She's my lost companion

It had been a little while since she'd seen the sable female, quite a few days had passed. She didn't want to come and see her too soon, didn't want to make it seem like she wasn't busy in Twilight Vale with pack business. She was busy, but Naniko always made time to see her friends. She thought that she would be all right in coming to Phoenix Valley, too, because both Deuce and Iskata lived there.

The fem sat near the borderline, looking off into the territory. She had been here before Phoenix Valley had taken claim to it--it was a very beautiful place. The mid-afternoon sun shone down on her brilliant fur, making a halo of brightness around her as she sat, waiting.


Blue eyes looked at her tree, the large oak that stood where she had met Hel, and became a member of the Phoenix Valley family. She longed to sit in its wide curved arm, to be cradled under the warm sun. But how? She stood, on all fours it would be impossible to reach the high bough. Change then, her mind told her, become shape that would give her what she wanted. But, she wanted something greater. She wanted to run, fast and far to the large lake that held the very center of her thoughts. And for that she would need this form.

She turned her back on the mute friend, knowing he would be there when she came home. Now she needed to go, and ease her restless mind. Was it to soon, to go and see the snowy fey that sat prettily in the back of her mind, or had she paced around the valley long enough?

The timber female headed out again, to find the now familiar trails that led her around the boarders in a sweeping arc. She was able to travel the entire boarder just about a day, with her paws never stopping for rest, and her body only pausing for water. She had done it only once, and then had to rest for an entire day, which included hunting. But the day had started she wouldn’t get very far before she needed to sleep.

Almost ignoring the scents that rode the breeze, Anu could have missed her. But then again, how could anyone with eyes miss the gleaming white female that sat under the trees of their forest boarder. She stopped, taking in the sight, and forgot to not look so excited. Her tail dropped from a surprised stance to a lower more eager wag. Had she come to see her, or was it Iskata that she was looking for?

Questions bubbled at her surface, wondering so many things, but she controlled her voice and padded through the trees to greet her. Even if she wasn’t here to see her, Anu had been the first to find her and was ready to take advantage of that fact. As she approached she slowed till her was face to face with her friend.

“I’m glad you came.” Her voice and smile showed how glad she truly was, even if she had come for reasons that did not involve her, she was still happy to have her in her home, and could not help but express it.


Many of her friends had left over time, Deuce, Soran, her parents, too...but sometimes they came back. There were some that had died, some who she had known ever since their birth...but each one of them was very special to her. Naniko had been thinking about Anu for the last few days, even when she wasn't trying to. The girl just kept creeping into her thoughts, for some reason. And once she got started she really couldn't stop. They seemed a lot alike, though in reality she didn't know very much about the multicolored female.

She was glad that she'd managed to find Phoenix Valley without any mishaps, and more than happy to see Anu. "Can I come in?" She inquired, grinning.


“Of course.” Anu answered quickly. Her smile matched Naniko’s, and she stepped to walk beside her. Her coat bristled against the white fur of the other, and Anu had to step quickly to match her wider strides. They weren’t very different, Naniko was only a half head taller then she and looked much stronger, though Anu only noticed the fine lines of her face, and the graceful gait of her four legs.

Leading the way, Anu turned south towards one of her favorite places. It was not near the center of the pack’s territory, but close to the coast and out of the way. She was excited to give Naniko a tour of her favorite parts of her home. Her tail and gleaming eyes did not hide that feeling very well.

It was her nature to hide how she felt, keeping a mask to prevent watching eyes from truly knowing what might be happening behind her own. It rarely worked, and even when she concentrated on the exercise she succeeded only half the time. But now she had almost lost the urge to try, and surprisingly it was much easier and more natural to not.

“I hope that your pack will not miss you to much, during your visit.” She wanted to add, you mate, to the list of those that may miss her presence, but she held it there. They would all miss her though, Anu certainly had after they had parted. She swallowed though her throat was dry, and gathered scraps of her courage, “He will of course, but I will return you soon enough.” She thought aloud, not truly certain if she had spoken for the world to hear or if they had stayed behind her lips.

“Your mate, I mean.” The words fumbled out of her mouth hastily. She was sure that Naniko would think she was a stuttering fool, and Anu could not manage to bring her eyes up to match her friends.


