[M] Insides on the Outside
WARNING: This thread contains material exceeding the general board rating of PG-13. It may contain very strong language, drug usage, graphic violence, or graphic sexual content. Reader discretion is advised.


WC:: 1213 - I really wanted the 'Over 1000 word count' points lol - OOC Mature theme involved - Torture. Set during late afternoon. Points - 10 + 12. Specialization Thread - 'Torturer Is skilled in giving pain, and is interested in coming up with new ways to interrogate others.'

It seemed that a lot of the other Anathema pack members had companion animals with them. Kai had seen birds, horses and cats freely roaming around the lands and dens. It had never been something that he had been used to - his own pack had never been much in favour of mingling with lower species, let alone keeping them as friends or pets. It was a way Malakai enjoyed. It was also down to his own pack that he spent so little time in his Optime form, more of a habit he guessed though. Though, after a run-in with a fellow pack members pet cat, it had got Kai thinking about these smaller creatures and just how prevalent they were in these parts. He knew of low-speak but didn't practise it himself, having little interest in conversing with the creatures, wondering if they would even have anything of value to say.

As Kai trotted in his Secui form, away from the civilization of the dens towards the forests, he caught a scent heavy on the air. Slowing, he lifted his muzzle high and inhaled deeply, before he icked his jaws. Rabbits, and lots of them, scurrying about in broad daylight without a care in the world, it seemed. Weren't they worried about what might be out hunting them? Stupid little creatures. They would know soon enough what was hunting them. His keen eyes scouted the ground for signs of their tracks, his nose nestling about in the leaves and grass that covered the ground before he felt a rumble of a growl resonate from within his chest. And so, following his nose, Kai trotted further into the woods, stopping every once in a while to listen, his ears pricking when he heard their movements, until eventually, he spotted not just one, but a dozen of the animals. Malakai sank low to the ground, his dark fur helping to hide him from them. He was already downwind, something that worked in his favour, and made a sadistic smirk widen over his features.

He watched for what seemed like an hour but was in fact closer to only a few minutes, as the rabbits hopped about idly, totally unaware of the fate that would soon befall them. Their cozy little world would be shattered by the brute, and he would gladly tear them apart. The sun was lowering in the sky, casting an orange hue where the sunlight permeated through the canopy of the forest, and slowly, a spear of light fell upon Malakai's still and silent form. Surely the stupid creatures would spot him, waiting there, for precisely the right moment to strike. But they didn't stiffen, didn't bolt as they rightfully should. Instead, they continued oblivious to the predator that lurked nearby. When a couple of rabbits approached his position and began innocently nibbling on some of the lush greenery, Kai could wait no longer and suddenly, the idylic woodland became a chaotic battleground of speed, agility and wits. His muscles bunched as he pounced upon the small animals, immediatly sending the colony scattering. The majority all darted towards their nearby warren, but the two that Kai had his eyes on were unfortunate not to make it there.

One front paw swiped at the one to his right, knocking the animal off its feet and sidelong into a heavy treetrunk, its small body spasming a few times before it went limp. The second was quick, but it could not hope to outrun the snapping of Malakai's powerful jaws. With his enhanced speed given his Secui form, it had no hope from the start. As his jaws locked around the rabbits' body, his body skidded to a stop, his head shaking violently from side to side, holding the creature like a vice in a steel trap. It let out tiny, high-pitched squeals, telling of its peril, but there was none around to translate. He could have easily killed the animal then and there, but as he felt the rabbit's hind legs kick out, hoping to perhaps dislodge itself, something was triggered in the black male. It had such power in its muscles, he could feel it, and surely it had speed. It would have outrun many things, but today was not its lucky day. Kai wondered why these powerful hind legs had so fatally let it down today. And so, shifting into the form he so rarely used, his Optime form, he slowly rose onto two legs and plucked the rabbit from his jaws. It still wriggled and squirmed, hoping for a last-minute reprieve, but as he held it aloft before him, Kai inspected the bloody little rabbit, not as a prospective meal, but as a collection of parts - bones and muscles and tissue and organs.

Gripping the rabbit by the fur at the back of its neck, Kai walked a little further into the woods, until he found something of a clearing, and a fallen tree. It would do as a workbench. Pinning the creature down onto its back upon the fallen trunk, Kais grip now around the short neck, Kai glanced around near him for something he could use. When he spotted a small but sharp-edged rock, he grinned, and looked down to the wriggling animal. "You're going to be my first, my test subject. You're going to show me all of your insides..." His eyes burned like hot coals and without pause or hesitation, he used his free hand to pull hard on one of it's hind legs, feeling the bone snap, before doing the same to the other. He wouldn't have to worry about escape. Using the sharp edge of the rock he picked up, he slit his way down the belly of the animal, taking quite a few goes to cut through its fur. The squeals only drove him on, and when blood began to matt the animals' fur, the scent did the same. He kept the rabbit alive for as long as he could, tossing the stone aside once it had done its job, prefering to use his hand to dive inside the opened belly. He even felt it's tiny heart race against his finger before it gave up. It thrilled him so utterly and fascinated him intensely. Each time his hand emerged, it pulled with it inner organs that glistened in the weak afternoon sun. Intestines, stomach, bladder, all were torn free and laid upon the trunk alongside their owner, before Kai did the same to its small lungs and heart. His eyes cast over them - now he knew what lay within the animals belly, but it would take far more research in working out which caused the most pain when attacked. At least he knew general anatomy now. Lesson learnt.

Not expecting anyone to come nearby, Kai didn't mind much that he was in his Optime form and had no clothes on or with him. He would return to his den in his Lupus form so had no need for any. But he would need to wash the blood from his black pelt at some point and so took the decision to leave the dead animal where it was, spread open and empty of its contents, in favour of finding a stream perhaps.

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</style>Thanks to Cait for the table, Sig by Me!
<style>@import url(http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Uncial+Antiqua);</style>Axelle Napier
Word Count :: 602 || Points: 5 Your post made me nauseous, I hope your happy >.< ; Slight PP on him looking up after she attempted to shoot him in the head xD

The faint scent of blood drew the Marbas' attention away from her current activity. She was on the outskirts of the forest mashing up her shroom ‘goop’. It was definitely blood, but she couldn’t tell from what it was coming from. Something that used to be alive, she guessed stupidly as she packed her ‘goop’ into her bag, using just the bowl and hopefully keeping it upright enough not to spill. She could see herself licking it out of her bag later to get a good high. She giggled to herself imagining it. Desperate times.

