Fire and Ice
Crappy post is crappy.

He was angry, disgusted with himself, and humiliated. But, there was no use dwelling on it, and after having being comforted by Vesper, he was feeling much better. The damage had been done and there was nowhere to go but up now. Still, he felt the need to regain some of his pride, some of his power, and he knew just how to do it. There was one individual who’s actions had been plaguing his mind and it was about time he did something about it.

He was following the Hastati’s scent through the lands, his brother seemed to take to scouting the borders a lot. Made sense, with how anti-social he had become and how others irritated him so. Columbine had become so unpleasant, so dark, and no he even had threatened Jacinto and his new mate with violence. For what reason? What was Columbine so angry about, and how could he not see the entrance of Omni into their family as a good thing? So Helotes was seeking out his ward and older brother, to knock some sense into him.

It did not take him long to track him, even with the weather turning for the worse, and cold rain beginning to fall. The wind picked up as well, whipping Helotes dark, thick fur like blades of grass in a field. He was close, he could smell in the near tree line. Helotes face was dark, a curved like marring his forehead. He gave out a high pitched bark, alerting his brother to come and speak with him.

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wc: 260
your soul is my feast

In the shadow of darkness, Columbine felt solace; he was entirely alone in the silence of night, and he was most content that way.

It hadn't been long since his argument with Jacinto over his poor choice of mate, but Columbine did not regret how he spoke to his younger brother. In the warped mind of the oldest brother, he was entirely right and the younger one was bringing nothing but shame to their family. Certainly, the mate he'd selected was pretty - beautiful, even, in some contexts. The dusky man could see the sexual appeal of her, and while he initially figured Jacinto was with her for his own carnal pleasure, Columbine was revolted to learn that his younger brother actually liked the common whore. Moreover, he was nothing but sassy when the elder man confronted him. Naturally, Columbine was exceptionally irritated and short tempered (even moreso than usual), and so he had taken to skulking around the borders. Inferni's borders were relatively dull, and the dark man didn't have to deal with anyone. He liked it that way.

Unfortunately, the peace Columbine was enjoying was interrupted by a sharp bark and Helotes' inevitably annoying scent. Rolling his crimson eyes before turning to his younger brother, the dark male plastered a sneer on his face and raised his brows slightly at Helotes' irritated appearance. Yes, brother? the man asked, approaching the slightly smaller man. May I help you?

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Helotes walked right up to him, even when he had that condescending look on his face and that sneer on his maw. Helotes had no fear of his brother, in childhood they had been as equals and had enjoyed each others company over Ilusion and Jacinto. But now, Helotes was disgusted with what his brother had become, how much like their father he had become. The rest of them, they had taken after their mother, who was both harsh and sweet. Kerberos… there was nothing sweet there, only violence and darkness.

¡cállate He growled, his fur already standing on edge. Though Columbine was taller and heavier, it was not by much, Helotes having bulked up significantly in the past months. Where Helotes would have never chosen to face his brother in a true fight back in their old clan, now he was confident and sure of himself; he could beat the brute if needed too. Plus, he had the added security of rank on his side.

¿Qué diablos es su problema? Jacinto me dijo de cómo se reaccionó en su acoplamiento con el Omni. Usted debe ser feliz! ¿Por qué no estás? He growled, his tail swaying behind him rigidly and in agitation. Omni was a good addition to their family, and she would bear the next generation of Lykois; had Columbine forgotten how important family was? Or had that also been clouded by the darkness that was now a part of him.

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wc: 224
your soul is my feast

So this was how it was going to be. Columbine narrowed his crimson eyes, his sneer widening as Helotes displayed a fantastic loss of temper. The elder brother could tell he was angry; when any of them truly stepped out of the sanctity of their own minds, their native tongue overtook English. It was fitting - Spanish was beautiful and threatening, much like the brothers themselves, and he enjoyed the way it flowed so naturally from his tongue. Usted habla con tanta cólera, hermano, Columbine chuckled, loathing dripping from every sarcastic word he let spill from his acidic tongue. Ciertamente, usted no está tratando de castigarme cuando vienes de tal manera! ¡Qué hipócrita - que te lo creo por encima de mí, así que por encima de Kerberos, cuando no eres más que lo mismo que nosotros. Even as he spoke, Columbine knew he was treading on dangerous territory. It was true his younger brother had grown larger through his training, and a fight between them - and it would certainly come to that - would not be as easy as it once was. But the dark man had an easy confidence when it came to the physical side of things - he would not be scared of Helotes, not now, and not ever.

Fuiste un cobarde, Helotes, Columbine remarked snidely, his voice laced with condescension and blatant dislike. Desde el momento en que la edad suficiente para ser cobardes, de haber ejecutado y probado a ti mismo tan completamente indigno - al igual que Jacinto y su compañero de sucio. ¿Te dijo cómo llegó a mí? La putita es desesperada por un poco de Lykoi - ¿y quién podría culparla? Pero ella no es nada más que eso - un poco, puta asquerosa, repugnante, y nuestro hermano ignorante no puede ver eso. Al parecer, usted tampoco. His expression, previously a mockery of cheer, was now dark and agitated. Thick muscles flexed underneath his dark fur, and his fists were balled tightly into each other so that blood was dripping inconspicuously from his paws.

