my heart is washed up in bleach.

set for two weeks from now. also, lets not forget our other thread. xD

It had been a few weeks since the sailor and the snake woman had met, and they had gained eachother's friendship and trust almost immediately. The two females were almost inseparable and Ksenija felt something akin to a crush forming for her flaxen-haired companion. Medusa was alluring in a multitude of ways, the way she made friends and was protective of her slithering friends and her beauty. It was unfortunate about the scar that was raked across her face, and more then anything Ksen wanted to ask how it happened so she could protect Dusa from that ever happening again but she was somewhat afraid too. It seemed to be very sensitive to the Caspian Sea Wolf and the few times Ksenija had leaned into asking, her cherished friend had clammed up. All in all, she would leave it alone until Medusa felt comfortable in confiding her.

Since they had been roaming the unclaimed lands Ksen had fostered a feeling of fierce protection over her and was constantly checking over her shoulder for danger. Thus far however, they had been safe. A few times in conversation the topic of joining a pack had been brought up, and Anathema was pinpointed as an area of interest. However, neither of them knew much about it and they had been scouting the nearby lands for a pack member to question, but had been out of luck so far. Last night they had hunkered down for the night in a peaceful glade of trees somewhat near the pack borders and had fallen asleep beside eachother, Ksenija too nervous to do anything besides casually brush up against the other woman. Sometime soon she would have to tell the other woman her feels and make a move, seeing as both of them were into women. The very thought of admitting to Medusa her feelings had butterflies fluttering around in her stomach and a smile plastered on her face.

Ksenija gently stirred and inhaled deeply as she woke up, rising from her sleeping position to sit up and rub at her eyes groggily. " Medusa.. " She said softly as she looked at the beautiful sleeping woman beside her, hoping to rouse her. They needed to get up and scour the area for pack members to speak too.

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Emma said ignore that OOC. It's been assumed OOCly that Ksen and Dusa have discussed packs and want more information on AT. The first two paragraphs are pretty much skippable emotions.

Medusa had, as of late, found herself growing closer and closer to her large Russian companion, whose every movement stirred lust- and love-like emotions in the golden female. She often caught herself staring at Ksenija, and shook her head in anger at herself for doing so. They were merely friends, traveling companions at best, she would tell herself. Nothing more. That didn't stop her, however, from wanting. A certain sense of longing plagued her every moment, especially when those moments involved the Russian woman.

However, the Narrator disliked Ksenija almost as much as Medusa loved her. He whispered and hissed venomous thoughts when the snake-woman was alone or in the shadowy realm between wake and slumber. You mean nothing to her. Before you might have been a pretty face, but now you're just some freak she can't ignore, he told her one night. Medusa fought back the bitterness and hatred for the being in her mind and curled close as she possibly could to Ksenija. His favorite times to destroy her confidence was when the Russian, concerned for Medusa's safety, asked how she was scarred in an attempt to prevent it from happening again. The Narrator would hiss and laugh and spew poison and the Serbian girl would freeze up and shy away from her silvered companion.

Medusa stirred in her sleep as her beautiful Ksenija called for her to wake, and she sat up. Her wind-wild hair tumbled around her shoulders and breasts and she stood, wrapping the snakes around her arms. The weather was increasingly warm and so they were fine, but she still wanted them close to her. The snake-woman idly wondered if she'd be able to catch more snakes in Anathema. She'd heard a rumor that the members of the pack stayed in caves beneath the ground... perfect snake territory. Medusa shrugged and wiped sleep out of her eye.

"Are we to find the question-answers today?" she asked her good friend with a bright smile. The Narrator was pushed forcefully to the back of her mind as he grumbled to her about Ksenija's general lack of measure to his standards.

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