a stitch in time
- Character Name: Ehno Marino

- Character Birthdate (including year): May 1st, 2006

- Whether s/he is a regular wolf or a Luperci: Luperci

- Gender: Male

- Your e-mail: Kiri_RainShadow AT yahoo DOT com

- A secondary form of contact: See profile!

- How did you learn/hear about 'Souls?: I was a member previously~

Let's say he's approaching the TV border at the shore? And I got a bit rambly here, heh. WC: 561

The Italian wolf liked to think of himself as a man of the world. It was what made him depart from his homelands, favoring the unknown and what lay beyond it over the familiarity of home. It was what pushed him forward through Europe during the tough parts of his journey, the harsh winters and the lonely nights. It was what led him to boarding the ship manned by a group of Spanish wolves, despite the fact that he didn’t know their language. And of course, it was what caused him to get stranded here, on a continent he knew nothing about.

Ehno sighed, shouldering his bag as he continued farther along the coastline, hoping despite everything that if he kept this up, he would eventually see the familiar ship on the horizon coming back for him. Part of him was beginning to regret the split second decision he had made to help the sailors on their ship. It originally seemed like a brilliant idea, offering to work on the ship for them while in return he would be able to see all sorts of new lands, new cultures. He didn’t think it would turn out quite like this.

The stormy skies above combined with a wild sea had forced the sailors to choose between the raging sea and the rocky shoreline. After a bit of debate, they decided to head to shore, pick out the driest of the caves they could find along the shore, and wait out the storm. They had spent the better part of two days sitting together in one of the larger caves trying to keep themselves amused, while the rain and wind continued outside. When the sun finally began to part the sky’s veil of dark clouds, one of the sailors pulled a few bottles of rum from his bag, and the wolves proceeded to celebrate the end of the storm.

He wasn’t entirely sure how he had gotten left behind after that. All he could recall was that one of the sailors—The one who spoke a bit of English, he recalled with surprising clarity—thought it would be a good idea to set sail right away. The rest of his memory was a blur of hurried activity as they all prepared to board, though somehow he never made it with the rest. He blamed not the sailors for his being stranded, but the alcohol. Ehno knew there was a reason he didn’t usually touch the stuff.

The foreign wolf spent the last two days following the coast south east, hopeful that he might find the sailors ashore once more, now that the storm clouds were looming ominously overhead once more. His hope was beginning to falter, though, and he finally decided that if he didn’t see any sign of them by sunset, he would venture away from the coast and see if he could find anyone who could possibly help him get home. What scared him most about being stuck in these unknown lands was the possibility that he would never see his family again. His last minute decision to brave the seas didn’t allow him to visit his family, tell them how he was doing or what his intentions were. So, he was determined to find someone with a boat to get him home.

He’d build one himself if he had to.

Yay! Sounds good! Big Grin
wc 510

Everything had been crazy lately. It seemed like it had all started with the day that Noah got attacked by the wildcat. Scratches still covered her body from the encounter. It wasn't so bad. She had saved him, protected him from getting more hurt than he already had. It was the rage that had overcome her during the fight that scared her. The same rage that had taken over when she turned against Serge. Only this time she had gone farther. The onyx wolf had nearly killed the mother cat, she had only come to her senses a moment before it would've been too late. The Lacerta didn't understand that part of her. That part that was always lurking in the shadows, ready to break out as soon as her anger was provoked. She needed to learn to control herself, before she actually killed something...or someone.

But the biggest event causing the dark femme turmoil was what had happened to Naniko. What Conri had done to Naniko. The anger bubbled inside her at the mere thought of it. She wanted to sink her teeth into the red male's neck, to squeeze until he died, like she had almost done with the cat. He had beat her, and he had raped her, the person he was supposed to love most. While she was pregnant with his pups nonetheless. More than anything she wanted to hunt him down and make sure he never hurt Nani again, but she couldn't. Her friend was still very weak. She couldn't leave her. Savina made a dark promise to herself though. That one day, she would make him pay for what he did to Naniko.

