[M] Seven buckets of tears are enough
WARNING: This thread contains material exceeding the general board rating of PG-13. It may contain very strong language, drug usage, graphic violence, or graphic sexual content. Reader discretion is advised.



The load on his shoulders was heavy and definitely starting to become prominently painful. Pandemic was large and muscular by nature, and his frame had been vastly broadened by his choice of labour; pounding metal with a heavy hammer and handling various equipment made by the same material. Black was a strong and wilful steed, but couldn’t carry all the equipment and Pandemic at the same time, so it was necessary for them to share the load. But now, it would not be long before he arrived home, once more. And it wouldn’t make a difference, he knew. The thought made him slightly sad.

Powerful jaws were clutched together as he decided on an impulsive break despite the general closeness of Salsola. He wished for some time to reflect anyway before he returned to the Thistle Kingdom anyway, so here was as good a place as any. A low snarl escaped his bulky black muzzle before he turned to the rebellious mount and started loading off some of the heaviest equipment from the black stallion so that he too could breathe more easily. Although the horse was a particularly strong willed creature, the black wolf trusted their bond enough not to tie it up by a nearby branch.

The silver eyed man sat down hard on the grassy ground and casually rummaged through the various items he had brought with him all the way from Freetown. Much of it was useless; blacksmith equipment that added only weight and no satisfaction. Small gifts and treasures were too hidden in the large bag and the two leather sacks he had unloaded from the horse, but they wouldn’t be unpacked until he was home.

Table by kiki

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Eclipse was eager to get home. Her traveling made her feel almost tired, and yet there was this giddy sensation in the pit of her stomach. She felt she could take anything on, and she noticed something different about her quick enough. And she knew what it meant. She was in heat, she was now fully blossomed and was able to have puppies, but even her own outburst at Colibri reminded her she would never have them. She did not want to share her families curse. Though as she walked she couldn’t help but think about puppies and who would help her raise them. Grace was trailing behind her with the colt in tow.

She spotted the stallion first and then there was the matching wolf to the massive animal. curious and intrigued, and deep down aroused, she moved forward, not knowing the feeling she had in the pits of her stomach nor why her own knees wanted to buckled down and she submit to this unknown man. It was a horrible thought and she had to stop to fight down her instincts before starting up again.

“Hello, I saw you from a distance and well, I was wondering if you wouldn’t mind some company.”

She said shyly, one hand on Grace’s reigns the other fumbling with the end of her bow. She was now shy all of a sudden and her gaze went straight to the ground. Her thoughts kept taunting her asking her why she needed to be shy of him, she hadn’t been shy of most people.

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Table by Sunny


Apologies for wait, darling.


Predatory eyes focused upon the approaching creature. It wasn’t customary for complete strangers to approach the dark giant. There was a certain aura of broodiness that seemed to stick to him like a damp, gloomy cloud. He often preferred loneliness before hooking up with randoms. Random encounters were acceptable and quite common in the northern trade town that he had spent much of his time this year, but things were different here. He was still discovering who he wanted to be.

Somehow, she was pleasing to his eyes, as well as to other senses, though he did not immediately pick up on this. It was obviously beyond him why she wished to offer him her company, but he had been taught the basics of civility, and offered a brusque nod in her direction as he brought his eyes back to his items. He didn’t pay much attention to her shyness, but this was mostly because of general exhaustion. The black man hadn’t quite decided how he felt around the opposite gender, and was known to occasionally lose his composure around pretty creatures. He was young and inexperienced, and had seen, but not yet touched.

”Pretty animal,” he said, dark voice rumbling like distant thunder. Black obviously approved of the wolfess’ herbivore companion, and nickered.

Table by kiki

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WC: 243 OOC: Well i pay you back with a crappy post!!!