When everything was packed, she took the crossbow that was once slung on her back and crept into the forest. She did start off with less care for sound, as she wasn’t even close to the scent, but when the scent became stronger, she began to creep around, aiming her weapon at anything before her. The smell grew stronger and stronger with every few steps, until she found the source. She saw a gutted rabbit lying empty on a fallen tree. She aimed her crossbow in all directions, making sure the culprit wasn’t around. The forest around her was empty, so she lowered her weapon and crept over to the massacre. The rabbit was totally gutted, and still twitching. Axelle picked the creature up by a broken leg and held it away from herself. Seeing how it had no heart, it must’ve been nerves making it twitch. She dug a small hole near a tree and buried the creature. She had a weird respect for rodents that weren’t used for food. She believed that if she buried them, another would be born soon to replace the wasted meat.

She left the entrails on the tree for food for the birds and owls around. Those could not be helped. She wouldn’t eat them herself; she preferred wolf heart over any other heart, and maybe elk heart on occasion. There was a faint scent of another in the area, and she didn’t recognize the scent as anyone in Anathema. Either that, or they were so new and the scent didn’t rub off on them yet. She continued to pursue the scent, letting the aim of her crossbow lead the way. The scent trail took her to a nearby brooke where she saw a dark-furred wolf crouched over. He didn’t look like anyone she had ever saw on Anathema lands, and so she shot. Her finger pressed down on the trigger, and a sleek arrow flew through the air, cutting into a tree trunk next to the unknown male’s head. From the sound of the arrow hitting, he turned and she saw his face. Malakai.

The male was in Optime form today, a form she had never seen him before. Axelle growled in frustration, and marched toward him to retrieve her arrow from the tree. A hard tug freed it, and she turned to face him. ”Was the rabbit your doing? She didn’t wait for an answer, and moved passed him taking a place next to where he was crouched over the brooke. She did the same, putting her weapon and bag carefully to the side of her so that she could splash some water on her face. When she was done and her face was good and wet, she looked up at him, ”Sorry.” She actually said it in a kinder voice to him and looked him in the eye to prove it. She didnt want to be, but if she did shoot him, she would have killed a pack member and felt terrible. She hated killing anything without a purpose.

Image courtesy of Pure-Poison89

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WC:: 587 - OOC Hehe, sorry about that. Points - 5

The instant Kai had turned away from the bloody scene and it had left his field of vision, he had lost all interest in the animal. It had served its purpose and so he would leave the remains for the scavengers. Heading off in search of some source of water to clean himself up in, he caught the scent of other rabbits nearby, though was sure they would all be cowering in their warren. Kai didn't blame them, not after the fate that had befallen two of their kin. He retraced his steps and eventually came across the other rabbit he had attacked, still lying where he had left it at the foot of a tree trunk, its small chest fluttering as it paniced. Picking up the animal, he gave it a look over - he couldn't see any obvious injury. Perhaps he would keep this one for further research. It was still alive but wasn't capable of much movement.

Carrying the rabbit, Malakai walked through the forest, looking for signs of water, before eventually coming across a small stream. Perfect. Laying the animal down, feeling it shake and tremble as his breaths raced, Kai bent over the water and dipped his hands into the cool, refreshing water. He then continued to splash water up his forearms, rubbing his fur with it, before splashing his face, washing the blood and dirt from his form. Squating, balancing on the pads of his feet, he had no idea that there was anyone else in the area. Gazing down into the babbling brooke, the sound was relaxing. Moments ago, he had pulled apart a rabbit and now, he was sat by the side of a stream, reflecting on life, though he was sat next to a second bunny, paralysed.

However, the calmness that the forest had once more settled into was quickly broken as Kai heard a twang noise, followed by a whoosh and then a deep thump not far from his head. Instantly, his body crouched, ducking for cover before he lifted his head to see the arrow vibrating where it had buried its tip into a nearby tree. Snorting angrily, Kai turned his head to find the culprit and to his surprise, they marched right towards him. And it wasn't at all who he had expected to see. The female with the cat.

Once he took in the sight of her as she pulled the arrow from the tree, he let out a growl, though it was more for show that in actual aggression. He replied to her question about the rabbit, quikly lettning his familiar dark smirk ripple over his jaws. "Yeah. Research." Not the most descriptive of answers, but it would invite the female to volly back the conversation, making her make the effort. Another example of the power he liked to exercise over others. However, as he turned his head to lock eyes with her, and he heard the females apology, he saw the sincerity in it. She hadn't apologised because she felt she had to, but because she had wanted to, something Kai wasn't entirely used to. And it threw him for a few seconds. The arrogance, the smugness, the darkness in his faded for that instant and he offered her a nod in return. "I should be thankful that you're an awful shot. The darkness in his returned quickly, as he jerked his head towards the second bunny, its breaths rapid as it lay next to him. "This one is for research, too."

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<style>@import url(http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Uncial+Antiqua);</style>Axelle Napier
Word Count :: 330 || Points: 3 Ooc.

Axelle sat, crouched by the water, her too balancing on her pads. She caught the tail end of what he was saying, and snorted, ”What a waste.” She didn’t mention anything about how she ‘disposed’ of the former carcass. He wouldn’t understand her ways, and she didn’t feel like explaining them to him. She cupped her hands and dipped them into the stream, bringing some water to her lips. She lapped it out of her hands, and when she was done, splashed the water back into the brooke. ”I am not a bad shot, in fact I’m a very good shot. I just missed because it was a warning shot, intentionally missing rather than yelling at you.” She hated yelling, she was more of an action girl, ”I’d rather just shoot at trespassers; it’s more fun.” An entertained smile stretched across her lips and she beamed up at him. Surely, he could take being almost shot by a female.

She crab-crawled a few more feet away from the water, dragging her stuff carefully with her. ”Well, make sure you feed that one,” she nodded towards the twitching, paralyzed rabbit with her nose, ”to somebody after you’re done with it.” She rummaged through her bag, and was relieved to find her ‘goop’ was still upright. She wouldn’t have to lick it out of her bag after all. She carefully took the bowl and masher out and began mashing it again. ”Or give it a proper burial,” she mumbled mostly to herself as she mushed the drugs in the bowl. She wanted to get high, but now was not the time.

When the mashing was complete, she set aside the bowl, closer to Malakai, and tended to her crossbow. She stuck the arrow in the underneath slot and laid it back on the ground. Then she sat back and looked up at him, ”So, where does the name ‘Malakai’ come from?” She figured she should learn a thing or two from her packmate.

Image courtesy of Pure-Poison89

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WC:: 365 - OOC Points - 3

Kai seemed to take offence to her 'waste' comment, and he snorted in return, but it was her words about her shot that really caught his attention. She claimed she had missed him on purpose because it had been a warning shot, not intended to hit him. "So you thought I was a trespasser, someone who didn't belong on Anathema lands, someone who had intentionally crept over the pack border and started mutilating animals... Did it not occur to you that, perhaps firing your weapon in my direction but intentionally missing would only serve to piss me off and make me more likely to attack, if I were a trespasser?" He glanced down to the weapon she laid down, watching as she attached the bolt to it expertly. It was clear she was competent with it. "You'd have been better to aim for my leg, at least that way if I WAS an angry trespasser, I wouldn't be able to make much of an aggressive attack.

