Let me Introduce myself, Mature
WARNING: This thread contains material exceeding the general board rating of PG-13. It may contain very strong language, drug usage, graphic violence, or graphic sexual content. Reader discretion is advised.

Somehow her mate hadn't noticed or been around her really at all during her heat. She kept herself nearly hidden from everyone after Augustus' advice. She remained away from the den and she slept under the stars, something she did enjoy doing. She didn't want to cause trouble in her new home. Adonia usually wasn't any trouble mainly because she did her best to avoid any. August made a big impact on her and Adonia avoided any scent of male she could detect. It was hard when she did come across the scent of a familiar wolf. Noah. Was he here? She wanted to find out, but she wasn't about to approach him while she was in heat. She wanted to make friends and she had hopes that New Dawn could be a place where she had tight knit family and friends. She also hoped she could be recognized, and she was on her way to doing things to get recognition. Hope was what she had, and she hoped to be a scout for the pack, if they had a rank for it. It was her favorite thing to do. Scouting the lands, scouting for dangers, and scouting for prey. She had traveled the land of her home to familiarize herself with it and she came across scent of migrating animals and other members. With her hormonal state, she had energy and she took advantage of it while she traveled over the territory.

Despite her new temporary state she did become tired and it was time to take a nap. The afternoon sun beating down on her and not making it easy to keep going, so she found a shaded spot and laid down her front legs folding and her head lowered resting upon them. She fell into a slumber and her mind took over with wild events and abstract images.

She had been out for an hour maybe two and when she awoke the sun was finally making its decent toward the horizon. Still she had a few more hours of daylight to kill and she was feeling quite hungry. Standing up she stretched and let out a yawn, her jaws clacking shut. A light snort came from her before she shook her pelt trying to get rid of any left over sleep stuck on her. Her nose lifted taking in the scents blowing in her direction. She knew there was a source of water around here and she hoped the scent in out, then she began to move north toward the black water reserve. She hadn't been there yet but the recent warmer weather made the scent of evaporating water fill her sensitive nostrils. She would lap up some water and surely find some fish to catch, if not there would certainly be prey that made their home close to the source of life.

OOC causing trouble for me? XD

Tharin had been patrolling along the border. He'd noticed some stones along there, a sight that completely confused him, lining the edge. Immediately he set about investigating it, and soon the line that had been there had been wrecked by his investigations, not a clue of what they were there for and why they were in a place that didn't seem to have any other stones there. Puzzled he'd given up, continuing along the border, glad that the odd sight didn't last very long to drive him crazy with distraction.

A wonderful heady scent reached him during this, causing Tharin to freeze. What was that? Taking in a deep whiff Tharin knew that whatever it was called him. He needed to be there. Trotting along Tharin puzzled, finally having it click in his mind. That was the smell of a female in heat. That was why he was so drawn. As soon as he understood that Tharin wanted to turn and run the other way. Being around her could do nothing but drive him batty, unable to do anything about her smell. He was so close though. There couldn't be any harm in just looking.

He looked over at the small reserve of water. It was a good sight, probably held plenty of fish. An attractive female stood there, a dark coat splashed over her white. His tail swished gently before he sat down at a respectable distance. That should stop him from going over and investigating her. Hello. I don't believe we've met before. I'm Tharin.

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Adonia hadn't caught scent of the male as she approached the waters, her eyes looking downward to seeking fish before she would attempt to drink. She hadn't seen many, a few small blue gill, but that would be enough for her. She went to dip her muzzle downward but her eyes caught sight of an approaching wolf, he almost looked coyotish, maybe even red wolf. She wasn't sure, but she knew he had come downwind of her making it hard for her to detect him. Her eyes didn't fail her though. He sat as she lifted her head up, ears erect with in attentive look about her. "..hello." She replied her eyes looking at him in a shy manner that was her. "No, we haven't...I'm Adonia Demos. I've joined recently with my mate Ookami...but I don't know where he's been lately to be honest. Maybe you've met him, or seen him around. He's a large cream colored wolf."

She hoped maybe he'd seen him. To be honest, she wondered if he decided to do a disappearing act on her again. If she wasn't so fiercely loyal she would have given up on him by now, but it wasn't in Adonia to do so. She stuck by him, despite his disappearing on her repeatedly. Her head lowered taking the opportunity to drink while he went ahead and replied to her. Her eyes looking up toward the male watching him, seeing if he would stay where he was, or attempt to get closer. It was hard to not want to get close to any male that came near, but Adonia wouldn't allow herself to look like a dog, or act like one either. She wouldn't dare give any canine the ability to disrespect her. Being in heat was hard, the thoughts that went through her mind, the urges her body got. It was horrific.

