[m]Lost it
WARNING: This thread contains material exceeding the general board rating of PG-13. It may contain very strong language, drug usage, graphic violence, or graphic sexual content. Reader discretion is advised.

OOC junk goes here...

He was on the borders when the unknown shifter called out to him. Amber eyes lifted, glaring at the shadow that lifted a hand in his direction. Red blazes burned in the shadows face, serving as eyes. While the shifter approached Liam's hands curled into fists. They were on pack land, but the approaching shadow was unknown, an outsider. His lips curled into a snarl, a soundless growl rumbling in his throat. The shadow kept coming, becoming a threat to the pack, to Liam's mate and unborn pups. An outsider, -someone not privy to Liam's thoughts,- would only see a black furred canine approaching, a hand lifting possibly in greeting, maybe in a threatening gesture. Liam lifted a hand, but in warning. "Do not continue in your approach, or you will die."

A look of puzzlement crossed the strangers face, but in Liam's mind, it was a sneer. The stranger took another step forward. As if he were a spring released by that final fateful step, Liam launched forward, his hands extended. The stranger lifted a hand to protect himself, only to have the enraged madman grab the offending appendage and twist.

The butterflies whispered louder, drowning out the cackles of the shadow. "Kill him. Do it now. Protect them and serve us." Liam snarled again, biting down on the arm he held in his hands. The stranger was in fight or flight mode now, his choices being narrowed down to fight due to the iron-like grasp on his wrist. A hand lifted, black fingers digging into Liam's scalp, trying to pry the crazy male off. Liam's head lifted, taking a large chink of flesh with him, strings of blood following. He grinned at the shadow wolf, his eyes glittering wildly. He began to giggle then, a high pitched eerie sound.

The shadow's pained keening wails became louder as he kept trying to pull away from the male. His free fist connected with Liam's face, and Liam snarled as he lunged forward, sending the weaker male tumbling as his fangs found the throat they sought. A crimson spray of arterial blood spread as the larger male ripped and tore at the throat like the shadow was a prey animal. As his vision cleared, he began the task of gutting and cleaning the shadow. As before, the heart and liver he ate right there to gain the enemies strength. The fur was pulled away, exposing the flesh beneath. Liam began carving away the tender parts, the pieces that made the best jerky. The rest went direct into a hot fire to destroy the evil that had inhabited the form. The whole way he kept up a soft stream of chatter, speaking directly to his personal deities, the butterflies. A listened would hear a string of disjointed words, none of which made any sense when strung together.

He sat back as the corpse burned and the meat smoked on an impromptu spit over the fire. His bone scraper went over the back side of the hide, removing the excess flesh. He would work it for days, making the part that would be the leather side smooth. Because of the large size of the optime form, there was more than when the shadows had been taking the lupine forms. That was good. His method of tanning a hide was primitive and self taught, but he wasn't too bad at it. He had once made gifts of his furs. He kept these special furs for now, until he found a good use for them. He lost himself in the scraping, his muttered nonsensical word salad dying off.

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She had been trying to get the stupid crow to talk to her when the sounds of someone dying had reached her. Eyes glittering with excitement Amy crossed the lands, waiting for the entertainment the call promised. She was not disappointed. Amy leaned out, watching as a pack carpenter tore apart a black canine. There was no true beauty to the strikes, though there was power. Yes, there was that. Humming softly she waited until the canine was slain to step forward. Reaching the corpse she dipped her hand in the blood, lifting it up to taste the kill.

Not so bad. Could have been better, but the ritualistic movements at the end were the most entertaining. Amy didn't think she even entered his world, watching the fire be formed. The skin that was taken looked like it was going to make a beautiful pelt later on. Amy might not skin her kills personally, mostly because there was rarely anything left unstained and intact for her to remove, but she did appreciate the feel of the soft fur. The stream of nonsense began to slow down, a declaration that the rite was almost at it's end. Tingling from the sight she had watched Amy reached down, touching his shoulder. A good kill.
The butterflies whispered a warning just before her hand touched his shoulder. Amber eyes blinked, turning his gaze to the creamy furred canine. Amy. For a moment, he felt a stab of heat, and he released it, letting go. Her words were met with his trademark grin. "Thanks." Though his hands were still busy with the task of cleaning the meat off his pelt, his eyes were gauging her, wondering if she were also held to a vow of abstaining from inner-pack violence. After all, their last meeting hadn't resulted in violence, just annoyance on his part.

She wasn't all that bad, he concluded. He only hesitated a moment before speaking again. "Feel free to join me. I have some jerky and a couple canteens of water in my pack." Sometime after the violence but before the gutting of the corpse, he had shed the pack to get to his tools. Granted, the jerky was his own special (canine) jerky, rather than the typical venison or cow, but he never really thought it was important to explain. If asked he would elaborate on his beliefs, but as of yet no one had actually asked him.

Whether Amy joined him or not at his fire, his eyes would drift back to his task, gauging his progress and whether or not it was time to tent the hide over the fire as well to cure the freshly scraped side of the hide.
The smile that met her words was far more charming than she had expected. A grin full of triumph was more of what she had expected, instead of a simple smile full of pride at a task well done, the same as one seen when carving, or bringing a kill. What an odd being he was. She had known there was something strange, witnessing the ritual, but she had seen strange things in her life, many dark in nature. Amy simply accepted his oddities as fact, something to note and perhaps use at a later date if it ever became useful to her.

Stepping over to the pack Amy pulled out the canteens. Sniffing at the jerky she shook her head, passing it onto the working male. She didn't partake in canine flesh. Tasted bad. It was a nasty habit as well, rather brutal, lacking the elegance that Amy admired. She did take a drink of the water, enjoying the feel of the fire's warmth while the carcass was turned over the spit. A relaxing sight. Amy would have enjoyed it more if it was her kill, or at least more bloody, but it hadn't been. A shame. What was that ritual you performed? One for blessing the dead? Idle curiosity really, since she didn't care.

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