Kai glanced to the side, to the female as she began investigating something or other in her bag, answering her comment about either giving the rabbit to someone or burying the remains once he had finished with it. "Once I'm done with that one, you are more than welcome to it, Princess." Malakai smirked, certain she would reject the idea and probably find it more than a little disgusting. "And as for my name, I believe it came from my parents." He spoke matter-of-factly, though there was a hint of sarcasm within his tone - where else would his name come from? He knew what she had meant, but in truth, he had no idea about the origins of his moniker. As his eyes watched the female, he couldn't help the curiosity the built within him when he saw her digging around in that bag of hers, until she pulled out the bowel and began mashing whatever was contained within. "Didn't think you'd be a 'potions and lotions' type of girl..." His nose lifted a little as he sniffed the air and caught a whiff of the mixture, causing his muzzle to screw up a little. "What is that?"

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<style>@import url(http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Uncial+Antiqua);</style>Axelle Napier
Word Count :: 511 || Points: 5 Ooc.

She remained in her relaxed position, despite her tension as he questioned her actions. ”All the more for it to become the excitement of my day. If the attacker would become highly aggressive and in turn come after me, then I would shoot him in the leg- THUS giving me a better shot as he uselessly came towards me.” Noticing that Malakai gave this too much extra thought, she smiled evilly. ”Wanna act it out?” As she said this, she grabbed her crossbow with one hand while still looking up at him with a mischievous smile. When she didn't get the answer she was hoping for, she let go of her weapon and looked away, resuming to search around uselessly in her bag for nothing at all. It was just to make it look like her mind wasn’t really on the conversation because she was looking rather pathetic right now due to her horrible attack sequence.

Her nose crinkled as she thought about another gutted, wasted rabbit. ”Thank you, my cat will gladly pick at it.” She was sure it wasn’t the answer her was expecting, which was why she said it so politely. She wasn’t exactly positive that Frex liked to eat rabbit, but he ate mice… So rabbits were basically enlarged forms of mice. He’d have food for a few more days.

She tsked and shook her head disapprovingly, ”Oh! You know what I meant!” She looked up at him smiling. It seemed with every encounter she felt like she hated him less. Now it was more of a competitive thing where she wanted to make sure she appealed to him, but didn't want to throw herself at him like she did with some. She viewed those males as a 'fling', and so throwing herself at them for a quick fuck wasn't defeating the purpose; but she secretly hoped Malakai would stick around so she could study him more. She stopped rummaging, feeling a little less tense around him, and relaxed again. When he seemed curious about her ‘goop’, she shot him a sarcastic answer right back, ”Drugs.” She looked over at the bowl and noticed that it looked more clumpier than it did a few minutes ago, so she grabbed it and began mashing again. ”Hallucinogens. Poisonous mushrooms to be exact.” She was pretty good at making her ‘goop’ too. She knew exactly how mashed it needed to be to achieve the ultimate trip. ”Care to try some?” Perhaps she would get high today after all. She wanted to know what he saw on the drugs. She always saw weird shit- slow flying birds, perverted trees, diamond water, furry rocks- but she wondered if he would see floating bunny organs and cat eyeballs or would rotting rabbit carcasses chase him? She chortled, trying to stifle her laughter because he would probably ask what it was that she was laughing at. The image of flying cat eyeballs was just too much. With wings! Axelle burst out with laughter, and peeked up at him out of the corner of her eye. Shhh...

Image courtesy of Pure-Poison89

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WC:: 596 - OOC Points - 5

Malakai's whole world was based upon competition. Being born at the same time as his brother, it had started in the womb of his mother, fighting Rafael for space, for the right to emerge into the world first, and had continued during their childhood. Kai and his brother had battled constantly though their parents had encouraged it when they were small, as the males grew, it became more intense and it wasn't just playful wrestling anymore. Kai always wanted to be one up on his brother, proving that he was the better of the pair and it had culminated in the murder of Rafael and Malakai's banishment from his own pack. It was that fire, that constant need to butt heads with another that often drove him, and as this female squated over the stream like he did, he realized that she allowed him to do that. She had an answer for everything, as he did, engaging him in this verbal spar, trading blow for blow with him. She hadn't backed down, hadn't shrugged off the challange he offered her, the challange he needed, and it excited him.

A slow smirk drifted over his muzzle as he mentioned acting out the scene she had described but he all but ignored the comment, this realization of what she could offer him buzzing around his head. Many took his constant smart-ass answers as arrogance, and while it was of course true that he was an arrogant creature, the need for a challange only served to enhance it. And once more, when she thanked him for the offering of the rabbit when he was done with it, his smirk spread though he didn't answer. It had simply proved his thoughts were true - Many would have turned their nonses up at it and turned away, disgusted. That was the reaction he had expected, the reaction he had hoped for, but she, like him, seemed to have this fire within her, this spark, this need to battle another, even if was only during a war of words.

It was only when the female mentioned the contents of the bowl she was mixing the contents of, that he returned the conversation. She had offered him some of the concoction, and Kai suddenly and without warning, felt a flush of panic flood him. Drugs had never been on his radar before - he knew of their existance, of course, but he had never tried them before. He had never had the need to. Now, how to proceed... Did he agree to trying the mixture despite his lack of experience or knowledge and hope not to let the female know of his nievity, or did he admit to her of his weakness, that he didn't know what he was doing with the stuff? He tried to hide it, but his eyes fell from the bowl as he shifted from balancing on the pads of his feet, to more of a sitting position, landing backwards on his backside, snorting a little. "I was always taught not to take treats from strangers... Why would I start now?" He injected as much sarcasm into his voice as he could, but it was all bravado now. This was Kai out of his comfort zone and he didn't like the feeling. He didn't want to look weak in front of this female, especially in front of this female, but the truth was that, while he didn't mind carving up innocent animals and pulling out their insides, what the female offered him in that bowl scared him a little.

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<style>@import url(http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Uncial+Antiqua);</style>Axelle Napier
Word Count :: 355 || Points: 3 Ooc.

It seemed that the shroom ‘goop’ made Malakai uneasy. He stared at it for a while, and didn’t act the way a normal druggie would have- which they would have eagerly went for the bowl’s contents. Malakai looked uneasy, like he was trying to find a way around the liquid. Axelle sighed loudly, ”I was hoping to get high today, but I see that’s not happening.” She sounded kind of annoyed, but she brushed it off quickly. She felt the need to persuade him, so she tried, ”It’s safe, provides good trips- I’ve never had a bad one yet.” It was good to know the chances of being chased by the devil or something equally scary, ”It makes you see weird shit, fun weird shit.” She never had a dull moment when she tripped on poisonous mushrooms.

