all. Wickedly Amy grinned, knowing she'd hit a nerve.

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No, its just us. I sent you a PM with wha we sorted out about injuries. Would you mind having Amy mention her name at some point please? M tag added for Neela swearing and later violence.

Word Count → 356

The golden dogs insolent body language served to only increase Neela's anger, the woman simply leaning back and continuing to eat, though Neela did notice her keeping a hold of her weapon. Neela's body strained to attack the woman but she held herself still, fists clenched at her side. Despite the despicable things this woman had done Neela was still unwilling to be the one that started a fight; the red haired woman was proud of the mental control she had built up and didn’t want to let this bitch take that away from her.

The woman's next comment made Nela's eyes widen in disbelief and the collie actually stopped moving for a second, her breath catching in her throat from her shock at the sheer audacity the woman was displaying, "What?! And that's supposed to make me feel better is it ya fuckin' monster? Ya think that ya can just attack onea our members like that'n then just come waltzing 'round our borders!? What the hell did Kiara ever do ta you?"

It was the woman's next comment that drove Neela over the edge, the uncomfortable truth contained within the words driving the collie into a rage that she hadn’t felt into a long time. There was no warning, no tensing of her muscles nor preliminary growl. Years of training as a knife fighter had drilled two things into Neela, speed and unpredictability. Even this deep in her rage those two things stuck to Neela, and while she couldn’t muster up much brute force Neela was very quick, and she knew it. One second Neela's hands were by her side and the next they were already in motion, a knife in each hand.

Neela's right hand shot forward with the knife in a backwards grip, Neela's fist flying towards the dog's muzzle with the razor sharp metal close behind it. Her other arm held the knife in a traditional grip and was moving the opposite way, aiming to gut the dog if she moved to the side to dodge Neela's primary blow.

Neela's rage was unleashed, for good or bad the fight was now on.

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Word Count → 000

Amy smiled, listening to Neela complain about her brutality against the weak creature. Amy was stronger, so she was the one who's will ruled. That was the rules of the wild. Granted, in nature one didn't hurt others for sheer pleasure, but that was Amy's excuse for what she did. Not feeling a need to defend her actions or explain herself to someone worth less than her, she remained silent as Neela raged. The attack was unexpected, despite Amy watching for it knowing what a loss of temper would bring.

She twisted to the side, the knife sliding across her muzzle as she dodged the more serious wound. Grinning Amy drew her short sword, and moved to cut across Neela's arm, planning on disarming the dog. If possible, Amy would like to tear through the arm, rendering it crippled. Against a trained fighter though, the chances of that dropped. She'd just have to settle for what she got.

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Leave the arm wound till later in the fight, that’s likely going to finish her/open her up to the blow that knocks her unconscious.

Word Count → 236

Neela's nostrils flared and a victorious growl escaped her throat as the scent of blood accompanied a slight resistance against her knife, first blood to her. Sadly it seemed that the golden dog had managed to move out of the way of the more damaging gutting strike.

The sudden movement had left Neela off balance and she could see the blonde dog drawing a sword and swinging the blade towards her, too fast for Neela to move out of the way. This was where Neela's agility came in handy; the collie dropped bonelessly to the floor and under the blade, digging her foot into the ground at the last moment to spring forward into a tight forward roll. Neela could feel the sword ruffling her fur as she dropped, a close miss, but the manoeuvre had cost her. Neela was now off balance and placed lower than her opponent in a crouched stance, not one that gave her a lot of manoeuvrability, a bad thing for one with such a mobile fighting style as Neela.

Trying to even herself out Neela thrust upward, her leg rising towards the opposing female in a roundhouse kick. Neela had little hope for the effectiveness of the actual strike, she was striking blind and from a bad position, but was instead hoping that the wide area covered would force her opponent to dodge backwards and let her regain her feet.

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OOC here.

