[M] Let me take your hand..
WARNING: This thread contains material exceeding the general board rating of PG-13. It may contain very strong language, drug usage, graphic violence, or graphic sexual content. Reader discretion is advised.

His strong form moved through the valley where he had found Nayru that one day. He couldn't believe her pack was gone, along with the hope of finding her. He didn't know what happened to all of the members of the Dahlia de Mai, and without knowing how was he to find Nayru. Those red eyes burning into his mind, and haunting him no matter who he was interested in. She would always be in the back of his mind. Even Clover Love Lykoi couldn't waver his interest in the Dahlia woman. God, he needed to get her out of his mind...how would he move on if he still obsessed over the red eyed beauty.

His strong legs moved him through Arachnea, his left hand resting on the hilt of his sword, the belt loosely on his hips at an angle. He ran his right hand through his white tipped mohawk, oddly enough not ruining its shape. A deep sigh came from him as he thought it was almost time to light up a doobie and relax, but first he'd have to grab some grub. He licked his lips and went around finding wild berries and plucking them left and right, careful to investigate them to make sure they weren't of a poisonous variety, and looking for any questionable growths, fungus, or decay of any sort. He made a nice collection and found a spot clear enough to safely make a fire. Rolled over a fallen trunk and took a nice flat rock, balanced it deeming it a table by placing his collection of berries onto it, then retrieved more until he had a glorious pile. Next the Marino youth went out for some nice rabbit, or any delicious meat source.

He made himself a bow and arrow with a strong vine and sturdy but flexible stick. Leaning it to a tree and fashion one arrow, it would all he'd need. With some rock molding he tested the sharpness of the now nicely fashion arrow head. He grinned at his own resourcefulness. His ocean blue eyes looked around, his arrow needed some feathers or it wouldn't glide very well without being stabilized by something. He saw a little pudgy quail trying to hide itself from him. Of course it would be a good meat source, but what was the challenge it that? He wanted a rabbit, or maybe a doe. Yeah, a doe..or buck! He was becoming ambitious. Grabbing the Quail as it tried to take off realizing it was spotted, it was too late. He looked over it's feathers and found the perfect once then dropped the panicking fowl. "Get outta hear!" He boomed laughing.

He took a small dagger he had in a pouch that was fashioned on his belt he carved a notch in the back of the arrow. He did this three times, and took his feathers and cut them up the stems then forced them into the grooves he made. Now he was set to do some shooting. He hoped his bow and arrow was able to be be as awesome as it looked. They were crude creations, but hey..a challenge. He went hunting, his eyes focused and he was beginning to think maybe he should have settled for the quail, but he wouldn't give up.

A motion out of the corner of his eyes caught site of a rabbit nibbling on some sweet grass patch. He slowly pivoted drawing his arrow in the vine, it was stretching and the tension was almost too much. He focused on the plump rabbit, aiming precisely for the heart. His body tensed, then he released the arrow. It shot forward with great speed and velocity, but then as he thought he would successful, the arrow fell from the air like a brick. "What!? You have to be shitting me!!" He growled and threw the bow down, "You piss of shit!" The rabbit had left the moment the arrow hit the ground and now he was lunchless. "Whatever!" He stomped himself back to his little campsite to start a fire. "I'll just have to settle on my berries.."

OOC here!

Sidra had been making use of the daylight. Feeling restless and unaccomplished she spent the whole day hunting small game. She usually kept herself busy and often times forgot that she needed to eat, neglecting to feed herself. It was Kativa, who most of the time, caught the prey and forced Sidra to eat. She really owed her one. Catching the fast creatures was drudgery. One rabbit after the other she had to track them, then hunt them down using any way she saw fit. For the first half of the day, she'd simply been using her Secui form to quickly hunt and kill them. But, that got boring and she'd found more interesting ways to render the poor souls lifeless. She used her dagger, a spear that she wasn't very good with, and a sling shot, which had been the most entertaining way of killing them.

The skilled female had already caught four rabbits and she was going for her fifth. Still using the slingshot which she'd grown accustomed to. She searched the forest floor for a good sized rock, one that would kill the creature instantly with a blow to the head. Once she found it she loaded it into the small weapon, readying it. Her opal eyes narrowed as she scanned the surrounding area for yet another rabbit. She kept Optime body low to the ground as she traveled through the trees. Her footsteps were nearly inaudible, she was a silent killer. Her ears were perked forward as she tried to listen for prey while her nose tested the air. Soon, she caught scent of a white tail and it's faun. She focused her intense eyes in the direction the scent came from. They were fairly far off, barely visible from where she stood.