He acknowledged her for a bit and then gave her a nod turning back to what he was doing. Eclipse pulled the horse close, but dropped the reigns, though she wanted to keep them in her hands because she was so very nervous. She forced it out of her hands as calmly as she could and went to sit next to him. His comment made her smile absently and the horse’s return was a loud snort as she moved off to eat. Eclipse didn’t keep a bridle on the animal, but a halter as the woman could tell the horse was better “Thank you and I think she agrees as well. Um I am Eclipse.” She said, though normally giving out her last name her mind wasn’t exactly on her name it was on the scent of the male and her eyes were on the ground that was before her.

She was new to this situation. Where she was utterly attractive to a total stranger, if she wasn’t under control of herself, she might be attacked for running at him with no real thoughts of what she wanted to do with him. Though her instincts were to change and flaunt herself, she was sure that her body even in optime could do better than that. She looked at the items and tilted her head questioningly.

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Table by Sunny




The latte woman smiled at his words. How intriguing – it didn’t even look forced. Black audits flickered as some tension seemed fester in his broad chest. Despite having lived a good portion of his young life in Freetown, he generally had issues with canines he did not know. Salsola promoted suspicion of outsiders, and Anathema had not been much better. He had been raised to possess a bit of paranoia, and kept to himself whenever he was outside the pack’s safety. He didn’t fear as he used to when he was a puppy, but the resentment for others remained throughout adolescent and followed him through adulthood.

Eclipse, she said. The male grunted at this, silvery eyes glued to her appearance. ”Pandemic,” he returned, apparently feeling quite polite today. She smelled of a pack, and it was a shame. Had her scent spoken of loneliness, he would have made her his by force like he had another. Unfortunately, Pandemic had given his prize to Sirius without much thought to it. Now, he almost regretted giving Wander away as a gift to the Boss. Then again, he wasn’t particularly fond of slaves, at least not when they were freshly caught. He was a generally patient canine, he supposed, but his anger could be a terrible thing, and left people and objects broken.

”Black,” the dark man continued, roughly gesticulating towards the dark stallion with an arm. The woman’s eyes seemed to radiate curiosity, and he had to follow her gaze to discover what she was peering at. His items? It was obvious to him what these objects were, but he intended to play nice for a little bit longer. His heart rate seemed flushed, it made him nervous. ”Some smithing tools,” he revealed, picking up a small hammer in his hand and waved it a bit, feeling mostly silly. He couldn’t decide if he felt comfortable around this female at all.

Table by kiki

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WC: 240 OOC: Shaw the dork

Eclipse smiled and nodded at his name. He was a man of few words it seemed, but that was fine with her. “It is nice to meet you.” She said, then looked over to his horse, who was named black. She smiled “I can’t imagine why you would name him such a name.” She said. her voice teasing, not something she normally did with strangers at all especially strangers who had just given their names. She wriggled a little at the thought and looked over at her own mare; “That is grace and her foal over there... well he is yet to be named” She pointed at her chestnut and flaxen mare first and then over at the palamino foal that was standing next to her, doing his best to keep his mother between him and the black man Eclipse encountered.

Her hands started moving around a bit as she was feeling nervous, giddy, and quite strange. It was a feeling she never felt before and it was as though she could hardly breath. He explained the tools in three short quick words and she cocked her head a little. “What do they do?” She asked. She was interested and wanted the conversation to continue, though she felt she needed to be doing something else, like her body wanted to do something that she thought would be entirely uncalled for.

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Table by Sunny




It was nice to meet him, she said. He had done little to make an impression on her, but the words were pleasing to hear. He thought it was nice to meet her too, though he wouldn’t openly admit this as easily as she just had. She was not Salsola—not an ally, and it made him wary of her, regardless of her satisfactory behaviour and appearance. He felt his body respond to her, and found himself somewhat puzzled at his willingness to interact with her. He was still young and blue eyed in the innocent sense. He didn’t know or understand the tricks simple hormones could play on him, yet.

