I know you live to hate me
Ooc. [WC: 301 | Pts: 0]

The horse’s hooves thudded on the ground as they raced toward the forests of the Dampwoods. Tyko needed to get away from all cities for a while. He was kind of missing being out in the woods, and he knew Abella felt a lot safer hidden away too. The horse came to an awkward halt as he neared the trees. His tense muscles told Tyko that he wasn’t too fond of going into the trees. Tyko jabbed his heels into the horse’s sides, but still he didn’t want to go. The black loner huffed, and jumped off of the back of Deo. Abella scooted forward, now sitting on the comfortable part of the horse’s back.

Tyko grabbed the horse’s lead, and pulled him forward towards the trees. Deo pulled back, and apparently he wasn’t too comfortable with going in there. Tyko spat a really bad curse aloud, and by feeling the man’s angry energy, the horse decided to follow him into the trees. Abella could still feel the tension of the horse’s muscles, but he followed stiffly behind Tyko. The outside of the forest was denser with trees than the inner area. Once the trees began to fan out more, the horse became more comfortable as his head lowered and bobbed with his every step.

Finally, Tyko found a good enough spot to relax. He tied Deo to a tree nearby, and plopped his rear on a tree stump. Abella made herself comfortable near the horse, leaning against a tree. She wasn’t much of a slave toward Tyko these last few weeks. She was more of a quiet companion than anything. Tyko leaned back gazing up at the canopy of trees high above them, and Abella worked her strong womanly hands into the horse’s legs, massaging them seemingly easing his discomfort.

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WC:: 408 - OOC Points - 3

The dagger had been harder to get hold of that he had first anticipated. The thought occured to him that perhaps simply killing the slave's master outright would have been a much easier method in which to obtain the girl for his own requirements, after all, neither the girl or her master were part of any pack and so if Kai had killed the male, there would be no-one seeking revenge and no-one bar the slave herself to tie him to the crime.

The male and slave girl had been hard to track, too. After returning to the place where he had first met up with Tyko and the slave, Kai had followed their scents for a little while but soon enough, they became lost in the myrid of other scents, of other tracks and presences. He had done his best, but it taken a little longer than he had planned, and so when eventually he did catch the male's scent, it was mixed with another scent. He had little fondness for horses - they were large, stupid creatures to him, and with a finely placed kick, could do severe damage. But he had caught the scent of the animal as it transported Tyko and his slave, and as the black male watched from the dense undergrowth of the treeline, Kai couldn't help but chuckle to himself as the animal refused to head through into the forest itself.

Kai had carried the dagger obtained in his mouth as he trotted in his Secui form, but now, as he shifted into his Optime, he continued to watch as finally the hose took some persuading to head to the clearing. Grabbing the blade, Kai moved quietly closer, and letting his eyes work over the female as she tried to ease the horse's tension, Malakai's mind began to wander, began to picture what torture he would inflict on her, how he would make her scream, how she would beg him for mercy but he would offer her none. He was so eager to try out some new techniques...

Approaching, dagger in hand, Kai let his gaze settle upon the male. "You are a hard individual to track down. It took me a little longer than I had hoped to find you, but I come bearing a gift." Kai's gaze flicked to the female darkly. "Well, actually, more of a payment. For her. You wanted a dagger, so I've brought you one."

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</style>Thanks to Cait for the table! Sign by Sammiie
Hi Smile Go ahead and answer Tyko and go off into the forest in your reply :> [WC: 423 | Pts: 0]

As Malakai approached, Tyko stood up. He nodded hearing the man’s difficulties with tracking them. Good. So they wouldn’t be easy to track if that bitch Amy decides to come back looking for her favor. Or whoever else wants him dead. Abella looked up at the dark male nervously with big scared eyes. She was not looking forward to it since she could sense that the male wanted more out of her than Tyko imagined. ”Good.” Tyko moved over to the girl and helped her to her feet. ”One hour. And then bring her back to me. Go somewhere in the forest, nearby but far enough so that you have some privacy.” He eyed the man and turned from them, sitting himself carefully back on the stump. His leg was more or less healed, but it still pained him from time to time. Especially when the weather was moist. ”And if you don’t bring her back in an hour…” He peered at them with a vicious smile, ”I’ll kill you.”

Business was business, but he trusted Kai looked like a man of his word. He looked away from the two and shooed them away. ”Go. Time is ticking.” His voice was taunting, but he stood up quickly. ”Wait.” It was abrupt, and he held out his darkly scarred hand. ”Give me the dagger, then.” How would he kill this man easily without his weapon? Tyko was no fighting expert, but he could do damage with the right gear. He knew he wouldn’t be able to kill the man before him quickly without his weapon, and so he needed it.

Abella was looking grave and she took comfort in nervously petting the horse’s side. She stood next to the obsidian stranger, and knew what was to come for her wasn’t going to be enjoyable. When she gave sex to strangers, she didn’t mind because it gave her a sense of pleasure too. But the issue that came after having sex with strangers – the pregnancy- was not so fun. She had to withstand the whole thing just to have Tyko kill them all as soon as they come out of her womb. Abella was still sweet, but seeing a few litters of her own flesh and blood be killed before her without a choice was getting to her. She hoped she wouldn’t have to have this man’s pups… but then again, she would rather have sex with him than anything else. Maybe he would just make her do some dirty work – that she didn’t mind either.