Slowly, she made her way towards them. Creeping through the large pines, stopping frequently to assure they hadn't spotted her. Once she was close enough, she crouched behind a tree and waited for the perfect moment to release the rock upon the small fawn. She raised the weapon and aimed, pulling the rock back as far as it would go. She took a deep breath and counted to three quietly to herself. Once she reached three she released the rock. The projectile flew through the forest at an amazing speed, it was the perfect shot. Just as she released it, a loud voice sounded through the trees sending the two animals darting off into the forest. The rock flew by them harmlessly. "Fuck!! You've got to be fucking kidding me!" She continued to listen to the male's voice shouting cuss words angrily. Her hackles rose at the sound of the male's voice and a loud growl erupted from her throat. "That asshole!"

Sidra dashed back to where she had placed Soloman, packed up her things, and quietly led him through the forest. She kept herself low and hidden between the trees. Not that it would do much good with her lug of a horse trotting behind her. "Shoosh will you!? Your hooves make all the noise in the world." He snorted back at her. She tied him to a tree and continued without him, taking one of the packs that slung over his back. It was the one that contained her dagger as well as a variety of other items and goods. Sidra took the dagger out and made her way to where the voice had come from keeping an alert posture.

Within a few minutes she came upon a small camp with a makeshift table set in the middle. A large black male was bent over the ground, he appeared to be starting a fire. Sidra's eyes narrowed as she glared at him from behind a tree. Another growl sounded from her throat, loud enough that he would surely hear. Without thinking she came out from behind the tree pointing the knife at him while her eyes focused on him with an angered gaze. "Who are you?! You screwed up my perfect catch with your obnoxious yelling. You jerk!" Another growl escaped her. She held herself proud and dominant. Sidra remained where she was holding the knife out as she waited for him to answer.

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He huffed at himself, ears suddenly picking up faint yelling, but he didn't want to bother finding out who it was. This one time in his life, Aro was not in a happy mood, or feeling too social, not after a failure. He had gathered up twigs and brush that would make for great kindling. He made a small pile of good sized logs for once he got the fire going, a cabin style fashion of broken down branches made around his kindling. He was about to spark it with his flint and his dagger's steel blade when his skilled hearing picked up the approach of another. He pretended to not notice, but slowly as he heard her within a yard of him, he brought his hand to his sword. Her scent the biggest giveaway. She must have been so upset she didn't think of air current in her approach. The dagger placed onto the rock formation around his fireplace. She growled and he whirled around drawing his sword in one swift motion. His eyes landing upon her, sword pointed right toward her chest, a cocky grin on his muzzle. He heard her speak catching her words with ease. "..calm yourself, doll. If I'd known there was another wolf in the valley I wouldn't have been so rude...but, maybe I could share some berries with you? I might go out for another hunting venture..this time I'll use a better technique."

He lowered his weapon, there was no need to hurt her..after all, he would dishonor his family name for hurting a woman. Aro was confident in his ability to disarm her and her dagger. After all, he learned to disarm his father, and he was no easy opponent. Not to say she wouldn't be hard to disarm...he just had more upper body strength than her. That was easy to assess. "..I might be lucky and get a deer...I'll gladly share it with you..miss...?" It was just then he realized he hadn't introduced himself. He grinned and sheathed his sword, "I'm Aro...Aro Marino.." He bowed, eyes kept on her ready to dodge and disarm if she chose to attack. Straightening himself, "..I'm from Casa di Cavalieri...son of Jazper Rhiannon-Knight...first born son.." He winked playfully. "...now..can you relax your weapon. I'm not going to hurt you..and trust me..you couldn't hurt me..I'm too nice....I'm not a jerk..like you said I am.." He playfully met her eyes a kind gentle and playful smile tugging at his muzzle.

He tried, for once, not to look over her form and assess her physical beauty. Already, her attitude was quite cute, and he was almost tempted to show her just how easily she could be disarmed.

OOC here!

A startled gasp escaped her when the man's sword was drawn in harmony with her own. The moment she pointed her own dagger at him, he got up and in one fluid motion had his sword pointed at her chest. His arm was a lot longer than hers and easily reached her, leaving her own arm extended and dagger pointed at him, nowhere near touching him. She wasn't expecting him to act with such swiftness, he was a talented one one. She had to give him props. Not to mention she really hadn't thought her attack out. Her opal eyes met his piercing gaze and over-confident smirk causing her brow to raise in a mocking manner. Who did this one think he was?