The ebony female had been padding around the borders lately. Making sure no unwelcome guests made it into the lands. In her heart she knew that she hoped that Conri would be stupid enough to try and come back and she would get her chance. But so far no such thing had happened. Listlessly the wolfess was wondering close to the beach that was apart of the their lands when she smelled another wolf. Ears perked up and for a moment she thought she caught a familiarity in that smell. No, it couldn't be. Its impossible. Either way she would go find the wolf. They must not have realized they'd stumbled into claimed lands.

As Savina neared the border on the beach her heart jumped into her throat. At first she thought she must simply be seeing things, because it couldn't possibly be her brother before her now. He was shifted, and she had never seen him in that form. His scent was different, yet it still smelled like him. "Ehno?" The girl whispered quietly to herself. It was him. "EHNO!" Her accented voice yelled, running forward to him, her four paws shooting sand out behind her. As she reached him she jumped up on him, staring up at his face. "L'Ehno, è realmente lei?" She could barely believe her emerald eyes. How had her beloved brother come to be here?

Big Grin WC:411

He plodded on, one foot after another, amber eyes still intently watching the horizon. It was still just as empty as it had been an hour ago, two hours ago, two days ago. He stumbled a little in the softening sand beneath his feet, but he caught himself, regaining his balance. Compared to the past, Ehno was much more used to his fully shifted from. Back at home it was never necessary to change from the comfortable four-legged form, so it had taken quite some time to fully get used to. He had seldom shifted during his travels, preferring to remain as he always had. Yet lending a hand on that Spanish ship required that he change his ways, living in his fully shifted almost constantly. Without opposable thumbs, he was completely useless aboard the vessel.

The young male came to a halt, one foot half-heartedly kicking the sand in frustration. He looked to the stormy skies and down to the sea, searching one last time for the ship, as if there had been some place he had missed. But who was he kidding? The sailors were long gone, and with them, any chance he had of immediately returning home. It was high time he came to his senses and headed inland in search of food, shelter, and any signs of other wolves. He was tired, hungry, lonely, and as he began to think more realistically about his situation, he was becoming distressed. He would go crazy if he kept wandering the shoreline all alone.

Ehno was torn from his thoughts as a familiar shout rang through the air, followed by the sounds of hurried footsteps. He turned his head to the familiar voice—It couldn’t be her, right?—eyes widening in shock as he recognized the figure rushing toward him. It was his sister. But… how? As she jumped up to him, he instinctively pulled his arms around her in a hug, his mind a flurry of confused and excited and relieved thoughts. “Savina?! Che fa lei qui?” he choked out, pulling her close and fighting back tears. This was too good to be true, nothing more than a dream, wasn’t it? But it all felt so real. He pulled back slightly, turning his amber gaze to her jade one as if to determine if this was really happening. “Sì, sì, è realmente me!” Maybe if he kept talking, and kept believing, it would all turn out to be real.


wc 358

Tears streamed down the femme's face as her brother's arms embraced her smaller form. Could this be real? It seemed like it couldn't be more than a wonderful dream, but here he was. She was touching him, seeing him, his scent filled her nose. Savina had practically resigned herself to the fact that she would never see him again. Yet here he was, on the outskirts of her packland. The troubles of the past few days washed from her in that moment. Now she was just glad to have her brother back. "Che faccio qui? Che fa lei qui?" In the excitement of the moment Savina all but forgot the fact that it was weird she would be here as well. After all for all Ehno knew she had never left their birth pack, much less stowed away on a boat and ended up across the sea.

As the brown hued male turned his face to hers she stared into his amber orbs. It had to be real, there was no way this was just a dream. She nuzzled her ebony face against his, something she hadn't been able to do in a year. A sob escaped from her throat, her tears now flowing into his fur as well as her own. "Non ho mai pensato la vedrei di nuovo..." Sitting here, embracing Ehno in the sand at this instant, made her realize how much she truly missed him. And how much it would have broken her heart to never be with him again. They had always been the closest when they were growing up. And when he had left on his journey she had felt like a part of herself had gone missing. But now it was back. He was back. Here in her new home. Now it would be even more like home, because Ehno was here.