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Helotes was expecting sarcasm, for it seemed that that was the only thing to come from his brother’s mouth anymore, save anger. When Ilusion had come, it was different, and now Helotes realized it was probably the last time he would ever experience what his brother had once been like. It seemed nothing could reach him now; he had rejected his family, what else was there but the cold routine of duty? Helotes was not sure that Columbine even felt any true loyalty to Inferni; it was if he lingered in life acting as nothing but a dark storm cloud.

His sarcasm quickly turned to venomous words that caused prickly heat to spread out from his ears, down his neck and over his back. Had Columbine gone completely mad? What was this he was talking about, Helotes being a coward? He remembered in the past how the two of them had always stood side by side when confronting their father, pushing their delicate brother and sister behind them. Sure, it had been Columbine that had always taken the brunt, but that had been calculated. He had been the brawn and Helotes had been the agile snake, and after all was said and done the two brothers would go off to lick each others wounds, both understanding their shared pain. Coward? What in the hell was he talking about?

But then, the words that he had been expecting, the vile condemnation of Jacinto’s new mate, how she had come on to Columbine; somehow Helotes doubted that any kind of sensuality she had sent his way had been sincere; it was just a ploy that some women used in the face of strong and violent men. And even if it were true, so what? Did Columbine have such a problem with a beautiful woman’s attentions? If Helotes hadn’t been seething at his words, he surely would have called him a homosexual, but anger and frustration bubbled up inside the Lykoi male like lava from within a volcano, and like an eruption his hand and claws swung out directly into Columbine’s cheek.

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wc: 349
your soul is my feast

Of course, Helotes would have no words, simply a face that wouldn't let the hate that surely lived within spew from his lips. No, his Hydra brother was too good for that, too goddamn special; he was above the meaner things in life, the ones that reminded you what you truly were underneath all the facade. Columbine was positively twitching with anger, begging Helotes to spit words at him and give the dark man a reason to strike him across the face and remind him what true pain felt like. But his younger brother beat him to the punch, both literally and figuratively; before the darker man could move out of the way, a fist struck his face. It did not draw blood, merely a brief moment of silence in which Columbine was jerked back to the past.

It was like his father, all over again. Like the father he had so desperately tried to love, the father whose affections he sought. Columbine had not been adequately struck since then, and Helotes' fist on his face felt all too much like Kerberos'. For the briefest of moments, if Helotes had been looking, he would see a flicker of the boy Columbine once was - innocent and scared, confused in the face of something stronger than him that reveled in his pain. Red eyes, so typically glazed over with anger and resentment, were momentarily hurt and confused - there was a sadness in them that suddenly fit the dark man's face, as if that was the true reason for everything that had happened.

But the moment passed, and Columbine hated Helotes even more for it. A deep, primal roar ripped from his throat, and the Hastasti barely recognized it as his own. The familiar loathing face that he so often wore was back, and crimson eyes burned as he, too, threw his fist into Helotes' face. Vea, hermano? No mejor que yo, no es mejor que Kerberos. Déjese creo que hice esto, pero recuerde - que lanzó el primer puñetazo. Usted provocó esto. The larger man had danced away and slunk into his fighting crouch. If Helotes came at him, he would be ready, and he would tear his little brother's fucking scar to tiny, irrecognizable pieces. Then he might begin to understand the torment Columbine had suffered. For them!

It hadn't been worth it.

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For just a moment, Helotes thought that he might have knocked some sense into his brother. He wondered if anyone had had the balls to stand up to the large Lykoi male, and maybe this blow might have brought him back down to earth. But the red eyes did not hold any hope of this for long, and soon they turned back to anger. Helotes knew those eyes, he had seen them many times before in the face of his father, he had seen them on the face of the wolf who had attacked him and Symera; it was a look of complete, unadulterated rage, a rage that had no purpose or sanity. Helotes was not fast enough.

He might have been able to dodge the blow, if it had been anyone else except his sibling, but the impact of Columbine’s fist into his jaw caused his vision to go stark white for a moment before the dark colors of the evening came flitting back like butterflies. Helotes reeled back, but did not fall, as his brother’s words seemingly hit him like another blow. He truly was mad. How could he believe that Helotes was the one who was like Kerberos, had Columbine even listened to any words he had spoken since setting foot onto clan lands? Helotes shook his head free of the ringing that had accosted him due to the blow. No… He said quietly, No hermano, es usted quien se ha convertido en un cobarde. Usted eligió el camino fácil de la vida, la manera en que todos nos podría haber convertido en el rostro de la ira del padre. Pero ahora, Jacinto, Ilusión y yo, nos hemos convertido en una mejor gracias a él. Pero usted ... usted ha elegido para ser como él, porque eso es lo que te enseñaron. And then he looked upon his brother with utmost pity, as if he were looking at some dying thing. Columbine was no better than dead anyway, no better than a decrepit corpse; how could one truly live without joy? Without love? All of the siblings were tainted, but they could still enjoy life to its fullest, and be gladder for it in the face of their dark pasts. But not he, he was done for, and it was pitiful.

