Food Thief

OOC Feb 6

The slave's stomach rumbled. Hadley had been eating, but not often. He was afraid of drawing attention toward himself. Instead he kept to himself mostly, staying out of the way and occasionally getting a small tidbit to eat. At this point he couldn't put it off any longer though. The punishment that might come from taking what wasn't his was outweighed by having Selene watch him slowly starve to death. He was sure his stomach was loud enough to keep her up at night.

Cautiously he opened the door. Looking around he slipped down the hallway. He made it into the kitchen where food for the rest of the pack was prepared, and opened the cellar leading to the food storage. He slipped down the stairs silently, pulling out a small rabbit. Hoping no one would miss it Hadley slipped back up the stairs. Silently he moved to a quiet corner of the court. Once he was sure the area was clear Hadley dug in, ravenous.

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Just so you know, the storage can be accessed from the lower floor, not directly from the kitchen cx

Anatoliy had brought a string of cod and haddock, several of both, though they had been wrapped in oiled cloth after he had removed them from their lines. They were gutted, scaled, and smoked over maple wood to give it a sweeter taste and to draw away the fish stench. They had only been slightly salted and rubbed down before the man had smoked them on the beach in a fire pit. The result had been fantastic and he had decided he would present the meat to the pack, namely Anann, and offer it to anyone. Of course, he had wanted to make a special meal for the two mates after her recently troubles, though his luck had been exceptional and it was more than the two would need.

The court was quiet, save for a few noises here and there. But he heard the sound of rampant eating, and the Russo was suddenly interested. Someone was clearly hungry, from the sounds they made as they devoured whatever tidbit they had found. It took a few moments for the man to find the source of the noise, and he spotted a rather thin young man. Brows furrowed, the Russo stood before the newer member of Casa (he had not met them, so they were new to him). "You are hungry," he said plainly, hand resting on the oiled cloth covering his smoked catch.

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OOC here!

Hadley had polished off most of the rabbit at this point. He was picking off other bits when footsteps sounded nearby. Nervously he glanced up, spotting a male coming near. His ears flattened to his head, tail tucked submissively. Wordlessly he looked down at the ground, braced for whatever would come of him taking what wasn't his. The male's voice rolled out, stating that Hadley was hungry. Suspiciously he looked up, wondering if it was a trick.

The male seemed open enough, so Hadley nodded his head. He ducked his head back down, too nervous to meet the other's eyes. Even if he seemed friendly enough, Hadley knew that horror could lie beneath the surface. Just like Amy. Thoughts of the dog prompted Hadley to speak. Sorry. I'll find something to replace what I took. Maybe that would keep him from being punished. His body was rigid with tension as he watched the floor, ears nervously pricked for the other's words.

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The stranger behaved oddly. He did not meet his eyes nor did he seem to be at peace or at ease. Furrowing his brow, Anatoliy crouched before the younger man and waited patiently for the other to meet his gaze. It did not come at all, and there was something very broken about the way the man had spoke and the way his body sat. There was a lack of confidence and Anatoliy could tell that there was definitely something off in this man. "Zhat food is to be eating, not to be hoarding. I'm sure is okay zhat you took." Anann and Jazper were generous folk, that was true. They would not say no to someone who needed food.

"Vhat's your name?" he asked gently, unwrapping the packet of smoked fish. Surely the young man was still hungry, and the Russo was willing to give some of his fish. He pulled out one of the larger haddocks and offered it to the stranger. "Careful of zhe bones. I removed a lot of zhem but may have missed a few." That would prevent him from just garbling it down. Fish were trickier to eat and had to be consumed, or boned, with patience.

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OOC here!

The response to his words was followed by an accent. Hadley looked up, curious about the thickness. Briefly he met the male's eyes before ducking his head back down. The wolf's words was reassuring, but tiny rivets of fear still ran through his body. He nodded his head briefly, letting himself be told that eating the rabbit had been alright. It seemed wrong to him, to take what was for free people, but he could accept it. He took what was given to him with proper respect. After all, he had to be healthy enough to work.

His ears caught the sound of something being unwrapped. Immediately Hadley's body stiffened up, believing some tool of punishment was being revealed. Hearing the question Hadley looked up nervously. Hadley. There was no weapon in the male's hands, but there was fish. The sight had his mouth watering, though he managed to keep himself from snatching it. One was offered to him, and Hadley accepted it gingerly, his body slightly relaxed. He nodded his head to show that he understood before nibbling slowly at the fish, allowing the taste to soak through his mouth.

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The young man slowly relaxed. Whatever he thought was going on must have been bad, especially since Anatoliy was about as gentle as they came. He was not a fighter and certainly not a man that gave punishment. If he had any children, they would have been terribly spoiled, he knew. But that was a story for another time with different reasons.

