getting lost in those pretty brown eyes
Just friends... Those simple words plagued the hybrid's mind as she stood outside the door to the room she had shared with Hadley.It had been days since the incident outside of Ichika, yet forgetting the monster that had tried to break her couldn't be wiped from her mind. The dream she had last night had terrified the young fae, seeing the ebony monster leaning over her body with a snarl upon his lips, the drool and saliva dripping from his teeth. She hadn't wanted to be hurt like that, to be so helpless in a time of crisis. She had wanted to call out Hadley's name, but the knowledge that he wouldn't hear her from his room was what kept her from doing so. She had a lifetime of owing and debt to Saluce of Ichika no Ho-en, the massive grey wolf had swept in on a horse, knocking in her attacker's skull as he flew by with his spiked hammer. She had spent a couple of days in that pack, healing from her set of cracked ribs and wounds on her neck and chest. Her appearance had seemed to change from there on, her physique was that of a woman who had come across trouble too many times. The man who had molested her near the borders was dead. Food for passing scavengers. But at night he was always seen, reviving the living nightmare she had endured the day after Valentines Day. Why was it so soon after the night of her life? The petite coydog had spent so much time with her precious company, Hadley. 

He probably thought she left him, after holding her close he probably thought she had played him, or just forgotten about her existence. A delicate hand turned the handle on the door and she stepped in, peering around for the familiar form of Hadley. Sel was disappointed to see he wasn't there, probably off somewhere with another woman, or looking for her. The thought of being forgotten and dropped terrified her, she knew quite well there was women in Casa who were on a greater scale of beauty. It was easy to forget the small hybrid. Selene looked in a small mirror she had brought in from Halifax, turning to see her bandaged ribs and her scarred face. Over her left eye was two vertical scars over her crimson orb, when the evil man had desperately tried to claw out her eye. It was lucky she had survived, it was pure chance. 

She lay herself in the bed, her ribs sending a pang of hurt through her body. Her eyes were trained on the door, expecting to see Hadley and a strange woman walk through the entrance. The problem was, she couldn't claim him. Whatever relationship they shared seemed to leave an open gate. Selene didn't want to be hurt that way.Not so soon after....The coyote hybrid sighed, yelping slightly as her ribs left her breathless. She wanted to cry, to disperse whatever stress and worry she held within her soul. And maybe, just maybe Hadley was searching for her. Worrying about her whereabouts. If only he'd walk through the door and wrap his arms about her body, then only she would believe she wasn't being two-timed. There was a part of her though that trusted him, and she'd only have to wait and see. The future was based on choice, not chance right? 

OOC here!

The day after their night together Selene had disappeared. Hadley didn't know why, or how long she'd be gone, but Hadley had returned to his quiet realm beneath the bed. The room was kept completely tidy, the large hybrid nervous that the signs of their celebration would be unwelcome. The soft fur boots Selene had worn had been placed neatly beside the bed, the only sign that anyone lived there. The black stone he'd been given had been placed under the bed in the far back, where he felt it would be safe, and not taken away.

As the days passed Hadley wondered if he'd just been a passing game for her. Someone to test her ability to earn their trust. What they had done, what she'd gotten Hadley to say, was the fulfillment of the game, and he'd been pushed aside for more entertaining pursuits. A nightmare had plagued Hadley the night afterwards. He'd dreamed that Selene had been hurt, crying out for him. He hadn't been able to reach her though, leaving him helpless.

Trying not to think about that, and still plagued by his own nightmares, Hadley had kept busy. He'd worked on the fireplace where Regner rested, making the wood easier to access and changing how the heat flowed, to maximize the output. Covered in soot he headed back to his room. Noticing that the door was open Hadley immediately took on a subservient pose, ready to serve whoever was there. Entering the room he froze as he spotted Selene, lying injured on his bed. Frantically he rushed over, hands hovering over her wounds. He could only help with wounds a little, experience gained from his own. Selene His words were choked, uncertainty in his concerned eyes.

