[M] Give me more
WARNING: This thread contains material exceeding the general board rating of PG-13. It may contain very strong language, drug usage, graphic violence, or graphic sexual content. Reader discretion is advised.
<style>@import url(http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Italianno);</style>Adriana
Word Count :: 000 || Points: 0 Ooc.

Adriana had been in heat for a little while and she couldn’t control it anymore. She needed someone. It didn’t really matter who at that point, she just desperately needed someone. She left her room and picked up the scent of a male, specifically Jazper, the Soul of the pack. It was him she wanted now. Adriana quickly followed the faint scent out of the Fort and found him alone in one of the training rings. She smiled and walked towards him. Hello Jazper. She put her hand on his back as she circled around to face him. She wasn’t wearing much today, just a simple skirt and a tank top. She had left her weapons in her room as well.

Hopefully the large handsome man wouldn’t turn her down. She was rather close to him at the moment and knew that he would be able to pick up the scent. Her hands went to his chest before moving to wrap around his strong shoulders. How come such a handsome man like you doesn’t have a mate? She smiled as she moved closer, their bodies pressing against each other.

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OOC herpderp? / +yo numbah!

Being the leader of a warrior pack was not always easy. It went without saying that warriors were not always the easiest lot to keep in line and there were many different types that came with the title of warrior. Some of the canines living in the pack were more confrontational and proud while others minded their own business politely. It took a lot of effort to earn the respect of his pack mates and though he knew a lot of the respect came simply with his title or his sheer size Jazper preferred to make personal connections with everyone in the territory. When he accepted people into the pack they fell under his protection and they were expected to have his back in the same way and he hoped that he had shown most of the pack members that he stood by his word and his members.

He sun was high in the sky as he leaned against the wooden ring panting from the heat and his sword work. It was important for him to stay fit so he ran regularly, did push ups, lifted heavy things like rocks and logs to build his strength and practices his sword wielding in the ring. A female’s voice caught his attention just before the touch did. He straightened up, giving her space to come between him and the fence. Adriana? He spoke, his Scottish accent questioning. The female had joined a few months ago but he had not had the opportunity to talk much to her, though there few interactions had gone very well.

Her scent overcame him before her touch moved to his chest, reaching up to his shoulders. Instantly his mind wandered to Terra, the Courtesan whom had seduced him easily with the same scent. Back in Crimson Dreams females in heat had never been an issue as they had the common sense to stay away from the males by taking to the caves or the forest the majority of the time. When he and Ghita were together he found it easy to ignore his primal call but now that he was an Alpha in the prime of his life and single his instincts went wild. As she pressed against his mouth watered and he attempted to control himself. Well I suppose I’ve just been busy with Casa. It was a simple enough reason and he hoped she would accept it. It was obvious he had had a mate in the past due o the similarities between Aro and his second litter but he didn't want to go into the sob story about Ghita.

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