my h e a r t is a fist drenched in blood.

Posting Order: I would like a posting order, however if you take more the 3 days to reply we will skip you. Please do not join again until it is your turn, this thread is high priority.
NPC Participants & Player Controller: Vilis Holst - Alessandra. Karel Sanna- ? Emilie Fannar- ? Please outline who you are choosing so we are all aware. Desired Result: I don't recall there being any character deaths, so I am assuming we just injure them and send them away? Correct me if I am wrong.

Something hadn't felt right this morning, and as the female picked through the forest on Valhalla she became increasingly aware that there was something going on. Her tail swished out behind her on the saddle, and a grim look was etched onto her bleached lips. Her ears perked forward as she cautiously looked around, hearing something and seeing disturbance within the forest floor. The scent wasn't Salsola, and this tipped her off immediatly. It smelled of the river, and something else.. That scent was faint enough that she couldn't tell exactly what it was, but it wasn't anything her pack members had. Snarling to herself, the woman leapt forward on her inky steed and charged through the forest, his hooved thundering over the ground as they followed the strange scent.

She had heard bits and pieces since she arrived here that there were attacks, and she figured that this might be it. Scents of other horses invaded both of their noses and Valhalla screamed out a warning, in stallion fashion. There were not to be other horses on his land that didn't belong here, and this fueled the fire the burned within the both of them. As they ran through the forest, she caught a glimpse of a stranger on top of a horse, definetly not Salsola. Knowing that it would give her away, she howled loudly, summoning assistance to whomever would help her. The inky woman was battle-ready enough that she could defend herself until help came, and then inflict some serious damage.

Letting out a loud war-yip the she-devil charged forward again, spotting two of the offenders within the trees. Alessandra was well-off on this day, preparing to leave the lands so she had almost all of her artillery with her, except for Max. Just as the strangers turned around to meet her icy gaze and ready their weapons she had already sent a few throwing knives flying, both of which embedded themselves in one shoulder of each wolf, though one deeper then the other. " Fucking wolves! I'll send you and your bretheren to the pits of hell! " She yelled out, the excitment of battle laced within her words. They were quick, as was she, and two arrows wizzed past her, both scraping against her left shoulder taking both skin and muscle with it.

Instead of bringing a yelp of pain, this brought a cackle of laughter as she grinned widely at her two attackers, this is what she lived for, for when she didn't really feel much at all, pain was like a songbird singing in her ear, reminding her that her cold heart could still feel something yet. It's song was one she liked to replay over and over again. The woman wasn't aware right away of the third rider that had fallen behind the duo and fast approaching with a sword drawn


WC (+3) Siri will take Karel. And yes, no kills in this thread - They need to be able to ride out of here, so no killing their horses either <3 Definitely inflict some damage though, and be sure to chase 'em if they run for it!

A weariness was slowly stealing over him. The wounds on the man's arms were infected; he could tell by the way they itched and ached, and by the stink that was beginning to rise from them. He had treated the wounds there himself, and done so poorly - Not allowing himself time to rest and heal, the King was over-exerted, and had not changed his self-made bandages as often as a healer might have asked. But no healer had been allowed to tend him, for Sirius was a prideful creature, and he would as soon as cut the limbs off as he would reveal the extent of the injuries to the rest of the pack. They could not know that their King was thusly wounded, not now, not when they needed his leadership most of all.

His mourning was the worst. It festered more than any of the wounds inflicted by Boreas steel. Jack-o-lantern eyes haunted him at night, and the fury simmered deep in his bones, like a fever that could not be sweat out.

Since his meeting with Ezekiel, he had been waiting. They would come again - He knew they would come again. It was just a matter of where, of when. The whole pack was on high alert, all eyes facing their thistle-lined borders, seeking shadows of mounted men and women that haunted them still. The fury within him snapped at iron chains, craving the blood of those who had killed his un-brother, his fellow bearslayer. The arbiter had been a great loss to this pack, and although unable to grieve as Larkspur's blood relatives had, Sirius felt the yawning chasm of revenge tearing open within him.

