Of Bulls and Bears

Zalen Damaichu

Word Count → 487 :: This thread is not mandatory. Please allow Titania, then Ciara and Augustus to reply first. Once the hunt is under way, a loner, Ezra, will join the pack; do not chase him off, even though he is trespassing, just accept him into the excitement of the hunt. This is will no longer be happening Smile

It seemed spring had finally arrived, and in the early morning hours the mayflies and moths were dancing in the warming mist. Zalen had been up early, exploring more north than he had before. New Dawn’s numbers were growing, and therefore, the territory needed to be expanded. Though he had marked a large area when he had first claimed the territory, it seemed that most of the members stayed near the den site or coast-line, and would not wander into the deep forests of the northern regions. That had to change now, and what Zalen had planned for today would surely encourage the others to stretch their legs and explore.

After the sun had broken free of the line of the horizon, Zalen lifted his maw and let forth a loud call, summoning the Epsilons to him, as well as his mate. Then, after that call faded, he called again, this time an invitation to any and all who would like to join the hunt.

He was in his two legged form this morning, and as those who had answered his call emerge he nodded to each of them in turn, giving a smile and a wag of his tail. After sufficient time had passed, and he believed all that would come had done so, he spoke, Good morning brothers and sisters, I have gathered you together for several reasons. The first is to congratulate Shadowfang and Insomnia, as well as Ciara and Augustus, who have bonded for life and made our pack stronger because of it. He smiled at each couple in turn, The second reason is, as I’m sure you’ve all heard by now, that our once pack-sister, Blind, was killed by a bear. We would have never learned this information had our brother Cerberus not returned to us, The Alpha lowered his eyes for a moment, But let us not despair, for her spirit is surely running throughout the stars now.

Then, moving a bit forward and straightening into a less relaxed position, Our Epsilons killed a dangerous cougar not too long ago. Now it seems our territory is once more threatened, this time by bears. I have requested your presence so that a party can be made to go into the deep forests and swamps of the north, and chase out these creatures. I do ask that spilling blood be avoided unless necessary; we must respect the other predators of this land, despite their transgressions.

Then relaxing, Zalen turned his olive eyes onto Titania, When you are finished, return to the den site and report to us. Your Alpha’s will not be joining you in the hunt today, instead, follow the lead of your Epsilons. Take this as a chance to bond with your pack mates and establish a hierarchy. He smiled then, and waited to see what Titania would have to say, and what plan Ciara and Augustus would come up with.

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ooc: Eeeep! Deplorable of me to take so long! Sorry. 500+

She was at her love’s side before the tonal summons was finished, emerging from the foliage of the woods behind him. They were never too far apart and this day she had only been invisible at first because she wandered as she foraged within the trees. Always she could hear him out there, and he likely could hear her as she searched the brush for any little treasures and snacks the wolf wanted.

She was a full wolf today, stepping up to Zalen’s side in her Lupus body. Something clenched between her teeth revealed itself to be some kind of small animal’s leg bone when she dropped it at her paws. It had been withered by time but was still rich with marrow in its core. The Alphess had grown quite fond of munching on bones. Yet she let the treat fall to her paws and ignored it from there, knowing the course set for this meeting and knowing how dreadfully rude it would be to crunch and crackle all throughout Zalen’s announcements, so she sat next to Zalen, curling her crimson tipped tail around her forepaws and concealing the bone between them, and awaited the arrival of the pack.

As her family came, she nodded, smiled, and greeted them in her customary fashion, extending her nose to nuzzle those who approached her or came close enough. Once they were all congregated, she felt Zalen shift, and she cued the rest of the audience when she turned to look at him.

When his speech was finished and his deep eyes turned to hers, the disparate leader stood up and addressed the pack as well.

“Congratulations Insomnia and Shadow,” she nodded to the pair, and then to the other two, “Ciara, Augustus. Your mateship has been blessed by the mother of the sky herself, and I could not be happier for you.” Her tail made a few uneven lashes.

“We are happy to have Cerberus back among our ranks, but unfortunately his return is overshadowed by the loss of our sister, Blind.” She paused a moment. “Her spirit dances in the stars, and one day we will all see her again. Honor her when you hunt, for her spirit still runs beside us all. Remember, although she was killed by a bear you are not out for revenge. We must protect New Dawn, that is all. And part of protecting the pack is keeping a level head. Be wary of mothers with cubs, for they hold the same heartfire for their young as we do ours.”