She was just about to continue speaking and throwing insults at him when his voice started up abruptly breaking the tense atmosphere she had created. The mocking expression remained on her face, not at all amused with him. Doll? Her eyes shifted to the berries that sat in a pile on his makeshift table before returning her gaze to him. From his words, she picked up that he was uttering curses in the forest because he had failed the first time. This brought a wide grin on her face. She tilted her head up confidently looking over to the measly pile berries he had collected. She'd caught four rabbits today. Even so, she played along. "Oh? Berries?" Her voice sounded delighted, but her eyes said she wasn't impressed.

The man's sword was lowered causing her posture to relax some. Her tail and ears remained erect and hackles raised, not yet wanted to put down her guard all together. She continued to listen to him speak finally lowering her sword to her hip, grasping it tightly. She'd almost been lucky and caught a deer when he so rudely scared them away. "I almost caught a deer when you started yelling. I would have been happy to share if I'd been able to kill it. Thanks to you, my luck for today has been washed away. " She snapped back. Sidra had a tendency to act rudely towards men she didn't know. Xander was the only male wolf besides her father she'd shown a shred of kindness. The stranger finally sheathed his weapon while Sidra continued to clench the dagger at her hip. Skeptical eyes narrowed as she started back at him.

The sheathing of his sword was followed by an introduction in which he bowed at her. What a strange way of introducing yourself to a stranger. She tilted her head with wonder at Aro. The wink caught her off guard and she turned her head away playfully. Braided locks swaying with the motion. He was rather polite and kind, she found herself softening up just a little. His calm and reassuring voice helped the matter. When he told her to, she sheathed her own dagger and held it at her side, feeling safer if if it was in her hands. His eyes were attractive when he looked back at her, she found herself smiling back at him. "I am Sidra Pheonix. There's no pack that I call home here, I'm a rogue. Traveled for quite some time before I heard of this place" She reached up with her free hand and fiddled with her braids, lowering her head slightly. "I wouldn't say that I couldn't hurt you, but I won't unless you tempt me. Whether you're a jerk or not, I guess I'll have to figure that out for myself. Won't I, Aro Marino.?" She threw him an attractive smile. At this point, she relaxed herself, lowering her hackles and letting her tail sway behind her. Beginning to be convinced that he was indeed, not a jerk like the rest of the men she'd dealt with her whole life.

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The gasp she made when he came up, sword ready, made his confidant grin grow more. It hadn't surprised him any, but to see just how keen he had grown his senses made him proud of himself. His practice payed off, and by no means did this mean he wouldn't stop practicing. He wanted to make a name for himself, and he would. Her brow raise made him want to chuckle, but he remained silent, for awhile allowing her to bask in his battle ready posture, and weapon. He spoke, and her expression remained, she was unamused, but that was fine. He saw her gaze over to the berries as he began to relax, in hopes, she too would calm. His words had worked, she grinned, a good sign in his book. Her words said one thing, while her body remained untrusting, unamused, and overall...well attractive.

When she spoke on her deer hunt, he found himself feeling bad for being so rude. Was this why she came at him? "Well, as I had said I wouldn't have been so rude..especially knowing someone was trying to hunt." His brow lifted waiting to see if she dared to go on. What more could he say about it? He wouldn't have done it, if he knew she was around. She needed to let it rest, and work on solving the dilemma of both not having meat. He hadn't known she had food, already, she was just being greedy. To help her move he introduced himself, prompting her introduction. Sidra Phoenix, what an exotic sounding name. He liked it and his eyes took in her own. She was shorter than him, and her fur was equally exotic as her name. Pitch black, with various colors and patterns that broke it up. His eyes looked back up to hers after looking her over, not in any indecent manner, just curious about her build. "..it is unfortunate that you are a loner, perhaps you could find somewhere to call home...unless this area is that? Casa could use a woman like you..we're friendly, but a pack of both diplomats and warriors. We try and make peace with packs, but are ready to fight to defend the innocent. " He hoped he described it all right. Perhaps, Casa wasn't as diplomatic as they were warriors, but they did their best at peace keeping.