OOC here!

Her shy, hesitant manner drew Tharin closer. He was a protective creature, and seeing that hesitancy shot him with a need to comfort her. Adonia Demos. It was a nice name. He took some steps closer, tail wagging hesitantly. He didn't want to make her think that he was aggressive. He was just interested in her. No, he couldn't be interested in her. He had to behave. They weren't mates. A small whine of disappointment slipped his control as she mentioned having a mate.

Why would her mate not be there? She was in heat, highly desirable. It was taking all of his self control to stop approaching and sit down again. He wrapped his tail around him, wishing that they had met at another time, one where it would be easier to resist her. I'm afraid I haven't. I'm relatively new here myself. I haven't met everyone that's here. He just had to stay calm, and stay still. That would keep him out of trouble.

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Her eyes watched as the male came closer to her, he had a gentle kind way about him. It reminded her of Ookami, he wasn't here so she wouldn't think of him right now. He stopped at the mention of mate. He respected her and Ookami. The act made her appreciate him and a smile formed on her muzzle. It was fleeting when he said he had not seen her mate. It had been nearly a month since last she saw him, since last she had felt his warm touch. Her ears went back and her eyes lowered as tears felt like they were going to form. "That's okay..." her eyes glanced back up to him."..what was your name again?"

Her eyes wanted to meet his, to see their color and see the expression, wondering if they held the same gentle kindness his body language held. Her ears perked as her eyes dared to meet his, " I'm about to hunt down some fish, are you hungry?"

OOC here!

A brief smile flickered across her face, again making it difficult to stay still. He really needed to run this off as soon as possible if he didn't want to cause trouble. She was so beautiful, and she smelled so good! Tharin knew that it was her scent causing this, as he wouldn't be thinking about this otherwise. He was nowhere near ready for such things, still recovering from Akira's death and working on the idea that luperci existed. The way that she drooped down at his words brought another whine, again bringing him close.

The low ears had him coming close, tail high as he took on a more protective stance. This was his pack, he would care for those in it. Tharin. It's a fairly common name where I come from. He grinned, tail wagging slightly. He certainly was a long way from home. He blinked as blue eyes met his, noticing small brown flecks in it. It was really distracting, how close they were. His instincts screamed that it wasn't a challenge but an invitation, and it took all he had to not jump her right then. Fish...right, that sounds good. We can catch some fish. He turned down to the water, trying to ignore how close they were now, studying the water for movement.

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Their gazes met and the look in his made a shiver want to travel down her spine. They were kind, but they had an air of desire in them. It was like he was fighting himself, but the desire was strong in them. Adonia wasn't sure what she should do. Was this what Augustus was talking about? She wasn't sure, but she didn't want to run from Tharin, she wanted to get to know him. Was that wrong of her? She wouldn't do anything with the male, and she wouldn't be disloyal to her mate. His tail wagged and a smile formed on her muzzle again and she took his name to memory. His golden eyes burned into her mind, "It's a very unique name to me.."

He seemed very distracted for a moment but his attention came to, and she let out a small giggle, "..yeah, fish." They had become quite close, maybe a foot or less in front of one another. As he turned to the water, she did as well. Her eyes looking back down to the blue gill that swam near shore. Her front paws went into the water and her nose dipping downward. She managed to be ahead of him a little and her tail stayed dropped downward keeping her rear slightly guarded, but otherwise she was carefree in her movements and actions.

OOC here!

Tharin smiled, finding her words charming. He was pretty sure that he'd find everything she did charming right now whether or not it truly was, trying to keep his head clear. It was a difficult fight, the offer of fishing a welcome distraction. The giggle had his tail wagging softly, staring down at the water. There wasn't much more than the occasional small ripple, revealing a small one right there. The female stepped a little ahead of him, sending alarms off in his head. Was she trying to make this difficult? Perhaps she was interested in him. She had a mate though. She was off limits.

Turning his head Tharin stared at the water with renewed determination. He wouldn't think of anything else but the fish and how to catch them. Everything else would be blocked out, the sounds, the feel of the water lapping against his body, that sweet perfume that excited him so. Breathing deeply He spotted a catfish. They tasted muddy, but they were a good meal. With a lunge Tharin leaped forward. A good hunter he might be on land, but water was not his forte, splashing it around, the fish getting away. Growling he hunted around for another, jaws quickly snapping on a small fish that he threw back to the shore.

