[M] the echo of a solitary siren
WARNING: This thread contains material exceeding the general board rating of PG-13. It may contain very strong language, drug usage, graphic violence, or graphic sexual content. Reader discretion is advised.

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Setting Location Form NPCs
Location: Borgata Tenzontli, SL

Date: 02 July (backdated)

Weather: Cloudly; full moon visible

Time: Night
Miqui Kimaris
Wisteria D'Angelo

(539) Since there's been an influx of puppies born recently, Shem thought it would be an awesome idea to have a Tezcatli ritual. Please allow Ataxia to post first before joining; this thread is non-mandatory, though we'd love the parents and puppies to be present for ritualistic purposes and what-not. :>

It had been a terrible loss. Siv could do little to ease the girl, fragile bird as she was, and in the end had left careful instructions with Itachi. While not a true medic, she was capable in the realm of childbirth. China’s miscarriage had been something that was, as Siv suspected, brought on by her slight weight. With any luck her mate would be able to coax her back into life, though Siv warned him that it would be a long process. She spoke to China for hours, and promised to continue to look in on her.

There was blood on her hands when she left, though the actual blood had been cleaned away long before she departed. They should not have been suffering such losses here. She reasoned, and not without a great deal of anger, that it likely had to do with Eris’ position as Crone. No rituals had been performed since the one she and Dragur had done. They had given blood to the gods from their enemies, but had they thanked them for the children who had been born healthy? No. And what of Odessa, whose children were growing fast in her womb? It was a risk that Siv would not take.

Luckily, when she had gone to confront Eris, she had run instead into one of the old leader’s daughters. Ataxia was not a stranger to her; Siv had watched the girl grow up alongside her own daughter, and been surprised to see that she was not alone in recognizing that a sacrifice needed made. It was for different reasons than her own private thoughts, and so Siv merely agreed and suggested that perhaps they work together. The girl had agreed and so the pair had set to prepare, with Siv taking time to approach Salvia and Sirius about the matter in private. Both had been agreed to it; Salvia told her flatly she would not be present, while Sirius seemed wary and mentioned that her realm was not one he favored.

So the women had set to work. Siv had caught another wild horse, a puckish stallion too young to belong to those recently released from their war haul. He was hot tempered and been wary of her, but Hildr was capable of this now, and Hildr had been the one that eased him into an area where Siv could provide a singular source of water laced with a calming drug. He was tied up now, half-asleep and swaying on all four legs. The ritual place was familiar—they had been here before, when Larkspur’s pyre roared, and Eris had told her of the place even before Siv had set to make it her own. Now the flat rock was ringed by a stone boat, and sigils were painted and carved and placed everywhere. Her gods had come to make this place home.

Exactly how Ataxia managed to capture the wolf she did not know, but he was bound and affixed to the rock. Miqui was with the girl, and Siv suspected he was somehow responsible for this. After exchanging proper greetings with them both, she lifted her head and let forth a deep wolf’s howl, requesting the pack to join her.

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Word Count → 417 :: Ataxia arrived to the party already high :|

Ataxia gave a nod to Siv when she arrived. The girl had likewise found it odd that her mother hadn't done anything about the new pups, but was more willing to be forgiving. Besides, it gave Ataxia a chance to do a sacrifice of canine blood, Eterne-style. Canines had choices, free will; they had potential for power in the way other animals didn't. It pleased her to think she was capturing that power, severing it from the canine and and giving it to Momoztli. She saw herself as a conduit, giving to her god so he might look favorably upon them.

The sacrifice was a mottled mix of brown and white, with thick fur that suggested he had wandered too far south. Clumps of dried blood clung to his coat, in patches around his arms and legs. One eye was half-closed, while the other took in his surroundings with a baleful gaze. He made no sound at all; his tongue had been cut out so the participants of this ritual wouldn't have to listen to his curses or cries. It was something Ataxia did not enjoy doing and had to have help with, since she had no knowledge of how to ensure he wouldn't die from blood loss after the tongue was gone. She wasn't sure, but thought it would have been a bad omen for the sacrifice to have died before his time.

She had been immeasurably excited the day that Siv had suggested the idea, and more so when the wolf had been caught. However, the day it was to happen, she found herself more nervous than she'd ever been. She was going to be up in front of the whole pack; what if something went wrong? What if she made a fool of herself? What if they noticed she was nervous?

