Put your bags down, you're home.

Somehow, the flamboyant pup from Casa di Cavalieri had finally persuaded Sidra to come back and find a home within Casa's borders. It was hard to resist the thought of playing with her new friend every day and hanging out with Aro who had come to find her like he'd said. He was behind those borders. Ismeme was also there. After she'd welcomed the hybrid into their pack, Sidra had scrounged up some trust to offer the light colored female. After months of traveling, struggling, and deceiving she was finally going to be able to rest. Those traffickers hadn't found her yet, but she knew they'd be searching and now it would be a hell of a lot harder for them to find her.

Teary goodbyes were exchanged with Kativa before they headed here. Sidra gathered her things and packed them all on Soloman taking everything accept for the flask that her and her life long friend had shared. That, she gave to the coy-wolf as a parting gift. She'd find her own once she settled down in Casa. The lengthy hybrid and Adelle traveled back to the borders coming to a stop where the Alphas' scents were the strongest. Hesitation was crippling Sidra from releasing the howl she'd have to produce in order to catch the Alphas' attentions. Ears flicked back in submission and fear. She tried her hardest to gather the courage to finally take the first step towards becoming part of a family. It was hard for her to leave everything she knew behind and start from scratch. No Kativa, no dirty ways...maybe, and a lot less worries.

Sad opal eyes turned to Adelle for the courage she needed. The pup was a strong source of the feeling and Sidra sapped every ounce of strength she could from her. Without the gold and black pup at her side she would have never came here, to afraid of moving on. But, she was here now and it was too late to turn back. Sidra looked over her shoulder and back into the forest where she knew Kativa was probably gathering her own things to leave. An anxious whine slipped from her maw when she turned back preparing to make the call. With a gulp she threw back her head and let loose a long and prideful howl that called for the Alphas. It ended with the slight hesitation that she was feeling but hopefully that would be washed away with a kind welcome. Now, all she had to do was wait which was harder than it sounded. The athletic female twitched with anxiety as she waited for the inevitable. Sidra turned to Adelle again and smiled, this was it.

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Isa had been thinking about the young woman she had met a while ago, Sidra. She wondered if she would end up taking her advice and join Casa or find a different place to call home. The silver woman would certainly take the girl under her wing and do anything she could for the girl. She would do that for anyone really but this one was different. She reminded Isa so much of herself when she was a yearling. Hopefully Isa would be able to help provide a better life for the girl.

She was walking along the border when she picked up a familiar scent. Sidra was at the border. She then heard the howl and took off in the direction of the sound. Isa knew the howl was calling for Jazper but she wanted to see how the girl was doing too. She could also be there for her, knowing she would more than likely be nervous. As Sidra came into view, Isa slowed to a walk. Hello again Sidra. Have you decided to join Casa? Everything about Isa seemed friendly. She wasn’t holding a dominant position or anything, instead she had a large smile on her face as her tail wagged slowly behind her.
It had taken some time, Adelle practically bouncing off the walls for emphasis when Sidra finally agreed. She had driven the hybrid crazy with her energy, hugging her and chatting about how much fun they would be having. Sidra tolerated all of it as they head to the pack. She still felt a little distrustful of the hybrid she didn't know, but Adelle was polite as they left and returned to the pack. Her tail swung spiritedly behind her, head held high with pride as they walked back. It was good to have Sidra as pack. Adelle had already accepted her, sure that the leaders would take her in without any questioning.

Adelle met Sidra's eyes, grinning brightly at her. The howl rang through the air, the colorful dog unable to resist adding in her own deep booming voice to the call, still all smiles when it ended. Waiting was the hard part, pacing back and forth along the borders with eagerness. Isa appeared, sending Adelle into an even higher state of excitement. Isa! Sidra's joining! It answered the question, running over everything with her overenthusiastic nature.

out of character here

While her own howl sounded, the exuberant pup's rang in unison. Hers was much more exited and alert than Sidra's, but it made the hybrid feel a bit better that the Alphas would know she wasn't alone.

The two exotic colored canines had only been waiting a short while, but it seemed like an eternity. Adelle was pacing which made Sidra even more anxious about who would be coming to the border and when. She couldn't help but start pacing as well. Ears flicked forward whenever she heard even the slightest of sounds. Eyes flitted to Soloman every now and then, who held all of her belongings, including her booze. Right about now, it was looking like a fine idea. Being so uptight and nervous wasn't her thing and even a couple sips would calm her before the Alpha arrived.

