
OOC here.

Medusa didn't really understand why should was where she was, as the Narrator had swiftly taken her legs and thrust them into motion, not letting her do any of the work herself. The woman lifted an eyebrow as she ended up at the edge of the Corsair camp where she'd been staying at lately, and the Narrator whined. I don't like this place. he hissed. We should leave. It's better for you anywhere but here!

The wolfswan sighed and touched her wild hair. You might not like it, but I do. Unless something better shows itself, you stop making a fuss, she whispered out into the hot air. He stirred in her head, making her feel a little ill. Medusa sat down and let Armani and Eszter off of her neck. How would you two feel if I got another snake? she asked them. Armani made agreeable noises, lazy creature he was. Eszter hissed angrily, though she was just possessive of Medusa.

The blond woman sighed and let her head rest against a tree behind her as the Narrator hissed unnerving things in her skull. She wouldn't leave, she was happy. She just needed someone to bond with to show him. The Narrator left her alone when she had friends.

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Mystic blue eyes looked out upon the sunny day, a yawn issuing forth from the femme's muzzle. The woman was somewhat tired, rising early in the morning and trekking out to explore their would-be territory. It was blackened from a past fire, but new growth was peaking out here and there. The russian was getting used to being around so many new luperci that weren't her family. She dearly missed her family, though Rurik had changed her heart ached for him and Vasily. These new pack members however, they were to become her family. A good surrogate as any. Sighing slightly she stepped over black fallen branches, trying to avoid making copius amounts of noise. Silver tendrils of hair floated in front of her face and the dame brushed them away, silently cursing herself for letting it get so long. Usually her hair was cut neatly to her shoulders, but she had wanted it longer and shaggier. Her hair was a love/hate relationship at the moment.

Soft words caught the womans ears, though they were too quiet for her to discern any actual words. " Hello? " She called out, thick russian accent rolling off the end of her greeting. The scent of another female caught her attention, accompanied by what seemed to be.. snakes? Inhaling deeply she sniffed, suspicious. In her experience snakes were either dangerous or harmless... Hopefully the other female wasn't in any kind of danger. She made her way through the skeleton forest, eyes searching for the elusive female. Finally they rested on a creamy form, and the scent that rolled off of her pleased Ksen. It seemed to be another pack member. Not intimidated she stepped forward, coming to the back side of the female. " Hello.. I am Ksenija Russo. " She asked uncertainly, not sure if her company was intrusive or not. " Vhy you alone on such pretty day? Pretty wolf should not be alone. "

By this time she had moved to in front of the female, noting the raised scars on her face. Scars, in her view, did not make or break someones appearance.


OOC here!

Medusa stroked Eszter's head gently as the snake slithered by her. Lost in thought for a moment, the riotous curls dipped and danced in a light breeze around her face as she looked down. Her hands, she noticed, were rather thin. They'd seem elegant to anyone else, though she found them comparable to yellow twigs. The woman was not on good terms with herself.

Ever vigilant, however, Medusa's head snapped up, sending her wild locks back almost comically. A tall woman wanted to know why she was alone. Called her pretty. The Narrator scoffed and immediately went after it. She's lying to you out of pity. You're not pretty. he hissed to her. He wanted her to pay attention to him, no one else.

Pretty..? Medusa said quietly, her hand rising up to touch the scars. She wanted to believe this statuesque woman, but she didn't know if she should. Her pupil expanded and her eye darted next to her, where a blackened stick turned into a garter snake. It sat calmly, looking at Medusa as she reached for it.

As the wolfswan petted the snake-stick, she looked at the woman and said Not pretty, but I wanted alone. Pack... Never had one. Scary.

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The woman seemed to doubt her compliment, though Ksen wasn't sure of the inner workings of her mind. " Yes, very pretty. Angel hair, burning eyes. " She said with a smile, feeling foolish. Were the the only compliments she could say? Right now, her mind was blank. The russian took a moment to subtly look over the others figure, true, she seemed smaller herself but she was very beautiful. A nice creamy pelt color, striking eyes, and wild untamed hair. She seemed free almost. " I agree. Pirate pack intimidating, my pack was family pack. Much love, but also much craziness. You a loner before, yes? We just need to bond to eachother. " Came her reply, followed with a comforting smile. If it were true that before the blonde female was alone before, Ksen would make it her personal goal to make the female her friend. Ksen liked friends, it was different when they weren't your family. You could get away with less, but the bonds were enriching.