Sniffling she pulled her slender head away from his, a great big smile plastered on her muzzle, and softly licked his nose. "Oh Ehno l'ho mancata così molto." The sable girl nuzzled her head against his chest, his heartbeat filling her ears. "Per favore non mai partirmi di nuovo."

WC: 376

Seeing the tears fall freely down his sister’s face, it was hard for him to keep his own tears in check. Everything still felt too good to be true. He took in the sight of her, taking note of her familiar scent and the feel of her in his arms as if she may disappear at any moment. If this really was a dream, he didn’t ever want to wake up. A light-hearted laugh escaped his throat when she turned his question back in his direction. “…Forse era il destino che ha portato me qui,” he whispered quietly after a moment. What else would be powerful enough to bring the two siblings together so far away from their homeland? This dream-like event was too good to just be a trick of coincidence.

He instinctively hugged Savina closer at the sound of her sobs, nuzzling her back in a comforting gesture. All the anxiety he had felt moments before, when he thought he was stranded in a desolate land, had all just seemed to disappear as soon as she had first called his name. “Mi ho pensato quasi non la vedrebbe mai di nuovo sia, dopo che mie sono trovato conficcato qui tutto solo…” He didn’t want to think about what would have happened if he had been stuck in these strange lands forever. Not while she was here, really here, in his arms.

“L'ho mancata anche, Savina.” Her presence was what he missed most during the long year of his journey. At the beginning of his expedition, Ehno remembered catching himself looking around for her whenever he found something interesting she would enjoy seeing, or if he heard a joke he knew she would have a good chuckle about. He always told himself that it would all work out, that he would see her as soon as he returned home. Then, they could both share tales about their year apart and everything would return to normal. Never in his wildest dreams did he imagine this would happen. But he wouldn’t take being with her for granted anymore, not after almost getting separated from her for good. A sincere smile spread on his features, matching the one she wore. “Non la partirò di nuovo, prometto.”

wc 423

“…Forse era il destino che ha portato me qui,” It was so strange to hear him say that. The dark female had thought the very same thing about when she had arrived here and ended up at Twilight Vale. It had been amazing that she had survived the storm and found the way to land without the protection of a ship. The first pack she found had disappeared on her, forcing her onward to look for other wolves, and she had ended up here. She could hardly imagine not being here now. She had become so close to Naniko, and the pups. Even developing feelings for the cream wolf Kansas. It was like she was meant to come here. And now Ehno was here too. It must be fate, it was impossible that all of this was accidental. "Credo che lei abbia ragione il fratello..." She whispered back.

It felt as if they'd never been apart. That made her heart so glad. Sometimes she had worried, if when he returned he would be a different wolf than he had been. But he was the same Ehno, at least to her. And that was all the mattered. Just then she realized that he had no idea what all had transpired after his departure of the pack. He didn't know about Ghita. Or mother... Her heart sank at the prospect of breaking such sad news to possibly the only family she had left. But not now, not here. She wouldn't allow the joy of this moment to be tainted. Soon she would have to tell him, but not yet. “Non la partirò di nuovo, prometto.” That promise warmed her, heart and soul. The sable girl never wanted to be without her brother again. She loved him too much to risk losing him again. "Ringraziarla." she voiced softly.

Then she sprung up and lightly nipped at his ear, bouncing back and crouching down, like she used to do when they were pups. Ebon tail wagging around in the air. Then it came to here. Savina had to introduce her brother to Naniko! She couldn't wait for the two of them to meet. Or for Ehno to officially be part of the pack. "Venire su Ehno! Devo portarla al castello a incontrare Naniko! È l'alfa qui, ed un realmente buono amico." The slender female began to bound north in the direction of the mansion. After a couple yards she stopped and looked back at her brother with a glint in her emerald orbs. "Venire sullo slowpoke! "

WC: 446

Ehno smiled softly at his sister as she spoke. The more he heard the familiar voice, the more confident he became that this truly was his sister before him. His memories flashed back to a time over a year ago, when he and Savina were nearly inseparable. It had broken his heart to see her expression when he made it known that he wanted to go out and see the world. He would make up all that lost time with her now, in this strange land fate seemed to have picked out for them. Warm memories flooded his mind once more when she leapt up and nipped his ear, and he laughed softly at the action just as he did as a pup, his own tail wagging in response.