Before she was able to get to it, Isa showed up from across the border. This time she was different. Her whole demeanor was happier and more carefree, rather than angry and threatening. It put her at even more ease seeing her here now after she'd invited her to join herself. Two people were now backing the decision that she'd taken so long to make. If only Aro showed up, then she'd have nothing to keep her from crossing the border. The light colored female asked the obvious question but before she could even open her mouth to speak Adelle answered for her. She couldn't hold back a frustrated laugh, a long audible sigh following. This was definitely nerve racking. Pride keeping her from turning and running from this big decision, she walked toward Isa and nodded her head. Yes. Adelle gave me no choice but to come back with her and join. The anxiety was clear in her expression and the way she held herself, eyes nervously turned back to Soloman. All she wanted was to get this over with, settle down, and have a drink.

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Aro was laying on his back soaking up the sun, his eyes lightly closed as sleep began to soak in along with the sun. This was all interrupted by a howl, it was a joining howl, one that called for his father, but as it went, something familiar caught his ears. His body jolted up and his ears swiveled catching it's direction. Sidra! His heart shot to his throat and he scrambled to his feet and ran like an excited pup. She was joining! What made her change her mind!? What made her decide!? Did his talk really make her think? He didn't want to prod her...but he really wanted to know.

His long legs carried him quickly, but not as fast as he would in lupine form. There was no time for that, he needed to catch her before his father got there. He slowed down, trying to cool himself, and make himself not look as excited as he was. Knowing she was just a little ways away, he smoothed his fur and shook off his excitement. He didn't want to come into view like he was. Taking a deep breath, he caught the scent of Adelle, and another. All the more reason to be cool. Licking his muzzle, he was ready. Walking calmly into view and toward the three females, he gave a light smile, his eyes appearing casual. "...hey ladies! More so...hello Sidra!" He then flashed a large grin her way, "What finally got you to join?" As he spoke, his eyes looked into Sidra's electric gaze, he saw how nervous she was and couldn't help but chuckle some, "Need something to take the edge off? Though, I could make you feel easier and tell you, my father won't bite.." He laughed again. His eyes looked to her horse, "...but I might have something that would make your horse more comfortable. I'm sure you being uneasy is upsetting him.." He slowly approached the horse as he reached into his pack pulling out an apple, "May I?" He asked before offering it to the magnificent horse.

His eyes glanced to Adelle, "So was it you that persuaded, this mysterious woman?"

Word Count: 300+

The Knight was lazing away in a small open meadow when the call came waking him up from his sleep and bidding him to his feet at a slow sleepy pace, The few meadows in Casa territories were his little havens. Birds jumped back and forth the on trees chirping away, rabbits clearly lived in holes near by and the sun shone down on him warming his coat and skin as he slumbered. Normally you would not find the Sole sleeping in the middle of the day but he had taken the day off of boarder patrols and taking care of his horse, generally sneaking away from the Fort and his duties.

After his incident with Skye a couple weeks ago the warrior had been on edge and seriously thinking about what he wanted in his life. He knew that he would love a family but he wanted a mate again. Someone to call his own, and the one girl that stood out in his mind was Aly. Since she joined she had been incredibly helpful around the pack and he thoroughly enjoyed her company, though you could argue that the same went for the other ladies of the pack she seemed to catch his eye. She was by no means a damsel in distress, having a bit of fight to her, but she was beautiful in his eyes and added so much to his wish of what Casa would be.

It wasn’t until the second call joined in that Jazper’s ears perked and his two legs began to move faster, Adelle’s call all too familiar to him. As he drew closer to the source of the sound his mind find with confusion at the scents that clearly would lead to a small gathering. Finally the four wolves came into view and the Knight halted taking in the scene, his large presence clearly known but his voice silent, waiting for the attention of the group he knew would instantly come. The situation was strange to him and it made his body tense in the first few moments as his golden eyes wandered over the female joiner and then to his pack mates, “What’s with the party?” His Scottish accent was gentle as a soft smile appeared on his lips but the question was clear and he would want a proper answer.