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Selene heard footsteps through the door, she shrunk back into the bed seeing that the fur of this person was black, just the same as the demon who had hurt her. But the voice that came was Hadley's and her fearful display disappeared. It was simply Hadley covered in soot. The hybrid didn't struggle as he gently examined her injuries, giving a muffled whine into the pillow. She wanted to tell him, apologize for being away. 

A small black hand moved up to touch his face, a small tear fell out from the corner of her eye. "I'm sorry...I didn't want to leave you." It was a simple delivery mission, to take the foods and wares to Ichika and Saluce. She had been rude to Saluce at the festival, and the things were a way of saying thanks. The thing was, she had much more debts to pay off, that included her life. He had saved her, taken her to his pack to fix up her wounds. Sel looked away when she had to tell him, he was her closest friend after all. "I went to Ichika...I had to take some stuff there...This man-This demon hurt me...He tried to rape me Hadley...I was saved by a man in Ichika, he killed the bad wolf. I could not move for days..."

Selene couldn't help but feel foolish, for not arming herself with her sword, Uka had wandered away and she had no way of protecting herself. Her body ached, she had felt the same months before when she had been left for dead at a pier. "I thought you forgot about me...Found a prettier stronger woman..." 

OOC here!

Hadley whined sympathetically at the pain etched in her body. It looked like a couple might scar, but luckily the rest would heal up just fine. Hadley knew the exact degree of pain each cut would cause, having had similar wounds. He didn't know how Selene would handle it, or how the pain would filter through since they were different. A tiny hand reached up to him, and Hadley's heart broke as he watched her cry. Hurriedly he reached in, wiping it away. He just wanted her to be happy. That wasn't so bad. Her words were even worse, leaving him shaking his head. It didn't matter if she'd left. What mattered was that she'd been hurt.

His brown eyes watched intensely as she glanced away, suddenly so fragile. Hadley had to fight the urge to gather her up into his arms. He didn't want to hurt her further, upsetting the wounds. Instead he simply adjusted the blanket to wrap around her more warmly. Selene's words drew a low growl from Hadley, startling the large male. He'd never realized he was capable of that. Fearful of what he felt Hadley reached out a hand, touching her cheek gently. What could he do? He didn't know what to say to make it better to take the pain away. Selene's last words were just foolish to her, drawing a baffled look from his face. Won't forget. Not find other female. He didn't necessarily want a female roommate, after all. Only Selene was comfortable for him, soothing with promises not to hurt him.

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Selene snuggled deep into the sheets, finding it warmer and by a lot, more comfortable. The girl was thankful and very very grateful to Hadley for allowing her to stay in his room, who knew if she'd manage to survive if she had to sleep outside still. She had tried shifting on her first day back, but it was too strong on a scale of pain with the rearranging of her body. Hadley whined seeing her this way. She hadn't wanted anyone to see her this weak, so fragile and helpless. She had thought she was strong enough to defend herself. She was fatally wrong. 

His hand reached down to touch her face, the small brown hybrid found herself leaning in gently to the touch, moving forward despite her broken body. There was only two males she openly trusted, other than Jazper the leader. Hadley and Saluce, one for saving her life, the other she had grown attached to for more relationship-wise reasons.

Sitting up, Selene extended her arm to rest it on his broad shoulder, she shuffled on her knees to pull herself chest to chest. Dark arms pulled themselves around his body, before whispering quietly "I missed you. I wanted to come home but I couldn't..." her tongue rasped out to catch the end of his nose. The affections couldn't be turned off after so long in her mind of not seeing Hadley. The lithe female sat there quietly for moment. Her tears were gone. Sel was grateful for being back home.

OOC here!

Hadley winced as Selene pushed into his hand. He was so afraid of hurting her, she was so fragile right now. She didn't seem satisfied with just that though. She pulled herself up. Hadley immediately moved, trying to minimize the pain of the movement. He cradled Selene in his arms, wishing that he could help heal her. His hands cradled her back, careful not to bump anything as he shifted her around, making sure that she was alright.

He shook his head silently. Hadley didn't consider himself as having a home. He moved where his master went, and was always afraid. Even this small space wasn't safe enough for him, cramming under the bed to avoid something that never came. The fear was fading, but something like this just sent it roaring again, thundering in his mind that nowhere was safe. Her tongue brushed his nose, and Hadley licked her back, gently licking away where tears had been.

