Future world

Set a little ways into the future, so to speak. Cos Umbra (and Adelaida and Alexey, but I think they won't actually have a thread for it, right?) needs to go by TV to find out the place has been occupied by filthy shifters D: And then make his way back up here again.

It had been a few days since Umbra had arrived at the lake located just in the woods north of Halifax. He'd first tried the ones Adelaida had spoken about, but had discovered freaks wherever he went. When he'd gone back to the three lakes north of Halifax, there'd been freaks there too. He'd wanted to attack, he really had, but attacking a pack on your own was suicide, even Umbra knew that. So finally, not wanting to risk running into any more of them, he'd gone northwards, to the other lake Adelaida had mentioned. There'd been old scents there, but nothing recent.

So he'd sought his refuge in the hollow underneath a fallen tree just a few minutes away from the lakes. It hadn't been much to look at when he'd first arrived, of course, but he'd dug out a fairly sizable den there. And sometimes despaired over the rains that insisted on invading it. Finally, despairing over the muddy floor, he'd managed to find fir branches that he'd chewed off the tree and carried back to the den. It might be a bit controversial, but it worked.

Right now, he was dozing, resting after having gorged himself on an old deer who'd managed to slip and break a leg in the mud near the lake. So while he couldn't really credit himself with having felled it, it would feed him for another day or two.


It had been at least a week since the awful discovery. They had returned to their home, their real home, only to find that what they had feared really had come to pass. It was claimed. Not just their den, but a huge portion of the lands surrounding the area. And from all the scents they have smelled it seemed as if there were many of them, perhaps it was even the biggest pack in the area. And with so many members Adelaida was sure that some, if not all of them, would be shifters. Alexey had seemed less upset by that idea than Adelaida, but Lexey was always capable of accepting certain things before her sister. In other cases it would be Adelaida to calm down Lexey, they worked well to ground the other. Yet there was no pacifying Adelaida on this one. The idea of the shifters in her den was too much, she hadn’t wanted to see any of them, and so they had left.

Now that they were truly homeless the offer Umbra had given her resurfaced in her mind. She had not accepted then, due to not knowing where her family was exactly, and because their lack of numbers. However with Alexey back that solved both problems to a certain degree. She had news of her parents and her sister was by her side, and even if there was only three, at least that was better than two. Adelaida had mention to her sister she wanted to introduce her to a friend. And although Umbra wasn’t really a friend, they had met only the once, he was the closest thing to a friend Adelaida had besides Alexey herself. So Adelaida had come back to the area Umbra had said he would return to, if the other territories did not pan out, which Adelaida assumed they hadn’t for returning here she had smelt wolves near the other lake as well.

With Alexey close behind, it had not taken long to catch the scent of Umbra. For a while she had been worried she would not find him here, that she had lost her opportunity when she had refused his offer the first time. And even now he might change his mind, but he did not seem like the type. After finding his scent it did not take long to track him, and although he was sleeping when she did, that did not deter Adelaida. Giving a smile to her sister, the creamy female with the chocolate face stepped close to the male, nudging him with her snout. At the contact she recalled their departure, the friendly embrace he had given her, and Adelaida decided she did not mind the closeness at all. Stepping back she called out musically, playfully almost. "Umbra... Umbra.. It’s time to wake up. I have someone here who wants to meet you... You can’t meet her until you wake up though."


Alexey followed closely behind, a rather dumb smile plastered on her face as she quietly whispered nonsense to her chinchilla companion. She felt rather playful and silly, that mixed with slight boredom made the tawny femme a royal pain in the ass. She had spent most of their journey teasing her sibling about her new male friend, and she wasn't about to stop. "Hey Pickles, guess what? We're going to meet Adelaida's boyfriend today." Emphasis was purposely placed on the word 'boyfriend' as she murmured the previous affirmation to her rodent friend. He too, couldn't help but let out a squeaky chuckle as he watched his pseudo-mom act like a mere puppy. It was her own little way of trying to cheer her sister up. And hopefully, Adelaida would forget about their bitter discovery and move on.

Eventually, Ade caught the scent she was looking for. Alexey was quiet now, the intrigue and excitement growing inside of her. She could see the male in question, fast asleep in his den. So this was the luperci-hater, the one who had gained her sister's trust so easily. The two-year old examined him from head to tail, now realizing that he was the first normal wolf she had encountered since her return, with the exception of her littermate. What Adelaida did next shocked the honey-eyed wolfess, causing her to stop dead in her tracks. Lexey's mouth formed a ridiculously big "O" and her eyebrows quirked as she watched the scene unfold before her. It made her happy to know that Adelaida had finally warmed up to someone else, even though it seemed quite atypical for her to have done so.

She then sat on her rump, waiting to see what would happen next.

Umbra hadn't been sleeping heavily, and his ears had perked up when he heard people outside. But the scent of Adelaida calmed him down, and the other female smelled enough of Adelaida to not be an enemy. So he pretended to sleep, wanting to see what they'd do when they didn't think he was watching them. Call him paranoid, but he needed to know if he really could trust them. He wasn't quite prepared for Adelaida's actions, however.

Her nose buffed at him, and she spoke up softly, yet almost playfully. "Umbra... Umbra.. It’s time to wake up. I have someone here who wants to meet you... You can’t meet her until you wake up though."