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Adonia was a little naive to just how her scent affected male's, she usually wasn't around them as much as she had been this past few months. If she had known what it truly did to males she would surely have kept her rear completely away, or she would have ran the moment she saw him, but she didn't think it was bothering him that bad.

Her eyes were focused onto a large blue gill, just as Tharin attempted to grab the catfish. The blue gill flew away and the catfish he had tried to catch came her direction and threw itself into the soft dirt bottom. Adonia smiled and she plunged her head into the water, her paws moved forward and she began to rake at the shallow end of the water pushing and pulling the dirt around making a cloudy mess. Her back arching as she raked further backwards. The catfish was kicked up from the water floor and she snapped her jaws quickly around the catfish. She heard and felt her fangs puncture into the fishes tender flesh. Pulling upward she brought up the fish.

The water fell out of her mouth as she brought the fish about water, it wiggled in her mouth despite its wounds and she walked to shore, she glanced over kindly then dropped the fish down putting her paw on it firmly to make sure it didn't go anywhere. "Is this what you wanted?" She waited for him to confirm, if so, she would give it over then go back to getting a blue gill.

OOC here!

The sound of splashing water broke the silence as the two wolves dug through. Tharin wasn't overly bothered by his loss, simply concentrating on the next fish and how he would catch it. A dripping wet Adonia rose out of the water then, distracting Tharin's attention once more. The water showed off her body far too well, clinging onto her. He couldn't help but watch her return to the shore, beautiful and graceful. He was amused to see that it was the fish that had escaped him, tail wagging a little.

Then she went and pretty much destroyed every ounce of him that was capable of thinking at all. Her paws placed on the fish, the way she spoke. Yes, that was what he wanted. He wanted her, just like that, erect and ready. Tharin grinned widely, stepping forward, his eyes not leaving her face, memorizing the soft curves of it. Yes. The muddy smell brought his attention back to the fish, and he quickly pulled it to walk a short distance away, hoping that he hadn't done anything to show how close he'd come to losing control. Thanks.

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She saw the joy and the look in his eyes, it said he was impressed with her...or maybe she wasn't seeing it all. Her eyes watched as he came up to her and her heart sped up. There was something more to his look, more to his movements and she wasn't sure how to act, but her ears went back as she licked her lips nervously. She wasn't sure if their eyes had met, but if they had, she was sure her heart would have skipped a beat. Something she hadn't experienced yet. He went to the fish and she let her tail wag a little. "You're very welcome, Tharin." The name seemed to roll off her tongue easily. It was interesting to pronounce and her ears flicked as he moved away with the fish.

As he walked away she let ears go back and her legs moved her back to the waters, paws stepping gently into the water. Her blue eyes looked around. The water was settling and soon she could see some of the fish that were slowly returning. She waited for the water to clear completely, her eyes studying the fish. Finally, she sees the blue gills, and a larger one comes close to the shallow end, her paws slowly moved forward. She was within reaching distance and stayed still. The blue gill were starting to come closer, swimming around her legs. The large one was the one she eyed. Finally, he came closer, her body moving down slowly and her muzzle dipping into the water. Like a cobra striking she lunged for the fish her jaws pierced into its flesh and her tongue snaked into the back of her mouth to hide from the fishes spiked fins.

She came back up and her eyes looked toward the shore as she held onto the blue gill. Water again cascading down her fur and this time she shook her fur off. The water spraying around her in a near perfect bubble of water droplets. Then she made her way to shore, this time her food in hand.

OOC here!

Her ears had flattened slightly at his approach, shy and unsure. Maybe it had been an invitation. Perhaps he was supposed to have responded that way. Surely that wasn't the truth though. Adonia had made it abundantly clear that she was off limits, mentioning her mate and desire to see him right off the bat. Even if she was single, Tharin couldn't take her. Not without the alpha's permission at least. The right to mate was reserved for the alpha alone after all.

His ears twitched softly at her words, hearing his name come out almost caressed over her tongue. She was far too good at this, tugging at his mind, at his desire that he tried to swallow down. It was just her scent, but it was so hard to resist. Tharin began chewing on the catfish, trying not to watch Adonia return to fishing. It worked for a little while, swallowing the meat down. She rose up again though, shaking her body as she left the water, a gorgeous cascade. Tharin's jaw dropped open, tail openly wagging in appreciation of the show.

Not that he was supposed to be watching that. Tharin returned to the fish, swallowing down as much of it as he could. This scent was a curse, plaguing his mind. Normally Tharin was far more collected in his actions, but she had put that all to shame simply by being in the same area as him. You're very good at fishing. She wasn't just catching fish, but Tharin wouldn't be saying that.

