Come sit and enjoy the day


Saluce was enjoying a rare treat he hadn’t been able to enjoy for the past month; He stood upon four, well rather upon three while he severally favored his right forepaw. His shoulder had finally felt like it had healed to the point of risking shifting, haven given it a month already. The grey male started along on his journey then, taking up an old habit before the injury.

Paws drummed along the ground with purpose in an odd time signature,3/4 as he skipped using his injured shoulder to run along. His nose went to work, having found it sorely out of practice, as he wandered along the borders for the first time in a while. Even if things hadn’t returned to normal with his mate, he still loved her dearly, and he was coming to terms with her own despair. There wasn’t anything he could do right now to make it easier on her. Nor was it easy for him to accept that her tentative grip on the pack was loose at best or rather fleeting, hanging by a shoe string especially after the events that happened earlier with the almost seizure of their animals.

Today though he would make damn sure no one had come or gone from the pack lands, infinitely acquainted with the scents that came along the border. He retraced the steps of his former route, it took him considerably longer to do his route but he managed well enough. Once finished he made his way slowly toward the stables to check on a horse whom he had heard was quite a beast to deal with during the raid.

He entered the stables, trotting along until he stopped at his stall, not really caring to shift and risk injury to his shoulder for the time being he simply yipped up at him, calling his attention. The horse languidly turned its head and rested it above the door while looking down at him, snorting. Saluce raised his nose up to the lock and fumbled with it in his mouth for a few moments before letting the door swing open. He didn’t speak to him, but Saluce figured he had been cooped up in the barn to long and it was high time he got to go fraternize with the mares, so he let him go out into the pasture.

Saluce himself simply sat down and enjoyed watching the beasts get acquainted with each other.

Image courtesy of Frau Böb@Flickr; table by the Mentors!

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OOC Laughs

The disappointment in learning that Whisper wasn't a horse still rested in Dalgina's mind, if not necessarily at the front of it. The recent chaos in the pack had excited the pup, not quite understanding what was going on, just that it involved the horses somehow. Deciding to come and investigate it herself Dalgina had set off to the stables. The horses were running loose in the paddock, and Dalgina plopped her paws over the edge, tongue sticking out as she considered whether or not it was worth diving in and getting closer acquainted with the large thunderous creatures.

Another one entered, and Dalgina's eyes tracked along to find Saluce sitting there, watching the horses as well. Happily Dalgina barked her pleasure, bounding over to where the stoic male sat. Immediately she began pawing at him, sniffing at his body and wondering at his smaller form. She'd never seen anyone shift before, most canines choosing to stay entirely in one form. You shrunk! Dalgina knew about shifting, though her knowledge was more limited than one who had experienced it themselves.

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Saluce sat for a long time in silence watching the horses. He was there to admire and in some ways keep his horse from unceremoniously mounting and impregnating someone else’s horse. But he didn’t mind him running out and having some fun, even if he chased the mares around the yard. The grey male twitched his ears upon hearing the arrival of another to the stables. It wasn’t long until her excited bark and clumsy growing limbs bounded over to him.

The pawing and sniffing annoyed a bit but he suffered it for the time being as he looked down on her. She seemed to have her own idea as to where to point the conversation and he sat dumbfounded for a moment trying to figure out what exactly she meant by her observation. Saluce let his lips curl into a grin when the realization hit him and he peered back at the young female.

“And you’re getting bigger,” he replied simply enough as he pawed at her face, mindful of his shoulder and it’s still healing injury. “You’ll get to change forms one day young one, but haven’t you seen your mother or father change? When it comes time though I’m sure they will help you.”

Image courtesy of Frau Böb@Flickr; table by the Mentors!

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OOC Laughs

Dalgina giggled as a large paw batted playfully at her body. Her ears flattened slightly as it touched her before bounding back up, tail wagging. Moving her head around she managed a couple licks of the paw, pulling a face at the bad taste. Hearing that she'd gotten bigger Dalgina immediately puffed up. I'm grown up! She was wiser, and stronger, and bigger than she'd been before. Dalgina could now guide and protect her younger self. If she ever came across her.

She shook her head at the question. Papa and Mahn were always in the same form, standing on two legs. Occasionally she saw Mahn on four, but she never witnessed an actual shift, leaving it to her imagination what changing might look like. She imagined that there would be lots of glitter, and the tochina would help, and everything would be shiny before you stepped out, a brand new shape wrapped around your body. Dalgina's tail thumped softly as she was reminded that she'd be able to change too someday. She was in no rush to do so, a far off goal in her mind, but it did seem like it would be nice.

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