His gaze watched her fiddle with her braids before she went on about her abilities, a smile of amusement came to him, "...okay, you couldn't hurt me because I'm nice, but I'll tell you...ya might be outmatched...but as you said...you'll have to wait to find that out for yourself." He teased taking a step closer, he laughed a little and walked past her, "...now I'm going to track down those deer...after finding where your scent came from...give me an hour...unless you have a different idea for food?" He stopped moving, he was about five feet from where she stood, head turned back ready to find something worth sharing with her, but he wanted to give her a moment for input. "..oh..there's a blade, and flint, if you'd like to get a fire started and blazing while I'm gone, I'll get some delicious venison for us." He winked playfully at her.
Aro was right. She really shouldn't be so upset over something so petty. There's no way he could have known she was in the same area hunting her own meal. Still, she was stubborn and wouldn't let him off so easily. She'd do her best to give the man a hard time. It was her job to give men a hard time. Sidra's gaze shifted away from that of her new acquaintance's, drifting to the camp he had carefully set up. "Well, I suppose you're right. I was just so very close to having a large meal and was rather looking forward to it." She looked back at him, with her vibrant orbs. "I'll cut you a small bit of slack, seeing as you have a genuine explanation." She tossed him a cocky smile. She wasn't being nice to him by any means and was finding great pleasure in him trying so hard to calm her. He gazed at her for a few short moments. At the same time she let her own eyes wander over his masculine body. Large and strong, very attractive. The way he held himself was also quite attractive. He was very confident in his appearance, she could tell by how he stood so tall. He knew he was a looker.

Her eyes darted back up to meet his when he started speaking, she had let her mind wander a bit. Thinking about the various things she would do to such an attractive male. But, she didn't let it show. She kept her face austere as she looked at him. He was speaking of one of the packs that inhabited this area. Sidra wanted to be part of a pack. She yearned for a sense of security knowing that the traffickers she'd escaped from would be searching for both her and Kativa. Being in a pack would offer her more than a home, but a place where others would protect her from the dangers that were sure to follow her. What did he mean by 'a woman like her'. What type of woman did he think that she was? She raised a brow and flicked her tail. Her eyes narrowed in a glare. "I'm not sure what kind of woman you're referring to. But, I would like to find a pack to call home here. Eventually. I will take my time in finding a home thank you. Casa will be in my thoughts."

A brisk laugh escape her when he said she might be outmatched. Though, he was probably right she wouldn't let him think so little of her. She had learned her fair share of fighting techniques in her life and she was confident she could match his skill. He only had pure strength and size in his favor. The large male walked past her as she started to speak. She turned to follow his movements. "You shouldn't be so sure you could outmatch me. We might just have to test this and see. I'm pretty sure I would surprise you." She had a large grin on her face at this point. Aro wasn't so bad and she was enjoying his confident personality.

Now, he was going to catch the deer she didn't get the chance to kill. This was her opportunity to show him up and she was going to take it. He looked back at her and waited for her to off some sort of solution to the food problem. She shook her head and motioned him to go with the a 'shoo' movement of her hand. "Oh, no. You go ahead and hunt that deer. I'm sure they aren't very far from here. It shouldn't take that long to catch up with them." She looked to the camp. It was a nice place to rest for the night if he was offering for her to do so. Though, they'd just met and she was going to accompany him in a meal? She thought it odd but didn't want to question it. He was going to hunt down that deer, it would make up for his rude yelling. Sidra smiled at him, shaking her head when he winked at her. By the time you get back, there will by an inviting fire to sit by. See you soon ." There would also be the four rabbits she'd caught earlier today. But, he didn't know that.

When he was gone, she made her way back to Soloman and led him to the camp site. She tied him to a tree and retrieved the four rabbits that were hanging from her pack as well as a fresh bottle of white whine. She took the rabbits and placed them next to the berries he'd collected admiring them for a moment. Next, she had to start the fire. The fire wouldn't be very large without wood, so she went and collected a few large logs and some dry tree branches that would keep the fire going for a while. With the flint and knife he left behind she quickly started up the fire, it was a skill she used every night. Once it was blazing, she popped the cork on the whine and started to drink. The warm glow from the fire was comforting, almost entrancing. Her eyes shifted to the sky, it would be dark in an hour or two and it was already getting chilly. The fire was keeping her toasty as well as the alcohol that was slowly filling her gut. She sipped form the bottle, trying to limit herself. It was horrible to drink on an empty stomach and she had to wait for Aro to return to eat. He had to see the rabbits she'd caught after all.
She was a spit fire, and he found that very attractive in her, much like Nayru. Sidra was much more forward, than Nayru was. He turned his head and smiled as she went around his encampment. She spoke again, this time misunderstanding him...obviously, "..I'm talking about how strong and confidant you are...we need women like that..." He lifted a brow, turning his body to face her, folding his arms over his chest. He stood still, legs shoulder width apart waiting to see if she felt like a fool, yet. A smug look on him while he waited. She went on about her skills, and he smug grin turning into a pure smile, "Ah, are you saying we should spar? I don't know, I might have to use just my body, I would think it unfair to use my sword against you dinky dagger..." He teased laughing a little, arms still folded over his chest as he stood there watching her. He was amused with her, she seemed like she would be great company if she chose to stay awhile. Maybe he could talk her into coming to Casa.