Salsolans did not show weakness. Ataxia decided to get rid of it before it could be shown. There was still some Indian tobacco left in the basket her mother gave her, and she had smoked it before joining Miqui with the sacrifice. The smell was still on her fur, although there were no other hints of her state, aside from being inordinarily calm.

A slave, Gjalda, arrived not long after the older wolf had called for them to gather. He was carrying a bowl full of mushroom paste that would be used in the Eterne ritual. Although it would not be used or distributed right away, he nonetheless took his place beside the sacrifice.

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Draugr is by Alaine!

Her mother's howl was a familiar one, and it was that deep voice which drew the wolfdog toward the Salsolian coast, following the numerous trails through the marsh. The grasses were high and in places even waved high above her Lupus-form head. The hybrid cut through them all the same, slinking toward the source of mama Siv's howl. She drew near to the coast and realized where her mother was and what must be happening, and quickened her step.

The rituals she'd witnessed before were empty and false. She did not need her mother to tell her this. But when Siv took up the blade and stood between the stones -- well, Draugr would just have to see this. Her heart beat faster as her paws carried her closer, and she slunk toward the assembled canines, standing some distance from them in her four-legged form for a moment before she began shifting.

As Dra was not well-experienced, it took her a moment and was not a particularly pretty process. Though she had yet to accustom herself to the process entirely, the wolfdog did like to shift, and she enjoyed all her forms. This was not a time for her feral body, however: ritual and sacrifice required hands and fingers and dexterity. It was the form of worship, the form of the gods -- if any of their bodies were made to be the as the gods, it must be their two-legged one.

When the woman stood, she reached up behind her head to loop her choker necklace tight again, adjusting her other necklaces as necessary. Her wrists were bared, of course -- her usual assortment of jewelery had been left behind in her den -- but she ran her fingers through her hair and made herself presentable before striding forward to stand amongst the assembled Salsolians.

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Short because I’m a derp. And I think a while ago Bobbi asked me if she could PP Maggie appearing in this thread but and obviously I said yes… but the post hasn’t shown itself so here I am! If you need to thwack me Bobbi than please do it Smile

Maggie hadn’t ever truly believed in the rituals the Thistle Kingdom put such faith in. Maggie had learned in her short life to believe in nothing but herself, and she had stuck by that belief thus far. However, when Siv’s howl rang out, she found herself stuck in a limbo of sorts. She hardly knew the woman and yet they had been together in combat for the common good of their pack recently, Maggie hadn’t forgotten that. Siv was requesting their family, and reluctantly the Confidant found herself gathering her large family for a sacred occasion with the pack.

Maggie rushed to start cleaning her three one-month-old children in their home as the call broke out. Denver brought up the rear as Maggie lead her family in the direction of the call, as her babies were finally able to walk by her side. Her arms felt freed for the first time in ages; she was no longer struggling to hold three squirming balls of life against her chest. Today, all three were wide-eyed and bushy-tailed as they chirped or whined occasionally on their walk over. Headstrong Florence kept her distance from her siblings, choosing to trail by her father’s side. Memphis bounced on her only brother, which sent the duo laughing further down the trail.

Florence had become awkward around Memphis because of her recent hair growth. A small half-mohawk finally grew between her ears, a pale grayish that contrasted nicely between her white pelt and black-tipped ears. Memphis was no longer the special pup that got the lucky hair, and hadn’t taken the news well. The whole situation made both parents chuckle that day.

Regardless of the pup drama that was currently going on, the animals finally reached the gathering. It was obvious she was on the later side, but hopefully Siv wouldn’t mind. She gave the black priestess a long nod hello and a short wag of her tail. Maggie was pretty unsure of how to act around the Helsi family; she did not speak to them often. She waved to Ataxia though, and gave her a huge smile from the opposite side of the circle.

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Word Count :: 500IDK if I can post here yet o.o breaking all the rules

Imhotep had never really gone to the ceremonies that went on in Salsola. He fear not understanding them or some how disrespecting them. He was very careful and kept to himself most days be he was trying to find out more about the other members and become more then just the strange man of the pack. Imhotep had made his way here today though for those reasons and more. he had heard that Siv was doing a something in honor and wishes on the pups in the pack. With Odessa being pregnant imhotep found himself wanting to be here hoping to have a healthy pregnancy.