There was no recollection of what he had been doing before the call - Only the sudden release of energy as his body changed from bipedal to the huge, hulking mass of a monster. Four paws, tipped with wickedly curved claws, bit at the ground, racing towards the location of the war-yip. The woman mounted on the devilish black steed was unfamiliar to him, but even in Sirius' enraged state, he could smell the pack-scent on her, and knew her to belong to him. A terrible sound rumbled in his chest and oozed out from his maws, a low, vicious growl to chill the blood and raise the hackles. His Secui form was tall and lanky, more than half the size of the horses the invaders rode. Long stride devoured the land between them, joining the skull-marking-woman in her charge at the enemy. His feverish eyes, a volatile acidic green, fixed on the man mounted on the chestnut beast, brandishing a sword.

His black lips peeled back to reveal giant, yellowed teeth, and the mare shied as the beast collected his lanky frame and leapt for the horse's throat.

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I will take Emilie, i actually hoped I could get her. Is someone playing her? If so, I hope my pp of her is okay? Let me know if it's wrong?

Isabella was weary. The last few attacks had gone on without her knowledge as she had not done much to fight. She had remained in her ruins and meditated, and by the time she realized what had happened, she had already missed everything, even the tail end of the healing. This time the gypsy kept her horse near by, or found herself at the stables more often to attend to her mare. The mare was more skittish lately than she liked, especially with the air of the conflict thick in the air as everyone came to check in on their mounts. The recent births of foals had calmed her sufficiently though, and Isabella found Seduction's state of mind relatively easy.

It was supposed to have been a quiet ride as she kept her mare in check. There was an air of something wrong on the wind, and Isabella was nervous. Seduction felt the apprehension in her mistress's body and the tension in her hands on the reins. Normally, the mare was fairly calm, but that strange something on the wind made her foot falls less certain and more careful. Nares flared as the horse turned her brown head, platinum locks twisting in the wind. Isabella halted the horse, keeping her still. The silk around her waist fluttered in the wind despite being tied and hooked with a silver ring. The daggers she had used to kill her first man were attached to this scarf, their weight light on her waist.

A howl rang out and Ducky's ears twisted as she paced nervously in place. Isabella tightened her hold on the reins, to quiet the mare. The call was for aid, for warning, that invaders were here. Fear fluttered in her heart but it was replaced by the calm brought by the sound of the wind through the leafy greens of the trees. A breath was all she needed to silence her fears and the beating of her heart. She gently tapped the mare's sides with her heels, and the mare reluctantly began to edge forward. With a growl, Isabella flicked the reins and the mare took off after a moment's hesitation.

The Thistle King was nearby, his scent was coming off so strongly. He was in defense of his kingdom and she could almost sense his anger on the wind. Ducky whinnied loudly in protest at the sound of combat. Laughter rang out from a woman, the source of the call before. Isabella's eyes shone brightly, the blue stormy and the gold like the lightning in the storm. A pale woman, equipped with a sword, dagger at her side. The dark woman almost laughed at the audacity of her attacking such a pale creature. With another growl, the woman forced the mare toward the other mounted woman, a dagger drawn despite the sword in the other woman's hand. Isabella was not afraid of a she-wolf; her blood screamed for the death of these purebred wolves.

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ooc; didn't want you to wait any longer, sorry about the length and crappiness.



less is by nat.

She was aware of two others coming in from behind, but with a simple inhale and a flick of her ears she knew them to be of her own pack. One of them ran by, his secui form rolling off waves of powerful dominance and anger, and she knew him to be The Boss. Her black heart swelled with pride at the privilege of being able to fight with such a beast, and she knew with him at her side and the other woman she did not know, they would win. It might be a terrible, painful, wonderful thing, but they would win. The woman dug her heels into the side of Valhalla who charged to the nearest horse and reared in front of it, causing the other to rear as well. Seeing as this was done purposefully, Alessandra had her bow notched and sent an arrow flying as soon as she could get a clear shot. The wolf in the saddle did not expect it and found a feathered stick embedded in his arm, grunting out in pain. Blood ran down his appendage in red rivulets, but the war-hardened man simply grit his teeth and urged his own steed further, rage flowing through his veins.