He was amused with her shooing of him and he laughed again shaking his head, but obliged her. She was cute, the way she shooed him, it was in his mind when he decided to take up his secui form. He challenged himself in taking the form while in motion. It was fun, and probably looked as cool as it felt. His large body moved through the woods, tracking down the beasts. Ocean blue eyes found them, a deer and her fawn. He lowered himself, almost like a lion ready to take out it's prey. He wanted just the doe, but he couldn't leave the fawn motherless, and he couldn't just take the fawn. He would take out the mother, then go after the offspring, taking both. Greedy, evil, but life's too short to worry about how it looked. He was hungry, and he had a woman to impress. Show her he wasn't as unskilled in hunting, as he came off. He slowed his heart rate to relax himself, a skill he trained himself in. He took his steps carefully, making himself closer before he launched outward, the doe caught by surprise making himself downwind of her sensitive nose, and the fawn took off, but only a short distance before hiding. He had the doe by the neck, his jaws crushing her windpipe. The feeling of having her in his grasps exhilarating, he let her limp body go as he slowly tracked down the baby. His eyes looking it over as it shivered, in fear. So scared it was unable to move. His cold stare looking down upon it.

The main course had, but something in his mind couldn't take the frightened creature. I mean, all that adrenaline that had to be going through him, wouldn't taste good. He sat down, and taking one little energy he had, he shifted. His bones cracking into place. It took awhile, but the fawn didn't go. Picking up the fawn, he walked over to it's dead mother and slung the doe over his shoulders. The fawn bleated, and he calmed it, "I know...I murdered your mom, but no need for you to die...you wouldn't make a good meal...and you're too frightened..I'm not going to let you die out all alone.." He knew he wouldn't impress Sidra now, he didn't kill the fawn. So what, he didn't have to explain himself to her..after all, he got the doe.

The tuxedo man came back to the camp to find a horse, wine, and did his eyes deceive him, or did she have rabbits. She hunted while he was gone? Obviously, she didn't have confidence in him. He stood tall, chest out while he had the fawn cradled in his arms, doe carcass on his shoulders, "So, didn't feel I could get them?" He blurted. He came closer looking at the horse, "...picked up a horse too, huh?" He teased while setting the little fawn down, holding onto the scared creature before putting a string around its neck, tying it loosely and then tying the other end onto a little branch sticking out of the log. "Don't have a heart attack, I'm not going to off ya'.." He laughed patted the little thing's head. Standing back up he removed the carcass from his shoulders, "There ya' are missy, a big fat deer.." He smiled, pretending he didn't have a little fawn. It was an odd image, yes. A big wolf with a fawn, a living fawn..
OOC: Sorry for the wait. I had a stroke of back luck this past week. I'm excited about his thread! Big Grin

Sidra's eyes immediately softened when Aro clarified what type of women he was talking about. Her tail flicked behind her, his words sparked her interest. Strong and confident huh? Well, that was flattery right there and she breathed it in. If Casa needed women like that, then she was becoming very interested in this pack which Aro Marino came from. Sidra averted her gaze, trying to conjure her previous austere expression. She didn't him to see the surprise on her face, but it was probably too late for that. She looked back at him, the attractive wolf had a smug look on his face, arms crossed in front of his chest like he was waiting for a response from her. She huffed at him and crossed her own arms over her chest like a displeased child. "Well, then maybe I should consider Casa as an option. I've spent some time as a rogue and it's not the easiest life."