The male’s ears perked a bit at her words, an explanation for her actions as she darted off. A mansion? And an alpha? It was then that Ehno finally took more notice of the lands around him, picking up a scent that clearly defined the borders of a pack. His amber eyes studied his sister for a moment, his thoughts reeling. It hit him then, just what it was about her scent that differed from his memories: she was a part of this pack. Just how long had Savina been in these lands, living in this pack and becoming friends with the locals? “Non bene, lei te stesso è fatto realmente alla casa, ha lei?” he said, beginning to follow her as she eagerly headed north. He slowed as she came to a halt a yard to two ahead of him and he spotted that familiar glint in her eyes as she spoke. "Venire sullo slowpoke!"

A grin spread on his features at her good natured taunt. Slowpoke, eh? Did he sense a challenge? It wasn’t until he took another step forward that he realized he was still in his shifted from. How strange he must look to Savina, who had seen him in only his natural form back in their birth pack. Part of him was tempted to shift back right now and savor the feel of the soft sand on all four paws, but excitement held him back. He didn’t want to stop for even a moment now that he had been reunited with his sister. Maybe a part of him was afraid that if he paused now, she would keep on going and disappear. But he was confident now that this wasn’t some illusion. With the grin still in place, he darted after his sister to follow her to the mansion she spoke about. “Condurre la maniera, veloce un. Proverò di mantenere,” he joked.

We'll have Naniko jump in next. You can reply before or after that though, up to you! Smile
wc 333

Pink tongue stuck out at her brother. "Che? Lei mi aspetta essere alcuno eremita nelle montagne?" Savina smirked at Ehno's comment, poking fun back at her. In a split second she was off again, running towards the middle of the pack territory. She yelled coyly back at her chocolate hued sibling. "Lei dovrà provare con solo a due gambe sotto lei!" After giving herself a good head start she slowed her pace a little, making sure that he would indeed be able to keep up with her. That and she didn't want too much distance between them. There had been more than enough of that in the past year. Once he was officially accepted they would have to go out running for real, both in their lupine forms, just like they always used to. She wanted to show him the rest of the territory, especially the lake. Maybe they could go exploring outside of the lands together as well.

It wasn't too long until the Italian wolf reached the clearing where the great house stood. She stopped and waited for Ehno to fully catch up with her before proceeding forward. "Questo è la casa la maggior parte dei sonni di pacco in. Ci sono molte stanze dentro, dunque il suo che amando avere il suo proprio studio, ma tutti è realmente vicini." The sable girl explained while they neared the steps of the large human structure. "Oh! Ed il pacco è chiamato Vale di Crepuscolo." Deftly she bounded up the steps to the porch and through the door into the living room. "Naniko! Naniko come quick! You won't believe who is here!" Quickly she shifted her language back to English. It had been great to talk in her native tongue again though. Now she would always have someone around who could understand her when she spoke Italian. She shot a reassuring look at Ehno, letting him know there was no reason to be nervous. "Il Naniko è realmente meraviglioso, so che lei l'amerà."


She'd found the ladder, but getting it up against the house was a whole nother deal. Things made her more tired now, even though she was keeping food down and resting more. Naniko was used to doing what she wanted to do whenever she wanted to do it, so it was difficult when her body decided that it was time for sleep during weed-pulling or herb-sorting. But she was learning to adjust, taking small naps in the morning and mid afternoon to keep her energy up.

Someone was here? She lay sprawled over the sofa, four legs hanging over the edges of the cushions, but she lifted her head with interest when the third-in-command entered the house. Who could it be? They didn't usually get a lot of visitors, and she trusted that Savina would keep all unfamiliar wolves out, or in the borders while she spoke with them...so perhaps she knew this one. A returning packmate, maybe? With a shock she got clumsily to her feet, standing on the sofa for a few seconds and getting her balance before leaping down. Conri, maybe.