Valhalla came back to the ground and whinnied loudly, snapping at the other horses neck. He loved to fight just as much as his mistress did, and this showed in his behavior. For a few moments there was not much going on, just the two horses lunging and wailing at each other, before Alessandra caught sight of a flash of silver. She was aware of a sharp pain in her side, but ignored it as the adrenaline running through her system pooled over the wound and took the pain away, enabling her to fight. The woman reached for the sword she had taken from Max and withdrew it from it's sheath, the black blade glinting in the dim forest light. Quick as lightning she swung it towards the other wolf, grunting in satisfaction as it landed solidly on his arm. The wound it inflicted was a great gaping thing, and blood poured from this as well.

Turning Valhalla away from the attacker, she urged him to get going through the trees and left the scene, drawing the wolf on his own horse away from the fray so that she could concentrate on him and him alone.

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WC (+3) So sorry for being slow, guys. Thank you for your patience <3 Gen, your PP of Emilie is fine :> She's yours to fiddle with now. Just remember, no kills are authorised for this thread!

The waves of rage pulsed through him, radiating from the beast's mammoth form. His black lips frothed, whiskers curled up and way from huge yellowed fangs. The brute's airborne form hurtled forth, crashing into the chest of the mounted man's mare. The chestnut released a shrill whinny of alarm, her eyes rolling white in fear - But she was not the King's target, and as the horse staggered aside under the weight of the Secui killer, his fangs were flashing at the seated intruder.

The man was shouting something to the two who rode with him, some sort of desperate cry for attention, but they were both engaged with the two who belonged to Sirius. He could feel his packmates, sense their motions, and the fire that pulsed in his belly was heated with raw pride, also. These intruders did not know the depth of the mistake that they had made, in coming here, in coming on to his land, in challenging his family. Black lips wrinkled up in a horrific grin, teeth missing the man's sword-wielding hand by inches and clamping down on the hard, cold steel of the blade itself.

The hard edge bit into his upper lip, and Sirius' mouth pooled with his own warm blood. Meanwhile, the chestnut mare had begun to thrash, his wicked claws dipping deep into her pelt and bringing forth blood. The creature was in a state of pure terror - She had been trained for assault, but not for the beast who currently hurt her. The mare's terrified cried swelled in his ears, deafening the King to the conflict around him, and with an irritated snarl he released the blade and his grip on the horse. Four paws returned to the earth. The mounted man was shouting at him now, horrible curses and insults that did little to phase his cold, deadly intent. Filthy half-blood!... Son of a whore, I will... How dare... Die! Sick bastar-... His attempt to regain control over the mare was half successful, but by this time Sirius had regained his breath, and lunged again. This time, wicked jaws clamped around the fore-arm that had lifted to protect the man's face, and he felt the satisfying crunch of bone there, and a pained howl filled his eager ears.

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oh good! Big Grin

Her blood cried for death, for massacre, for the life to slip from those eyes. Heart pounding in her throat, Isabella could feel the heavy breath of her casual riding mare between her legs as the mare thundered at the pale woman as though she were a charger bred to kill. Ducky's eyes were wide as she snorted loudly at the proximity of another mounted canine bearing a sword. Isabella carefully kept a hand on the rein, and her legs were pressed tightly into her saddle. It was no combat saddle, made to keep a knight on, or an archer supported. Isabella could do ground level fighting, and this was going to be harder for her to handle.

The pale wolfess growled at her coming in close, muttering about the filthiness of her opponent's blood. Isabella would have chuckled at the woman's stupidity, for this pale woman's beauty paled in comparison to her own. Bulkier and heavier, the gypsy's curves sat better and still let her weigh less than these curs calling themselves pure. However, the pale woman had an advantage with her size and her weapon. Isabella could only hope her light mount and light frame would allow for faster movement around the woman's heavier everything. The pale woman swung her blade, her eyes angry at the coy-dog daring to be in her presence, let alone attacking her. Isabella danced Seduction away from the woman's blade swing, ducking to the side to keep the metal from biting into vital flesh.

On a back swing, Isabella found the chance to slice the back of the woman's sword hand. The steel ran against the pale woman's flesh, cutting open an angry red line that began to bleed. Still, the woman had enough discipline to keep her hand clenched tightly around the weapon despite how badly the cut must have stung. "Your pretty white fur isn't quite so easy to keep clean, is it?" taunted the hybrid, showing her pearly teeth in angry amusement. The woman almost hissed at her for her words and the damage, and before she could do anything about it, the pale wolf sent a sweeping cut at the horse. Ducky's cry of pain as the mare pulled sharply away from the other horse sent a ripple of fear into the woman. If she lost Seduction, she would lose a painfully won friend. No, this cunt on horseback would pay for the injury to her pretty mare. Despite the mares protest, Isabella guided the horse beside the other woman's, and deftly ran a long cut along the creature's flank. It was not terribly deep, but the other creature's hide began to bleed profusely. Its cry of pain was more than satisfactory.