He popped open one eye to look at her. "Hello, Adelaida," he said, before stretching and getting up. "I'm glad to see you again," he continued, leaning in to nuzzle at her. Then he turned to the other wolf. "Hello," he greeted her. "I'm Umbra, but you probably already knew that. And you are...?


The dark colored male’s eyes popped open and Adelaida smiled down at him, her tail waving gently behind her. She was aware of Alexey’s eyes on the two of them, and as Umbra greeted her the teasing words came back to her. "I told you we’d meet again." Adelaida knew that Alexey teased her only to cheer her, but she didn’t want to put any real ideas into her sister’s head. Stepping back a pace or two, she lowered herself next to the tawny female with the warm eyes, giving her a look that meant she should behave herself, if she could help it. Umbra directed the next question at Alexey, but Adelaida couldn’t help but interject, having the two of them meet was exciting, having Alexey back was exciting. "This is my sister!" Adelaida paused, controlling herself. Alexey could speak her own name, even if it was on the tip of Ade’s tongue.

Squirming in her place she waited for Umbra and Alexey to finish the pleasantries. There was more that had to be said and Adelaida wanted to get it out, as soon as possible. Even though she was able to share her grief with Alexey, the knowledge of the shifters in her homeland was stewing in her. Knowing Umbra felt the same way about them that she did, perhaps even stronger, gave her comfort, and she wanted him to know. Maybe he already did. Barely able to contain herself as Alexey and Umbra wrapped up the introduction, her voice came out more distressed than she had intended. "There in my home Umbra... Alexey and I went back and they must be everywhere. A lot of them. I could smell them. They are all over the lands I grew up in."


Extremely short. My apologies. D:

Another smile spread across Lexey's lips as she caught a glimpse of the subtle warning coming from her sister. She would behave for the time being, mostly out of respect. Teasing was fun and all when they were alone, but her goal wasn't to embarrass her own flesh and blood in front of someone they barely knew. She nodded curtly as a reply to the male's greeting before following with her own name: "Alexey. Nice to meet you." She felt a little awkward sitting there in the midst of their reunion, not knowing what to say or how to act. It didn't matter much at this point though, Adelaida left no room for silence and Lexey kind of liked it better that way. It meant she wouldn't have to make any effort to maintain a conversation. Shyness always had a way of temporarily disabling her social capacities whenever she would meet someone new.

Sorry for the late reply ^^; Also, it's kinda short.

Sister? That was interesting. Umbra stepped a little closer to greet the other female -- Alexey, she introduced herself as. "Hello, Alexey," he said. "I'm Umbra, but you'd already know that. It's a pleasure to meet you." If she was Adelaida's sister, she was a normal wolf, and for that he was happy.

"They're in my home, Umbra... Alexey and I went back and they must be everywhere. A lot of them. I could smell them. They are all over the lands I grew up in." Adelaida sounded extremely distressed, and Umbra turned to her instead, stepping in to nuzzle her comfortingly.

"I know," he replied sympathetically. "I was there too. And I know it's not much of a comfort but... If you want to, you can stay here." His gaze shifted over to Alexey. "Both of you."

Adelaida stood next to Alexey and if she could have, she would have blushed at the contact with Umbra. It was all innocent, she knew that, but Alexey would tease her later, and she had never shown any affection, or even any sort of real friendship towards anyone but her family in front of her sister before. However, more than keeping Alexey’s teasing words at bay, she didn’t want to offend or insult Umbra, and so she returned the gesture. Adelaida kept her eyes adverted from Alexey, knowing that her sister would be giving her a look or a smirk or something that Adelaida didn’t want to acknowledge.

“Well, that’s part of why I wanted to see you. I know I said no before, but I’ve reconsidered...” It was almost an apology, but not quite. Although she hadn’t done anything wrong in saying no before, she realized now that it had been a mistake, and she didn’t want Umbra to hold it against her. “I don’t know about Alexey, but I’d like to stay here.” Her azure eyes turned to meet her sister’s honey ones. Adelaida wanted her sister to stay with her, wanted all of them to have some place without the shifters, without coyotes, but she couldn’t force her sister to do anything.


Umbra's offer came as a shock. It was a proposition that Alexey needed to think about; she couldn't simply come up with an answer right off the bat. Adelaida, on the other hand, apparently had thought about it before. Her sister's answer was swift and effortless. Meanwhile, the tawny femme stood there agape. She was being put on the spot, and although that probably had not been their intention, she still felt pressured to reply right away. Her golden gaze then turned to Adelaida, looking to find the right answer in her sister's sparkling cerulean eyes. She hadn't seen her littermate this motivated in a long while, and it made her happy to see that Ade was finally cheering up. Happy and yet, a little jealous. Why hadn't she been able to cheer her up too?

Deep inside, Lexey knew she wasn't like Umbra and her sister. Accepting this offer meant that she would have to betray their trust. After all, she was friends with their so-called enemy. And she had planned on telling Adelaida about it, but upon seeing her reaction with the whole den situation, she had chickened out. Today wasn't the time to do so, anyway. Alexey could hardly see herself going "Okay, I'll stay with you guys. But can my freaky two-legged friends stop by once in a while to visit?" Bad idea. Forcing a smile upon her lips, the caramel-colored wolfess did what she thought was best at the time." "Sure. Why not?" A sudden pang of guilt resonated in her head, but she ignored it for the time being.


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