Something about this place just draws me back

Early morning, 4th. Neela has landed roughly halfway between CdA and CdC, just north of Wolfville.

Word Count → 494

Neela's entire body ached. A dull throb that seemed to originate from her temples and then spread down into her limbs, leaving them feel like dull lead weights attached to her torso. A horrible dry feeling in her mouth didn't help things earlier, the sensation was similar to sand; in fact Neela could practically feel the grains in her mouth.

Wait a minute. Neela could feel grains of sand in her mouth because they were there! The collie was firmly implanted in a beach with her muzzle jammed almost up to her eyes in loose, fine sand. Neela lifted her head out of the sand and shook it, groaning and whimpering as the pain in her head flared up. Forcing herself to move Neela opened her eyes, trying to puzzle out where the hell she was; a long sniff revealed that she was still somewhere in Nova Scotia but it wasn't a part of the peninsula that she remembered.

Off to her left the Meria was firmly entrenched in the sand in such a way that Neela let out a despairing groan the instant she saw it; it would take an age and a half to get the heavy boat unstuck by herself. Along with Neela various items and bits of wood were scattered around, including the remains of a barrel which had hit a rock uncomfortably close to Neela's right side, shattering in a spray of wood fragments. Perched on the rock, just above the fragments, were Marahute, Oonu and Skylar; the three chicks staring at her with an uncharacteristic and eerie silence. Grynn was nowhere to be found but if the scene was anywhere near as bad as it seemed like she was likely looking for help.

Neela spent a few seconds staring around at the devastation dumbly until suddenly, the events of the previous night came rushing back to her. Neela had been somewhat drunkenly sailing along, sticking to the coast rather than trust her impaired judgement with open sea, when rough waters had struck suddenly; a storm of some sort Neela guessed. Unable to control the boat Neela had banked in to land but the whiskey in her system had made her misjudge and come into land much harder than she intended.

Thankfully the sand was soft enough that little damage, if any, had been done to the Meria but the impact had been jarring and all unsecured objects on deck, Neela herself included, had been thrown about and in many cases, once again including herself, thrown off the ship and onto the beach.

That explained the ache in her body then. In the back of her mind Nela knew that she should be doing something, gathering her bearings and belongings and getting moving again but she just couldn't bring herself to move. Instead she laid her head back down on the soft sand, this time with muzzle running along it and not into it, and went back to sleep.

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Already the tenseness was leaving her body and she was sleeping better unlike the first two or three days that her body took to get used to her new environment. As a result there was new life breathed into her, she could think more clearly and thus make herself more useful. She was on her old routine, already up and about early, patrolling and looking for the signs of various game at the same time, after she had patrolled then if she had found any indication prey was nearby she would retrace her steps back and then hunt them down, if not then she would simply wander about hoping to stumble across them.

The signs of spring that was slowly pushing out the winter had the birds chirping merrily from their perches. The sound filled her hearing with its bright tune and she found herself humming as she walked, moving quickly and quietly like the predator she was. She stepped out into a small clearing, a break in the trees where an older tree had fallen and pushed over some smaller ones creating a natural hole in the forest. It was when she reached this that a loud screech cut through the chirps and the song birds departed in a blind panic. Jace barely had time to look up as wing beats approached before claws dug into her shoulder and a large avian specimen alighted upon her shoulder.

Another screech that nearly deafened her before she got enough of a glimpse between the flapping wings to recognize who it was. "Grynn!" A softer but no less loud cry of acknowledgement and the peregrine looked her in the eyes, Neela lost, ill, hurt. Jace help. Come! Come!" With that the large bird of prey took off from her, leaving pin prick holes in her pelt that bled a little. In the grand scheme of things though it was not much and Jace immediately started forwards, breaking into a swift run, following the falcon that would lead her to her lost friend.

Herp Derp.

Word Count → 218

The ground was soft beneath Neela's face and the sun warm against her back. The collie had dropped into a half daze and the pain from the battering her body had been through had faded away, leaving her with only those two pleasant sensations.

Well those and one more. An annoying screeching sound that rattled around her head, dragging with it remnants of a headache that her mind had blocked out. Neela squeezed her eyes tighter shut and tried to ignore the sound but it was persistent and so eventually she grudgingly opened her eyes, wincing at the pain the light sent through her head and then whining at the pain that movement caused her.

A pair of black eyes greeted her; Grynn perched on a piece of wood nearby babbling something in low speech that Neela couldn’t quite make out at the moment. Neela groaned and lifted her muzzle slightly, slurring her words sleepily, "Grynn, wassup? Where are we?"

For a moment Neela froze as a familiar smell wafted through the air, Jace. Her tail dropped not a moment later; Jace couldn’t be here because she had left, driven away by Neela's past. Her ears dropped and she buried her muzzle back into the sound, too lost in her sudden bout of misery to hear approaching footsteps.

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