She didn't know if Phoenix Valley had any rules against letting people in like Shadowed Sun'd had. Twilight Vale certainly didn't have rules against letting anyone in from outside the pack...unless they were an Inferni member. She still felt strange about them, despite their temporary peace, and didn't want any of them inside Twilight Vale without her knowing.

Was Anu a highly ranked wolf in her pack? She did smell of Phoenix Valley, but every once in a while Naniko would catch a hint of something more. Maybe she hadn't lived here for very long yet.

She wasn't paying attention to what Anu was saying at first, and looked at her quizzically. "I don't have one, and the other won't mind if I'm only gone for a little while. Lucifer can look after some things, like accepting wolves into the pack, now, so I don't feel so bad leaving Twilight Vale every once in a while. I think I'd go crazy if I stayed there all the time" She nodded at the thought. "My mate ran off a few weeks ago. You've got somebody like that here, though, surely"


If there were rules against letting outsiders into the packlands, Anu had no notion of them. Hel had been weary of her at first, but was no aggression towards her when she was a stranger. She was happy to have her friend visit, and had an odd defensive sense surrounding Naniko. There would be no reason for any to challenge her presence; she of course was Iskata’s daughter. It was that thought that made it easy for her to accept her into the territory.

Anu waited anxiously for her to respond, and it seemed like ages passed before she spoke. When she did Anu continued to watch the ground she walked, unsure of what she was looking for, and more importantly what was about to be said. Her ears fell backward when the words passed over them.

After processing the words her head and eyes faced and watched Naniko, trying to understand what she had said. He left her? The rest didn’t really register in her brain, even her assumption of having a mate of her own. The only thing that she could wrap her brain around, was that he left her. Her face was sure to be confused, and maybe even astonished. The questions rose into her throat, dancing along her tongue, eager to fly out into the open. She shut her mouth to keep them from pouring out.

She didn’t seem upset, not when Anu watched her face but she also didn’t know how well she was at hiding her feelings. Even though Anu didn’t truly know her, she felt as if didn’t need all the little details to understand that she was worth too much to leave. “He must have been crazy, to let you go.” Her voice was strong and even serious. A small flame of anger brazed in her gut, when she thought about Naniko being left to raise pups alone. Pack wolves were never truly alone, but nothing was like having a mate to share the experience with.

Not wanting to upset her, Anu bumped her head under her friend’s chin, hoping to comfort any open wounds that had yet to heal. Looking back to her eyes for the answers to her many unasked questions Anu wished for a moment she was strong enough to carry all her burdens. Maybe she could help her forget him, even if it was just for a moment.


It wasn't that she didn't miss Conri on occasion...because she did. But at the same time she wanted to know what it would be like to live a life without him. She was afraid of his coming back, afraid that he might attack her again and that she wouldn't be able to get away again. He was able to shift...she wasn't. It gave him a huge advantage. That was how he'd been able to hold her down when he'd taken her the last time, against her will.

She liked having friends outside the pack. It was refreshing to get to leave every once in a while and not have to think about things for a couple of hours. Was there enough food in the food cache for her patients to be able to eat? How was Apollo doing? Was Noah's eye getting any better? And what about Savina's scratches? She had to mark the border at least every other day to make up for the fact that Conri wasn't there and to reinforce that she was the leader of the pack, as well. "He was crazy." She answered. "Or...he went crazy. He beat two of our pack members...and raped one." Of course, she didn't mention that she had been one of them. Instead she glanced to Anu, then forward again.

It was almost like the other girl was reading her mind, though. Just when she had her head forward she felt the bump, a light pressure just beneath her chin, and it brought a smile to her face. Anu was very sweet. She did remind her of Conri, in a way...back before he'd been kidnapped and tortured. When he'd been kind and gentle.


It was not the usual love story Anu was familiar with. The type that went like so, boy meets girl, they love each other, boy makes mistake then begs girl for forgiveness. It could go either way, but someone is lost, and then recovered with many tears, and even more smiles. This was just tragic, and even made the passive fey angry beyond words.