She commented on the stallion’s name, and he was visibly confused for a moment. He was used to such names where he came from, and didn’t understand what was wrong with it. Then it dawned on him—she was joking. One ebony ear moved with slight embarrassment, but he kept his composure. ”Oh, well..” It wasn’t he that had decided the name. ”He was given to me as a gift from the Boss when I advanced from Bambino, so I wasn’t the one who named him..” his words did not flow forth with elegance, and he felt somewhat silly. It annoyed him that she made him feel this way, even if it wasn’t her fault.

Grace and foal. ”You can name it Foal,” he said, not feeling smarter by saying silly things.

Instead, he turned his attention back to the equipment he was seated with. ”Uh,” the man rumbled, wondering what to say. The hammer was already in his hand, and he aimed it at a nearby rock. ”Hammer to form virgin metal into a tool of choice,” he mumbled, unused with her open curiosity about the profession he recently decided to abandon. Oh, what would those home in Salsola say and do when they learned he had decided to fail them… ”Many more tools,” he quickly continued, gesticulating to the depths of his backpack, where more hammers and tongs rested. ”For work in the forge.”

Table by kiki

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Ooc sorry so short

She listened at his words though they were few she was impressed by him he seemed a bit embarressed about then a e of the horse and she wanted him to be happy, "Well I think it is a fine.name and that is a suitable name for him I think I'll call him that until I can find a more permanent one, he won't be a foal after all." she said happily

She listened as he explained how tools they seemed boring though she was always willing to learn about new things she heard about by her interest was different than that now she wanted an excuse to get closer to him and that was what she was doing. She let her hand go towards the tool in his hand and she stopped short. "may I?" she asked hoping he didn't already take offense



He didn’t think he managed to impress her with his simple instruments. She was the one that had approached him though, and she couldn’t expect him to come up with intriguing things to entertain her. If he wasn’t exciting enough for her, she could leave! But he knew, as he inhaled her strangely attractive scent, that he wished for her to stay, if only for a little while longer. She wasn’t Salsola, but it didn’t have to mean that he couldn’t know her. Although he had been a sturdy loner as he worked on his apprenticeship in freetown, he’d never really… found many friends there.

A slight smile was drawn on his wolfish muzzle when she seemed to like the name as something temporary, at least. A nod was given, for he approved of the logic she displayed. Foal now, Horse later. Simple as he himself would have wanted it to be. As she reached for the tool in his hand, he fought the impulse lean away from her. He managed not to. ”Of course,” he muttered, smile still on his black lips, though somewhat uncertain. He didn’t feel uncomfortable though. He handed it to her, quietly hoping that their fingers were to touch.

Table by kiki

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(243) OOC: Eclipse is such a naughty doggy >.> tsk tsk

She may be bored but she was attracted to the quiet man in some way.... she felt she should stay and she smiled as he handed her the tool. She deliberately let her fingers slide onto his to touch him for whatever reason was her own. She thrived for touch and she liked it even if it was only a second. She handled the tool with care. It was heavier than she thought it was, but she could lift it. One side, where the hammer was, was far heavier than the handle and she inspected it seeing where it had hit on the other hard surfaces, as well as its own mark. This she could see as a weapon if one wanted it to be and a formidable one.

“Where did you learn how to do it? It seems hard to think you could make metal into something you want to.” She said. She handed it back, both hands underneath it. She wasn’t as confident in keeping it steady for him to take without dropping it and she had a feeling he cared for it. And deep down in her head she thought she would get to feel his touch again. She was smiling at him, an absent one, of hope and interest in the male, though his history was not the only thing she wanted to know she realized, she just wanted to know him. As a male.

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Table by Kite/Aly



Had he worn a body able to dress itself with goose bumps, he’d be wrapped up in them as physical contact did occur. An uniquely distrustful beast, the male didn’t give way for thoughts to remember that the hammer he so willingly placed in her hands would be a formidable weapon against any unsuspicious foe. Was the girl to swing the object and smash it against his blood-thumping temple, death was likely to be swift or instant. But no, at times women had weapons to completely disarm body and mind, at least for some time.