Sidra caught the grin he flashed at her, he was obviously unconvinced of her words. She raised her head high with disbelief in her eyes. Did he honestly think so little of her? She growled slightly when he laughed at her, he was getting on her nerves. "You are clearly underestimating me if you think you won't have to use your sword. Yes, you're a large wolf with a large knife but size isn't everything. I'm not so sure you'd be able to keep up with me Aro." She now had a cocky grin spread on her face as if she already knew the outcome of their future duel. She would prevail and leave Aro in the dust left to stare at her in awe. She was a fast wolf and would definitely have that in her favor, easily maneuvering around his large form. Another laugh escaped him when she shooed him away. He turned and shifted right in front of her as he turned to leave. It was a quick and impressive shift, he was trying to look like a bad ass. She chuckled as he left and watched him sprint off into the forest.

While he was gone, it was peaceful. She had made herself comfortable in the camp he'd set up, sipping her wine and staring at the glorious fire she had built. It was a pleasant evening. Her stomach was throwing a tantrum though, yelling at her to consume one of the rabbits she'd caught. Even so, she ignored it, waiting for Aro to return.

Eventually, she heard heavy footsteps in the forest coming in her direction. Sidra looked over her shoulder to see him walking back into camp with the doe slung over his shoulder. But, he had something else with him. The faun was in his arms, alive and shivering. Sidra had a confused look on her face. Why didn't he just kill it? Why what it alive and kicking in his arms? She tilted her head and stared at him as he moved to tie up the deer. He was talking to her but she was trying to understand why he had the baby alive. She completely ignored his questions. "What is that?!" The female stood up with the bottle of wine still in her hand. She walked over to where he stood with the faun and glared down at it. "Oh, you're just a big softy aren't you? Couldn't bring yourself to kill the faun hmmm?" She looked over at him with an amused look on her face and a large grin on her lips. "Thank you for killing the mom, I guess I can forgive you now. But, what are you going to do with a baby deer?" A chuckle escaped her as she looked back down at the poor frightened thing again. Her mouth was watering for the tender flesh of the faun, her instincts were telling her to kill it and eat it.

Out of character

Word Count → 000

The woman paid no mind to him, her eyes were on the fawn he had, he glanced over to her as she came over with questions. He smiled fighting back a laugh as he put on an act for her, "Well that, dear, is a fawn...the product of a doe and buck mating...offspring as most are called..." His ocean blue eyes bright with humor as they looked over to her. She commented on his soft disposition, again his arms folded. "...actually I'm capable of killing fawn's...just something about this one told me, no. I think he deserves to live...and you eyeing him like that isn't going to do..you're being greedy. " His eyes narrowed as he took on a more serious tone and posture than he had before. "We have a doe, and it appears plenty of rabbits here..I see no need in killing this fawn, let alone it isn't a fair fight." He stepped over blocking her view of the fawn. He wasn't liking the way she looked at him, "How 'bout I eye your horse over there like a juicy snack?" His chest puffed out as she spoke about what he was going to do about the fawn. His ears rolled back and he glanced back down to the scarred little thing. He really didn't think that far, he just knew it wasn't going to fight him back, and it didn't feel right to take him if he wasn't going to run, or defend himself. Leaving him was certain death, and well..he couldn't do it. His jaws clenched down and a light sigh came from him. He moved around to the log and sat himself down next to the fawn, his eyes looked over to the small pile of berries and took small hand full and held his palm out to the fawn. It sniffed his palm hesitantly, then its tongue came out and it took a few berries.

Aro's eyes lite up and a soft smile came to him, "...well, maybe I could train him...he could be used for something...maybe pull some carts, maybe carry some stuff...maybe be a sparring partner..." He laughed, he thought he would just raise him and let him go but now he thought something more could come of this. Surely his dad and family will laugh at him, but whatever. He shrugged his shoulders, "Hell if I know...but you're not eating him until he can defend himself..and even then, you might have to fight me to get to him..I might be underestimating you, but I'm sure I can give you a good fight!" He laughed before getting in his little pouch and pulling out a good sized joint and some matches. Lighting it up he took a casual hit. Then he casually exhaled to the side of his body, not being rude to either her, or the fawn. "Now...how 'bout that food...shall we dig in?" He smiled popping a few berries into his mouth, then offering some to his new found 'pet'. He took another hit, his body relaxing fully while he gazed over to the little spotted white-tail. "What ya' say, Buck...you think I could train you to take on a wolf or two? You could be a guard deer?" He laughed as he patted the skittish thing on the head.