Then drawing himself to full height, he turned to Columbine again, You Hastati, are to learn your place. I am a warrior of the clan and you a mere foot soldier. You will show respect of me when I ask it of you. Then, like the serpent, he struck, grabbing the larger man’s arm and quickly twisting it harshly behind his back. Helotes knew how painful this hold was, Halo having it done it on him many a time in training. It was also a difficult one to get out of, but Helotes knew Columbine could if wanted too, the Hydra was just trying to make a point. Columbine could hurl insults, spew venom, demean Helotes all he wanted, but not when rank and clan loyalty was involved.

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your soul is my feast

Helotes thought himself so high and mighty, didn't he? Spanish rolled off his brother's tongue just as easily as it did his own; both were more comfortable in the native language, and often resorted to it when alone or in the company of others. Columbine's thoughts were currently whirling in Spanish, an assortment of jumbled phrases and imagery, and his lips lifted into a snarl as he danced briefly away from his brother. The adrenaline of the fight coursed through him, mingled with the passionate hatred that gave him a reason to fucking breathe. Umber eyes were narrowed as he listened to Helotes call him the coward, and deep, angry laughter spilled from his teeth as he shook his massive head. No, you mistake yourself. But I understand - underneath all that self absorbed cockiness is someone who can't bear to admit that they have done wrong to both their family and themselves. You are disgusting, hermano. Utterly disgusting.

Unfortunately, Columbine quickly found him in a painful arm hold, and clenched his teeth together in irritation. Here was Helotes, thiniking himself so high and mighty, and Columbine had allowed him to pay paw on him long enough to stand prisoner. The dusky male was still for a moment, eyes briefly held together in pain, but he did not allow himself that particular luxury too long. With a snarl, the Hastati wrenched himself from Helotes grip, just soon enough to be able to fully concentrate on his arrogant brother's speech.

So here he was, pulling rank. A composed, mocking smile slid across the unbalanced man's lips as Helotes tried his best to belittle him in a most obnoxious manner. Here you are, again, thinking yourself so much goddamn better than me, Helotes. Like you're something that's so fucking special. You cover yourself in Inferni, hiding in the politics of the clan, to defend yourself from the truth I present! Fine, Hydra, Columbine sneered, crunching his body in a condescendingly mocking submissive form. I submit to you! High, exalted Hydra. His low voice was laced with rough and husky laughter; the Lykoi brother would not give his brother the energy of an apology.

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Closing this out now.

The inevitable of course happened as his brother wrenched himself out of his grasp. Helotes looked upon him, trying desperately to conceal the hurt in his eyes; he knew just how Columbine would react now. All hope had left Helotes’ heart, and he felt that he would mourn the loss of Columbine as if he had died. He so missed his brother, how he used to be, but that Columbine was gone now, dead long ago.

Columbine’s vicious words were nothing more than echoes against Helotes’ bleeding soul, and he started that the dark Hastati with blank eyes. It was as if he was watching this whole charade from the sidelines, as if it were some twisted dream. And what made this whole thing worse, was that Helotes knew that he would not wake up, and that there was no one he could truly turn to for comfort.

After Columbine’s mocking display was over, Helotes continued to look upon him for a moment longer, before simply turning and walking away. He would not give the creature a moment longer of his time, a shred more of decency; Columbine must became nothing to him, and Helotes heart must be turned to stone when it came to his older brother. Still, as he walked further and further away until what once was his brother disappeared into the dusk behind him, he could feel the hot sting of tears in his umber eyes.

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wc: 240
your soul is my feast
Good thread, bro *fist bump*

Was there anyone, anymore, that Columbine could trust?

He counted himself in the rankings of creatures who'd let him down, and with a blistering shock of recognition the dark Hastati realized he was entirely alone. Not in the physical sense - there were plenty of canines in Inferni, almost too many at times - but in the spiritual sense, Columbine came to the rather sobering conclusion that he would ultimately die alone. It wasn't something he thought he'd ever have to consider - after all, he was young and healthy and volatile, but the dusky man had been alienated from everyone he knew, including the retreating back of his closest brother, Helotes.

Where had everything gone wrong? When had Helotes become the enemy, marked as high as Kerberos in his twisted mind? Columbine's face, previously etched with rage, had become thoughtful as he watched the retreating back of his brother. He would not say anything, and he would not follow, but both brothers knew a deep and irreparable chasm had split between them, one that had been threatening to burst into existence since the dusky man first step foot on clan borders. Had it been so long? How had so much changed in such a short expanse of time? And yet, Columbine could not blame himself, though in the little, ignored spot of his heart that housed the former protector he knew where the problems originated.

Columbine shook his head, turned his back in the opposite direction, and melted like a shadow into the inky night.

WC :: +256
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