She looked expectantly up at him. Either he would take the challenge, or he would not. She wouldn’t judge him either way, but drugs would make his life more fun. She reclined back on her elbows looking up at him with an sparkle in her eye. ”You interest me, Mala.” She purposely shortened his name, taking point of the word ‘mala’ in Spanish, from the few words she knew, meant ‘bad girl’. She smiled, keeping that bit of information to herself for later use of maybe throwing it at him for a tease.

That was it. She made the first step towards actually showing interest in him. Someone had to break the ice, and sooner or later he would notice that she was always around him as much as possible. Might as well have put something out there now. She continued to look up at him with skeptical eyes that studied his. They looked right into his soul, trying to read what was inside. From what she could tell, it was things that she liked. Maybe he would be the one to show her that males aren’t all the same. He had all the attributes that attracted her, but she didn’t know what more he had deep down inside of him. That information she would have to dig for.

Image courtesy of Pure-Poison89

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WC:: 652 - OOC Points - 5

As Kai averted his gaze from the mixture contained within the bowl, he heard her mention the trip, the effects of the drugs. They had never been his sort of thing and so he had never tried them, but that wasn't to say that he wouldn't do so, in the right company. Kai was not closed to the idea of trying new things. Quite the opposite, however he hated showing any sort of weakness, and in this case, his inexperience with the stuff was his weakness. His curiosity was tugged at by the prospect of these visions she talked about, and according to the female, they were only good ones in her experience. But what if Kai saw bad things? What if his visions were nightmares? He had enough darkness within him for that to be a distinct possibility. He did notice, however, that the female sounded keen on him joining her on this trip. Malakai wondered why that was, and as he pondered a little more upon it, he heard her final comment.

His eyes quickly lifted to find hers as she reclined back rather leisurely, a look of puzzlement swimming beneath his own gaze. But that wasn't the only thing there. If she looked closely, she would see the same echoed back towards her, the fact that she interested him. Of course, the fact that he was still on that bank, talking to her, would tell her that much. If someone didn't hold Kai's attention, the dark male would simply leave. Why waste time with those that bored him? No, this female was different. There was something about her that he couldn't pick out, but it definately drew him in.

He did notice the name shorten, and after a long moment of simply gazing at her, his eyes narrowed slightly as he tried to decypher exactly what it was that pulled him in, he finally let out a deep snort, his words heavy and thick, like dark treacle. "If you're going to drop half my name, Princess, then at least drop the right half..." The male slowly stood, only to take a few steps towards her, moving to face her now, crouching down into the same position as he had been before, on his haunches, balancing on the pads of his feet, forearms resting upon his thighs and knees. But now, he was only inches away as she leaned back. "Kai." His eyes pierced into hers, looking into her as she had looked into him. He had given her permission to call him Kai, not something he allowed others to do freely - only his family and close friends had been given such an honour before.

As he stayed there, watching her, he could feel the tiny sparks of electricity in the air with the gap between them so greatly reduced. He had felt a brief instant of it when Kai had given her the impression he had eaten her cat companion but now, it was much more tangible. "You interest me too, Axelle." The use of her proper name was not something he had done too much when talking to her, but it felt proper to do so now. His gaze lingered upon hers for another moment or so before he broke it and glanced to the bowl. "I didn't think you'd be the type to need someone to hold your hand, why don't you just take the stuff yourself if you're so keen on getting high tonight?" The bravado talking once more, the verbal sparring, but he had to admit, he wanted to try the stuff she offered. "You say it's safe?" He was obviously considering taking the mixture. "I'll be honest, I've never taken anything like that before. I don't know what to expect." The fact that he had told her of his inexperience, shared his weakness with her was another major breakthrough for the arrogant male.

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</style>Thanks to Cait for the table, Sig by Me!
<style>@import url(http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Uncial+Antiqua);</style>Axelle Napier
Word Count :: 560 || Points: 5 >Big Grin

When the dark brute closed distance between them, Axelle could feel her heart pound a little harder, though from excitement. The butterflies were getting restless in her stomach, and she smiled at him. She wanted to pull him down next to her, but she didn’t. There wasn’t enough sparks between them for that gesture to work just yet. The words he spoke were always so challenging to her ego, but she didn’t let it bother her too much, ”Fine. I like Kai better anyway.” She made his harsh words look like a joke as she answered with such kindness and ease. They weren’t meant to challenge him right back, and they were more matter-of-factly than anything. Though, the fact that he kept calling her “Princess” bothered her a bit. If anything, she was far from a Princess, she was a Queen. ”Stop calling me Princess. I have a name; why don’t you call me by that?”

The fact that he actually did in his next sentence surprised her a bit. Since the ice was broken, it was now easier to show some affection towards him. She found one of her hands sneaking towards him, going to touch one of his furry arms. Her fingers lightly raked against his forearm before dropping, and going back to holding her up. Damn hands, always touching people without my permission! She thought it quietly to herself when she realized what she was doing. She wondered how he would react to her little violation of his personal space.

She didn’t let it sit, awkwardly, however. As he next asked her about the poisonous mushrooms, she quickly began explaining it to him. ”It’s always fun to bring someone along for the trip. The other person adds to your high, and they look just as funny as everything else does.” She remembered her time with Jace, and how the perverted tree winked at her. And then her other time with J’adore… Oh, wait. No, that was a dream. It was still equally realistic, though. ”I wouldn’t get high with you here not being high with me. If you weren’t going to get high with me,” she said it like she was sure he would, ”…then I would just get high in my den later.” It sounded like he was tempted to try it with her, and that excited her to no end. She smiled bigger now, explaining a bit more. ”Well, if you were to get high with me now, all you would need to do is clear your mind of any doubt or negativity- don’t be afraid.” She eyed him knowing that he would never admit that he was, but he would probably have a bad trip because of it, ”It’s VERY important that you don’t take it with a negative mind- but, anyway, then you will take a sip of the ‘goop’,” she pointed her nose to the bowl, ”and no more than a sip since you’re a first timer, and then you’ll relax until you start seeing weird shit. NEVER be afraid of anything you see!” She was never afraid of anything she saw, just offended by the tree- but that was quickly solved as she shattered his face with a bowl she threw at it. Coming back from her thought, she looked up at him with a serious face, ”You down?” This would be fun.

Image courtesy of Pure-Poison89

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WC:: 507 - OOC Points - 5

As the female complained about always being referred to as 'Princess', Kai let a slow, lazy smirk drift over his features - it annoyed her, and he took it as a victory. A tiny, totally insignificant one, but a victory none the less. It was however when her hand drifted that much closer to his, that his eyes cast downwards for just a second, before she felt her nails drag through the short fur on his forearm, only to pull back. Kai let his gaze once more find hers and that smirk deepened, however it quickly faded when talk moved onto the goop.