She did not need to say the words aloud, but Anu knew that he had violated her and hurt her beyond many people’s ability to repair. Anu knew she didn’t want her pity, so she kept quiet for a few moments. Maybe if she was just there, a presence that was comforting even if it wasn’t familiar, yet. Touching her side against the pale female, Anu felt her own comfort in the action and hoped Naniko would feel the same way.

They were almost there, almost to her favorite place. The miles had disappeared quickly in her presence, and Anu could suddenly hear the waters that marked the territories border. It smelt faintly of salt, but the air was heavy of another fragrance. Over the small hill outstretched before them was her home.

While others enjoyed the cabins or houses that littered the valley Anu had found the more fertile earth close to the shore, and dug a still shallow hole to sleep in. The entrance was invisible among the wildflowers she had planted. Their colorful blossoms filled the clearing while their fragrance filtered through the air. Still Anu had little idea what to say to Naniko’s confession. She still felt angry, but there was still the persistent need to make her smile. If she wanted to talk about it, if she needed to, Anu would listen. But she sensed that she might want a distraction instead.

“You’re the first to see it.” She said, her blue eyes hoping to read Naniko’s reaction. Then you spoke more softly, remembering how frightening it was to have your attacked on the loose. “Your always welcome here, no matter when. Or why.” Her voice was little more then a whisper. Anu wouldn’t be able to protect her if she needed it, though she suddenly wished she were strong enough. So she gave what she could, a hiding spot if she ever needed it.

Your posts are so long, lawlz. And hehe. It's like 3 AM o.O -going crazy- I have to work in a few hours. o.o -stabs at bakery schedule- I think this is one of my better posts, though.

There was a deep, aching sadness within her that she hadn't realized she was showing. For the better part of her life she had kept everything inside, been strong so that others could rely on her. Did the pack rely on her? She wanted to be the kind of wolf that they could go to for help if they needed it...any time of the day, any problem that they had. But she'd never considered the fact that she might need help herself, sometimes. She'd never needed help so badly.

She didn't even know how to thank Anu--that was the sad part of it all. Savina had told her much the same thing, but in a different way--that she could rely on her if she ever needed help--but Naniko didn't know Anu quite as well. Or...maybe it was that it was a different type of a relationship than the one that she had with Savina. Savina was in her pack, had known her before all of this.

"If I see him again...I'll come" Not permanently...but a place of temporary refuge where she could come and just forget. That kind of an offer was one in a lifetime.

Green eyes looked out over the unfamiliar piece of land, her nose sniffing at the various scents. She knew plants pretty well and could recognize a few of them that were planted nearby. To her they smelled delicious, like a tempting food (though she knew they didn't taste as good as they smelled). She wasn't sure what triggered it, exactly, this strange urge. She felt completely safe here. The girl trotted around a little bit, sniffing at various things before she went to the water's edge. "I forgot there was ocean over here." She looked out over it, fur fluffing up in the warm breeze that swept inland from the body of water. They really were secluded from everyone else. She looked back toward Anu, patting the spot beside her with her paw.


lovely as always!

Anu watched closely as Naniko moved from beside her, walking gently through her wildflower garden. She watched as the flowers each waited for its chance to stand beside her. How unhappy they must be, to be rooted in place unable to reach out to be closer to her beautiful flowing figure. Their colored petals only complimented her fair coat, and Anu could see that each other color grew more dilute and muddy compared to its pure lack of hue.

A voice broke all concentration, bringing her head up to meet the other’s turned face. Her tan and grey face relaxed, and her eyes grew calm. She had been slightly on edge, waiting for her answer to the offer she had given. Anu quickly tried to shake the feeling. There was no reason to feel this sense of possessiveness that eased into her consciousness from the darker realm on her brain. Anu was, and should only, be happy that Naniko felt like she could come to her for help and comfort.

Naniko moved farther, while Anu only watched. Blue eyes were happy to just take in all that was happening. Her voice drifted to open and eager ears, making Anu break her gaze on the white female and bring it to the blue ocean. It was only a brief disconnection; they soon fell upon her again. She stood, and gladly took the invitation that Naniko had given her.