But...Savina was happy about this? It didn't make sense. Why would she be happy that he'd come back? Naniko couldn't see him, not yet. She could barely handle marking the borders still, the one place where his scent was strongest. Jade eyes widened as she came out to the porch, expecting to see the three legged hybrid standing there before her, then narrowed in slight confusion as she turned back to speak with Savina in a low tone. "Who..?"

WC: 392

Ehno enjoyed the slight breeze against his fur when he took off after his sister again, his two feet pounding hard against the ground in order to keep up with her four. Having never really run around in his optime form, the foreign wolf found the sensation strange and rather slow, if not a bit enjoyable in its own way. He still couldn’t wait until he found some time to settle and shift back his natural form. Running on four legs was something he had missed over the past month, being stuck on a cramped ship and fully shifted. He smiled at her words and continued to push forward, eager to catch up.

Before long he noticed his sister slowing her pace, and as he looked out across the clearing they had approached, he spotted the mansion. The large house was quite a sight to see, clearly not natural, yet something about it just made it seem like it belonged. The unfamiliar air about it reminded him slightly of his journey, and that adventurous part of him perked up at the thought of exploring the old building. He followed Savina up to the porch of the great house, amber eyes examining it closely while he listened to his sister inform him about the pack. He made a mental note of the name, and found it interesting that the pack resided here. The concept wasn’t entirely odd to him; he had seen much stranger things while in Europe.

He silently followed his sister up the steps of the porch, glancing around as she called out for the alpha. If she was as wonderful as Savina made her out to be, Ehno was sure he would enjoy meeting her. He smiled slightly as a white wolf appeared from within the house, looking him over for a moment before turning to his sister. He heard the hushed question she raised and decided to step forward to introduce himself. “I’m Ehno, Ehno Marino. Savina’s brother.” He offered the alpha a polite bow as he spoke. He came to a halt next to his sister and placed his worn bag on the floor. He smiled kindly at the snow-hued alpha. “And you’re Naniko, correct? It’s a pleasure.” The Italian accent was heavy in his words, indicating that he did indeed hail from the same land as Savina.
http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c73/p ... memory.png); background-position: center center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

She knew that in Conri's old pack they had lived in a place sort of like this, in human structures close to water...so it made sense that he would want to settle here. This territory offered them things that a lot of the others hadn't been able to. Guaranteed food, water, and shelter with the mansion and lake.

Naniko realized after a few moments that she probably wasn't appearing to be as friendly or forthcoming as she usually was and that she was letting her thoughts and emotions get the better of her, so when the male stepped forward and looked at her she put on a smile. She didn't want him to think that she was like this all the time, spacey and distant, because she wasn't.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be rude. I thought that she'd brought someone else I know, so I was a bit surprised, is all. It's great to meet another Marino--she did mention you a few times" Her heart was still beating faster than usual, even though she was sure that it wasn't Conri. "Yep, I'm Naniko. Pleased to meet you too. She did speak some Itallian, but it was a little broken...she wasn't sure if she should try it in front of someone new. Savina, maybe, if they were alone...but she wasn't sure about him yet. "It must've been a long trip--please, come inside."


I is Lawl Potato XD
wc 333

Her ghost white friend and leader slowly appeared, looking a bit bedraggled and confused. The Italian girl's heart sank whenever she saw Naniko like this. She blamed herself almost as much as Conri for what had happened. If she only would've woken up and heard something she might've been able to prevent it all from happening. Ears and tail lowered themselves a little, as much in sadness as in obeisance. Savina wanted so much for her friend to be happy again. Not that she blamed her at all for not being happy. The onyx wolf just missed Nani's happiness. When Ehno stepped forward to introduce himself her heart lifted once again. Part of her still wondered how it was possible that he was here with her now, but she knew better than to second guess it.

The Andromeda seemed to slip back into her old self, only partially, but at least it was something. The two year old really wanted to go and nuzzle the ivory female, but thought better of it. It might not be the best thing since Ehno technically wasn't part of the pack yet, even though he was her brother and not just some stranger. Naniko probably wouldn't have minded, but she'd still leave that for later. As they were invited inside she followed her leader with her brother at her side. "I found him over at the beach. I couldn't believe my eyes, I was certain I must have been hallucinating. But its really him." She could feel the tears start to well up behind her jade orbs once again, doing her best to hold them in. Her slender form brushed up against him, wanting to make sure he was still there. That one small part of her brain still fearing it wasn't true. She didn't want to have him too far away, for fear he would disappear. And the fact that they had been apart for a year, she wanted to make up for all that separation.