He listened closely as she spoke about the high, about the effects, about doing it with someone else, and he nodded in understanding. When Axelle mentioned about clearing his mind, he snorted a little, as if to say that of course he would have no problem in doing so, that he could do anything if he set his mind to it, and that of course he wouldn't be afraid, but in truth, he worried that he couldn't and that he would fear what he saw. Trying this was clearly a big deal for him, and there was no way he couldn't doubt things or worry about it. Malakai was clearly considering his options - he didn't want to back out and make this female think of him as weak but then again, this was not within his comfort zone. Ultimately, the fear of humiliation for not taking part was greater that the fear of the experience itself and so finally, he offered the female a slow, firm nod. In his eyes now, she would see trust. He didn't know what he was doing when it came to this, so he had to trust her to guide him through it. Putting himself in someone else's care was against his nature, but it was what had to be done to save face.

"Alright, yeah... I'll do it.." His eyes moved to the bowl and he lifted a little as if trying to get a better look at the contents, before his attention returned to the half-white, half-black female. He leaned just a little closer, his voice dropping just a notch in volume. "You'll stay with me, won't you? While I'm... high?" It still felt alien to him to speak of these substances, it had never been a part of his words before, but now, this female was a part of it. He had invited her into his word, he wanted her there. His gaze dropped and found the bunny still lying, terrified and near death, it's chest fluttering with its rapid breaths, and reaching down, Kai picked up the animal and in a swift motion, snapped it's neck. It's twitching and shaking stopped instantly, and he laid it back down. He had planned to use the rabbit, to examine it, to pull it to pieces slowly, to find out what made it hurt the most but he could easily catch another once their trip was done.

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</style>Thanks to Cait for the table, Sig by Me!
<style>@import url(http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Uncial+Antiqua);</style>Axelle Napier
Word Count :: 537 || Points: 5 Awesome Big Grin

A large smile stretched across her face as he agreed. It would happen then, and she would finally get high- and as a plus, with Malakai. She wondered instantly if the brute would share what he sees. The image of floating cat eyeballs passed through her mind and she chortled again. ”Okay.” She took the bowl from the grass and began mashing it again. The mixture seemed to become lumpy when it sat for too long.

When it reached the smoothness she desired, she took a healthy swig from the bowl and informed him, ”Take a normal sip. Since this is your first time, I don’t want you taking any monstrous sips.” She handed him the bowl, which inside held a normal sip of liquid, so that he wouldn’t be able to overdose on the mushroom on his first time. She didn’t really know if the quantity of the drug leaned on how much hallucination one saw or not, but she did know that they both would trip off of their asses.

”Of course, Kai. We’ll both stay right here with each other…” She lounged back on the grass, now lying on her back. ”Remember, stay calm.” As soon as she said it, the ground fell away. Everything moved slower, including her speech. It didn’t sound low-pitched this time, but it wasn’t as fast as she normally spoke- and her voice sounded weird. There weren’t any birds to tell if the world moved any slower, but she felt like she could hear everything else around her so crystal clear. The grass tickled her skin, and she almost thought she was laying on orange hair. The colors around her were messed up. The sky was purple and the grass was orange. Kai was looking pretty green, but she didn’t say anything to him. She spent the first few minutes of her high just looking around weirdly. She probably looked very strange to the brute, but he couldn’t see what she was seeing yet. As soon as he took the liquid, he would see things very similar to what she saw.

The clouds looked like puffy rabbit tales up in the sky, and she thought about Kai bunching the rabbit up and throwing it into the sky, only to have it stick. The rabbit was sucked into the sky, and morphed into a plushy cloud which floated away like the rest. That was even better than burying the dead. If only that were really possible… She smiled, not really caring if it were possible or not at the moment because she was seeing it before her own eyes. She waved stupidly at the sky with a big smile on her face. ”Rest in pieces, rabbit.” Her voice was airy and faint.

Now. Back to the pumpkin hair she was laying on. It looked like a carpet that she had seen in a human’s house once. It was equivalent to the same thing. Shag. Axelle petted the grass, and though it didn’t really feel like the carpet did, it looked exactly like it. She wondered if she could see a furry rock this time around. She’d really like to see a hairy rock, and finally get to pet it this time.

Image courtesy of Pure-Poison89

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WC:: 779 - OOC Points - 7

The female seemed pleased that she would have a partner to get high with, but now that he had agreed, Kai was feeling more and more nervous about the whole thing, but tried his best to hide it. Usually, he was the brave one, leading the charge into new and undiscovered territories or being the first to take on aggressive loners, but this stuff, this mixture and this female had cut through his bravado to his weak core. It was a weakness that Kai denied he even carried - as far as he was concerned, he didn't have any weaknesses, but he did. Everyone did. While he was no stranger to losing control, it wasn't usually something he invited in. Malakai was quick to react in the heat of the moment, and more often than not, he came out on top, but with this, he didn't know how to deal with this loss of control. Once he sipped the mixture, he would begin to see things that weren't there. This was a different kind of 'losing control' than he was used to. Perhaps it was that which he was afraid of.

Lowering himself to the ground and shifting to sit next to Axelle, facing the same way she did, he suddenly became aware that he wasn't wearing any clothes. Usually, Kai preferred to remain in his Lupus or Secui forms, both of which meant he had no need for material to cover himself, but now, in his Optime form, which he had needed the dexterity of to take apart the rabbit, he was a lot more naked than he was used to. Kai took the bowl from the female and glanced to her as she lay back on her back, nodding to her instructions. Stay calm, she had told him. He told himself that he could. Of course he could. What did he have to be worried about, after all? Whatever he would see would only be in his head, visions brought on by the drugs. They couldn't hurt him, so why should he be worried? He knew why. Not because of the visions, but because of the control. If he couldn't control what he was seeing, would he be able to control what he was doing? When Kai lost control, it didn't usually end well for the other parties concerned. He was powerful, well muscled and aggressive usually, anyway. What would happen when the collar around his neck was removed?

Taking a deep breath, Malakai tried to clear his mind, but it was impossible. Like trying not to think of something after being told not to think of it. He couldn't stall forever, though, and lifting the bowl to his muzzle, he let his tongue lap at the mixture. It tasted somewhat bitter to him, and he set the bowl down before lying back onto the grass, just as the female had done. He felt a little more comfortable knowing that she was there with him. His tether to reality, once the hallucinations began to kick in. Kai let his eyes close as he tried desperately to calm himself, to remove his doubts and fears, and without really realizing it, his hand crept over towards the females and gripped it, his hand squeezing hers somewhat. He needed that physical contact right now, to know that he wasn't alone.