His eyes gazed over to the wine, and he gave a smug grin, "Wanna trade?" He lifted up his joint to her, "I'll let you have some of this, if I can have some of that.." His bright oceanic eyes met with her own. His ears perked curious if she'd take up the offer. His mind thought about how nice it would be, if she were in Casa, they could hunt together, smoke together, drink together...even spar. She was worth trying to gain...for Casa to gain. He licked his lips a little, "..you really should come to Casa...I think you'd feel at home. It's got a lot of strong-willed canine's...and it would be great to have a strong-willed and capable female around. If ya' don't come, I might be tempted to spend some more time in these woods sparring and hunting with you...I promise I don't collect fawns...I usually eat'em.." He laughed, his eyes glancing over to the little hoofed buddy he'd acquired. "..no offense, Buck.." He chuckled.

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Aro's sarcastic remark was met with a glare from Sidra, of course she knew what it was. But, what it was to Aro was something more than dinner. The ashy female's tail swayed behind her as she contemplated simply killing the poor thing. After all, it was torture to be held captive by two hungry wolves not knowing if you'd see the light of the next day. She licked her lips trying to control the saliva that was building behind her jaws. Her new companion said there was something different about this small creature but all she saw was prey standing vulnerable in front of her. Aro called her out, she was being incredibly greedy. They already had four rabbits and the mother which would be plenty for both of them. She looked down at the twig legged faun, it's eyes were wide and pleading for mercy. "I'm not being greedy, I'm being a wolf. Wolves hunt prey like this faun. Look how frightened he is, he's suffering Aro." Sidra reached uot to poke the poor thing on the nose, it quivered at her touch. "I know we have plenty of food already, but what are you going to do with such a weak creature besides eat him?" She smiled and looked over at him, he didn't look the least bit enthused.

The large man came in between her and the faun and her eyes meeting his furry chest. She pouted and stood up straight, looking into his eyes as he spoke of Soloman like he was a meal. "Well, that's just absurd." Seeing that he clearly wasn't joking around, Sidra stepped away from where the faun was tied. Maybe she didn't have to kill everything in sight. Sidra gave a huff of discontent for leaving the faun alive and went to rest by the fire once again. She watched with eager eyes as Aro fed the baby some of the berries he'd collected. A small chuckle from Sidra was unavoidable, it was just so silly seeing such a strong beast treating what should be prey with such kindness. The whole concept was strange.

Aro's ideas of what he might do with the faun had Sidra laughing by the fire, she could barely control it. Her hysteric chuckles had her holding her stomach in agony from the laughter. "You're going to spar with a deer? How is that even possible?! That creature is nothing more than prey and you would be lucky to get him pulling carts let alone sparring with you." He seemed completely serious about his plans for the faun and Sidra couldn't help but admiring the kindness Aro showed it. It was heart warming and hilarious at the same time. She smiled over at him, her admiration was evident as well as her amusement. "Don't worry. I won't lay a claw on him, I promise. Only because he means so much to you." She smiled even wider. "I'm sure you can give me a good fight too. Only because you're a large wolf. But, that won't stop me from kicking your ass." She chuckled at her own words as she watched her friend begin to smoke thinking little of it. She'd never smoked anything before, just never got around to trying.

Sidra gave a large nod to the mention of food. She grabbed two of the rabbits and set them by Aro, might as well share with him. "Here, a token of my appreciation for catching the mom and a celebration of the faun's life." She watched with a large grin as he fed the baby some more berries like it was his son. It had Sidra chuckling to her self some more. "Buck, the guard deer. I can see it now!" Without further wait she began to consume one of the rabbits she'd caught, an appetizer before the main course, the baby's mother. She sipped the wine as she ate, it went well with the rabbit meat. She went to take another sip when she saw Aro's eyes eyeing the bottle then coming to meet her eyes. She glared at him for a moment before nodding and handing him the wine. "Go at it. I have plenty more." She took the joint and stared at it for a moment before bringing it to her lips. Her ears pulled back as she inhaled the intoxicating smoke, it was so strong. She coughed a bit, it was harsh as it went down her throat and she'd never smoked in her life. She took another hit, this time with more elegance.