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less is by nat.

The two left the group quickly, hooves thundering on the hard, cold earth as both horses were propelled forward by their riders. Alessandra was unrelenting, digging her heels into Valhalla's side as they ran but the stallion did not protest, he simply pressed his ears to his head and ran faster and faster, urging himself so far that his ebony mistress did not have to. Him and him alone understood her thoughts, and through their time together he had become an extension of her, another powerful, large limb if you will. The silver dapple mare that followed in hot pursuit was trained for battle, yes, but she wasn't to expect just what would happen. Valhalla would outrightly attack her, though she was his own kind she was an enemy. Alessandra frequently thought that the cunning mind of a wolf had been trapped into an equines body in the case of Valhalla. In this way, she was right.

In perfect harmony the two reacted together and Valhalla turned on a dime, screaming out his terrible stallion scream as he charged for the other horse. Neither the mare or it's rider expected this and were taken by surprise again, though he reacted quickly none the less. A clash of rider and horse happened, and both sought to injure the other with swords. A metallic clang rang out in the woods, followed by the grunts and neighs of horses. Valhalla lunged forward and snapped at the opposing mares neck mightly, drawing blood and sending her backwards as she reared. He was much, much larger then her and rose up on his two back legs, slamming into her body with his dinner plate sized hooves. These attacks also produced injuries and she neighed loudly in protest. Weather the attackers had expected this or not was not important to the she-devil, and quickly she thrusted her blade into the side of the blue-eyed wolf, smiling with satisfaction as pain took over his facial features.

You coyote bitch, we will wipe out your kind and any who defend it! He cried out, eyes closed in pain. This was his first mistake. Valhalla lunged at his mare again and finally she turned on her heel and ran as fast as her thin legs could carry her, Valhalla did not wait for his masters command before giving chase. This was the preferred position for the hellion, and she notched an arrow in her bow and aimed it at the injured and bleeding wolf. He rode fast and hard back into the fray, eyes widening at the sight of his fellow warriors being.. beaten by the opposition. Her arrow was let loose and embedded him in the shoulder, rousing another pain-filled howl from his stormy mouth, echoing the one his sheild-brother just let loose from the attack of her secui-formed leader.

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WC (+2) Time to chase 'em out of here! Another round or two, and we can wrap this up :3

He could hear the taunting cries around him - A voice that was unmistakably Isabella's, and perhaps that voice alone added a little extra fire to his blood. The other, the unknown woman who was also his, held her own; Large ears flicked back to catch the howl of pain as her target met the cold steel of her blade. Volatile pride filled him, as it always would - His people where hardy Northerners, and even the women could fight to kill. This was what he had chosen for Salsola, so long ago; The toughness of the ocean, the enduring cold of the mountains. They would never go down without a fight.

A fist beat into his head with a mighty punch, and white-hot stars filled the beast's vision. The wrist in his maw was thrashing as the man sought to free his arm, but giant yellow incisors only sank deeper, inflicting permanent damage now. The intruder was howling his protest, bashing at Sirius' face wildly as his mare wheeled and screamed. A kicking hoof caught him in the chest, and a dim blackness fell over his eyes; the man's arm was released as his mighty body fell back a pace, down to the earth. He shook his head, furiously trying to clear it of the buzzing that filled his ears.

The mounted man, clearly the leader of this charge, had dropped his sword to grip at the ravaged and torn flesh of his arm. His face was gaunt, eyes wild with pain. A horse galloped past, followed by a large black stallion splattered with blood. "Retreat!" The man cried sharply, wheeling his own frantic steed about and charging her back towards the cover of the woods. "Retreat!"

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oh good! Big Grin

The sword swung again, a blurring motion that seemed to sweep by Isabella's face in a close cutting silver white smear. The sword dug into the saddle by her pretty brown thighs, making the gypsy's heart race with instant worry. That had come too close to damaging her flesh, to cutting into her perfection. Men might like scars but Isabella preferred to keep herself unblemished for the world to see what it was she was selling. A scar anywhere that close to her treasure trove might scare a weaker man away for fear that there was something wrong with her.