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Her tail beat the air fervently, a nervous laugh coming from Sidra. Adelle pushed at her playfully, unable to contain the bright happy energy fueling her actions. It was great to be there with her, knowing she would soon be her pack mate. Mock fury filled her, straightening up at Sidra's words. Not true! You wanted to come. Aro arrived a short time after, smooth and slick. Adelle giggled at his playful words, doing her best to stay still and not end up bounding all over the place.

Head held high Adelle nodded her head in response to the question. Yes! It was her courage, and maturity, and careful reasoning that had lead Sidra to join Casa. It had all been a very mature process, a great example of how she was going to be a great warrior. She fell still at Jazper's arrival, though her tail didn't stop moving. Body still she smiled up at him, happy to see their alpha here to welcome Sidra. She looked at her friend, waiting for her to speak.

out of character here

Adelle was right. Sidra did want to come, but she was much too proud and much too stubborn to admit it. She'd wanted to come the moment Aro had told her of Casa di Cavalieri, knowing that she might find a suitable home for herself. She wanted to come even more when she'd met Adelle and Isa. A moment later, Aro joined the three women. Sidra's face instantly lit up at the sight of him and for the second time she held herself back from running up and hugging him excitedly. Her tail picked up behind her, forgetting for a moment about the anxiety about meeting the Alpha and finally joining. He flashed her a smile and she returned it with her own, though the nervousness was putting a damper on her mood. Sidra motioned to Adelle. Adelle dragged me back, I had no choice. She wasn't taking any responsibility for her actions to come to the border.

Oh, the thought of a substance to take away the anxiety was mighty welcoming but even more so than that, the assurance that Aro's father, the Alpha, wasn't going to be frightening. Sidra turned to Soloman. She hadn't noticed how unsettled he was. He couldn't keep four feet on the ground, kicking and digging into the forest floor, his tail flicking angrily behind him. The spotted hybrid walked up to him when Aro did knowing he might not take to the obsidian man. The mahogany horse took a few steps back as Aro came closer, but as soon as the apple was waved in front of him, he stepped back into place giving a lighthearted whinny. Sidra smiled over at Aro and nodded. Of course. Soloman didn't hesitate for a moment, grabbing the apple out of the man's hand and nibbling on it joyfully. Attention turned to Adelle as the question was asked, her pride was obvious and caused a bright smile to splay on the hybrid's lips. Without her, she'd never have come here today.

Sidra was still anxious, but with the three that had made her want to join Casa by her side, she felt a world more at ease. Her eyes still constantly flicked towards the bags on Sully's back. She's just have to wait now. It wasn't long before the Alpha came to the borders making Sidra stiffen. He held himself high and proud and said nothing for a long while while he examined her. She couldn't help but lower her head in submission, ears flicking back and eyes darting over to Aro and then to the ground. The man's eyes weren't judgmental, but she felt uneasy with anyone staring at her. The Alpha's next words were much different than she would have expected, his voice was reassuring and kind. Everyone was silent meaning that it was now Sidra's time to speak. My name is Sidra Pheonix and I'm here to join your ranks, if you'll have me. With a breath, she straightened up a little letting her pride shine through. Opal eyes turned to Adelle, then to Ismeme, then to Aro for strength.

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Out of character

Word Count → 000

Aro hadn't realized his affect on her, most females were either really shy or fiesty around him. In truth it hadn't surprised him to hear Adelle dragging someone here, but Adelle denied it and Aro smiled, a large grin. Before he could actually hand the apple to Solomon the horses big head pushed and forced the apple out of his hand. His deep chuckle came from him, his eyes looking joyously to Sidra's. Aro almost wanted to pull her to him in a hug to share in his joy that she was here but as he moved to get closer to the beautifully floored woman his father's presence was felt. He stood taller and moved to body to face the Sole. "Why, hello...sorry the invitations were forgotten to be passed..." He joked lightly before giving a soft bow. " Though in all seriousness, father, Sidra here is a friend...I had mentioned Casa to her months ago...and apparently Adelle here had finally helped her make up her mind. I know Sidra is a fine warrior and feel she would make a great addition to the pack ranks." He offered. He was sure the Sole would accept the young woman, but he had learned that being overly confident could easily get one in trouble.

