M. Change my odds and good intentions
WARNING: This thread contains material exceeding the general board rating of PG-13. It may contain very strong language, drug usage, graphic violence, or graphic sexual content. Reader discretion is advised.

Word Count :: 335 Did warn ya i suck at starting xD

Hunting was growing old, repetitive, something anyone could do if they put enough time and effort into the task and quickly the young Nishant was doubting his choice in tier and desiring to alter the path in life he'd chosen for himself. Many of the key points leading up to the present had been dictated by others, his rebellion a result of his mother negligence, his attitude against the pack that had waged war and abandoned him, his twin the reason for his black designs. Very little was dictated by him as much as he told himself that he was in control of what he did. Silver ears flicked back in annoyance, his chest expanded as he breathed out an irritated sigh.

Pushing himself forward he moved heavily through the thickly wooded lands, the bulk of his Secui form familiar and yet strange to him from lack of use; but optime form was too slow for this particular trek unless he brought Buck along and lupus to weak and exposed for the male to confidently travel alone in. Slumping his head between his shoulders he breathed in the landscapes scents, forest streaked eyes taking in sights and following the landmarks that would lead him to where he'd laid his traps. Of late his attempt at catching prey with his assortment of traps had been going poorly within pack land, many traps set of and stolen without bait without snagging their prey. Hoping for a change in his luck, the lad had pushed his strike zone further out into neutral grounds as a stab in the dark seeking improvement and higher success rates.

Sticks and leaves cracked and crumbled under his paws, his approach not subtle but load and clear, close he was to where he'd left a bait trap and ahead he coulda sworn he heard movement. The thrill of success and confidence filled his step, silver touched head lifting proudly as he entered the clearing to simply pause and blink in surprise. “Ah shit”

Photo courtesy of KilljoyDivine

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WC:: 904 Alright I’m assuming this takes place a week after Drin has been accepted to give her time to travel to the coast. Pardon the mini novel, got a little carried away but it’s my first time playing her optime and I wanted to set up the scene for us! <3.

Palaydrian didn’t wait long to explore her new home and the surrounding neutral territories. With the musk of heat on her, she felt uncomfortable causing all the males in her pack discomfort, so she decided to take a few days outside of the pack lands to explore. More so for their sake than her own, but it also gave her a good excuse to see the rest of the lands she now called home. She knew well enough to avoid the area known as Inferni and had taken a two day wide berth around the lands that reeked of coyote. It was important for her to search everywhere and anywhere in hopes of finding something that would connect her to her grandmother’s stories. She didn’t know if she’d ever return to her old pack lands, but hunting down the “Soul” legacy was something that kept her up at night. Where did Fawn grow up? Why did Syliat have them leave? Who were the Souls, and would someone recognize her by the surname she had given herself?

The young femme’s mind was occupied as she continued exploring along, she was actually considering turning back so her new pack wouldn’t think she had up and left when a strange scent wafted into her nares. Intrigued, the Siamese coated wolf lifted her blazed snout to the air. The scent of her heavy heat was in the air, but above this...something sickeningly sweet, and definitely dead. Her ears picked up on the sound of gulls a ways off and she could smell the faint breath of the ocean so she knew she was near a great body of water, but that didn’t explain the smell of death. Still in the woods just skirting the coast line, Drin lowered her lupine form and cautiously began to track the pungent odor. Wolves were natural scavengers if given the opportunity and any free meal was a welcome sight. Her stomach grumbled with the thought. She’d eaten a fattened squirrel earlier in the morning, but that didn’t seem to appease her hormone driven appetite.

The golden girl was getting closer to the source when her two toned eyes locked on the carcass of a grouse. Her hunger replaced rational and she bounded from the bushes and leapt onto the quarry only to have her right paw get snarled in a trap and raised upward. Panic gripped the she-wolf immediately and she let out an alarmed bark. “What the hell?!” She screamed not yet noticing the numbness spreading through her right paw and down. The wolf was awkwardly standing up on her hind legs, one paw suspended far above her head, and the other helplessly flailing about. Shift, just shift! She willed with her brain, but some stubbornness didn’t allow her. She knew the optime form was acceptable around here, but she still felt uncomfortable coming from a place where her kind was abhorred. Drin continued her awkward dance trying to pull her right paw to her body and causing the tree limbs above her to shake, but the more she struggled, the tighter the ropes got. A rivulet of blood began to course downward. “Fuck it hurts!” She snarled now that the numbness had passed and her arm began feeling like it was on fire.