Imhotep stood there towards the back of the area. He wasn't sure he wanted to be right up front but he was happy. He had the family that he had always wanted, his mate was a wonderful woman who he prayed for everyday. The woman that stood before them all Was Siv she was one that he could recognize without forgetting. Odessa had gone over this with him, though some he had never met personally he knew their names. Everyone here was family in a sense yet not it was strange to him but he stood in silence golden eyes watched holding interest in the actions.

Image courtesy of I don't know o.o; table by the Mentors!

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(517)omg yay google

As she waited, silent and brooding, the stormclouds in her heart grew darker still. It was only a few that heeded the call—one parent for each, she supposed unhappily. It spoke ill of Eris’ power to hold faith, she reasoned, and not that she herself was a low-ranking outsider. Soon, though, things would change. Soon she, would grapple power by the throat and rip it, kicking and screaming, into a great and glorious future. By the time Wisteria arrived, painted in the marks of her own trio, did Siv begin.

The dark woman looked at each of them, dark worry in her eyes, and lifted her head. Though she was not capable of commanding those ranked above her, she was used to making herself heard—and so her voice rose, deep and powerful, to reach them all. “We have forgotten the faces of our fathers,” she began gravely, falcon-purple eyes meeting her daughter’s. Would the girl understand? Would any of them understand? “A great boon has been gifted to us; two princes, three,” her hand motioned in an arc towards Magnolia’s children. “, three because it is a powerful number. You should know this, Magnolia,” the witch went on, and her voice became warm and motherly. She looked upon the girl with love in her eyes even though she barely knew her. Siv Helsi was, amongst other things, a remarkable pretender.

“Where I come from, three gods form a strong sign—this,” she went on, and brought forth from under her billowing cloak a tarnished necklace. She held it out for Magnolia to take, solemnly. “Is their sign. You have been given a wonderful gift, young one. And you,” her eyes lifted, turned to the tall dog with the short fur. He looked so peculiar to her even now. “I suspect you pray to other gods for your children. Join us now and call to them. Call to them as she,” her hand gestured again, moving towards Wisteria, who had come to stand near her daughter’s mate. The tall she-wolf looked at him evenly, orange eyes filled with worry and doubt. Only Siv’s hand caught her attention, and the older woman straightened sharply. “Calls to She Of The Sun, The Silver Arrow, The Dark One.” Bastardizations, new names, making them her own even as she felt the earth pulse under her feet.

“Call to them as I call to Freyja, and Freyr, and Gerth. Call to them as I call to Odin,” she went on, and silently thought of his brother, his son; she thought of Sirius too, and her eyes darkened to a fierce color, something like that of a fresh bruise. “Call to them,” she went on, and looked to Ataxia. “As we call to The Sun.”

The witch was silent, but waiting—they would speak more, perhaps, and then she would see to her duties. She motioned for her daughter, recalling not long ago when she prepared her for such a thing. If Draugr was to become a priestess—to become volva—Siv would see her ready when the horse’s blood was drawn.


(323) Mel please smack me if any of this is wrong. Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad /apprehensive sie is apprehensive

Draugr is by Requiem!

The pale eyed wolfdog listened with rapt attention to her mother's words. Though the words themselves did not make sense, she listened for their undercurrent, the deeper meaning beyond the simple words. Language could not convey the things her mother knew and understood; the greatest writers could never even hope to do so. The thing her mother called was older and deeper than words. Draugr's deepest feeling was one of disappointment. Princesses were better -- what use were princes, and why should she remember her father's face? Mother was her deity.

All the same, with the tall woman's motion, Dra hesitated. Her pale eyes studied her mother, and then Ataxia, and then the horse. Her contemplative moment was brief, and she stepped forward. Calm washed over her as she neared her mother, as if warmth and radiance beamed down on her. For Draugr, the realest thing about these rituals was this tall and strong woman. There were no truer gods for the young wolfdog. As she stepped forward to receive the blade from her mother, her face betrayed no emotion. Now was not the time for smiles and knowing looks. Personal kindnesses between mother and daughter were not for this realm of seriousness and spirituality.

Her hand reached out to receive the blade. With it in hand, the woody-hued hybrid walked toward the horse, holding it down and almost flat against her leg as she drew near. The feral animal was half-dozing on his feet, but even so, as the wolfdog made her way forward, he drew up a little, and even made to lay his ears against his head. The silver-streaked woman laid a hand against the horse's shoulder and murmured soothing words to the animal, drawing it back into drugged calm. Her pale eyes lingered on her mother and Ataxia, awaiting command. Though her role was important, it was not her place to lead.

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