Sadly Ksen remembered her other friends in Russia, this place was much different then Russia. Nicer, more beautiful. Still, a pang went through her chest as she was struck with another longing for home. Shaking her head slightly the woman pushed herself out of her mind and focused on the current situation. " Women must stay together, Tobias seems to like man better. Women better then man in mine thoughts. " She scoffed, a light chuckle punctuating her words. Tobias did seem to like the men better, she had noticed the withering looks he had sent to a few of the females of the pack and the way he offhandedly treated the girl child, Harrow. So far Ksenija seemed to float under the radar, and she wondered to herself what basis he had for preferring men over women. Maybe he was gay, like she was.

Inwardly she scoffed again, she could do what any man could. True, if they had the physic they could maybe lift heavier things and physical stuff like that, but Ksen herself was no soft woman. She was powerful and lean with muscle, with small breasts that sat high up on her chest and larger thighs, a distinct pear shape. However, she knew how to use her body and mind to get what she wanted. Men were weak in this way, and though she preferred a woman to a man any day she had a sharp mind. Men were stupid. Absently she fiddled with her white, sheer blouse, her hot pink bandeau peeking through the fabric. Her khaki cargo shorts rustled as she shifted, mystic blue orbs settling on the others bright amber eyes.


Medusa smiled at Ksenija as she complimented her. "I was alone for a long while. Not loner. Nomad. We had family, friends. We could reach them if we wanted to." she said. The woman missed her family and friends a great deal. She would have met with them and seen them at the yearly trust ceremony, but she had been... occupied with certain things. Like Ćerka Zmija duties. And fleeing a man who intended to rape her.

There was a strong reason for her intense dislike of some men. She had noticed Tobias's dislike of women, as well. "Is he a lover of the men? Is that why he dislike womens?" It was a good theory. She was a lover of the women, found the male organ nothing short of disturbing. But women should stick together, definitely. "I agree. Womens are better than the men. Should stick. Like honey."

Medusa giggled. Honey was treat she enjoyed on very special occasions when she was young. She kept petting the snake-stick as she listened to Ksenija. Her eye flicked over the woman quickly, barely seeing one detail before looking at another. She was an attractive woman, with a strong body. She looked like safety, to Medusa.


Ksen nodded, entranced with the wild-haired woman in front of her. " Nomad.. Interesting. Free spirit you were, yes? " She asked, comfortable with her english now that she knew Medusa spoke the same. The two were exotics, and Ksen couldn't help but think in this short meeting she had made a friend. The two eventually would meet, being part of a founding pack and all.

" Mine thoughts agree. Not sure if wise to ask, man lover might be feel offended. " The russian replied, laughing slightly at the audacity of the question. Tobias would most likely not be pleased and more likely to be offended if prodded. " Nothing be wrong with that, I think. I like woman, man never attract my self. " She said, almost nervously. Not everybody was like her, and some were apt to be quite rude about it.

At Medusa's next statement, she giggled along as well, her tail swaying to and fro behind her in pleasure. Though not very much time had passed Ksenija was enjoying the others company, and it was apparent in the pretty smile on her face and the glitter in her eyes. " Where you from? I from Russia, is far far away. Many moons were spent on boat and sea, me sometimes helping to sail. You have accent too, is not Russian no? Something same like though? " Both of them spoke broken english, but it wasn't difficult to understand the other womans words as both accents were somewhat similar.


Medusa smiled at the woman in front of her. "I was much of free spirit. Nomad life is fun if you stay in safe lands." she said quietly. As Medusa spoke to Ksenija, she enjoyed herself rather thoroughly. As she calmed, feeling the Narrator less and less, she took a moment to appreciate the scenery. The blackened and charred trees stood tall and few in the still area, as though they wanted to prove their strength through testimony and sheer will. The ground was littered with the brittle-branch victims of the fire, and bare bits of green growth poked up through the powdery ash that made the ground seem snowy. It was beautiful.

The woman who stood before her was exceptionally beautiful as well. Ksenija stood tall and fit, with short silver hair gracing her head. Her eyes were a pale, haunting blue, a color that reminded her painfully of the sky at her native land. The woman's clothes intrigued her in particular, as clothes were considered silly things for the nomads. They weren't required or day to day life wandering around, save for warmth. Medusa, like many of her culture, had only one item of clothing to her name. The purple cloak. She knew that the Narrator was shielding her memories of it, but she was wildly possessive of it and hated to be away from it. She felt safe whilst wearing it.