Sitting close beside Naniko, her view of the ocean was perfect, the beach and water stretched out before the two. It was easy to ignore, with the distraction that sat to her right. It was hard for her eyes to leave her face, harder then it had been those few days ago. Harder then it had been just a few moments before. Maybe it was ok to feel the need to watch her, the ocean, her garden it would always be here, Naniko was far from permanent.

“Its easy to be distracted, with all the other beautiful things to look at.” She might have meant the flowers, the trees the circled them, the sky that was brighter and more brilliant then it had been in weeks. But how could anyone believe that, when she stared at her face. Realizing this truth Anu broke her gaze, and painfully watched the waves roll onto the beach in the distance.


She had never held someone's attention like this before, and it did make her a little bit self concious. She looked to the side, to Anu, then back out to the ocean again. In her pack she had a few very good friends, Lucifer, Kansas, and Savina, but this felt different from what she had with them. At the same time, though, she resisted it. She'd experienced what happened when you slept with your friends...what had happened to Lucifer, too. She should have been stronger. Strong enough to defy Conri and exile him, at the very least.

All of that was her fault. She wasn't a good enough leader for them--she couldn't protect them from Conri because Conri had been her one weakness. She didn't even know if she could have stood up to him...back then she had felt that what he'd done to her had been justified.

Nonetheless her heart thudded uneasily in her chest. She watched the mix-hued female out of the corner of her eye, waiting for some sort of movement. Or...was she supposed to make the first move? She'd never felt so nervous around someone before in her life; with her mate things had been easy. They'd grown up together. This time she would be taking risks. What if Anu wasn't even interested in her like that? She couldn't just run away from her, knowing what a beautiful friendship they already shared. But she needed to know.

Naniko made a tiny movement, scooting herself just a teensy bit closer to Anu. Their coats were touching, sable and white mixing together.


Why? The question was soft in her mind, but still it was present. She enjoyed the feeling, the feeling of eagerness, wanting and desire. But she also wanted to know why she felt them. She wanted to know what it was about Naniko that made her heart race and soften all in the same beat. How could she not control herself and suddenly need her so much. It was as if she had become a pillar that kept her standing and with her removal Anu would fall. All these feelings, all without knowing who Naniko really was?

But, then she did know her, how she smelt, sounded, felt to the touch. How her heart beat just as fast as her own, so loud that it rang in the sandy fey’s ears. Anu knew that she was in pain, and that there was so little that could ever erase it.

Naniko’s movements brought them together, as Anu had desired but had been too afraid of doing. As unfamiliar as it might be for Naniko, the feels that raged between them, it was familiar to Anu. Though her past life had been a great blur she did indeed know what it was like to be so close to another female, though her mind was not large enough to remember all those things as well as process the current events all at once. To her at this moment what she felt was entirely new.

Anu could sense her nervousness, and hoped that she hadn’t done something to make her to uneasy. But, then again it was she that had the most experience, and with age comes a certain instinctual understanding of how to ease the jitters. Though she did have her own fluttering stomach butterflies they could be ignored in the hope that she could comfort Naniko’s.

Pressing her nose under the white-coated female, Anu lifted it with small pressure. They had shared this action before, and it kept their interaction familiar. It was to instill a little more confidence in her, telling Naniko there was full reason for Anu to want to be so close. “You never need to be scared here.” Any beast standing just a foot from them would not have heard her voice. Maybe she meant that she was safe against that mad wolf, or that Naniko did not need to be scared of Anu.

There was no judgment that would pass over Naniko, not as long as they were at her home and they were together. Anu would understand if she wanted to leave and never come back, all after laughing in her face, Anu wouldn’t even hold it against her. But if Naniko had forgotten the ocean, Anu was forgetting the earth she sat on. Such a rush of emotion had sent her head spinning. Eyes back on her face Anu felt the pain leave her suddenly, adding to her light-headedness. Keeping with the familiar area she gently licked under her chin. It might have been the first real move to be made, but it was a meek one.


She'd never done anything with anyone besides Conri--at least, not when she hadn't had something strong to drink. That night with Kansas and Lucifer had been a mistake...she'd had a mate then...but now Conri wasn't around. She could do whatever she wanted. Or whoever she wanted. Did she want this? Maybe.