Drin’s hind legs were getting tired from jumping around to stay up and she felt as if the rope would pull her arm out of its socket if she didn’t stand up taller. Just shift already... she willed when her ears swiveled to an approaching sound. “Shit. It’s now or never,” she growled under her breath and her eyes oiled over. Muscles fleshed out, legs and arms extended, and paws thickened as opposable thumbs grew into place. Her long mane of wavy blonde hair streaked with seal points of chocolate and lilac was unkempt and wild looking, dangling far beneath her breasts. It had been many moons since the last time she had fully shifted and had braided it into a fishtail. The crescent moon branding of silver flesh stood out proudly in the middle of her chest as her height increased to just a bit over 6 feet and she was able to hold her hand comfortably above her head. The were shook her head and closed her clouded dark eyes to reopen them to their vivid two tone hue again.

That wasn’t too bad, she mused but immediately was aware of the approaching sound again and how the rope had only cut its way deeper into her flesh during the change. Fuck! Her left hand reached up and gingerly began picking at the rope embedded in her inflamed skin, but to no use. She’d need something sharp to cut it, but she had no time. Drin grasped the rope above her suspended right paw and gave a fierce tug when “Ah shit.” sank into her ears. The young Soul stopped what she was doing and turned her gaze to the stranger in secui. Her eyes immediately registered the strange markings covering his body, this was the second wolf she had seen who had manipulated his coat. Unsure of what to say she simply blurted, “Ummm...a little help?” Friend or foe, she find out soon enough.

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Word Count :: 321 ¬.¬ Feeling guilty much ^^;

Expectations of having caught something were high and as the scene played out before him it became rather apparent that one of his traps had managed to catch something; only It wasn't quite the something he had intend to snare. Guilty hit his stomach hard, the desire to slink back and hide away, pretend he hadn't stumbled across the captured girl and feign ignorance to her situation, conflicting such desires were the engraved morals of right and wrong and he distinctly understood it wasn't of an Aniwayan or an canine for that matter, to leave a stranger in need, more so if they were in need because of his own careless actions. Hesitating for a second as he humoured thought of fleeing, the moon dyed male regretfully shifted his weight forward, bringing himself towards the girls on heavy legs. “Errm, okay” he responded lamely, glancing at the female, then the rope and back to the female.

Somewhat foolishly or maybe it could be viewed as a hunters naive mind, he had come only with himself, no knife or tools to aid him, leaving only the option to bite through the rope. A waste of good rope it would be, wasn't all that easy to get his hands on the stuff in the first place and he'd only been able to make a handful of such traps, reusing the rope each time. “Can you hold it taunt against the tree, I ain't got anything on me so unless you know how to disarm it i'm gonna have to bite through the rope” he instructed, feigning ignorance as to how exactly the trap got there or how it was constructed. Forest filled eyes flicked the the blood and the guilt in his stomach increased alongside the shame, the ability to tell the girl the truth completely left him, for how could he confess his crimes when his ignorance has so clearly damaged her?

Photo courtesy of KilljoyDivine

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WC:: 351 Teehee!

Palaydrian immediately took notice of the wolf’s tone, and this bothered her, but a beggar could not be chooser in this situation. She pulled the rope down with her left paw again, allowing the right paw some slack. She could no longer feel her paw and this worried her, but she assumed it was the upright position and the cutting off of circulation at her wrist, nothing else. “I mean...what the hell is this thing?” She asked, gripping the rope tightly and pulling it towards herself. The question was to nobody in particular, but perhaps this wolf had seen such contraptions before, and she also felt the need to make small talk. Her eyes drifted upwards and back to the lacerations on her wrist. The chocolate seal point fur was an inky black in a crude halo around her wrist. The rope itself had turned a dirty maroon shade where it wasn’t disappearing into her flesh. The golden femme let out an anxious whine, how had she allowed herself to get into this situation?