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Her eyes glanced from the shore to Tharin's form, his excitement catching her eye before she began to move for dry land. He was excited, though, lucky for him, she caught the tail end of his excited expression. His tail was freely wagging, but his jaw was not dropped in awe. She wondered what had him so excited, was it her scent? Was all the interest because of that alone? It was almost upsetting to think so. Still, if that was the truth behind it, why hadn't Ookami been so intrigued with her, why wasn't he here instead of Tharin, instead of Augustus? Where had he between her interactions with both this male and the other?

Continuing to shore she let her soaked legs drip onto the soft blades of grass before she found a spot at a respectable distance from the fairly handsome male. She wouldn't do anything about it, she wouldn't attempt to be disloyal to her mate. The thoughts were just thoughts, nothing else.

She let the fish drop from her jaws to the space between her legs promptly taking her right leg and holding down the large blue gill. Her eyes looking back up to Tharin as he spoke, a soft slightly shy smile formed onto her muzzle, "...thank you. I tend to eat fish often, it does wonders for my coat. Keeps the sun from drying my skin, and helps prepare it for the winter..even though it is so far away. Still, fish is what I mainly try to consume when it is available to me. Rabbit and Deer, and other game I reserve for when other pack mates, friends, or Ookami want to eat or hunt with me. Otherwise, winter is for whatever comes my way..." A small shy laugh came from her before she turned her attention solely on her catch.

She knew the more she interacted with him, her hormones would surely get the best of her...and possibly her heat could be getting to him. Augustus did warn her, but here she was with a 'stranger' from the pack. Already she felt the tense moment of when she thought something was going to happen, and really it scared her, but also caused her a little excitement. Was that wrong of her? The answer she knew but she didn't want to tell herself she was being awful, she wanted attention. She wanted Ookami's attention, but any canine would do in this state of mind she was in. Self-control was the only thing keeping her from doing something she knew she would regret.

OOC here!

Politely Tharin dug into the catfish, his own small fish flopping on the ground nearby. His paw lifted, smacking down on the flopping creature. It wasn't much, but Tharin wasn't particularly hungry either. Fishing had simply been a good distraction to keep him from doing anything extremely stupid. He munched on it slowly, the muddy taste unheeded. It was good beyond that, quite fatty. Thick muscle ran through it's sides, turning it almost into a delicacy.

The words were quiet, a soft reminder again that she had a mate, and that he had to keep himself where he was instead of crawling over to her side like he wished. Tharin hadn't known that fish could help with his coat, and had never really paid any attention to his skin beyond licking at his nose. He still nodded his head, hanging onto every word before he caught himself, the catfish rapidly finished off. With the one distraction gone Tharin moved onto the other, hoping that she didn't expect any great conversation from him.

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She found he didn't respond to her grand explanation, but that was fine with her, she just concentrated on her fish. Her tail slowly wagged back and forth, happy with company and happy with her catch. Her ears were forward and her eyes watching the still corpse she enjoyed ripping apart and chewing. The texture was rough at first until the skin was chewed apart and the meat inside was left. It was tender and seemed to break up easily. She enjoyed the texture and taste, it was unique to water life and she liked it better than elk and deer.

It wasn't long before she was done, nothing of the fish left;no bones, no head, no tail. All was ate, nothing wasted. One of the reasons Adonia liked small game. She was able to eat nearly the entire thing. Licking her lips she glanced over to Tharin, her rear raising up as she stretched out and shook, trying to wake her muscles. She wondered how quiet they could be around each other, curious if they were able to read each other without a single word said. A light smile came over her as she thought about instigating play, but then she remembered she was in heat, and playing would require close contact and she didn't think she or him could handle that while she was in this state. It upset her a little and she resided to sitting her head tilting downward so she could look over her coat and see if there was any grooming she needed to to.

OOC here!

It was a companionable silence that filled the air. Tharin worked on the smaller fish calmly, glad that he didn't have to speak. Since he had a slightly larger meal than the female before him Adonia finished eating before he did. The next fish, even if small, had a different taste from the catfish. It was a bit more watery, with a crispy salt taste to it. It was good, even if he still preferred the taste of the prey that he caught himself from the land. Tharin doubted that he would ever be a big fan of fish.

Adonia was a very pretty female. There was no denying that fact as her rear lifted up, large and plump and perfect before him. Of course, that was probably because she was in heat. Tharin hoped he wouldn't have such lustful thoughts around her if she wasn't. He did like her, Adonia's soft nature and her modest nature when it came to what she did. The smile on her face was warm and inviting, telling him to get closer. That would be a bad idea, of course. They both knew that.