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Adelle seemed absolutely overjoyed that Sidra had finally decided to join Casa, but then Sidra spoke up, explaining that it was Adelle who convinced her. Isa chuckled at the two girls and was about to speak again when she heard another approaching. Aro came up to the girls, a small smile on his face and he seemed to know Sidra as well. He talked with Sidra for a moment before offering her nervous horse an apple, seeming to want to calm him.

It wasn’t long after that Jazper showed up, asking what everyone was doing. Sidra explained politely that she wished to join their ranks and then Aro spoke up and explained the situation. Isa turned her attention to Jazper and spoke her reasoning for being there as well. Sir, I stand beside Sidra as well. She is a strong woman and will make a fine addition to our pack. She knew perfectly well that she herself had the authority to accept newcomers now, but since Jazper was there it would be his decision.
OOC: Requesting you get titled up now Smile / +300

The joiner seemed to already be popular with his pack members from the looks on their faces. All three were grinning ear to ear with tails wagging. She was clearly a mixed canine but Jazper paid no heed to such things. Casa was home to many different types from coyote to dog mixes to pure dogs. It simply didn’t matter to the Knight the heritage of his warriors but he took great care in assessing their actions, and with this he was hesitant. However his hesitation dissolved as his son spoke up jokingly, spreading a large grin across his face as he stepped forward joining the group in front of him. As soon as Aro spoke up Isa joined in. Clearly Sidra had played her cards well, as he fully trusted his son and Tronco.

His ears flickered as he heard his barn owl Alena land on a nearby branch. She had only been flying for a month now and had readily followed the Knight around ever since.You seem to have won over my members when I wasn’t looking Sidra. He teased lightly but his mind quickly moved over to business his voice remained light and reassuring. Jazper Rhiannon-Knight. He greeted with a small bow of his head, he wasn’t sure if the others had already filled her in but thought it best to introduce himself anyway.

My members are very important to me, I love them all like family and expect them to treat each other as such. We don’t just fight here, though your training is important you’ll need to hunt for your friends and help educate the young as well as take your turn patrolling the boarders. He gave the girl a moment to take in his words. I trust my members with my life and the lives of my family. If you want to live here than you’ll need to be willing to give your life for your friends. Although the topic was serious Jazper’s demeanor was relaxed and his golden eyes soft as he spoke to the young lady.

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Welcome to Casa di Cavalieri!


Here are some things that we suggest you take a look at, now that you've been accepted:

  • Check out the Game to see how you can start collecting points for fun prizes!
  • Look at the Map and Territory Descriptions to see the various places your character can explore within the pack.
  • Look over the list of Co-Ranks that are available for you character to pursue once they reach the Famiglia rank.
  • Please read our Policies and IC Laws & Punishments so that you and your character can abide by Casa di Cavalieri's standards.

If you have any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to contact either Melissa and she will do whatever she can to help you! If you're ready to get to roleplaying right away, post in the Thread Requests forum or snag an Open Thread!

Another protesting whine rose up, unhappy about being blamed for bringing Sidra in. She wasn't so mean as to make Sidra do anything she didn't want to do. A pout set out across her features, thinking she sounded rather like a bully in the way Sidra spoke. She didn't get that it could be taken as a joke, or something else friendly. As far as she was concerned, Sidra was weaseling out of joining by putting all the blame on Adelle, and making it sound like she didn't actually want to be there.

Sidra's words as she addressed Jazper were powerful. Her tail beat behind her with pride as the hybrid straightened up and spoke her part. That was her friend. Even Isa was happy and supportive in Sidra's choice, Adelle doing little more than beaming her happiness at everyone and wanting to get this over with so she could play again. She grew more still as the sole spoke. His words were powerful, resonating in her mind. This was the oath she wished to uphold, the warrior she wished to become. Adelle found herself nodding in agreement, though it wasn't directed at her.

Yay! Sidra is officially a Casa canine! Also, yes, Sidra is an immature butthole. But, she'll learn. :3

The moments that passed after the black and gold hybrid spoke felt like hours. Her body fell completely still, shoulders rolled back in a confident posture while her head remained low and submissive in the presence of Casa's Sole. Aro was the first to speak in the moments that followed, intense Amethyst eyes shifted to the handsome wolf as he spoke. A small and confident smile crept onto Sidra's lips as his words filled the silence. He instilled his own confidence that he had in her, in his own father and the leader of Casa di Cavalieri. Her heart swelled even larger when Ismeme spoke up and the slender female's gaze flashed to the light colored woman, her smile growing even larger. Her eyes finally fell on Adelle who was pouting, though Sidra had no idea why. Of course she was being immature, making Adelle responsible for Sidra's choices, but she'd rather ignore that fact and focus on being accepted into a family. For once, she was feeling good about this and was feeling grateful for the three canines that vouched for her.