Word Count → 000

Her cut was dodged, spurring Amy forward. A kick swung upwards, but Amy caught it in her hand. With Neela so off balance it had been an easy maneuver. Amy twisted her arm, ready to knock the wolf even farther off balance. With the collie on the ground Amy advanced, oh so slowly. She was enjoying herself so much. Another toy had fallen into her grasp. She'd have to remember this. In fact, Amy made sure to tell herself to come up to the pack as often as she could. They had so many vulnerable members for the dog to prey on.

What was that? A twitch? It's a good thing you weren't there, then. She might have ended up worse off. Next to the collie now Amy swung down, trying to slice into the collie's stomach. A matching scar would be added, a bright vibrant maze. Not a broken spiral, she'd already done that one. A labyrinth would do quite nicely though. Believing her foe incapacitated she leaned in to begin her art.

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I'm not exactly sure how Amy blocked the kick so I'm going to go with the closest thing I know from your description >_>

Word Count → 364

As soon as Neela felt her kick get caught she knew that she was in trouble. It was a perfectly executed textbook block and Neela was helpless to stop herself from crashing to the ground, cursing herself all the way down as her own momentum built up by the clumsy kick added to the force of her fall.

On of the good things about such an obvious block was that Neel knew how she was falling and could twist to minimise the damage, but even so when she hit the ground it was with a solid impact and a soft woof as Neela felt the air forced out of her lungs. One of her knives was wrenched from her grip and skidded across the ground but the other remained in her grip, for now hidden underneath her back.

What happened next sickened Neela. She could understand making sure a downed opponent stayed down but what the golden dog seemed to be trying to do… Neela was reminded of the painstaking spiral cut into Kiara's stomach and shivered in anger. But for now she played dead, letting the other woman get closer before she struck.

A cry of pain forced itself out of Neela's mouth as the cold blade bit into her stomach but she forced herself to remain still, waiting until her attacker moved her had the slightest fraction lower and put herself off balance, there! Silently and suddenly, that had served her well before at least, Neela struck upwards with her free hand, grasping the golden dog's wrist and pulling, indenting to bring the other dog down on-top of her. As she did so her still equipped hand removed itself from behind her back and shot upwards towards the dog's stomach even as she fell, Neela intending to respond in kind to the dog's attempts.

Neela had been at a very clear disadvantage in this fight, having brought a knife to a sword fight but now, with both combatants on the ground and grappling, this golden bitch would find out that that went the other way, and it was just as bad an idea to bring a sword to a knife fight.

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OOC here.

Word Count → 000

She began her carving properly, a twisted joining of small lines. She was interrupted when she ducked her head lower for a better viewpoint though. The art she was doing was delicate, but instead she was pushed off. Amy pulled her blade out before the art could be ruined luckily, but it brought a snarl of anger from her. She was pulled down as she tossed the short sword aside. Twisting Amy avoided the worst of the blow to her stomach, though it did bit in. Wrapping her hand around her leg Amy pulled out one of the daggers she kept there.

Rolling on the ground Amy brought her teeth in close to the other's throat, biting at the thick fur. She couldn't get in close though, too protected. Instead she clawed at the other's face, attempting to bring her down. Her dagger moved to slash open Neela's leg, wanting to keep her from squirming. Amy had been drawing out after all, and she needed her canvas to hold still for that. Her eyes glistened darkly, fires of rage burning inside, never quite put out.

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OOC here.

Word Count → 438

Time seemed to slow down for Neela as the fight became a grappling match, both fighter's moves becoming quicker and more frantic as they fought for control. Despite the confusing and rapid pace of the fight Neela felt more at home now; this was much closer to what she had been trained in than trying to take on somebody wielding a sword.

Pain shot through Neela's newly wounded stomach as her aggressor fell onto her, teeth snapping ineffectively at her throat but getting tangled in the thick fur protecting it. Neela took advantage of her opponents lowered head and sent a quick snap down towards the blonde dog's ears.