Medusa realized that Ksenija was talking. Thinking a second of what she said, and Medusa nodded. "Mine thinks if he is the offended, then he is the mens-lover." The golden woman nodded, thinking this to be a theorem worthy of testing. She made a note in her head to make a note on paper of the idea. It should be tested, she thought. Ksen's next words sounded nervous, almost as if she thought Medusa would attack her for them. What came was a shock to Medusa, but welcome all the same. "I am a lover of the woman's as well. They are much beautiful instead of men, they should get more love." She nodded triumphantly, believing to have stated the most correct opinion.

Then her nationality was questioned. Medusa's head spun from how fast the topics were changed. Ksenija was from far far away? Medusa smiled like a little pup, gasping happily. "My mother tell me of storie of far far away! Is you have the ogres and the talking animals and the princesses there?" she sat closer to Ksenija and looked ip hopefully for stories, her eye wide with excitement. Then, realizing belatedly that she should answer the question she was asked, Medusa leaned back and thought for a second. "Is was called Serbia by the dead people. Part of what was called the Yugoslavia by the dead-dead peoples. My people call it the Kathari Kuci. Home land of our people. Is beautiful. The sky is just like your eyes, there." the last was said in a whisper, as though she were shy.


Kseija nodded at her logic, the Russian also agreed. Suddenly the outgoing woman from the cold reach of Russia felt shy, and she listened to the fair-haired beauty intently. " I don't think this far far away is mine home, maybe some volf elses though. " She replied, not recognizing the stories Medusa spoke of but not wanting to disappoint the snowy furred female. " I do have story though, is about gold haired princess beauty, like you. " The storm-colored woman said, her voice trailing off softly as her mind flitted to the story she was about to tell. " One day, prince of far far away place rode horse into forest, see he chase smart fox to be fun for himself. Stupid prince, you see, but this he did. Clever fox led stupid prince to big vhite rock vhere beautiful princess sat, she had gold braid, hair vas heavy and long. Stupid prince tried pick it up, but hair vas heavy and long and he, veak and little. He had the dillemmas, how did he pick up? Beautiful princess smiled and tried to tell stupid prince, but he no listen to vise vomans vords, much like men today. After much talk, he pick up hair and vrap it around his arm to help her with the heavy hair. They start the valking away, to be married and such, but father pull pretty gold princess through the ground! " She began, gesturing to accent her words with wide eyes.

" Now see, golden princess father had powers, and this was, his power, to attract gold. Princess hair, so heavy because it gold, pure. You see, mean father not vant her to be with stupid man prince. For good reason, mine thinks. Stupid man prince now had to wait three years to do the valking back to vhite rock, the clever fox told him these things. Is simple thing, vait three years, and so he did. Is everyday he think about gold princess, gold gets lighter, mine thinks easier to carry. Three year is pass, he goes back and see the princess. She know his thoughts is with her, but on last day you see gold hair grew heavy again.. Is he did fall in love feeling with another voman she ask? Stupid man prince did, and father pulls her through a hole in ground again. " The was one of the many tales she was told as a child, but this one was her favorite. " Stupid man prince waits three years again, and does the walking to get back to gold princess. This time you see she vrapped him to her vith gold hair, so father could not take her away vithout the man prince again. Vell, father takes her again but time this man prince is there too, and man prince and gold princess vrap the father in gold hair and cut it off her head, and throw father then into lake. He no longer take her away, and they live happy ever after, feelings you know. " As she finished proudly the woman put her hands on her hips and smiled brightly at her company.

" You see Medusa, gold hair princess smart. Womans is smart, men not so much. You very muchly smart, maybe you are gold hair princess of 'Souls. Mine thinks this be so. " Ksenija said softly, heat flushing at her cheeks. This heat was multiplied as Medusa spoke once more, commenting on Ksen's sky colored eyes. Now that she knew Medusa was a woman lover, it made things easier. Her smell was strictly of Corsair, and Ksen doubted the presence of another female simply for the lack of scent that would have otherwise clung to her snowy fur. " Tell me, gold princess. You always alone? Is someone travel with you? " The russian questioned quietly, big blue eyes focused on the burning amber eye of her companion.

Kind of fail post ohwell ;-;

Medusa went through a small barrage of emotions as Ksenija replied, beginning with sadness at a lack of stories, to clapping her hands at the fact there was a story, and then blushing and turning her head shyly at the comment. Quickly though, she grew entranced in the tale and closed her eye to better listen to the tale. As her world became darkness through blocked pupils, she couldn't help but imagine herself as the princess and a prince coming to save her. But instead of the prince coming back the third time, it was Ksen who wrapped the hair around the father. Medusa smiled brightly and looked up at the attractive woman in front of her.