She asked and wanted him to spew out information. Within, the lost intellect in him bristled at the though, no matter the trivial nature of the facts she sought. ”From one that knows his profession, up in Freetown,” the man drew a slow inhale, unconsciously shooting out his chest and tensing his well-defined muscles. He had been places, he knew things, he was mysterious and fascinating. And turning metal from one form to the other wasn’t as terribly intricate as the latte lady seemed to think. He wasn’t about to pretend it was simple, though.

”It’s difficult, but it can be done if you’re like me and know your craft,” he said, further expanding his mighty chest with air. Her smile made his voice sound slightly funny. He reached for the hammer presented by both her hands, and took his time grabbing the weapon, wondering at the delicious warmth radiating from her open palms PANISACREEPER.

Table by kiki

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(186) OOC: Bad girl Eclipse, baaaad girl!!

As interesting as she thought it would be his response was more elusive than anything, she wondered if he was hiding something or if he always was this estranged from new friends, many people she met were open about themselves and their learning. When she handed back his tool she could see his hand over over hers, and she felt a slight excitement and her heart pounded hard against her chest. He excited her. She wanted him to know it. She wanted to share the warm feeling that was burning inside her, the need that she was feeling at this very moment.

In a quick movement she would try to do what she could to show him and leaned toward him, quickly but not so quick that she was rushing. She barely knew what she was doing when she came in for the kiss. Either she would land a tongue on his mouth, or air, depending on how he would react to her... abrasiveness. She just felt certain that she wanted to show him she was interested... not in his tools but in him.

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Table by Kite/Aly

SLIGHT pp in the end of post. Let me know if not okay.


She manipulated him with ease, although it didn’t seem like she knew this. The onyx coated male certainly didn’t, absolutely fascinated and short of breath for reasons he could not comprehend yet. She wasn’t any shining goddess come down before him, but there was simple physical attraction that forced him to lower his guard. He was hungry for her as she was for him, but didn’t guess what exactly would quench it. He would understand this process soon enough though.

He retrieved the fine (but heavy for her) instrument, but it was quickly dropped without care as the tricky female made her bold move. She didn’t have to move far to pierce his usually well-guarded personal zone, but the young man’s teeth and claws did not lunge for her. The woman definitely surprised him by moving in on him, but he quickly regained the little composure he had left, stormy grey eyes wide open.

Pandemic was not completely lost behind the shroud. He’d received enough kisses from his family and stalked enough kissers in Freetown to quickly realize what it was she was doing. It had happened more than once when those courtesans had fluttered their eyelashes at him, but it had only been for worthy trades and Pandemic had never been able to discover their services. How strange and exhilarating!

Black hands rose to grasp her arms, as in reflex, but not to push her away. He didn’t quite know what to do with her, but he wasn’t about to shy away from her approach as he might would have, had he been more sane this moment. He had never kissed anyone but family, but was fan of the saying: learn by doing. Delicious currents tickled through him as their cold noses touched.

Table by kiki

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(182) OOC: GASP BAD GIRL BAD!!! *slaps eclipse's hand*

He was not the first wolf she kissed, but he was her second, and her bold move seemed to pay out as he took her by the shoulders, it was a big difference in Moss’s pull on her to lay and he showed her how it all was to feel good, now she suddenly want to make this stranger feel good and vice versa.

If the kiss wasn’t enough, at his grasp she nearly flung herself on him, wanting to press her body to him, and felt the heat of her body and her own heat scent grow, making her instinct for puppies of any kind grow and here was this strong, eligible man. She was moving too fast but that mattered little to the woman right now as she kissed him, trying to show her thoughts in her action as her arms threw around his neck and hands went down his back. They clung to him, and hopefully that was enough of a hint that he would help her, she would press herself on him if she had to.

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Table by Kite/Aly

8D Uhm, I'm just gonna add mature tags to this topic just so that we're playing it safe.