When he dared to open his eyes, the colours were bright to his eyes, as if they throbbed in the world before him, and he quickly closed his eyes again. The sky above had taken on a different hue, and he was hesitant to look around, but when he did, he turned his head to the side and saw the grass beneath his body was also a different shade. It was less green now, and more orange. To see the world so differently caused a shiver to run down his spine, and he turned his head the other way, back towards the female, but her fur wasn't the black and white he had been expecting. The purple of the sky, the orange of the grass and now the blue tone of her form was all a little much for his senses and he closed his eyes once more. "All this colour..." His words had paused when he noticed the way his voice sounded to his ears, slurred and deep. His hand gripped hers tighter as a slow growl rumbled through him but it sounded louder to him, like rolling thunder. His breaths became quicker and with his eyes shut, he felt a little like the rabbits he had pulled apart. On his back, lacking the coordination to move too much, shallow breaths...

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Oh boy O_O Feel free to make him see anything, he doesn’t have to follow what Axelle is seeing.

Her mind was off of Kai and in her own little world now. The sky was purple, like an Easter egg (something she spied in a human store once). The clouds were rabbits’ souls floating up there on their way to their new home in the sky where nobody can eat them ever again. The trees around them, she didn’t even look at those yet. Maybe there would be one that would wink, and she would have to shatter its face. The grass was made out of pumpkin hair, and it smelled like blood. Everything around her was a new adventure, but she couldn’t move. She promised Kai she would stay with him, and as she was reminded of her companion- she felt something. Her whole body was numb, numb in a good way, but she could feel something. Something was crushing her hand, and when she was sure that the feeling was pain, she ripped her hand away from whatever was gripping it. Her hand got free easily, and when she realized it was Kai who was crushing her hand, she placed it back in his. He could crush it all he wanted.

Axelle sat up. The world tilted and she suddenly felt dizzy. With her one free hand, she held her head. The world was spinning, and fast. She closed her eyes, but that only seemed to make it worse. So, she kept them open. Realizing Kai was still there, she looked at him. He looked pretty freaked out, and she figured she needed to give him some words of wisdom. She placed her free hand on his chest softly, ”Don’t fight it. Let the colors envelop you. Then soon,” her voice was creepily dreamy. Too dreamy, ”You will feel as good as I do.” She let her hand explore his furry chest. She did it tenderly so that he wouldn’t feel it and think it was something trying to eat him and also because her muscles felt like jelly. She probably wouldn’t be able to hurt him at this state even if she wanted to.

When she thought Kai was beginning to calm down, she let go of his hand and tried to get up. And fell backwards flat onto her back. She rolled over and tried again, this time almost unsuccessful, but she managed to stumble over to the Brooke. And she tripped, not be able to really feel her legs, and fell face first into the shallow waters. SPLASH She flopped over onto her back so she could breathe, but stayed in the water. It was only about two feet deep, so she was in no real danger aside from getting eaten by a fish. She lay there, floating, with her arms spread above her head and her legs parted. The water felt like cool, ice crystals against her fur and skin. The little breeze that blew every now and then tickled her wet fur that was exposed to the air. She giggled for no apparent reason. ”Kai?” She called out to him, ”Come here!” He needed to share this moment with her too.

Word Count → 518

Points → 5

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WC:: 590 - OOC Points - 5. Things are going to get darker for Kai in a minute, poor thing lol

This was all so alien to him, so new and unknown. She had told him he would be okay, that he would be safe and that she would stay with him. He had shown such weakness to her - if this female spoke of Kai's panic and fear to anyone, it would destroy him. The worry that someone else would know how paniced he was started to eat away at him. He was strong, fearless, a fighter who didn't hesitate in pulling lesser enemies apart, limb by limb, and yet here he was, lying on the grass, naked, his eyes glazed over as his muscles shuddered. Feeling the hand he held onto pull away quickly, he paniced once more. Axelle wasn't within his reach anymore. Would she leave him there like that? But just as he had decided to re-open his eyes to see, he felt her hand return to his, and he gripped it immediatly.

Once he had her hand once more, the thing that tethered him down to reality, he grew a little calmer. However, it wasn't long before he felt something else, another touch, this time upon his chest, but rather than deepen his panic, instead it seemed to calm him just a little. That delicate touch upon his torso didn't feel like something meant to harm him and figured it was her, this female next to him. He wanted to look at her, but she had looked different to his vision, altered somewhat, not just in her colouring. In the glimpse he had taken of her before, Kai had seen her face yet it had been scarred. Deep cuts had been slashed down her features, down that beautiful face of hers. If he opened his eyes now, would he see the same marks? He didn't have the chance to find out, as Kai once more felt the female pull away from his grasp.

He tried to move his own body but his muscles didn't respond in the way he had expected. They didn't seem to respond much at all. This made him panic a little more but remembered what the female had said - to relax, to calm himself, to let the colours envelope him. And so, opening his eyes, he saw the sky above him, saw the way it swirled as if there was a tornado brewing, and put all his energy into sitting. Finally, his body reacted jerkily and he shot up into a sitting position, his eyes immediatly searching for his companion. The orange ground beneath him which felt so soft and so gentle against his fur, now looked darker and as he looked closer, he saw the soil begin to crack like thin ice over a lake. His breaths picked up in pace once more and his head jerked to look as slowly, vines began to slowly creep from the Earth like serpents. He didn't want to be there alone. It was then he heard the female yell, and willing his body into movement, Malakai managed to scramble to his feet, stumbling at the lack of power he seemed to posess. Staying upright only for a few seconds, he followed the sound of the female's drowsy-sounding calls and fell to the ground right by her on the bank of the brook, close enough so that one arm splashed into the cool water, the rest of him remaining on the bank. "I can't... move properly... My body isn't doing what I want it to do... Is that normal?" Again, his voice sounded distant and slurred.

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<style>@import url(http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Jolly+Lodger);</style>Axelle Napier
Word Count :: 579 || Points: 5 Poor dude :/ New table wooohooo ! Wink

Kai finally fell onto the bank beside her floating body. She wished he had fallen on top of her… Bad thoughts.. If her brain wasn’t mush and she could use it, she would’ve remembered her first encounter with Kemo, but luckily she couldn’t. It might have stirred some horrid memories anyway.
The time that she had been laying in the water felt like forever. Floating felt like a natural thing to her, but she sat up in the water suddenly. All the water stuck in her fur now rushing back into the stream. Kai lay on the bank before her, and she looked at him panicked. He looked like he wasn’t following her rules. One is not supposed to get up and go while on magic mushrooms, hence one’s body doesn’t listen. Axelle shook her head- all this one crap was giving her a headache. She reached out a hand to touch Kai’s arm, the panicked expression on her felt melting away. He was here, and even though he didn’t look too calm, he was still alive. A touch to his arm turned into her holding his hand again. She flopped back into the water, making another large splash and soaking much of everything around her. She now lay long ways so that she could still hold his hand.