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Bria tables maek me cry in their supreme awesomeness...this pair is so cute

This was how she liked to spend her time, nestled safely in the arms of Hadley. She had the knowledge that he couldn't cure any of her wounds, and they had been taken care of well enough. At least she'd make a happy recovery. A small contented whine smoothly slipped from her lean coy-muzzle, lifting her chin happily as his tongue rasped gently over her face. The girl with the ruby eyes smiled shyly, before tenderly pressing her face to his chest. She had grown attached, which in many ways was terrifying. So many things could happen...death could separate them, even another woman. Selene shivered despite the warmth of the gentle larger man, for a moment she hesitated. Until finally delicate onyx hands lifted the blanket up over both of their shoulders. It wrapped around both of their forms, like a soft warm feeling much like she had now. She knew she couldn't trust men anymore...But it was so difficult to now, being so safe where she sat.

Selene couldn't help feeling like a small injured bird, with hollow small bones and such a vulnerable form. Hadley, was stronger. Her comfort blanket, someone the young woman could relate to both in past and feelings. His life of a slave made her cry sometimes, the cruelty he endured...Everything so nasty and barbaric had come to fall upon his shoulders. She in a way felt like a slave, was used as one on the ship. And almost used as one a few days ago. The hybrid shuddered when she thought of the things the evil man was going to do to her, luckily Saluce had been there, or Selene would be left for dead. Sitting decomposing somewhere, and forgotten. Her tiny body shook as she thought of it, how much her fate would be unfortunate if the man had gotten his way.

Selene was tired, but not in any way willing to fall asleep. Her presence would easily be dismissed as boring, and she ha to admit. Hadley was good company for her. "I like it when I stay with you. I feel safe." It was all she could mutter. Words were awkward and somehow it was easier to express herself with actions. Selene took a slow breath and tilted her muzzle up to nuzzle his chin. She didn't have wolffish ancestors being half coyote and dog, but instinctively Sel's mind knew this was an act of trust, affection, and small submission.

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OOC here!

There wasn't much he could offer her, just a gentleness that nothing had managed to squelch. Her happy whine assured Hadley that he wasn't doing anything, even as nervous as he was. He wasn't smiling, too worried for that. Her face burrowed into his chest, and he wished that he could hide Selene from all the monsters out there. Hadley was too weak to take care of even himself, but he would sacrifice himself in a heartbeat if that would make things better for the tiny young female in his arms. She was shivering. Hadley drew her closer, trying to share his warmth. Tiny hands drew the blanket around them both, allowing it to increase even further. Pulling the blanket further around them Hadley created a small cave, where it was just them, warm and safe from harm.

Feeling her shudder Hadley pulled back a little. She was shaking now. Hadley didn't know what it was, though a medic would know it was post traumatic stress. He remembered that she'd almost been raped, and that he was a male as well. Hurriedly he brushed the blanket around her, anxious to stop the shaking, to make things better. Maybe he should push her away? No, she was injured, couldn't move. He couldn't leave either. Her words sent relief through Hadley. He made her feel safe. She needed to feel safe. He pulled her close, eyes closing as she licked his chin. You can stay as long as you wish. Startled by his words his eyes flew open. She didn't need his permission. So fragile though, he just felt like he needed to reassure her, again and again. Cradling her close he kissed the top of her head.

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I suck

The hybrid quietly snuggled herself deeper into his arms, this contentment could last a lifetime if he let it, and it very much seemed as if neither of them was going to pull away anytime soon. The conversation with Amy a while ago vaguely passed through her mind. Sel could not possibly be an heiress, it seemed like an impossible dream. She had the power of that one part of Italy if she went back, how could she go back? Everything about Italy and the Barinos was hazy. Too fabricated to believe. As those thoughts were dismissed, Selene noticed his lack of smile. Immediately the coydog believed as if she'd done something wrong, but his words sent a wave of relief through the lithe female's mind.