This chatte had dared to attack her. At least that milky white fur was not so milky anymore. Blood dripped from the back of the woman's arm with every swing. Some drops of red splashed onto the gypsy's pelt, a red stain on her dark fur. She could not feel their warmness, but she could smell the iron in the blood. Growling, the white wolfess slashed again, her control slipping as more blood flowed between her fingers. Your kind is an abomination! cried the woman, as Isabella risked a chance to peer at the other combatants. The other woman seemed fine on her own, but her King..

Isabella saw the strike that dazed her King and she cried out, almost attempted to drive her mare to the king's aid. She bit back his name, instead letting out a long, loud snarl of pain and rage. Fury in her stormy eyes made her seem vicious, feral as she turned on the woman. A line of blood dripped from the woman's raised sword and the smug look on the pale wolfess' face made Isabella growl loudly. She could feel the sting on her breast, where the woman had cut a line from shoulder to almost between her bosom. She dared!?

Retreat. The call from Sirius' opponent drew the white woman away. She began to retreat but Isabella would have none of it. She urged Ducky on and the mare knew better than to refuse. With a rage, the woman launched herself from the mare, who shied away instantly to where nothing aimed to cut her. Isabella's balance was shaky at best and she instantly dug her knife at the woman's back. But the horse below her claws made her miss, forcing her dagger blade into the woman's sword hand, perpendicularly to the bone. She could feel it hit the bone and skid off, as the white wolf screamed in agony. The horse twitched below her and Isabella leaped back and landed roughly on her feet, then knees.

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less is by nat.

ooc; i think one more reply from less and we'd be done? :o

The ebony woman snarled at the man as he turned in his saddle and slashed at her breast, drawing blood. How dare he, she was no inexperienced commoner. She knew how to fight and for him to lay his weapon on her was a battle lost in her eyes, weather it be a scratch or a life-threatening wound. Alessandra went to open her maw at release a string of curse words, but she was cut off but their leaders frantic call, the word retreat echoing throughout the forest. " Not if I have anything to do about it! " Came her voice, booming through the treetops in it's might anger. If they dared to pieced Salsolan borders she would ensure their death. The dapple mare and his rider responded to the call immediately, turning and quickly dashing away. Alessandra followed in hot pursuit, digging her heels into the sides of Valhalla to urge him to run faster then he had ever run before.

White hot rage bubbled within her veins and she hissed in anger as all three riders turned and started to run, only cowards ran away from a fight. Valhalla let out a piercing scream again as he propelled himself forward, not wanting these intruders to escape the thistle kingdom. His sinewy muscles bunched and contorted under his shining black coat, it slick with sweat as he exerted himself and pushed his body to it's very core to catch up to the dapple mare that was now stained with blood and sweat, pink froth oozing from her mouth. The wide eyed mare whinnied in protest, not daring too look back. The riders had gained a head start, but they were followed by a she-devil that was out for their blood. Had they so badly wanted hers, well they would have stayed, and now she was going to give them a glimpse of their own mortality.

Skeleton-esque hands gripped the detailed bow in her hands, and she notched an arrow and sent it flying, repeating the process as fast as she could. Several were launched, but only a few hit in her feverish anger. One in the same shoulder as before, one grazing the enemies face and one landing in the mares haunches, eliciting an equine howl from the animal as it was totally controlled now by fear and flight instinct. Quickly as they came, the riders left. They burst through the borders of thistle and crashed through the river, leaving Alessandra and her horse on the other side. None of them dared to look back lest she shoot hellfire at them given the chance. Both horse and rider were now exhausted, and heavy panting came from both of them.

Slowly Alessandra turned back towards her group, trotting Valhalla slowly toward the scents of injuries and blood.

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WC (+3) Lookin' good, ladies! Thanks for taking part in this thread c: We can continue/wrap up at any point from now on.

He heard Isabella's cry, and the beast's head swung in her direction, the sharp movement causing droplets of blood and drool to fly from his sliced-up maw. His eyes were still glazed, black dots hovering in the corner of sharp vision and causing it to blur uncomfortably. The buzzing was still loud in his ears, and he stumbled to the side, shaking furiously again to try and rid himself of the noise.