His heart’s pace was pushing through his chest as she seemed to be all over him. His breath was caught in his throat as he tasted her, inexperienced yet so spontaneously eager to connect with her. The fingers of the hands that held her curled mercilessly, strengthening his insistent grip of her and pulling her closer against his broad frame. Lungs screamed with relief as he inhaled her wonderful scent and filled his consciousness with lovely cotton. Pale brown arms embraced his muscular neck and her fingers travelled down along his back. Where her fingers travelled, a sweet burn remained.

The young male closed his eyes, and concentrated on the mere feel of her body against his. He couldn’t hide his psychical excitement from her, but had no reason to be ashamed. And to her, it must surely be a compliment that she had such a strong effect on him. His own hands started their blind travels as well, trailing along her feminine curves with curious appreciation of her womanly form. The horses and his belongings were completely forgotten, as was his recent exhaustion from travelling. Youthful energy seemed to sear through his veins now, and he didn’t want it to stop.

Table by kiki

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(000) OOC: lol yeah good idea, if you need me to change anything let me know ^^

Eclipse’s mind was not on how she was seducing a man she didn’t know... if it were she would be hating herself at this moment and pushing away, as it were the moment she was in, made her want him more, and made her believe he was the man she wanted to be with, and doing what needed to be done was what was needed right here and now. Excitement ran through her body as he reciprocated her touches with his own, feeling her fur rise as his own fingers trailed along her sides and hips, furthering her excitement and need.

She now pressed herself against him, no hopes or wishes on her mind, only needs and nows. She wanted him as much as it seemed he wanted her and she could tell, nothing could break these thoughts. It was as though she knew the man she had flung herself on top of and wanted to show him the passion she could share. Her arms moved from his neck as her hands explored his shoulders and arms and rubbed at them with increased curiosity. He worked with his arms it was obvious from the muscle underneath the fur and skin, it felt nice to her touch.

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Table by Kite/Aly

Slight powerplay -- let me know if I need to change anything


It would have been easiest to lose himself in this simple moment of building physical pleasure. But – something was very wrong, and somehow, this passive part of his consciousness allowed this no longer. With his eyes closed, he could imagine the young female in his lap very differently. Her hair would turn hay blonde and her eyes would turn into flourished green. But the smell remained wrong – very much so, and as the ebony D’Angelo opened his eyes, it was a mere stranger trailing her fingers across his body. He could imagine his litter sister all he wanted, but it wouldn’t make it real.

With this sudden (though quite delayed) realization, he completely shut off – disgusted with himself as well as this wench. Who the fuck was this stranger that just came here and expected him to do as she pleased. His body had frozen for only a moment as he reached for his conclusion, and now, with a sudden shove, he pushed the attractive girl off his lap. His veins were still afire with the lust he felt, but it was not for her. He burned for someone else, not for this stranger that he barely knew the name of. Fingers that moments before had caressed her waist now curled into magnified fists that wished to harm.

Get away from me! the man shouted, his voice cracking like vicious thunder as he rose in one angry motion. Lips curled to give way for ivory fangs in vibrant contrast to the darkness of fur and skin. Within his eyes, a dark gray storm approached.

Table by kiki

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(217) OOC: Oh noes!! It was fine, and we can end this with your post or mine, whichever you want Big Grin

Things were getting better and better for the young inexperienced woman, until she felt the black man’s muscles tense up but she didn’t have the time to figure out or to do anything for she was pushed right off him and onto the ground and not any too kindly. That was when Eclipse woke up. What was she doing? How had she come to be over the man, moving her body on his so tenderly as though she knew him? She was suddenly scared of herself, and his words made her scramble up. Her ears back and tail tucked and face feeling hot with both the lust and embarrassment she felt now that she had her own head on straight.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t... But she had no words. Her heartbeat went faster than she thought ever possible as she stared at the stranger disgusted with her. She was now disgusted with herself and she ran. Hurried to her horse hopped on Grace and slapped her into a gallop tears of embarrassment in her eyes. How could she do something like that? She though, her heart speeding with the horse away from the man she nearly seduced, feeling sick that she could not run away from herself either.

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Table by Kite/Aly

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