Jazper's booming voice led Sidra's gaze directly to him, her ears flicking back again, calming from the previous excitement. Her tail had started to sway confidently now. She was fairly sure she'd be accepted. Her impression of the Sole was an honorable one. He seemed kind yet proud, serious yet capable of joy and laughter. Already, she was happy that this man may be her leader, despite his gender.

Sidra's face grew stern as he spoke. Obviously he was serious about all the things he said. The hybrid dismayed herself knowing all of the things she'd done in the past. Of course it would be hard to overcome who she'd been for most of her life, but she would make an effort to not cause trouble among her new pack mates. The responsibility is what hit her the hardest. Now, she would be responsible for others, not just herself. This was the very reason she hesitated in joining. It scared the daylights out of her to worry about others and what other's thought about her. Sidra didn't want to let anyone down, she'd done that already and it'd broken her. Her head dropped even more, brow furrowing as she soaked up his words. As of now, she wasn't completely sure she would give her life for anyone. Up until her escape from the traffickers, she trusted no one, helped no one, and sacrificed for nobody but herself. Even so, she was willing to try her hardest. Once he was done, she raised her head and inhaled deeply. The breath was held for a moment before she puffed herself up more, her words beginning as a strong whisper and then strengthened into a proud tone. I promise with everything I have that I will do my best to make you proud. It was all she had to say right now, but hoped it would be all he needed to accept her.

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Aro has soo many female's on his mind...and Sidra might be taking the lead XD

Word Count → 000

Aro was quite pleased to make his Father grin, especially such a large grin at that, and perhaps he was imagining things, but he was sure there could have been a burst of laughter there if he decided to make more jokes. He loved to see his father smile, anyone smile really, but especially his father. His father's laugh was contagious which made it all the more grand to hear. Ismeme spoke on Sidra as well, and he was glad to see that Sidra had made such a good impression, it showed that she was surely going to be a great addition. Maybe Sidra didn't see it, but he knew she could do all those things his father mentioned, she just needed to learn to trust others. Something had happened to her, he wasn't going to push for it. It was the past now, and she was here. Casa would be a great home for her, there was so much to offer others. Trust, family, honor, and happiness. His chest puffed in pride as she was accepted and her words made him all that more happy causing his tail to wag unchecked as it had been. He knew she would do her best, and he'd be happy to be at her side throughout it, whether she liked it or not.

His eyes finally glanced to Adelle, noticing her silence, and then he noted how upset she was. He laughed a little, "Adelle, I'm sure Ismeme and I know that you didn't twist Sidra's arm. At least, I know you didn't. I couldn't twist her arm, and I can beat you up..so, I'm sure you twisting and dragging someone would be quite difficult, and there would be signs of exhaustion on you from the whole ordeal...Sidra here claims the ability to kick my as-rear, so..yeah.." It was an awkward explanation of how he knew Sidra was forced to come her, he just hoped Adelle understood it. He gave a crooked smile and then lifted his right arm to scratch at the back of his head. He was certainly feeling nervous all of a sudden. Perhaps it was how happy he was to know now that he didn't have to be laying thinking of how Sidra was doing. She was here in Casa now, with him just a bark away. He could be there for her...

Aro looked down, what was he doing? He was so emotional about Sidra, he hadn't been like this since that one canine back in Europe...and he wasn't going to let himself go down that path again. He looked up with a sigh and smiled, "Well, Sidra, I'll let Adelle and Ismeme have fun with ya' for awhile...I'm sure we'll run into one another again.." He winked at her his charming smile coming back over him, "We'll have to have a drink and a smoke with one another soon.." He then backed away with a bow, eyes never leaving hers, then he casually turned and walked away from the small group, but not before giving his father a nod. His smile never leaving his muzzle until he was out of sight. He had some thinking to do.

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