Her eyes turned to the Epsilons, a look of pride crossing her mien as she nodded to the pair. They had her utmost trust and respect, and she knew they would lead the pack on a fine mission, keeping their brothers and sisters out of harm’s way. A couple steps brought her nose to nose with Ciara and she gave both her and Augustus a lap on the maw. With that, she retrieved the bone she had earlier and returned to Zalen’s side, set to watch the pack disperse upon its hunt and return to the den with her mate.


OOC: So sorry for the wait, just finished my dissertation today. Should be more timely from now on. Smile WC: 7+

Ciara had been asleep in the den in the spot she and Augustus shared. The large Arctic male was wrapped around her smaller form as was his custom, and her nose was tucked into the thick white mass of his fur. Her dreams had been filled with pups, little white pups with the scattered golden patch with deep yellow eyes taken from their parents. They would grow to be strong, and would make the Epsilons proud one day. A smile was on her muzzle as she pictured them in her sleep, seeing herself rolling around in the summer grass with them, and watching proudly as their father taught them how to hunt. Suddenly a howl came from the real world and turned her dreams to mist, a mist which she quickly shook from her mind as her head lifted and ears perked to listen to the noise. It was their Alpha Zalen, and he was calling specifically for them.

She stood at once and shook her fur out, glancing down at her sleeping mate before nudging his shoulder with her nose. She knew he’d probably grumble and try to go to sleep if the howl didn’t wake him. Her mate was quite the grumpy sleeper, to the point where she rarely tried to wake him up. Even though his grumbles were sort of amusing, she hated disturbing him from the peace of his sleep. They’d been bound as mates for a few weeks now, nearly a month, and there was still a darkness to his eyes. She’d been hoping all along to be able to break that, but it didn’t seem as though she was succeeding. It was beginning to worry her, and to wear on her, slowly making the golden Epsilon feel helpless to cheer the male she loved and to make him happy.

A sigh heaved from her as she once again shook her head, this time to clear her thoughts instead of dreams. Quickly she picked up the pace, not wanting to keep the Alphas waiting. She was the first to arrive after Titania, and she sat a slight distance from the Aphas, smiling and giving a friendly wag of her tail every time a new pack member joined them. Then she turned to Zalen and listened to him speak, and her heart swelled with pride as first Zalen and then Titania congratulated she and Augustus on their mateship. “Thank you, my Alphas,” she said softly, her voice carrying tones of love and pride. “I am happy to have him by my side.” Her head turned, and she offered a loving lick to Augustus’ muzzle before turning to listen to Zalen speak again.

The mention of the new territory and the threat of bears had her ears perked again instantly. Her calico pelt bristled at the memory of the cougar and the thought that another threat could be among them. A low growl slipped past her black lips, teeth revealed as her head turned in the direction of the property Zalen was talking about. It was time to prove herself worthy of the rank of Epsilon in front of the whole back, and to prove to herself that she belonged there. Earthen eyes narrowed as she thought on what needed to be done. An organized, calculating individual, Ciara often planned things in chronological order instead of picking up random bits of strategy and then piecing them together.

“First, I think we should break up into teams of at least three each. We can cover more land that way and three wolves are plenty for chasing off a bear, so long as the bear is on its own. If we find a bear and want to flush it out, we can scare it with our voices. If you howl with a certain tone, the bear will think there are far more of us than there really are, and will be more easily scared off,” she said, turning to her mate afterwards. She was new to voicing her strategy and hoped that it made sense and was helpful. Now she left the floor open to Augustus, the far more experienced of the two, to give his thoughts and plans on the matter. When Titania came forward and licked her muzzle, Ciara returned the affection with a nuzzle to the underside of the Alphess’ chin, smiling at her leader before returning her gaze to her mate, awaiting his words.

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OOC: So sorry for the wait, I had one heck of a crazy work schedule. I'm off the rest of the week, now. || Word Count →1006

The tundra wolf lay dreaming, his body wrapped protectively about the smaller golden hued figure of his mate. He took in each breath, inhaling the earth and sea smell that had become a part of them both. In the dream he was with Ciara, alone. He was telling her of his past: the death of the brother whom he‘d held so dear, his father’s tyrannical rule, and his banishment from his pack. He did so in comfort, as she listened intently without bias or interruption. He poured out his heart and soul without fear to her, and when he had finished she showered him in licks and nuzzles. It all felt so right, until the Alpha’s call arose sharp and clear, scattering the images of his dream. He did not awaken immediately, not until he felt his mate’s nose at his shoulder, urging him to rise. He gave a low rumbling growl as predicted and his body began to stir. The fog dissipated as his yellow eyes opened to his mate’s expectant face. As he looked into her eyes he knew, it had all been a dream. He turned his face away a moment and sighed softly to himself. If only he could be that confident, and tell her for real. He followed her outside the den, matching pace as they responded to the call. It was mere minutes before their silhouettes, sable and silver rose up to meet them. He flattened his ears and lowered his tail to half-mast before greeting them each with a leisurely wag of his tail and nuzzle to the chin.