You’re a shifter too...” she said, more so a statement than a question, “maybe there is something sharp nearby you could use?” Her suggestion was for him to go off and find something. It was a risk, he could surely just walk off and not return, but she wasn’t so keen on the idea of having a male she barely knew so close to her with his teeth when she was in heat. The last time that had happened, she had almost been taken advantage of. In this position...she was clearly the victim again and didn’t know how she could fend off another able-bodied male without the use of her other paw. The golden femme gasped suddenly when a wave of electric pain coursed down her right arm. She gritted her fangs in a grimace, “Whatever you do, please do it fast,” she almost begged pulling harder down on the rope with her left hand to relieve any pressure left on her right.

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Word Count :: 486 Ignorance is bliss ^^;

“Hunting trap, typically meant for rabbits; first time i've seen someone actually get caught in one. You need to stop struggling and keep still now so it doesn't hurt you any more” he explained, white tail fell still behind him, head titled as his sight trailed along the length of rope to the girls wrist and back along it. It had been awhile since he'd set this particular one up, but with the right tugs and pulls he hoped it could be undone around her wrist so long as he broke the rope somewhere. A seconds indecision was shattered by the girls questions, the moon streaked male dipped his head slightly in consideration and acknowledgement at the same time. “I'll go look, try to stay calm. I'll be back once I find something” he promised, making a quick turn to his left he headed back the way he'd come, bulky form pushing through the foliage until he was out of sight.

Seating himself down he evened out his breathing and began to concentrate, willing for his limbs to change into that of his bi-pedal form, hands seeming a heck of a lot more convenient at such a time then sheer brute strength. As the change began his breathing increased in pace, limbs morphing into his desired form. Overall the process was easy, natural, something he did often enough that it was simply a matter of concentration and waiting for the shift to be other. Placing a grey hand upon the ground he pushed himself up to his feet, raising odd coloured arms above his head and stretching them out before allowing his eyes to roam the landscape, feet randomly directing him here and there as he sought out something that could possible work.

After awhile he deemed it a waste of time to continue looking; it wasn't the most impersonal or practical method but it would do. It was either that or he left her there and returned all the way to Aniwaya to get a weapon of sorts. Following his previous trail, he briskly jogged his way back to where the seal coloured woman and trap lay. “Couldn't find anything so i'm gonna have to bite through it” he explained, moving forward quickly in hope of being able to get things sorted swiftly. Moving his body close he placed a hand upon the girls waist to hold her in place, his other reaching out to grab the rope further along, placing his teeth in-between the space of his hand and hers he bit down and repeated the action a few times, the rope eventually giving way underneath the strength of his jaws.

With a fine bite, he snagged the rope free, stumbling backwards a few steps, hand releasing the woman in an attempt not to take her down with him. A throbbing pain exploded across his back as he landed straight out on the dirt.

Photo courtesy of KilljoyDivine

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WC:: 547 Oh boy haha!

A hunting trap for rabbits? Palaydrian was finding the wolves in these parts to be rather odd or at least hollow echoes of what Syliat used to represent. She wanted to explore her optime form more, but was unsure how...or more so scared after living such a sheltered life. Being feral, being a wolf felt more natural to her. But look at the mess that had got her into. The femme blushed at her obvious blunder. She sure knew how to make a fool of herself. She simply nodded and grinned through the pain when the tattooed male sauntered off. Once he disappeared in the underbrush she blew out a sigh of pain and relief. Her heartbeat started to slow down and she tried to heed the stranger’s advice and relax. Deep breaths Drin...in through the nose, out through the mouth.

A solid amount of time had passed and Drin was beginning to fear the worst. He’s definitely left me here for scavengers, she thought, suddenly getting angry. Her eyes threatened to well up in tears but she shook her head. Come on...stop trying to find the worst in everyone! She chided herself, shifting her weight and gingerly loosening her left handed grip on the rope. This only caused a new circulation of blood and fire to rush through her right arm so she tightened her grip again. “Dammit,” she sighed, but before she could feel any more sorry for herself, she could smell the male before her ears picked up his approach.

Drin failed at hiding her obvious awe in his optime form. His long grey hair and tribal markings had her blood burning. What is this? She questioned herself. Would every male have this affect on her? She’d only seen another wolf in his optime in these lands, but this was different. This was a wolf that she knew cared about his appearance, was truly an artist in dyes. She caught herself admiring his markings much longer than she wanted to admit before she deciphered what he was trying to tell her. He was going to bite through the rope! Her heart was pounding in her throat by the time his body pressed to hers, he towering a foot above her, and his warm hand on her waist. Something inside her stirred and didn’t want him to move away, but the burden her left hand was holding gave when when the male took on the slack himself and suddenly her right hand was free.