Then everything seemed to happen at once, distracting Neela from that endeavour. Just as she was aware of a glint of metal down by her legs her vision was suddenly filled by the sight of a hand rushing towards her, claws outstretched. Unable to dodge Neela instead headbutted the hand, the motion causing her to catch the knuckles rather than the claws. Still the blow was plenty painful; Neela felt the skin inside her mouth tearing as it was all but impaled on her own teeth and a blow to her eye from a ring borne by the other's finger had her seeing stars.

Neela's self defence training took over here and the collie's free hand snapped upwards, looping around the dog's arm to prevent her withdrawing it easily while her hand grabbed the dog's by the fingers, yanking down so that the hand was pulled backwards in its joint. The hold was painful but Neela lacked the strength on her arm alone to actually break her opponents wrist, usually relying on turning an enemies strength upon them to do such a thing.

Still it would do for now and Neela still had what she assumed was a knife to deal with. Lifting her hips upwards Neela kicked outwards, slipping her body so that her legs were now behind her aggressor. The position was incredibly painful as it placed a lot of weight onto her wounded stomach but Neela bit her teeth and bore the pain.

The battle might have been over here but for the fact that somewhere between being punched in the face and the other manoeuvring Neela had lost her knife, both weapons now lay out of her reach. Robbed of the ability to plain slit her opponents throat Neela extended her claws and lunged two closed fingers towards the hollow of her opponent's throat. If this connected than at best it might be a killing blow, but at worst it was still a painful choke.

<style type="text/css"> .neelastar b {font-weight:bold; color:#37370f; letter-spacing:1px; font-size:13px;} .neelastar p {text-indent:25px; padding:5px 13px; margin:0px;} .neelastar {margin:0px auto; width:500px; background-color:#909179; background-image:url(http://i39.tinypic.com/357on02.jpg); background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; border:1px solid #2c392f; padding: 415px 0px 3px 0px; font-family: georgia, sans-serif; font-size:12px; color:#dfdcd6; line-height:16px; letter-spacing:.5px; text-align:justify;} .neelastar .wordcount {color:#37370f; letter-spacing:0px; font-size:11px; font-weight:bold; border-top:1px dashed #dfdcd6; text-align:right; padding:0px 5px; text-transform:uppercase; margin:0px 15px 15px 15px;} .neelastar .ooc {font-style:italic; font-size:11px;} </style>[/html]

OOC here.

Word Count → 000

The thick fur was a bother, and Amy pulled out, feeling the sharp tug as teeth closed on one of her ears. She wrenched the tender flap free, leaving it bleeding but intact. Flattening her ears Amy snarled at her opponent angrily. Even worse, her claws were blocked, though she did get the dog in the eye. Knowing that the other was temporarily blinded brought a smile to her face, though it quickly dropped off as her hand was seized, painfully twisted out of the way. It didn't break, luckily enough, though she did twist her head to bite the arm, hoping to free herself.

Without being fully aware of what was happening Amy felt the body slip underneath her. The legs wrapped around her, and Amy's knife scraped against dirt. Angry Amy snarled, wrenching the blade free. Her full weight was on the other's stomach now, which was frustrating for Amy, blocking the area that she wanted to carve. This was no ignorant wolf she was fighting with this time, Neela showing clear signs of training. It irritated her to no end.

Claws jerked up towards her throat. While Amy's fur was fairly thick, she lacked the thick protection Neela had, and there was no loose skin there either, just the smooth bared neck that any dog or wolf might have. Snarling desperately Amy twisted, the wound just missing. Amy twisted off the dog's body and stood crouched, snarling. She so badly wanted to shift into secui form, to tear this female limb from limb. But then she wouldn't have the pleasure of carving into flesh. Only that sadistic streak kept her from giving over, remaining with the mind set of playing a game. She stood there, legs spread out before she gripped her dagger again, charging in to knock the collie down and continue her art.

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OOC here.

