a girl named hope.
ooc; okay sooo i lied. xD i am sepsarrii, so medical stuffs again. they can be scouting and happen upon some good plants or something though. ^.^



The skulls of Inferni looked as fearsome as ever as the blonde woman walked along the border, tail flicking behind her as she waded deeper and deeper into her thoughts. She barely paid attention to the well worn trail that she was moving along, just paying attention to the scents that permeated the area. Though it had rained in the previous night the land no longer smelled of fresh rain or dampness and everything was dry again, perfect for gathering of any herbs she might be happen upon. A basket was carried loosely in her hands, the width of it large. She intended to add the the clans stores of either Catnip, Spearmint or Echinacea. Whichever she stumbled up on first, actually. Behind her trailed her new mount, Finna. The mare was a beautiful thing, a silver dapple bay. Her coat was an almost slate brown and her mane a silver grey. Silver dapples decorated her coat and gave her a unique look, one that Emma enjoyed looking at.

Finna was a hot-blooded thing, but obedient none the less. Ems hadn’t gotten enough nerve to actually get on the horse yet, but Finna followed her without complaint. The horse was a bitter-sweet prize from the war, Endre being her previous rider. The garden warrior had killed him, and Finna’s original owners skull now rested on a pike on these borders. Weather the horse knew or cared was beyond her comprehension, and it didn’t really matter anyways. The horse nickered softly behind her and the tan woman smiled, continuing to walk along. She was more alert now, and kept an eye out for any intruders. After the storming of the camp one last straggler had come to the borders and attacked Sparrow and Jacinto, causing injuries that Emma had to heal. He had heard the whispers, been there for the preachings.

Who else had heard what they had to say? Border patrols were ever vigilant, as was needed. With Myrika now in charge, everybody needed to help out even more so then they had. Myrika was not as fearsome as Ezekiel, at least not outwardly. She hadn’t seen her battle poweress, but to remain safe they all needed to do their part. A familiar scent wafted through the tall grasses and she smiled, it seemed another Infernian had the same thoughts as she. Eagerly she looked up and around, trying to spot her fellow clan mate.

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(310) OOC: how could you lie to me. [/sobs] i will never forgive you. >:B spar is in optime.

Ever since the border attack, Sparrow had been acting differently. She began to wander around the borders, tending to remain by herself, at various hours of the day and night. She had with her the lion's head dagger near, knowing that she would always need it at her side from then out ever since the attack.

What had changed was that she not longer felt nervous when she walked the perimeter. If it had been a few moons ago, she would have been jumping at every sound, terrified. Now, she had become accustomed to the land, the well worn paths, and when the straggler event happened, it was as if something in her clicked, and whatever remaining uncertainty she had about patrolling was erased from her mind. The mottled coywolf was ready for whatever lurked beyond the skulls, and wished she could challenge whatever was out there to test her. She was not being confident or cocky, no, but eager to find another enemy of the clan to dispatch them like she had with the wolf. But, she was not going to go out looking for a fight, and could only wait to see if a canine would be foolish enough to approach the land of brimstone with ill intentions, like a fly in a spider's web. She wondered if the other Infernians felt like that, and she guessed that they must have.

It was on one of those patrols did she scent someone familiar, perhaps doing the same as her, as she was walking around the borders. After a couple of moments of walking into that direction, she soon saw a fair-haired woman in the distance, and smiled to herself as she approached Emma. "How are you doing today?" she asked softly as soon as she got close enough, glancing at the horse and then back to the hybrid.


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