Her opal eyes shifted to him when he started to speak. His words brought a bright smile from her, her tail swayed intently behind her. He was intent on talking her into Casa. But, what would Kativa do? They'd have to discuss this before she made a decision. Maybe she could meet Aro before Sidra decided. At this point, she was interested in Casa and it was a possibility that she would end up there. "Are you saying that you're going to stalk me until I come back with you?" She asked jokingly. "Casa sounds like a welcoming place..." She let out a small sigh. "...I've been a rogue for a while now and although I've grown used to it, it's not the best life. My traveling partner, Kativa, would want to meet you...if I decided I wanted to become part of your pack. To be honest, I'm tired of living on edge. It's a dangerous world. But, with a pack, the world seems less threatening." Every day, she wondered if the traffickers would catch up. It would be grand if she had the safety of a pack. Now, that she trusted Aro to an extent, she would be willing to check Casa out and if they were suitable she would join.

Out of character

Word Count → 000

Aro looked at the woman's glare and a corner of his mouth tugged up into a hint of a smile, his eyes blazed intensely at her for a moment, she spoke claiming she wasn't being greedy. "Even a wolf knows when to stop...you know when to stop..and this urge to kill him, it's nothing more than a cat desire to kill more than necessary...." It was harsh to call her a cat, but hey, it's just calling it like he see's it. His eyes looked back to the fawn, "He's not suffering, he's scared. He would be suffering if he was bleeding out, but there isn't a scratch on him...he's healthy. His fear will pass." His head turned back to her, straight faced, eyes hard.

She called him absurd and he just snorted a laugh at her. It wouldn't be the first or the last time someone thought his ideas 'absurd'. He was a Marino afterall. She walked away, avoiding him needing to touch his sword. He didn't want to go in that direction, but if she pushed the issue further he'd put a quick end to it. Relaxing next to his 'prize' he began to bond with the creature, who after a few hand feedings began to relax a little around him. Sidra laughed making the fawn perk its ears and look at her, it's tail flickered, and Aro smiled both at the fawn and to Sidra, "Just laugh it up, when he gets big and strong I'll be the one laughing.." He chuckled. "Have you never read those human fables of Santa Claus? He had deer pulling a sled...how did that fable song go about a deer named Rudolph?" He tilted his head back and thought about it for a moment. His head went back down glaring at her for a moment. This infuriating woman was convinced she'd kick his ass. He wanted to put an end to it and show her just who was at who's mercy..but he kept his control, with the aid of a friendly plant dubbed cannabis.

Finally, after her teasings, food came his way, two rabbits and his genuine charming smile came back and he took one skinning it one of his knives. It didn't take him too long, and the rabbit was naked of it's fur and skin, laying the skin upon the log, draped like a blanket. His eyes glanced over to the deer who seemed to be a little wide eyed, "...you'll get used to the sight...don't worry...I know...it's a little fucked up for a creature like you to see all this, but alas, you'll become numb to the sight, and you'll be stronger for it.." He then broke off a leg and began to eat it one would a drumstick from chicken. It was tender and lean tasting. He could tell it was a few hours old, but still quite good. His blunt pulled out from his muzzle that had held while skinning. He was beginning to feel the relaxing and numbing affects it gave him. Numbing, but somehow it made everything feel and taste so good. He had eyed the wine bottle, and soon saw her glare. "Aren't you full of so much..." he growled in a teasing way to fill in the word he couldn't quite place. The bone now being crushed in his back canines as she handed him the bottle, he took a large swig washing down the rabbit bone. It gave a good compliment to the rabbit, "Mmm...nice choice, madame.." He smiled some placing the wine bottle down within her reach, a way of saying they were to share.

His ears perked up watching her take the first drag, and soon a harsh cough came from her and he couldn't help but give a light chuckle, "..first, eh?" He asked as she then took another drag, this time with more awareness of how it should be done. "There ya' go!" He smiled as he ate another rabbit leg, then taking a swig of wine to wash it down. He licked his lips as she smiled then responded to his words about Casa and 'stalking' he laughed a little, the feeling of the wine beginning to surround him like a warm blanket. His arm going over to the fawn pulling him closer, "Maybe...maybe I'll have my little buck here each time...you can see his progress..." He laughed at his own joke, "...yes, Casa is very welcoming, and I would like to meet Kativa...surely, your partner would want to have you in the safety of a pack as much as I do.." He held his hand up in a gesture to have his blunt back so he'd be able to take a hit. Once he had it, he would take another drag, "Now, missy, I need to teach you cannabis etiquette.." He teases, "It's puff, pass, puff...it's meant to be shared..just like wine.." He chuckles a little at her.

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