Hadley eyed the fish with hunger, and the man swelled with pity. Why was this young man so hungry? Why was he afraid of being punished for taking meat? He took the fish from the offered hands, and then Anatoliy pulled his hands back to rest on his knees. Hadley was clearly damaged in some way, but at least he ate the fish as was directed. "Not so bad, yes?" the older man said easily, offering a small smile. "Now, vhy vere you vorried about punishment? Have you been punished for it before?"

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OOC here!

Taking time to eat was difficult. It was all Hadley could do to keep from stuffing the fish in his mouth and swallowing it down as fast as he could. The taste was savored, the salty fresh taste stinging in his mouth before disappearing down his throat. One eye was kept on the male who gave it to him, ready to move in case anything happened. He did enjoy the fish though, stopping as he came across bone to delicately pull it out, looking down with embarrassment each time, hoping that it didn't look like he was wasting the food, carefully cleaning each piece completely before setting it aside in a neat pile.

Reaching near the end of the fish Hadley's ears pricked as the wolf began to speak again. He nodded softly, not wanting to offend. Hurriedly he finished the last of it, almost choking on a piece of bone before grabbing it and pulling it out. Hoping it hadn't been offensive he glanced deferentially at the male. He didn't seem mad, and Hadley relaxed as the question was asked. Yes. He had to wait until it was given to him to eat. Sebastian was rather busy though, and probably didn't know how Hadley had been trained, leaving the large hybrid to fend for himself, leaving him very hungry and unsure. To take something that hadn't been given had resulted in being beaten. At least a knife hadn't been used.

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Anatoliy furrowed his forehead slightly after the younger male had answered the question around some of the fish. The answer was so easily given, and almost nonchalantly, as though it was no big deal and happened often. "You vere punished? But vhy?" he asked curiously, wondering who would beat someone trying to feed himself. Back in the old country, Anatoliy would get his wrist slapped lightly if he tried grabbing at food in the kitchen with grubby hands. They always told him to wait till dinner or else he'd lose his appetite. It became a bit of a joke when he grew to be as tall as he was.

"Ve don't punish for food taking here. If you are hungry and can't get on own, take some from store. But try to replace it so is not being rude." If someone was punishing him for taking food here and now, he would have to find out who it was. Then he would decide if he would take it Anann or take care of it on his own. She didn't need to know about that sort of thing, unless he failed to correct it or it was worse than he imagined. "Is somevone punishing you here for it?"

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OOC here!

Hadley gripped the seat, the last of the fish finished off. The question was a little puzzling to him. The punishment came because he took what wasn't his. Slaves didn't own anything, he'd been told that over and over again. Nothing was his own, not even his life. His master would dictate if he lived or died. That was how his life went. Nervously he looked at the ground, unable to find words to explain properly what he was thinking. He didn't want to be struck for talking too much. Dodging the question could be bad as well though, taken as disrespect.

Before he managed to untangle his tongue the large male moved on. Hadley was startled to hear that he wouldn't be punished. Hearing that he was to replace the food he ate Hadley nodded eagerly. that would be great-if he could hunt. Hadley had gone on some hunting trips with his family when little, catching the occasional rabbit and such. In the city there had been no need for that hunting however, always able to deal away a drink or some drugs for food. With Amy he hadn't been trusted to hunt, leaving his skills extremely rusted. No... Sebastian hadn't punished him. He just wasn't sure what was expected of him.

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Anatoliy had heard of people who kept slaves in this land, especially Salsola, and out in Europe and on some ships. But he had never thought he would have to deal with it in his new home. But the only reason that the man could put to this younger male being afraid of punishment was either slavery or extreme subordination. Was he an omega of sorts in a different pack? That made sense more than slavery to the big man. Slave owners were loath to relinquish their hold on the slave's collar.

Now the Russo was genuinely confused. No one was punishing him at Casa for taking food but he was still afraid of punishment for the act. Who punished him outside of Casa, before he had come here? "You seem on zhe zhin side. Vhen vas zhe last time you ate?" he asked, carefully eying the other male with his calculating gaze. He was truly on the thin side, though he did not seem particularly emaciated, which would point out more problems than was in Anatoliy's jurisdiction to correct.

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Feeling the male's gaze on him made Hadley extremely nervous. It was like he was being looked over to see if he had anything wrong with him, something that could have him booted out. Doing his best to look healthy Hadley straightened from his slouch a little, trying to look like someone worth keeping around. It was difficult to achieve, keeping his gaze glued to the ground while he was at it. The stranger seemed to have determined something at last, and asked a question.

It was confusing, considering how the male had just watched him eat. Well, perhaps that wasn't the question. Maybe he was trying to figure out how much Hadley had to replace. Uneasy he shifted around, coming up with an answer. Three-four days ago. I didn't take too much. That would be alright, surely. I'll make sure to replace it. Anxious he glanced up at the other's face for a brief moment before dropping to the ground again. The tall male seemed very friendly, but Hadley didn't want to offend him. Especially since he'd been caught taking food that he really shouldn't have.

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