Months before Zalen’s two-legged form would have unnerved the man, but he’d grown accustomed to seeing him towering above them all, it was his right as Alpha, and he did not begrudge him for it. If Augustus found himself tainted by the virus and in a position of great power he would have done the same. He grew unsettled only when his Alpha’s body contorted and shrunk to it’s natural four-legged stature. His paws shifted and stirred. He turned and glanced behind him to rid him of what he thought a gruesome sight. He used the opportunity to bury his nose in his mate’s scruff, whining sweetly just for her. When he removed himself he licked her muzzle once, his eyes apologetic. The dream was still fresh in his mind, and he so longed for it to be true, she was suffering, he could see it, and he felt ashamed.

He seated himself when the others had gathered, ears perked to hear his Alpha’s words. He nodded shortly as they praised his union with Ciara. "Thank you, Alpha, Alphess. I will protect and cherish her always, as I have my pack." His words were short, his voice its usual deep rumble, but his words were sincere. He turned his green-flecked gaze to his mate, meeting her eyes for a brief moment before he sat erect as they continued to speak.

They spoke of Blind and Cerberus, causing the male to bristle but slightly. He blamed the Omega for her untimely death. The shaggy coy wolf was not an Epsilon to take upon himself such a task, and that he’s taken her beyond their borders had been an even graver mistake. What had he been thinking? Or, alternatively, what had she been thinking? It frustrated him endlessly that she had not seen fit to ask him to accompany her. He she done so, they would have both returned that day itself, alive. But she had not, and her body was lost to the earth. His gaze drifted downwards as he contemplated her death, but he was glad in a way that she was gone. He had Ciara now, and though he had cared for Blind he did not think she could handle the darkness in his heart.

The Alpha’s spoke of the bear in question and his thoughts were put to rest. He stood up, body puffing with pride, his eyes turned to his mate and back to his Alpha’s. When Titania approached them he bowed his head and whined softly in thanks for her support of them. “We will not let you down,” he said stoicly as she retreated back to Zalen’s side. His brows began to furrow and he turned his body to face his mate, as he debated their best course of action. It was she who spoke first and he was both surprised and in awe of her as she spoke with wisdom and authority. His mate never ceased to amaze the scarred male and he smiled wanly to hear her speak. When she was finished he nodded once, I will lead one group, we shall take to the forest, Ciara will lead the other through the swamps. The first group to encounter the bear will call to the others, and wait for the rest to join them before giving chase. We will drive the beast westward beyond the borders, and return only when we are certain that it will not be coming back. Use only what force is needed." He paused a moment to glance over his charges. "I want no heroics from anyone, you heard our Alpha, we must avoid bloodshed if we can." He flicked his tail, and glanced back at his mate. "Wolves and bears have lived among each other since the beginning of time. We learned to live in harmony with them, bestowing upon each other a sense of mutual respect. Today we will uphold that sacred tradition. This creature has taken from us, yes.” His eyes dropped to the earth a moment before he addressed them anew. “But a confrontation would only result in the loss of more lives, this must not happen.” He paused, looking them all over, before adding. “Will not happen. Do I make myself clear?” He sought the faces of his brothers and sisters once again, before seating himself next to his mate, his flank brushing against hers as he awaited the responses of his pack.

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Image credit to freelancah at deviantart


OOC: Shadow is in and he will make his pack proud!!! WC:766!

Shadow was lying in the den and was quite content being near his love and mate. He was in a dreamless sleep at least it had seemed that way till images started to fill his mind. He saw blind in the pack, happy and carefree and he had been introduced to her and then he found out that she was of his blood and that she was his sister. The moment he met her played out in his head and it was good to see her again but then the darkness. He saw her attacked by a bear and he rushed to help and he was in his lupus form and no matter how fast he ran he couldn't get to her. He watched in horror as the bear killed her and in anger he attempted to shift and then he would take up his sword and slay the damned beast who took his sister from him but then he noticed he couldn't shift. He howled in pain and in anger and then the bear turned on him and attacked. Shadows eyes burst open with fangs bared and body ready to defend and kill but there was no bear, there was only the den and Insomnia at his side. Shadow looked to her and leaned in as he nuzzled her gently and then he heard the call of his leader. Shadows tail started to move and then he nuzzled Insomnia more and told her that they were needed and he then made his way to where Ciara, Augustus, Zalen and Titania were. He moved and sat down being as tall as always as he listened to the words of his Alphas.