Word Count → 373

Neela could barely keep track of what was happening now, the battle becoming fast paced and confusing for the out of practice collie. Teeth snapped at her arm and Neela involuntarily let the muscles slack at the teeth grazed across her skin, the loosened grip allowing the blonde dog to yank her hand free from Neela's wrist lock and back off.

With her best hit countered and nothing but the pain that the woman must have caused herself forcing her way out of a grip like that to show for it Neela snarled, groping on the floor for her knives. One hand came up empty but the other hit cool leather, Neela raising the blade in a defensive position just as her opponent began to charge.

Neela brought her knife up to try and block the woman's initial attack and succeeded somewhat; though Neela managed to avoid getting skewered the heavier woman slammed into her, knocking Neela to the ground with an impact that left her breathless and stunned, her head banging against the compacted and frozen dirt painfully. Before Neela could recover fire shot through her belly as the woman resumed her carving from before and a strangled sound, half howl and half yelp, shot out of Neela's mouth at the excruciating sensation as her flesh was slowly carved.

Neela snapped rapidly at the woman's face but was unable to bring her face high enough to actually hit with them. As she thrashed Neela managed to regain possession of her second knife. Neela's mind was screaming at her to get away from the woman, her thoughts digressing through pain and anger. Howling Neela sprung forward, wrapping her arms around the woman in a mockery of a hug, feeling a sting as the movement drove the dog's knife further into Neela's belly.

Neela's knives found a groove on the other's back, a scar maybe? Neela didn’t have time to think and instead raked both knives down the groove viciously, drawing a dual line down the others back until the knives reached waist level where Neela yanked them outwards in each direction, causing more damage. Countign on the pain to stun her opponent Neela threw herself away, trying to put some distance between them.

<style type="text/css"> .neelastar b {font-weight:bold; color:#37370f; letter-spacing:1px; font-size:13px;} .neelastar p {text-indent:25px; padding:5px 13px; margin:0px;} .neelastar {margin:0px auto; width:500px; background-color:#909179; background-image:url(http://i39.tinypic.com/357on02.jpg); background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; border:1px solid #2c392f; padding: 415px 0px 3px 0px; font-family: georgia, sans-serif; font-size:12px; color:#dfdcd6; line-height:16px; letter-spacing:.5px; text-align:justify;} .neelastar .wordcount {color:#37370f; letter-spacing:0px; font-size:11px; font-weight:bold; border-top:1px dashed #dfdcd6; text-align:right; padding:0px 5px; text-transform:uppercase; margin:0px 15px 15px 15px;} .neelastar .ooc {font-style:italic; font-size:11px;} </style>[/html]

OOC i know the wound wont be as bad as amy's describing. let her dream

Word Count → 000

The feel as she hit flesh was so satisfying. Swiftly she carved the outlines of the maze she was planning, disconnected lines beginning to form a space. The squirming beneath her made it more difficult, but this was something Amy put effort into. Her art was beautiful. Her hands remained steady as Neela thrashed, trying to bite her. Automatically she adjusted her stroke as the body moved beneath her, cutting deep enough to scar and shallow enough to make sure it wouldn't kill her. If Neela died that would be a great shame. She was enjoying herself so much.

With the thrashing Amy didn't notice that the collie had found her other dagger. Suddenly Neela lunged forward. Amy growled with anger as her dagger dipped in dangerously close. To pull it out right now would mean risking having the collie bleed to death. Her face contorted as she realized the true reason behind this attack. Daggers dug into the old scar in her back. Howls of pain escaped Amy as it scraped down, tearing open already damaged flesh. Twisting Amy released her dagger, only to feel the pain change as it tore across her side in opposite directions. The tender flesh, not prepared for such treatment, screamed into Amy's mind. Hitting the ground she panted.

Her opponent scampered away as Amy stood there, trying so hard to swallow the pain down. Across her mind flashed the pain and fear of her childhood, the tools that had shaped her. Letting it in Amy looked up. Her eyes were completely mad now. Not bothering with the dagger Amy charged forwards, taking the pain she felt and channeling it into her arm, ready to crack Neela's arm open and tear into it, ruining it for life.