They were retreating - He could hear the war-cry of the black and white woman, as her maddened steed charged like grim death after the fleeing beasts. Isabella's target was floundering, and as the woman's pained scream filled his ears he thought that perhaps the gypsy whore had taken her life. It was difficult to focus on that, though, for as clarity came back to him, the King became acutely aware of his own nauseating wounds, and the fact that his prey was fast escaping.

Long legs, with bandages half-peeling and torn off of them, broke into a ground-eating sprint; But, even in this form, he had not the rapid acceleration of the horses, and after a short sprint, pulled up to a stop once more. The sounds of the skeleton woman faded into the forest, along with the sounds of the intruders, and Sirius knew that she would chase them to the border, or to their deaths.

He doubled back slowly, graceful lope hindered by a pained limp favoring one foreleg which had felt the bite of the mounted man's sword. Both forelegs were liberally littered with wounds, and his chest bled where the horse had kicked it, little rivers of red running down one limb. The Boss' breathing was harsh and erratic, but he took a moment to compose himself, not desiring for his subject to see the weakness. "Isabella," The beast barked harshly around his huge protruding snaggle-teeth, giant paws padding softly against the earth as he returned to the spot that he had seen the woman last. The words were accompanied by an oozing of blood, as he attempted to spit out the red liquid which had been pooling under his tongue. "Are you hurt?" Large, tapered ears twisted back at the sound of returning hoofbeats, and the beast's large head swung around to capture the sight of the ebony woman returning from the chase. "They escaped?" He snarled darkly, acidic eyes lingering on her approaching form.

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it was funness!

The forest floor dug into her knees as all her weight pressed against it. Roughly, the woman rose from her knees, delicately brushing off the detritus and smoothing away the scrapes. They were light, thankfully, considering her pelt was such a thick mess. Isabella felt the sting in her cuts and wounds, and her body ached fiercely from the combat. She was not trained to be a warrior, dodging and fighting other canines to their deaths. Her body was trained to bend underneath the hands of other men and women, or bend theirs in turn. Knives in hand were easy enough to handle, but the damage to her own body was more than enough to show she was no fighter.

Isabella gingerly touched the slash across her shoulder and collar. It stung, eliciting a sharp intake of breath as wet, crimson blood came away with her finger tips. She solemnly gazed at it, her electric eyes no longer storming. Her body felt dull, even as she turned to hear her name called by her King. She wanted to let her shoulders sag and her body crumple against a solid wall of stone. Yet, even in the presence of her bloodied and wounded King, she could not let her image falter. The gypsy flicked her hair, ignoring the painful sting of dark locks touching her wound.

Her face fell at the sight of the mighty King of Salsola. His blood spilled from so many wounds to his dangerously large body. He was not dead, but his body was so dreadfully ravaged. His words brought more crimson from his lips, and the woman stood before him, knowing she could do nothing. Isabella knew Sirius would not ask for help, though perhaps she ought to risk consequences and help anyway. "Alive, my King," confirmed the gypsy, glancing at the black and white woman. Sirius addressed her and Isabella pursed her lips as she unwrapped the thick silk length of cloth around her waist. Slowly, she approached the King and attempted to press it against the worst of his wounds.

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less is by nat.

ooc; exit less. if anything needs to be changed let me know. :o

The woman panted from the chase, Valhalla slick with foam and sweat. The snarl that reached her ears caused them to fold against her head and she pulled back bleached lips to reveal pearly whites - not yet touched by age. " They did. " She hissed, furious that they managed to evade her capture. However, it was unrealistic that she could have caught one of them, let alone three evading horseman who had gotten a head start. Valhalla pawed at the ground impatiently as she pulled him to a stop, moving his head forward to gently yank the reigns out of her bloody hands. His dark eyes flashed with some unknown emotion, it might have been anger or bloodlust before flicking his tail. As the adrenaline rushed out of her body, she was left suddenly feeling exhausted and weak though she put on a brave and stoic face in front of her king and fellow subject.