Feeling in her legs gave out and she found herself sailing towards him as he fell backwards. This couldn’t possibly end well. She let out a surprised squeal and was expecting a sound blow from the earth when her fall was cushioned by fur, by his fur! She attempted lifting herself up with her left hand she stared down at the stranger who she was now awkwardly straddling. Completely shocked and oddly excited, the female quickly rolled off and stood up to brush herself off. “I...I’m so sorry!” She murmured keeping her eyes averted as her wildy wavy blonde hair covered her blush filled face.

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Word Count :: 449 Hover for Cherokee translations

Born to Aniwaya it could be said he had an understanding of both optime living and lupus; often swapping between both forms himself, depending upon what the situation at hand required. When hunting he incorporated several forms of hunting styles, not limiting himself solely to his teeth and claws but branching out to traps and weaponry; mixing and matching as such made what could be seen as a more boring and tedious task more interesting and engaging. At least, that's what he'd been telling himself and using to justify his choice of mixed methods.

His small rebellion against his parents and pack had resulted in the moon coloured male wearing what the tribe may perceive as strange clothes; compared to the usual feathers in the hear stuff seen typically within the tribe and covering himself in complex designs which contrasted the body he was born with; to set himself apart from his twin and from his pack. Time had slowly allowed for him to learn the doing as such was foolish and stupid, but the designs had become a hobby and a habit and some clothing comfortable, still occasionally choosing to wear trousers every now and then.

Even as he fell to the ground, he felt a sense of victory, achievement and relief wash through him, easing away some of the guilt for the damaged he had inflicted upon the unknown girl. Scrunching his eyes closed he hissed a breath of pain, before opening them to see the girl following suit and landing upon him in a awkward straddling position. For a moment he just blinked, looking at hear rich earthy colouration, just simply looking at her without much coherent thought going on within his mind. The moment was brief and as if snapping back to reality things seemed to grow awkward, the lad unable to understand just what he was thinking or feeling, just that it was different and new, something curious he may wish to explore further possibly. Tugging lips back he arranged them into a grin, displaying his teeth in a non menacing way, pushing himself up of the ground slightly and propping his upper body up with his elbows, not feeling quite up to standing just yet.

When the apologies come he laughed briefly, “You sure do know how to greet a guy” the words flew out of his mouth, innocent and without any hidden meaning to them. Heaving himself up forward he crossed his legs and sat upright, flicking long grey bangs out of his eyes with a swipe of his hand, “Hows your arm?” he asked, green eyes narrowing in on where the rope was still attached. “Oh, and i'm Ahiga. Gadodetsa do?”

Photo courtesy of KilljoyDivine

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WC:: 483 I had no time this weekend to respond, sorry for making you wait!

Palaydrian’s limbs were on fire where they had touched the male, or in her case, straddled him. She felt very much so alive and alert to the situation. What were these emotions she was having? Why did she want to be on top of him again? Her tail kept twitching side to side as if it was beckoning the male to her rear. The embarrassment was not creeping away from her cheeks anytime soon. Her left hand nonchalantly glided down her back to hold her tail in place, almost as if she were trying to rest her hand on her hip, but the end result was palming her flag against her thigh. How can I possibly be thinking about...sex!? Her mind was racing and her palms were getting sweaty so she decided to take this chance to sit back down on the ground...at least her ass wouldn’t be wiggling anymore.

The tawny gold femme sunk to the ground a little ways in front of the alabaster male and returned his grin, with a more embarrassed version of her own, but she couldn’t help herself but laugh at his comment. “Did it work?” She teased before the question had even had a chance to form in her mind. Drin’s blush deepened, she couldn’t believe she had so carelessly tossed out a flirtation. She cleared her throat and quickly turned her bi-color eyes to her wrist to finally inspect the damage. Left hand gingerly pulled the blood matted fur away from the deep furrow the rope had created in her wrist. Her hand loosened the rope and she tossed it aside. She grimaced when angry torn flesh was exposed to the air without the shield of her warm grey fur, but she believed that was mostly due to the rope burn.