There was something about today’s high; it wasn’t as full on as usual and she wasn’t tripping as hard as she would have liked. Maybe it was because she was trying to concentrate on her friend so that he would have a good experience, while killing her own. She usually sees all this crazy stuff, but today she didn’t really see anything out of the ordinary aside from a different array of colors. Axelle looked toward Kai, ”Yes.” Her voice was still creepy-sounding, and if she was in a dark room, she would have been scared.

Axelle felt something digging into her back, and so reached down underneath the surface of the water and pulled out a rock. The rock was furry-looking to her, another hairy rock, but this time it had big wiry legs that attempted to pierce her skin. She screamed loud, threw the rock far away from herself, and plunged deeper into the water, which only covered half of her muzzle. She could still breathe in this submerged position, but still sat up quickly coughing. ”What the fuck?!” She stood up, having long ago let go of Kai’s hand, and marched over to the rock. She stomped on it with her foot, not feeling the pain because it was really a fish. The fish stopped flopping, and its guts were mashed all over the bank, but in Axelle’s eyes it was a huge, killer spider.

She made sure to wipe the remaining spider guts off of her foot before making her way back over to Malakai. When she reached him, now realizing that her coordination wasn’t as bad, she plopped down on top of him, sitting on him (in the horse-riding position) with her knees up, so that she was more so balancing on her feet rather than actually sitting on him with all of her weight. ”Do you see floating cat eyeballs?” Her voice sounded so low-pitched, but she paid it no mind. It would be like that for a while, nothing she could do. She remembered her joke from before- might as well ask anyway so that Kai has an idea of what he should be seeing.

Art by Marilyn Manson

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WC:: 877 - OOC Slight PP needed to get her off him (hehe, aggressive Kai returns). Points - 7

Malakai had taken the opportunity when he had gotten closer to the female to look over her face - he had seen a hundren scars taining her features before, and as she lay calmly in the stream, he saw the same things there now. It unnerved him but he felt her touch once more, felt her holding his hand once more and it calmed him again. His eyes closed again, shutting out the images he saw, that invaded his brain and tried to concentrate on his body as it lay upon the bank of the brook. He concentrated on his breaths, upon slowing them, upon the racing of his heart and of the tension in his muscles. At least it was normal for the physical weakness and unbalanced movements.

Just when Kai thought that he might be calming himself down, he heard the female scream and felt her hand pull from his once more. At first, his eyes squeezed tighter closed, trying to shut out the noise but he had to see what was happening, to make sure she was alright if nothing else. He saw the female lie back down into the water after she had tossed something away from her. What had she seen? He kept his eyes on her closely, following her as she pulled back once more and stood, though her ability to stand and balance seemed a lot better than his did. With a huff, Kai put all his focus into his arms and pushed himself up into a sitting position, but failed and so decided to stay put for now before lifting his head to see Axelle stomping on something. He couldn't make out what it was, but something else caught his eye, over in the water. Something floating there. A body. He knew who it was straight away from the golden fur despite the matted blood and water. His brother, the one he murdered.

He just stared at the lump in the water, fear running through his veins all of a sudden. However, just as he tried again to lift himself up, to get a closer lump at what he was sure was the body of his brother, the female had lowered herself upon him, straddling him somewhat. Managing to tear his gaze away from the brook, his eyes angled up towards the female, but she would be able to see the terror of the nightmare he was sure he was in the middle of. Her words took a long moment to sink in as his head turned back to the body in the water, and saw it twitching, just as it had done the night Kai had killed him. "...No... I see worse things than that..." He had to get closer, he had to see it's face, that lump in the water, and ignoring the sound of his own voice echoing through his head, Kai reached up to suddenly, and rather aggressively grip the female's hips with both hands. Now, his body seemed to respond exactly how he asked it too. A low snarl escaped from him, the sound deafening to him for a second or two, before he lifted the female up from him and tossed her to the side somewhat roughly. But it wasn't anger aimed at her, it was aimed at the vision he returned his gaze back to. It was part of an old fallen branch or tree trunk in the middle of the brook, but to his eyes, it was covered in golden fur, his dead brother's body just as Kai had left him that night.

With Axelle off him now, having rolled onto the grass after being removed from his form, he once more tried to stand and after a few more failed attempts, he managed to get himself half way there, on his knees, but it was goon enough and so started dragging himself into the water, ignoring the swirling sky and the throbbing colours that aimed to distract him. His gaze was firmly set upon the form in the water, and splashing wildly as he moved, he made his way over to it. Getting closer, Kai heard his own growls reverberate around the woods before grabbing the branch that he was so sure was his brother and tried to lift it, to turn it to see his face. But the wood was too slippy and didn't feel like fur beneath his grip, and in frustration at his muscles not being able to do such a simple task, Malakai let out a loud roar before smashing his fist down onto the wood. But instead of seeing broken bark and splinters in his flesh, digging through his fur, what he saw was crimson. He had put his fist right through his dead brother's skull, and from what he could see, parts of bone were stabbing into his hand.

Kai pulled back quickly, snorting and huffing as he examined his bloody hand, but it wasn't his blood, it was Rafaels. But of course, there was no blood. Kai stared at his hand for a long moment as he remained in the water, just wanting the visions to stop. "...His blood on my hands... Again!!" Kai was clearly agitated now, his heart starting to pound once more.

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</style>Thanks to Cait for the table, Sig by Me!
<style>@import url(http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Jolly+Lodger);</style>Axelle Napier
Word Count :: 409 || Points: 3 Axelle’s mad >.< His high should begin to start winding down at this point.

Now that she knew that Kai wasn’t having the fun experience that she was, she understood his panicked expressions. Before she knew what was really going on, she found herself flying through the air and landing with a hard thump, and a SQUISH against the ground. She landed on the dead ‘spider’ some ways away. Scraping the mushed organs off of her fur, she rose to a sitting position with her knees almost to her chest. A loud growl emitted from her throat, and she realized that her high was going away. Just in time, too. Being high and angry was not good.

”What the fuck was that for?!” She said it between growls, ”You throw me to wrestle with a stupid tree branch??” The hallucinations were dying down, the spider no longer looked like one, but a fish like it actually was. The weird colors were still there, but everything was almost back to normal. But like everything else mixed with anger, it wasn’t good. Axelle slowly felt herself shifting down into Secui form. Her skirt fell away into the grass and her legs became shorter and stockier. Her body bunched up into a sturdier torso, and before she knew it she was in Secui. She glared at Kai talking to his tree branch in the water, and stepped towards him growling. Her body was still split in half, but without hair. She had normal wolf scruff, which stood on end right now with anger.