The golden-hued woman tilted her head and let chaotic thoughts flow through her head, the thoughts that had been pushing at the edge of her mind at the little dam she'd erected in the hopes that they'd cease. The uncontrollable force proved the winner, however, and they washed over the woman's mind. Things like did Ksenija have a female? If she did, how best would Medusa be able to split them apart? The Narrator hissed in her mind, attempting to control the flow of the thoughts into a negative direction for Ksen, but was unable to, the sheer amount of all of them too much for the snake-man to handle.

All her thoughts crystallized and became ice as Medusa looked up and Ksenija asked a question. She has missed it if the Russian woman said anything else, but assumed from the expression on her new companions face that no, she had not said anything. "I have mine snakes, they is be friends... Someone else also come and talk to me." The last words were whispered, as the golden-hued female wished not to delve into matters concerning the Narrator. He was a vile creature who didn't need to poison Ksenija's presence.

Ignoring the Narrator and any thoughts concerning him thus, Medusa looked up shyly at Ksenija. "Do you travel with anyones?" she asked.


gross this is so short.

The storm colored female watched intently as Medusa seemed to think before answering, and her answer brought a curious smile about Ksenija's face. Snakes? The woman peered around Medusa, trying to get a better look. Sure enough, there were two snakes curled up to her side and Ksen watched them warily, but with interest. She didn't know snakes could be friends, she thought they were either enemies or food.

Her mystic blues settled on one of the snakes, a creamy colored reptile with brownish markings, then flitted to the second, a black and white snake. Both of them seemed docile enough, though she wasn't foolish enough to approach. What might be comfortable around the golden-haired beauty would probably not appreciate prying hands and more then likely would take a finger off.

" Snakes.. Good friend yes? " She asked, rather nervously as she looked back at Medusa, every so often glancing at the calm reptiles. Medusa spoke again, and it was Ksenijas turn to be shy. " No.. I be alone whole time. Except for ship travel, I make no friends. You be first in long time. " She replied softly, taking in the soft features of Medusa. The Russian woman wanted to know how Medusa received her scars, but figured that was a conversation for another time.

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This is terrible. Ohgod.

Medusa smiled at Ksenija as she looked at the snakes. "They are goods friend, yes." she said quietly. She tilted her head and looked at her new companion. She had no friends? She was alone? This stunning Russian beauty, this lovely woman, alone? Medusa scowled, not believing her. Her ears perked up, however, at the mention of she and Ksenija being friends. "I don't believe you had no friends. You beautiful women." She smiled shyly and peeked up at the silvery woman beneath her lashes. "But we are friends, yes."

Medusa shivered unexpectedly on the warm day, and drew her tattered cloak around her. It gave no extra warmth, but it made her feel safe. Except... She felt safe with Ksen. The woman looked down and then back at her friend, and then realized she might feel safer with Ksenija that she did with her cloak. Her chill increased suddenly, and she wrapped the cloak tighter, absently hearing it rip more along the sides. She shivered uncontrollably then.

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The woman smiled at Medusa's seeming disbelief at her friendless state. She hadn't had many Luperci to talk to, but that hadn't meant she was lonely the whole time. There had been ways to keep ones self occupied, and with new land came new adventures and along with that, new dangers. Sure, Russia had been cold and hard to live with, but Nova Scotia had a whole other breed of Luperci she hadn't had experience with. Why there was assassins and rapists, mostly men. This did not surprise her and it also disgusted her. However, she pushed the thoughts from her mind as Medusa complimented her. She noticed her new friend was shivering and stepped closer, lowering herself so she was on the opposite side of the snakes but was now sitting next to her new friend.

Ksenija glanced over at Medusa before smiling softly, the slight breeze that had picked up off of the ocean ruffling her sheer white blouse. She moved her arm around her companion and pulled the shivering woman close, leaning her head on the others shoulder. With their bodies so close, Medusa's core temperature would surely rise. They stayed like that for a long time, the two of them alone together. They talked about everything, their lives, how they thought Tobias was gay, and their new perspective pack members until the sun started to dip lower and lower in the sky and it got colder. The horizen was pink and purple and stars decorated the darkening sheet of color so the two of them got up and walked towards the Corsair camp to end the perfect day.

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