She held out her wrist to the stranger so he could inspect the damage before she replied, “a flesh wound...but it will heal in time. I should probably find somewhere to clean it out.” Drin was glad the bleeding had stopped, but anything could’ve been on the rope and she was more afraid of infection than anything else. She wasn’t a healer by any means, but she knew the basics and cleaning her wounds was a top priority.

The stranger named himself. Ahiga, she repeated in her mind and cocked her head at his following words. “I’m sorry, I’m still very new to these lands and I’m not sure what you just said, but my name is Palaydrian nonetheless,” she offered the green eyed male a smile. “And I could ask the same about your back,” she mused gesturing with a nod of her head before she tucked a few strands of her warm grey and chocolate highlights behind her ear.

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Word Count :: 354Sorry 'bout the wait and not my best post >.<

“Made a lasting impression, hope that's what you were aiming for” he responded, smiling brightly to the woman so that she would understand he was joking; or at least he hoped that was how his words would be interpreted. Female's were often like a foregin race to him, they intreguied him but often their mannerisma nd reactions confused the heck outta him. All jokes aside he winced slightly as she pulled the rope away from her write, a strong sense of guilt settled over him again, sinking his stomach and making the lad wish he could crawl under something and hide. Regardless of whether it was his intent to harm another or not, it was a fact that his ignorance had damaged the girl and now that the Nishant was aware of the fact he made a mental note to disarm all traps of which could lead to a similar situation.

Raising slowly to his feet he grasped the girls offered wrist, making sure to avoid the damaged area he inspected it briefly, the sense of guilt only deepening as he saw the damage that he had done. “You'll need to keep it clean, but it don't look all that serious to me. Then again, I ain't a medic nerd, so you'd wanna get it checked out just encase I guess?” although he was lecturing the girl somewhat, he felt compelled to tell her as such so that he could ease away some of the uncomfortable feelings that were invading him.

Thankfully the subject shifted away from her injury and onto his use of language. “I would be surprised if you understood me, for only those who have stayed with the tribe would really understand what I said I believe.” the smile returned to his face, sheepish and mischievous at his small show of language skills. “Palaydrian, it's a nice name. Unique; don't think i've heard such a name before” the compliment rolled from his tongue and once said it struck him how stupid it may have sounded to compliment her name of all things. “And don't worry about me. I'm not that fragile”.

Photo courtesy of KilljoyDivine

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Drin doesn't know how to be sexy lol.

Word Count → 300+

His comment only made her embarrassed grin grow, but she knew he was simply teasing. Still, she was mentally beating herself up over having walking into a rabbit trap, falling onto a boy, and now nursing a nasty injury. She definitely needed to be more on her guard, it wasn’t smart for a young wolf like herself to be walking around and not wary of her surroundings. Yet everything here was so new and the tawny femme was so curious...but look where curiosity had already gotten her. Drin let out a defeated sigh, but her spirits lifted when Ahiga gently took her wrist. Slivers of warmth snaked down her arm from his touch as she studied his face while he assessed the damage, but he didn’t hold on to her for long.

His manner of speech caused her laugh lightly, especially his comment on not being a nerd, but she liked how he talked. Ahiga seemed to be tough...it was probably the heat, but Drin found herself attracted to his bad boy attitude. She nodded in response deciding she’d ask him if there was a source of water nearby that she could wash up in just as he explained why she hadn’t originally known what he said. A tribe? She wondered, she was beginning to see that all the packs around here differed from the next. Her own home lands had been called a clan of the sorts, with a council of elders and everything, but hierarchy was arranged how it was in New Dawn.

Bi colored ocean eyes looked away from the alabaster male in slight shyness. “Thank you Ahiga, I’ve not heard one quite like yours neither, ” she said turning her gaze back to him as her left hand grabbed her hair and began aimlessly twisting it at her side. “And I’m sure you can handle yourself, as you’ve handle me so well,” the seductive forwardness of her comment caught her off guard it had just fallen out like word vomit. “You said you belong to a tribe...is that a pack around here?” Drin asked, quickly changing the subject and fighting back the sudden feelings of desire flaring up inside her.

Table credit goes to Raze! <3.

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