The blanket was becoming warm, soon her slight shuddering had stopped altogether, there  was many things she had wondered about Hadley, he hadn't told her where he came from. And maybe she had told him too much to think about before. Edging her muzzle up, Selene quietly inquired "Where are you from Hadley? Tell me about you." Curious red eyes bore shyly into his own gentle brown orbs, the young fae probably had much to know about him. 

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OOC no more than the average person

The shuddering halted, and Hadley nuzzled her softly. This was paradise for him. Silence, a lack of fear, and the warmth around him. He wouldn't be hurt. At least for now. If the moment could be frozen Hadley would do that, allowing him to remain safe and secure. Selene's presence helped with that, providing a warmth that he wouldn't have had otherwise, too fearful to seek it out on his own. She reached for him, providing that.

Her question was very surprising, disrupting the illusion of time being frozen so they could remain just like that. Hadley thought about where he came from, remembering the brother he idolized and the sister he'd tried to protect. I came from a family pack in the south. We lived near a city, where fruit trees had been grown. He was hesitant to say too much, not knowing what would be alright and what wouldn't.

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It was a shame that nothing could be preserved in the midst of the moment, to freeze time to keep them in nice places, like to put something special on a shelf and insure that it stays there. That was how this moment was, having the young hybrid wishing for this to be kept safe, to have her feelings welcomed and in turn be held close instead of punished. This place was safe, Hadley was her security, her warmth and reassurance that whenever she was with him, everything would be fine.

Ears perked attentively as the larger hybrid spoke of his home in the south, the words spoken about fruit trees and a family pack were worthy of interest, family was special, and she only had one. And he was back in Italy six feet under the ground. Maybe she'd consider Hadley as family, considering the sweet closeness it was easy to feel in his presence. "That sounds nice. Having family." 

 Once again, silence had won. Luckily it wasn't an awkward silence, a silence that made the tiny hybrid want to stay in it. Selene sighed happily once again, temporarily breaking the silence. Her body was sore, but it was ignored from the contentment in the burly man's arms. "This is perfect...Being here. It's like nothing bad will happen again."

OOC here!

Hadley's ears twitched at Selene's words. The old feelings swept through him. The love, the admiration, the need to not show that he cared, so that he could be as tough as his brother. Automatically his face adopted a bored expression, though the glint of love and care he had for them wasn't covered up. It never had been. I suppose. He couldn't be gentle. Hadley knew that, yet he was. It was a fatal flaw, one to be covered by harsh words and rude gestures.

A brief smile flickered over his face at her words, admitting that she wanted things to remain just like this. He pulled her close, the heat making him sleepy. Nothing could touch them here. He vowed to find a way to protect her as soon as he could. For now though, they sat nestled together, resting. Hadley watched her tenderly, ready to do anything she asked of him.

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Selene let a warm smile cross over her features, content to simply sit there for as long as possible. The tiny hybrid swore that when she was back on her feet, it would only be right to take a visit back to the springs, and preferably with Hadley. Her thoughts turned to Sebastian, the man who had apparently bought Hadley. Often she had wondered the reason, if for more carnal reasons, how could she keep this up, staying with Hadley if Sebastian was still his master? Being bought off and sold to others seemed to anger her, yet no accusations could be made as she knew not the reason.

It was quite like a jigsaw, how the multihued hybrid could so easily fit in with this gentle man, at least in her thoughts. The wandering opinions and ideas were cut short, thoughts vanquished as Hadley closed the small gap between them by pulling them close. The warmth was beginning to make Sel dozy, in between a yawn, murmuring words she had never used before. "Cara mia, ti voglio bene" My dear one I love you." The brown femme knew he wouldn't understand, but here hybrid's gentle tone and the kiss delivered to his muzzle should give him a feeling of what she said.  

OOC end?

Selene yawned, and Hadley shifted so that he was more comfortable for her to lean against. She nuzzled against him softly, kissing his muzzle. He stroked her hair softly, letting her lull to sleep. It seemed he wouldn't be going under the bed tonight. Hadley couldn't leave her alone like this. Thoughtfully he kept his eyes open, guarding against those that would disturb the small bit of piece they had managed to steal for themselves.

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