Adonia glanced down, examining her coat. Tharin stood up with a stretch, slowly letting each leg pull out, ending up in a play bow. Shaking himself Tharin stood up and trotted over to Adonia. He knew it was a bad idea, but he wanted to be closer. As long as he didn't touch her it couldn't go wrong. Want to go for a run? He liked running. It would allow them to do something together without tempting trouble as well.

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Her eyes glanced up from her fur to see Tharin coming closer to her. She could feel her heart speeding up, and she didn't understand why. Was this her hormones? Was this all because of her cycle? She wasn't sure,but she knew this didn't happen around Augustus. Still her heat wasn't in full blow when she was around that male, so now she wondered if this was all due to her cycle. He came within reaching distance and she remained perfectly still afraid to close the gap but not wanting to move away for fear of offending him. Her two toned eyes met his and she gave a kind but shy smile before he spoke. Her ears, that had gone back, perked forward at his request. No one had ever asked to go for a run with her--other than her brother. Her tail began to wag lightly and she smiled more brightly.

"A race? Because..if so, I would love to race." Her tail began to wag more openly.

She stood this time stretching again. Adonia loved to run and she would certainly test out her pack mate's ability to keep up with her. She readied herself moving to stand beside him and face herself deeper into New Dawn territory. She didn't want to race out of New Dawn, especially in heat. Her eyes looked at him and waited for him to be ready and to pick up her offer for some friendly competition. This would be exciting!

OOC here!

Tharin grinned, watching Adonia perk up at his words. She looked wonderful like that, wide smile stretching out. A race? Tharin hadn't been thinking about a race, simply content with the idea of running beside her over the land. She seemed eager for it however, and Tharin decided that a race would be fun. As long as it remained just a race. The feel of the wind in his face would help, blowing away the scent. Tharin moved beside her, and reached over to nip at her playfully. He checked himself just in time, knowing that a simple nip could change into more.

Happily he stood, muscles tensed. A low growl eased from him before he barked out the command. Go! The large wolf leaped forward, legs stretching out. It felt good to move, feeling himself push for his limit. A wide grin was on his face, amber eyes bright with energy. He was ready to move, to feel the land beneath him. This was his home. Tharin had spent a lot of time getting to know the lay of the land, not leaving the pack for reasons beyond feeding Kiara. He would win this race.

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The intensity before the launch had her adrenaline beginning and for a moment she thought he would throw a nip her way, but maybe she read his stare wrong. Her focus swiftly went back to the race, her muscles flexed ready to launch herself forward. His vocals rumbled with a growl before the bark of 'go' and the moment that hard 'g' came out of his muzzle, her toes curled pushing against the earth, nails digging into the softened ground and her paws lifted off. Legs stretched out, her lithe frame propelling through the terrain like a bullet. Built to fly. She raced out running as hard as her legs could take her, but not quite pushing herself. She wanted to test him, see just how fast he could go. She would try and get right up next to him and trail like that until she knew just how well he could run. Adonia paced herself while enjoying the wind through her pelt. Her energy coming out boundlessly and it felt like she could run for days. Maybe she could...but she only wanted to win this race. Show her pack mate she was a runner. The husky in her only contributing to her natural wolf endurance. Her paws built to run, her body built for stamina.

She maintained her stride near Tharin, her eyes watching him and how his stride was. It seemed steady, but she was sure his larger size would be the downfall. Still she wouldn't judge his abilities based on his size, he might surprise her a trick or two. Who was she to say he couldn't out run her? There hadn't been one she had raced and lost to, yet. He might be the one..she doubted it though.

Her legs pushed off the earth a little harder and she managed to pull herself into the lead a little giving him a little challenge to see if he could push himself a little more. What did he have?

OOC here!

She was there right beside him, matching him stride for stride. The large wolf was surprised. Not that she was fast, as that was expected from her smaller size, but that she was keeping up with him. He came from a place where one had to run to catch prey, no cover to hide from the prey. Yet she was there, right beside him. The two moved together, crossing and dipping into a valley. Growing plants flickered past, crushed carelessly as they moved. A slight movement turned his head, watching Adonia push herself more.

She was ahead! That wouldn't be for long. Growling he dug into himself, pushing harder. It was difficult, digging into the ground and finding that extra energy that allowed him to move even faster than he had before. One stride, then two, and he was beside her again, straining to lead up. He was happy to just be beside her, but now he was competing. Tharin wasn't one to give in easily. He hit the ground even harder, lungs pushing inside him as he took a step, managing to actually push himself slightly ahead of her.

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