She was still deciding when Anu made the next move, a nuzzle against her chin. Suddenly, she was struck with a bit of fear. What if they started...and then she didn't know how to do something? Or what to do? She'd never done this before, so she would be counting on Anu to tell her if she ever did anything that made her uncomfortable or something.

"I won't be scared. You're here" She tried to calm herself down a little. She wasn't sure if Anu could tell that she was anxious, but she had nothing to be afraid of, really. She had to get control. Naniko leaned against the older female when the nudges turned into licks, gently, not putting too much of her weight into it. She wasn't that far along, but she didn't want to knock Anu over if she leaned too hard.

After a few moments she pulled away, though, standing up and turning her head back in the other direction. "Inside?" She asked.


One step at a time, the words ran through her mind as she kept herself from pushing Naniko to the ground. She wanted things to progress, to go further then she knew neither of them were truly ready for, but the need was still there. Anu could feel the fire burn within, fueling each of her movements and pushing her to move closer and to touch with more pressure. All the prayers she silently said were answered when the white shewolf responded to her gestures.

Anu needed to remind herself to breathe as the surprise of Naniko’s actions rushed through her. She had never really thought that Naniko would go this far, or that they would really be so physically close. The tawny female listened, feeling a surge of confidence when Naniko claimed her new courage, all because Anu was there with her. What the blue-eyed wolf could do to protect her was a mystery, but there was reason to be scared at this moment.

Her eyes widened, with the sudden stop, fearful that she had crossed the fine line. Instead of pushing her away, Naniko looked away from Anu but turned towards her home and spoke. Inside? In her den there would be little room,, and less light. They would breath the same air tainted with no other scents but their own. At another time Anu would have stopped, but the flames were to high, burning her insides and pushing her forward.

Lifting her body from the ground but refused to be parted from white fur she stood close enough that her dark gray and tan blended among the pure strands. She smiled, not saying a word but painfully pulling her body from Naniko’s. It hurt deep in her bones, and she couldn’t explain where the dull pain came from. She quickly moved to the den’s entrance, lowering her body into it. The lights turned out, Anu could only wait for her follow.


On her next visit, she'd have to help Anu make the den a little bigger. Naniko was in no way a small wolf, and she hadn't realized how small Anu's den was until she was following her inside. There was just enough room, though, for them to lay down and be comfortable. Her mind was racing as she followed her down inside. Was it too soon for this? Was she making some kind of a mistake in getting this involved with someone from a completely different pack? She knew that it was a bad idea to start something if she wasn't planning on finishing it, if Anu was as wound up as she was right now then she would be in for a wild ride.

Not that Naniko actually knew what she was doing or how to do it. Misguided confidence, perhaps. But as soon as she got down into the dark her courage flared up a little. She leaned into Anu, nuzzling her neck and chin, placing light kisses there with her tongue. She was stuck in this form until after the pups were born...but she could still have some fun this way.


last post….

In a moment Naniko was with her, and the pain she had felt stopped once their bodies touched. It was impossible for them to separate here; the space was just too small for them not to touch. The white wolf still gleamed in the blue eyed fey’s vision, making Anu want to just watch her. But there would be moments for silence, for watching and for even breathing at a later time. Her breaths grew heavy, almost stopping when they came together. Her mind ran faster then her four paws could ever take her. It was hard to keep up with it, almost impossible for her to pick clear thoughts from the jumble.

Anu took a few deep breaths. Collecting herself, and organizing her brain before getting to deep into anything she was sure she wouldn’t be able to stop. It was hard to understand the possible repercussions of their actions, being to complex and so hypothetical that Anu could not process so many “what if”s. Of course, it was easy to think of all the things she wanted, they were strait forward ideas that Anu could process. She settled on focusing on what she could give Naniko and how she could please her.

Anu would give the world for Naniko to forget the male that had hurt her. She would move mountains and swim oceans for her to never think of him again. In a second Anu would have been her two legged form, but because Naniko was confined to her smaller shape, Anu was content and even glad to stay the same figure as her new partner. She would not miss the advantage of hands, long legs and a soft chest that her larger form would give each of them. At this moment they would give themselves to each other in a more natural shape, making what they shared as instinctive as it could ever be.


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