Shadow nodded lightly and smiled when he and Insomnia were brought up and he smiled and gave a happy whine to his Alphas and to Ciara as she had welcomed him to the meeting. At the mention of all the good that had happened recently Shadows tail was moving lightly behind him and it seemed like a very nice meeting indeed but then of course all good things must end. Shadow heard about Blind and he growled at the idea of her being killed by a bear. As an assassin it was honor and respect the demanded the head of the one who killed his own blood, and if the one responsible couldn't be found then a member of that family was taken instead to make up the payment of blood with blood. Shadow wanted to take a bears life, preferably the largest meanest bear possible. Shadow was not happy to hear about how the idea was to scare the bears off and not fight them, not even one. Shadow shook his head lightly trying to get the ideas of revenge from his mind and then when Ciara and Augustus spoke he listened to what plans they had thought of. As always Ciara had a very good plan and when he heard Augustus add to it, by there plans alone it was easy to see that they were a good match. usually it was hard for two people to create a strategy but for them to not only create but work hand in hand, it was a match meant to be.

Shadow waited patiently for Augustus to finish his speak and then with the question at the end he didn't feel like answering it. Shadow would not go after a bear for it was the will of his Alphas, that didn't mean that is something went wrong that he would not hesitate to take one down. Shadow heard the end and he sat up proud and then he took a step forward before the rest of his pack and he called out loud and with confidence. I Shadowfang offer up my strength and skill to any team that would see me worthy. I Have fought many and have worked with groups before to rally and push back all manner of beings. I am confidant that with my strength and size the bears that we find will be pushed back without bloodshed and my call shall be like thunder, filled with the promise to my Alphas and my other fellow pack members that I will give everything for the well being of my family.

Shadow stood proud and he looked to his leaders and to all of his brothers as he nodded low and stayed were he was showing that he was not lying, He was going to help in the effort and he would prove himself to anyone and everyone that witnessed him in action.

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Kinda short compared to others. D:

The howl stirred her from her thoughts. She let her form take the shape of the in-between shape, the secui, and made her way to the gathering. As a hunt was announced, she felt a tingle of dread. She had faced down a bear once, to protect Tal. She could face down another bear to help protect the pack. Besides, if there were accidental injuries, it was best to have the pack healer on hand. She smiled as the alphas announced the mate-ship; she had wondered if the announcement was imminent, just the way they had been even while Ciara was in her care. Both had wanted to comfort the other with little care of their own worries. It had been sweet to see, though the immediate concerns washed away the tenderness at the time.

She diverted her attention to Ciara, who had spoken. "I will go with Ciara, if that is okay." Partly she wanted to see the female in action, partly she wanted Augustus to know his mate had an older pair of eyes on her. Deuce was no warrior, though her scarred exterior might have hinted otherwise to others. She gave Titania and Zalen a small smile, then redirected her attention to the hunters. "If that is alright, of course?"

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wc: 000

Word Count → 227 :: This will be short as well seeing as this will be Ceri’s only appearance unless he's instructed otherwise Smile

They were going to hunt for the bear that had killed Blind.

Cerberus had heard it all from where he’d been napping, nestled beneath a shady tree and listening from a distance so as not to cause any unnecessary attention. It was only after the congratulations to the “happy couples” that he rose to his feet and padded closer, though still keeping enough of a distance to avoid seeming like he thought he was a vital part of this hunt. He wasn’t, and he wouldn’t pretend to be. Not only was he the lowest ranking wolf in the pack and therefor probably not welcome, he was terrified to face the creature that had murdered his dear friend. He didn’t need the reminder, for the depression had finally begun to ease up. However, he knew he wouldn’t be allowed to say no if he was instructed to show them where he’d met the bear, or even just tag along to help. This fact alone terrified him.

Shrinking back into the shade of his tree, he watched the other wolves as they concocted their plan of attack. Perhaps if he was in a better position among his brothers and sisters, he would be more willing to tag along. But for now he’d watch in awe and respect, praying silently for each wolf to be strong and come home safe.

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