Her body trembled from the strain she had put it through this day and she looked upon the two from her horse and managed to smile slightly as Isabella reached forward to help stop the bleeding of Sirius. " I would assist you my lord, but all of my healing supplies are back at my den. If you seek treatment, I will get them and come to you. " She said, still trying to catch her breath. If he wouldn't have her services, someone else would and it was more then likely someone else had been injured terribly on this day. Alessandra slumped over her horse and took the reigns back, digging her heels into his side slightly as she dipped her head in acknowledgement to the too before taking her leave, Valhalla slowly walking away. Though it might be better for her to travel faster her horse was simply to worn out to pick up the pace just yet.

As she rode away from the scene of the attack her eyes picked up other signs of struggle, distubed grass and streaks of blood decorating Salsolian territory. The sights drew another snarl from her and with vigor she urged Valhalla into a trot, the horse not protesting as they drew near the ruins.

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WC (+3) Exit Siri, too <3

They gypsy whore turned to him, and his eyes spotted the line that marred her, the source of the light scent of her blood in the air, mingling with his own, and that of their enemies. Black lips twitched murderously; There had always been a masochistic air to the Thistle King. Women were not expected to be warriors, as men were, in his eyes - Although, of course, some women could prove themselves worthy, most served another purpose entirely. Isabella was such a creature. While he had never doubted her cunning or wit, she was not a creature built for warfare; Too beautiful, too entirely soft and female of form. Her skills lay elsewhere, in the mind of the King. And for this reason, amongst others, the sight of her wound caused cold fury to simmer again in his blood - They had harmed the women of his kingdom. What next, the children?

There was an elegance to the stubborn set of her features, though, and he would respect that by not causing a scene. They were both creatures who relied on their masks to exist - Both skilled enough liars to hide the truth of their weaknesses. Her reply provoked a low growl from him, bemused in spite of the lingering anger.

The other woman had returned, and he was distracted by her enough to allow Isabella the opportunity to slip in against his mammoth, beastly form. While he stiffened to the display of aid, he did not rebuke it, instead allowing his attention to fixate on the skull-masked lady as she spoke. "If you are a healer by trade, then your war-fury is... Unexpected," Sirius rasped about his large fangs, "But I will not require your services this day. There are others who might - Tend to them instead." His pride, voracious and sinful, would not allow him to seek the healer's aid while he could still stand. Narrowed pupils watched as the strange woman rode off.

When she had departed, he turned his attention once more to Isabella. The lady was pressing her silk to his more grievous wounds, and the syrupy dark blood was seeping into the material. They were stains that she would never be able to be rid of. "You waste your good fabric," The exhausted beast grumbled, although his heart was not in it. "Get off of me, woman, I will be fine. Although, now I will have to send for more silks for you, from the ports," It was as close to a thank you as she would receive, as he was capable of giving. Eyes once again graced the wound that edged garishly across her chest. "See to it that you are treated, if you've not the potions to do it yourself. Go home, Isabella. Tell any others you see of what has happened here," And with those parting words, the monarch forced himself into a limping lope, headed back towards the heart of the kingdom.

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c: we can close it up after this one.

"Fabric can be found, woven if skilled. Too much blood loss and more will not be found." Regardless, she pulled her blood soaked silk away from the wounded leader. It dripped with the crimson that poured from his flesh, yet he did not want to be treated. Isabella knew some medicinal things, though she could do nothing here with no supplies to her name. The King was not hers to heal and she knew she was trespassing upon his privacy. He was such a creature, that had his own wants and got what he wanted when he wanted.

"I will find more, my lord. Do not waste your efforts on petty things for me." Isabella should have been touched that he wanted to replace it, but she was wary of a man who offered her things. Something was wanted in return, though his body would take a long time before it was fit enough. She would love more silks and gems, but it was not the time to ask for more. If the King died of his wounds, she would have to find another member to help provide for her. Even though, he had not called on her of late - not that she minded at all.

The Gypsy woman could only nod at the King as he ordered her away. He limped away and she was left holding the bloody cloth. She straightened as she watched the brute limp away, blood oozing from his limbs all the while. Her lips tightened as she watched him leave, keeping her hold on the ruined silk fierce. A light whistle slipped past her lips and the blonde equine approached her mistress. Isabella sighed as she mounted her mare, careful of the wounds on both of them. It was a long day, and this battle seemed to have gone on so long. Her wound was bleeding slowly, but it would be alright.

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