WC: 302

Ehno was comforted when Naniko returned a smile, as it seemed to brighten her. It almost appeared as if something was troubling her, and the smile seemed to wash part of it away. She still seemed a little distant, but he couldn’t be sure what it was that was bothering her. Had he perhaps interrupted something, or was it something he had done or said? As she offered an apology, another possibility struck him—maybe it was this “someone else” on the mind of the alpha, weighing heavy in her thoughts.

But the Italian boy pushed this train of thoughts from his mind. He was thinking too much into things, being nosey in his own contemplative way. “Oh, it’s not a problem at all,” said in response to her apology, a reassuring smile on his lips. He glanced quickly at his sister when Naniko mentioned that she had talked about him before, laughing a bit. “Did she, now? I hope she only mentioned the good things.” His smile now a small grin, he obediently followed the Twilight Vale leader into the house, snatching his pack from the floor.

He listened quietly as his sister spoke, noting the way she brushed against him slightly for reassurance. “I couldn’t quite believe it myself, either. It was quite a journey getting here, and I never would have guessed I’d find Savina in a place so far from home. I must have some amazing luck.” He smiled softly at his sister, incredibly grateful that he had the opportunity to spend his time with her again. As the three of them moved farther inside, his amber gaze wandered about the living room, taking in the sights of the furniture placed here and there which gave the room an inviting feel. “Quite a lovely home you have here.”
Switched back tables because that one was blinding me with its brightness :O xD WC: 505

Thankfully, the blood-stained sofa was facing away from the door. She always put a fresh sheet on it for each patient (she'd scavenged many sheets from an abandoned care center in Halifax), but most of the wolves that came here were in pretty bad shape and bleeding. Sheets didn't do much. But the couch was the easiest thing to put them on--it had a very high back, so even if there were others wandering around the patient could feel like they had a bit more privacy.

She had thought of putting up a curtain around the area, to block it off from view completely, but she had chosen her four-legged form at the beginning of her pregnancy and now she was stuck in it for the duration. So no hands or thumbs, and she had to look up at everybody. She wasn't even halfway through it, either.

Her light eyes did notice the contact between the two though it was slight, almost unnoticable while they came inside, and her tail wagged slightly. Yes, having family back together was always a good thing. For a while she had wondered if Savina was really happy here, or if she might change her mind about living in Twilight Vale and go to find her own way. Time had proven the female's dedication and loyalty, though, and Naniko now counted her as one of her most trusted friends. She only had a handful of really close friends, Pilot, Lucifer, and Savina. Dierdre had been a good friend of hers, but she'd been lost in the fire. And Conri...she didn't want to think about him, so she stopped the thought in its tracks.

Naniko looked to the dark wolf next to her, thinking. Having Ehno around obviously brightened things for the darker wolf; she was practically glowing with emotion and feeling. "Yes, only the good things." Of course, she hadn't mentioned how interesting Ehno looked. The patterns in his fur were very intriguing. She wanted to get a good look at him, but didn't want him to think that she was staring at him or examining him as one might do to an stranger. He was no stranger; he was Savina's family. He was pack. "Thank you" She said, lifting her head to look about the room. This place had really grown on her. "It gets even better with time. There are so many rooms, and there are probably some unexplored passageways that no one has found yet. It has its secrets, just like each of us."

She wondered if Savina had brought him to her so that she could meet him or if there was some deeper meaning to it. Perhaps he would stay. They always had room for more, and it would make Savina happier. "You're going to stay, aren't you? At least for a little while? The manor could use the company." Now a genuine smile stretched across her muzzle at the joke and the hidden meaning. "I would love to have you, if Savina agrees."