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.amyhour p b:before { content: open-quote; }
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OOC here.

Word Count → 303

Neela let out a snarl of triumph as her desparate gambit seemed to have worked. Neela's opponent dropped to the ground as Neela scrambled away. When she had gained some distance from the blonde dog Neela stood up, moving into a guard position with her daggers held before her. She raised her eyes just in time to see the look of madness in the others before Neela was charged.

Her opponent moved too quickly for Neela to strike at her and though Neela tried she could not stand her ground in a contest of pure physical strength; a battle that she was doomed to lose from the start. Neela's knives were batted away and the mad dog's claws bit into her left arm, striking hard and deep, sending gouts of crimson blood gushing over Neela's arm.

For the first time in the fight Neela screamed. The pain was unimaginable, made even worse by how the claws were drawn cruelly down her arm. The wound was deep and as Neela's arm tensed to stop any further damage from being done she could feel an unnatural tightness that turned her stomach where the tortured muscles tightened over the claws penetrating them. Neela's hand spasmed helplessly and her knife tumbled to the floor, forgotten in the red haze of blood and pain that descended over Neela's mind, drowning any thoughts other than her overwhelming need to fight back and escape.

Half mad with pain Neela didn’t so much fight back as thrash. Unable to even comprehend the weapon she held Neela simply pummelled at her opponents head with the steel cap of her knife's handle, striking again and again as a stream of curses spilling from her mouth in every language she knew as she desperately fought to get her attacker away, to stop the pain.

<style type="text/css"> .neelastar b {font-weight:bold; color:#37370f; letter-spacing:1px; font-size:13px;} .neelastar p {text-indent:25px; padding:5px 13px; margin:0px;} .neelastar {margin:0px auto; width:500px; background-color:#909179; background-image:url(http://i39.tinypic.com/357on02.jpg); background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; border:1px solid #2c392f; padding: 415px 0px 3px 0px; font-family: georgia, sans-serif; font-size:12px; color:#dfdcd6; line-height:16px; letter-spacing:.5px; text-align:justify;} .neelastar .wordcount {color:#37370f; letter-spacing:0px; font-size:11px; font-weight:bold; border-top:1px dashed #dfdcd6; text-align:right; padding:0px 5px; text-transform:uppercase; margin:0px 15px 15px 15px;} .neelastar .ooc {font-style:italic; font-size:11px;} </style>[/html]

OOC here.

Word Count → 000

All higher level functions were torn away from Amy as the true monster, the beast inside Amy, was set loose. A creation of the fear, pain, and anger Amy had felt all her life the release of it was a nightmare none could withstand. Her eyes blazed with joy as her opponent screamed. The pain she was causing the other was so great, but it was still not enough. The beast needed more, demanded more. Blood seeped through, and Amy ducked down, licking at it hungrily. Helplessly something pounded at her head. Lifting her bloody muzzle Amy drew back her lips in a silent snarl, reminding the collie of her place in this. She was Amy's toy, nothing more. A bout of entertainment to enjoy before moving on.

The wound was deep, as Amy twisted her claws before pulling out. Happily she licked at her claws. The thrashing of the dog below her was irritating now. Amy was finally enjoying herself, covered in blood, and her toy wouldn't sit still. Grabbing the collie's head she slammed it against the ground, knocking the dog unconscious. Whistling to herself Amy scraped at the fur around the wound she'd made, admiring the work. Slowly the monster living inside her veins settled down, leaving the remnants of civility she pretended to be. Glancing at what she had made Amy snorted. It was always difficult thinking through the blood haze that fell over her when the beast escaped, but at least Neela was still alive. Happily Amy finished her drawing with a few quick strokes before gathering her stuff up. She needed a bath. The hot springs were too far from here, but that was alright. She could bathe in cold water too. Whistling she tidied her stuff up and set out, Hadley shaking in horror behind the wagon.

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