Her growling didn’t cease, and she really didn’t care what kind of issue he was going through. She didn’t know enough about him to even understand what he was talking about. All she knew was that he threw her forcefully, and she was mad and high, which made it worse and more dramatic. She couldn’t control many of her emotions at this stage, and anger was always one of them. It was such an uncontrollable emotion- one of the few. Happiness was its opposite, and lust was one that she always had trouble controlling. Her hands were just too free.

The instant the approached him, she wasn’t one hundred percent sure what she was growling about anymore. She continued growling anyway and had a slight idea that he threw her off of him- because her ass cheek hurt- and that he was going to pay for it somehow. She wasn’t sure with what yet, but she would find a way to get him back.

Art by Marilyn Manson

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WC:: 575 - OOC Points - 5

As he looked down at his own hand and forearm, watching the crimson liquid matt his wet fur, Kai continued to growl his frustration and dispair. Rafael had haunted him when he was alive, always doing things first, always receiving praise, always being the golden son, and now it seemed he was haunting Kai in death. Baring his fangs as he snorted and raged, he was only vaguely aware of Axelle's yells, but as his ears pricked at the noise, he managed to jumble through his own thoughts to grasp what she was saying. She wasn't happy, it seemed. Malakai lifted his head slowly to throw a glance over at the female, and when he did so, he saw that her for was shifting into her Secui form. It meant little to him, and so he glanced back to his bloody hand, only to find the blood that had been so clear and vibrant only moments ago, gone.

He examined his hand further, turning it before him to be sure, but now his fur was only wet from the brook. His eyes flicked over to his dead brother, and yet, there was no golden fur anymore. Instead, just rotting old wood, covered in green slime from the water. Again, he kept his gaze there for a moment long, just to check, to be sure, but when it remained simply a log, Kai seemed to calm. The drugs were obviously wearing off, thankfully. Closing his eyes, blocking out the still swirling sky and throbbing colours that remained, he hoped they too would fade and leave behind the dark, dull world he was used to, where the grass was green and the logs were logs and the sky no longer danced with itself. And then, the female crossed his mind once more. She had carried scars when last he had seen her, so he assumed those would also be gone. His mobility was getting better now, too, and turning a little more to face the bank she was on, he opened his eyes, letting his feral gaze lock onto her.

Only now did her growls register with his ears, noises returning to the right frequency. Anger radiated from her like heat, he could practically see it roll off her in waves, and finding his feet once more, Malakai slowly waded through the water in slow, deliberate steps towards her, towards the bank. The high was rapidly wearing off, and seeing such aggression in the female brought his own to the surface, like some sort of challange. "...Do you mean to attack me, Axelle?" He obviously noticed her change in form, the way her muscles had tensed as she seemed to ready herself. He moved closer still, baring his fangs, answering her challange. "I won't run from you if you do... You can be sure of that. I'll take you apart like that bunny...Piece by piece." His outward aggression, his anger and rage were not meant for this female. She had done little to warrant them, besides give him those drugs in the first place. Instead, they were meant for his brother, for the actions of his past, for the ghosts that clearly still haunted him, and yet she was the only one around to take them. It was another instance of Malakai needing to be challanged, needing someone who would not back down to him but stand their ground, to give him the stimulation he was desperate for.

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</style>Thanks to Cait for the table, Sig by Me!
Her tables change with her mood O_o

Watching him through narrowed eyes and a bunched up face from all the growling, she saw him come back to reality. The tree branch was just a tree branch and whatever seemed to cover his fur wasn’t covering it anymore. As he slowly came back to reality, so did she, but she continued to growl anyway. Her brains began to come back very slowly, and even though the anger was still there – the reason for it was absent.

As Malakai made his way out of the river and stepped towards her in a ballsy manner, she felt the need to rip a chunk out of his body. She snorted and licked her teeth, feeling herself begin to drool like a rabid bitch. She continued to snarl toward him, each step towards her earning him a louder growl and larger array of fangs. Her eyes were wide, ears forward, tail pretty high (not alpha high, though), and hackles were on all sorts of ends. She snorted at his words; he would rip her apart? Not with these muscles. Even if he were to get the best of her somewhere down the line, she was angry enough to rip a lion into quarters. She doubted it highly. He would not be able to beat her. Ever.

As he inched toward her, she readied herself for the attack. Her muscles were tense, but loose – just how Alaki had showed her when he gave her Katana lessons. Tense enough to hold her own strength, but loose enough to let her be flexible and move fast. Her fangs ached for something to bite, something to sink into. His challenge tempted her, and she figured she didn’t have much to lose. By her winning, it would show him that she was better. That she couldn’t be beat by him. ”I wouldn’t ask you to run.” Her voice was sinister as she thought about the taste of his blood in her mouth. Dripping off of her tongue after she was done beating him.

It was time. Time to kill. She didn’t really plan on killing him, but hurting him just enough. Her growling lowered – too much of it would make her voice raspy. She stepped forward, muscles tense and ready to spring. Nothing was on her mind except for the spot that she planned to sink her teeth into next. Another step brought her towards him, and her hind legs tensed for the lunge. Feeling herself ready to spring, it was almost like the anger was balled up and was about to be thrown at him – except, she couldn’t.

She couldn’t because unfortunately, they were still on Anathema grounds. If she were to spill his blood, everyone would smell it and all the evidence would be traced back to her. She would get banished, and it wasn’t something she wanted. All for something useless. The blow of realization hit her like a wall. Her awkward start of movement stopped so suddenly. She stopped growling and whined, reclining to her haunches with her big head low. Her eyes were set on something in front of her, passed Malakai. Her hackles were still raised, but there wasn’t anything she could do about her annoyance. All the acting she wanted to do right now would get her in trouble.

”I can’t.” She was pissed off at the fact that she almost was able. Her mind was clear now, rid from the grip of the poisonous mushrooms. Anger never mixed well with anything, including just her. Axelle was hot-headed. Whenever she was angry, she made sure whoever made her that way paid for it. And she was even more annoyed at the fact that this time it was with Malakai and even more at the fact that she couldn’t do what she planned to. She looked weak, but she knew it in her heart that she would’ve done it. She would have attacked him if they were not in Anathema territory. She hated looking weak though. She wouldn’t look at Malakai. Instead, she continued to look passed him with her head lower than her shoulders. Her two-toned body tense with nowhere to go. She sat there silently, trying to get rid of the anger that was just burning through her like wildfire. She needed to cool off, but she wouldn’t run away. She had to face her problems, and she had a feeling that he would have something to say sooner or later.

Word Count: 742

Points: 7

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