Ehno had to fight the urge to jump with joy at the current turn of events. When he woke up this morning, he half-heartedly took to the shores, guided only by blind hope that he would be able to find the ship, and one day return home. His luck had turned around, and in such a short amount of time he was discovered by his sister, had a tearful reunion, and was now standing in her new home. There was so much he wanted to do, say, and ask, but he would have to be patient. He knew the time would come for catching up soon. For now, he focused on the present. He listened again to the leader Naniko, feeling a bit of joy when he heard that Savina had spoken only of his good qualities.

He watched as the white wolf looked around the room, speaking of the mysteries of the great house. “I’d love to have the chance to explore it more.” He looked around the room once more, curious to find out more about the building, and the packlands in general. What he had seen thus far was beautiful. What more could await him beyond the old mansion? And what of the wolves here? The prospect of getting to know the locals held a sort of excitement for him as well. Yet the biggest perk to staying here would be living with his sister once more. But he would only really get that chance if he were allowed to remain here.

So when Naniko invited him to stay, the excitement was clear on his face. “I would love to stay here… and join the pack, if possible.” He looked hopefully at the pack leader. “You’d find it hard to get rid of me otherwise,” he said with a slight chuckle. Ehno then looked to his sister, sure that she would be delighted with him staying here. He had been reunited with his sister after one long year, and he didn’t intend to leave her side so quickly. They had a lot of catching up to do, so much to talk about. And the more he thought about it, the more he felt that it was time to settle in a pack again. It seemed as if that itch to go out and see the world had finally started to fade.

The girl's tail began to wag again as Naniko seemed to perk up more and more as the conversation went on. She gave her brother a warm smile after Nani confirmed that she had only said good things about him. Honestly she couldn't think of anything bad to say about him. They were so much alike, they had been each other's constant companions. Always running around, exploring, hunting, talking. She had never truly been the same once he had left. Things felt complete again. Her life felt complete again. Ears perked up as there was talk about the secrets of the mansion. The notion that the house was something that could be explored had never occurred to the ebony wolfess before. She was still getting used to thinking of humans things and structures in a more "normal" sense instead of some sort of fairy tale ideal. Perhaps Ehno and her could explore Haven Manor together.

Savina couldn't imagine that Naniko wouldn't accept Ehno into their pack, but still when she said that he could she almost jumped for joy. Her smile went from one side of her muzzle to the other, tail wagging furiously. A happy yip escaped her throat, she couldn't hold it in. "Of course I agree Nani!" The sable femme completely missed her friend's hidden meaning, too caught up in her own excitement. Looking up in her brother's amber eyes she jumped up on him once more, her whole face alight. "Ehno, oh Ehno! Welcome to our new home! I'm so glad you're here!" The sooty femme was practically bouncing around on her hind legs. Things were starting to turn around. The dawn was finally starting to peak over the horizon.


How many of the original pack members were left, now? Jazper was here, and Apollo, the two youngest...but most of the others had moved on. Naniko had lived in Clouded Tears for long enough to realize that people would come and go from the pack even if they had family there, even if they loved the lands, even if they promised their loyalty to their leader. It was something that couldn't be controlled. So even as she stood with these two, laughing and smiling, the thought was stuck in the back of her head. They said they would now, but even these two might someday leave.

She would stay here until there was not enough wolves to survive, until the pack was forced to disband due to lack of adults. When would that be? Months? Years? She hoped to live out her entire life here, to raise her children in the dream that she and Conri had thought up together, months before. Twilight Vale.

Everything seemed to be in order, so the leader nodded approvingly. "Welcome to Twilight Vale. There's not many rules...just keep an eye out for coyotes and hybrids around our borders. If you see anything you think if questionable, come get me...or howl for me. I'll hear you." She gave a nudge to Savina then, just beneath the chin as she passed her, heading for the stairs. She was going to get that playpen downstairs while she still had this distraction fresh in her mind, instead of the thoughts of Conri that kept creeping in.

Welcome to 'Souls!

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___1. Make your first IC post within five days.

___2. Update your profile with a bit of background information on your character.

You can also start saving up Word of the Day points toward titles and icons and cool stuff. Check out the Open Threads and Thread Requests forum for people looking to roleplay. You can post random out of character chat in the OOC Garbage with us, too.


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