on ill winds unease rides
Zana had been stalking around the mansion again, her mood foul since she had been ordered to stay at the mansion with Timori when the second stretch of fights had broken out. She had not directly obeyed and instead had driven Saul across the clan lands to guard the village where the retired clan members resided along with Halo's children. Timori had stayed quiet the whole trip and had played nicely with Halo's children and even listened when Keana spoke with him, something that was hard even for Zana to get him to do now that he was older. She had been uneasy the whole time until Myrika had returned to the village.

The small woman had not swiftly returned back to the mansion after the fights had ended, having been weary of traveling. Instead they had stayed in the village overnight and had headed back the next day. Helotes had been close to killing her for not being at the mansion when he returned but her short temper had shown through as she pointed out that their weakest, eldest and wounded had been left to fend for themselves if any had got past the rest of the clan. They had steamed at one another for a while but the stress of the night before finally wore on both before they finally set things aside.

Days after and her blood was still wired as she sat outside ontop a fence post, perched atop the crosstie for the fence as she watched the woods. She did not like these strange raids that were coming upon them at all and she wished the trouble would end or the enemy show themselves more clearly. This was not how things were suppose to be in these lands. She was temped to set out on her own self appointed mission to discover the enemy but she didn't dare, knowing her duty was to guard the borders... and even with four of them to guard and patrol she doubted that it would ever be enough.
OOC sup bitches? / +yo numbah!

He had been stalking the borders as of lately, staying out late and sometimes even travelling further outside of them. He was determined to keep those.... Those, wolves away from Inferni. His tailed flicked behind him in anger even at the thought of it. He'd never outright hated wolves, but now he did. After these hate related crimes he'd grown to harbour a very heavy dislike of them. And what's worse was they believed what he believed. But their faith was blind. They justified their hatred through faith. And fought with 'God' as their aid. But what happens when two armies fight with God as their aid? Perhaps their God was false, Angel thought so, especially as they fought with hatred.

He found Zana, his sky blue eyes absently searching for any signs of life, attackers in particular. His heart skipped a beat as he almost mistook her for an attacker, but smiled afterwards. Half at his own mistake and half out of relief. 'Zana...' he said, moving over towards her, 'How are you?' Even as he paced over towards her his blue eyes flicked around just in case. 'Have you heard anything else?' he asked casually, wanting to make sure if anything happened. Or course he'd ask Sepirah too to make sure she hadn't heard anything either.

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There had been small subtle changes in the woman, she had noticed them but had been ignoring them. If they continued she knew she would have to admit to the truth, but with her size and stature she didn't believe that the forms growing within her body would make it to see the world. It was cruel to think thus but she was realistic in many aspects of her world, her own pygmy genes were one things that had made her aware of the darker ring to the world, the cruel fates of life and how to live with them. Her mind had been slowly working over the what ifs of life as she scanned the lands.

Her ears had caught the sound of another padding closer, but the wind was with her and she knew the scent. She didn't take her eyes off the scanned fields as Angel moved up beside her. Her ears flicked back to let him know she knew he was there but she didn't speak until the male was beside her. "I've seen nothing of these invaders.." she spat, irritated that they seemed more like ghosts than anything else. Her eyes finally tore from the scene before her as she asked. "Who are they that they disappear so quickly.. like ghosts.. and what do they want.." She growled softly, it was apparent what they wanted in one way or another. They wanted the fires of inferni extinguished, but they were sadly mistaken... these members would never go down without a fight. She knew that just as well as the next.
OOC sup bitches? / +yo numbah!

He understood Zana's irritance for it was something he himself felt radiating through him every second he thought of those monsters. Monsters who wanted fires to rip across the waste, burning Inferni and it's people and, perhaps later on, Salsola too. The thistle land was full of hybrids and ex Infernian's, so why, how, would that not become a target sooner or later. And what next after that? Using their numbers to recruit and travelling the whole of the peninsula to seek out and destroy the coyotes of the land. And after that? Perhaps they'd find enough members recruited to the cause and seek out further lands. Asia, Africa, South America, Europe. It was a bloody vision, and one that Angel was sure would not happen. But the mere idea was astonishing.

'They fight for God. They dress murder and bloodshed as faith and the greater good, and call it the will of their God' Angel paused, slimy distaste thick between his jaws. 'Their God is our God, apparently. The God that I believe in, that Ezekiel believes in, that Gabriel believed in...' he shook his head, 'But their God is a duplicate. A fake. Why would our God send others to kill us? Does he wish for un marred hands? I see no reason why he should punish us'. Angel growled softly under his breath. 'One of us is wrong and it sure as hell isn't us...'

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She was not a creature built solely on religion. She tried to understand the whole of it, and in a way it was true, she was bitter towards any form of creator who played such tricks on creatures of a world they created. Her ears folded back and she spat at the very idea of this whole attack being based off of belief. Lilac eyes darkened and grew stormy as she hissed softly. "There is no creator in this world that gives things the power to make choices on their own and yet wishes them to choose what -they- do it for a greater good, for faith in their beholder." She twisted a piece of wood between her hands as her mood grew darker. "Besides, are these Gods not the same gods the rules of these lands once worshiped. How are we their people now?" In her mind a god that played games with the lives of his creations was not a creator she wished to know on a more personal level. Instead she had focused her life on living, on surviving.. for the chip on her shoulder was with the creator who deemed it necessary to deposit her soul into this pint sized vessel.

She sighed and flapped a hand at Angel. "Let us not talk of faith and religion as it ties into bloodshed and battle.. Strength in numbers and unity will drive the beasts away. We have always stood together when the time comes. It's in this blood we share.." She smiled bitterly as she glanced off into the distance of their lands. "Some more than others, but we are the hounds of war none the less..." She let drop the piece of wood she was fiddling with as she asked one more question. "Why do you have faith in this creator.." Her sharp grey lilac orbs turned back to Angel as she frowned. Her reasons for dislike were personal but then again everything was personal when it came to faith and fate. She knew she was pushing the subject but to understand one's God made it easier to understand the beast itself in her eyes.


Word Count → 000 short~

'Why...' Angel mused. Unsure of his reasoning behind, he only knew that he just... Did. 'I am not sure... Belief in God is something my parents, my father in particular, instilled into me. I never questioned it as a child, nor as an adult. When ever I had a question my father answered it in a way that gave me no doubts about the existence of any God. And due to my belief as a child, as malleable as a child's mind is, I carried these beliefs into adulthood and lived by them. They never failed me and therefore I never doubted what I had been taught. Not once'. The last part was a lie. After Maria's death he had spent a large chuck of his time doubting and just looking for an excuse, some evidence that God had not caused her demise because of something he had done. That it was just a random, unpreventable occurrence.

'Why do you not believe?' he asked, turning the question on her. Not out of malice, or teasing. But out of curiosity and wonder. The same reasons she asked him. Had she been raised with no believe simply because that was her parents life. Or was she specifically told there was no higher being than man himself?

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