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WC:: 366 - OOC Points - 3

Malakai let his gaze fall over the female, watching her closely for a long moment. The fear radiated from her in waves and the dark male had to cover up his sadistic smirk before his attention skipped back over to Tyko himself. One hour was plenty time for what Kai had in mind and offering a nod to the male, he grinned dangerously. Just as Tyko told the pair to get going, Kai made a move towards the slave, he was stopped as the master asked for the dagger he had brought. Glancing down to the blade he carried, he hesitated for a brief second before tossing the dagger down onto the ground before the male, smirking a little as he did so, knowing it would trouble Tyko just a little to bend to retrieve it. "There's your dagger."

Kai's gaze turned back towards the slave-girl, darkening with every second, and he approached her, letting his eyes sweep over her as they usually did with females. But he wasn't loooking over her in the same way that he looked over his mate - his look now was one of anticipation, of eagerness, of danger. He didn't intend to sleep with this female. His intentions towards her were of a different nature than merely pleasure. Outstretching his hand towards her, he offered the girl a slow, lingering smirk, letting her know that what he had planned was not going to be too fun for her.

Grabbing the slave's hand, he turned and led her away from Tyko as he suggested, heading into the forest, keeping nearby but out of sight. Kai wanted the male to hear. He wanted the male to hear his slave's screams and yells. Careful of where he stepped, he glanced back to the slave with every other step and when they were far enough away, Kai sniffed the air, deciding that the spot where they stood was good enough. He paused and turned, letting his eyes once more linger over the slave's form before motioning towards the ground, indicating he wanted the girl to sit. Kai's breathing had picked up a little as the anticipation of what was to come drifted over her.

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[WC: 323 | Pts: 0] -- Ooc.

As Malakai chucked the dagger at him, it hit the ground before his feet. Tyko growled at the male just before he slid off with the slave, finding that a bit disrespectful. He would have to keep that in mind next time he saw this male. Tyko flopped back on his tree stump, and picked the dagger up from there. The weapon seemed to be a good one, able to do enough damage needed. His eyes narrowed and his ears twisted up into a sort of devilish grin. He continued to examine it, twisting and turning it to take every detail…

As Malakai pulled Abella along, the female slave made sure not to lose her footing. Even though the man was trying to be quiet, he was also walking rather fast. He dragged her quickly behind him, as most did. Her legs were not small or cripple, but she never seemed to be able to catch up to them. Finally, they stopped at a small clearing in the woods. A few of the trees in the area were toppled over most likely from the harsh storms throughout the years. When he told her to sit, she pondered whether to sit on one of the fallen trees or the ground.

Since the male seemed to have an agenda that she wasn’t too used to, she figured she would be as obedient as possible. She sat right in the spot where he pointed. Her rump hit the dirt, and as much as she didn’t want to be at a low point for this male, she had to. Her purple eyes looked up at him as he seemed to get ready for his session. ”Do you want me to lie down?” Her voice was hushed and girl-like. She hoped he had some kind of sick sex obsession to substitute for the evil grins he gave her. She hoped that was what it was, and nothing else.

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WC:: 492 - OOC points - 3

At least the slave was obediant - he guessed she would have to be, being a slave and all. As her rump hit the ground and she asked him if she should lie, that dark, predatory grin spread over Kai's muzzle and his eyes flared a little, letting his gaze wander once more over her, as if he were going to simply eat her all up. "By all means, make yourself as comfortable as you would like." He didn't bother to ask her name - he didn't need to know it. All he needed to know was that she was alive, and that her voicebox was working. After all, vocal feedback was the best, and it was what the little woodland creatures simply couldn't give him. This girl would be able to tell him exactly how much pain he was causing her.

Kai's head cocked to each side, feeling and hearing the bones there crack somewhat, before he snorted a little. Time to get to work. After all, he only had an hour, at the most. He moved closer to the female and crouched before her, balancing on the pads of his feet, his forearms resting somewhat against his thighs. "Now, trust me when I tell you that the things I'm going to do to you will make you scream..." His eyes wandered over her once more, before he reached out to touch her, his fingertips brushing against her cheek lightly. "I want him to be able to hear you. I want him to hear exactly what I'm doing, I want him to hear everything." The way he spoke was as if he cared for her, it was as if he wanted to give her such pleasure that it would make Tyko himself so jealous. "And trust me still when I tell you that I'm not like those others who only want you for sex." Malakai shook his head slowly. He was being truthful. Except, he was worse than all those others, not better."I expect your full co-operation, though. After all, technically you are mine to do whatever I choose with, for now at least."

He had plans for this girl, things he wanted to try out, and so he wasted no time in getting on with it. Usually, he would have one or two tools with him, instruments of torture but now he didn't even have a blade, having handed over the dagger to Tyko, so reaching up, his claws suddely showed themselves and he grabbed her by the throat with a snarl, pinning her down somewhat. "Now, lets get started, shall we?" In one swift movement, Malakai brought his other hand up, drew back his fist and slammed it hard into her stomach, knocking the wind from her, only to use his claws to slash at her chest and torso in wild frantic movements. He wanted her to react, wanted her to panic, as if he fed from the smell of it.

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</style>Thanks to Cait for the table! Sign by Sammiie
[WC: 380 | Pts: 0] – Not tooo many scars please >.<

Tyko sat on the stump quietly. After he was done looking at the knife there was nothing left to do. He just looked around. Turning his head to the horse, Deo snorted. Tyko smiled at him awkwardly – and Tyko was never awkward. Only when he was alone with his horse apparently…

Meanwhile, before Abella was able to situate herself in a lying position on the ground- Malakai grabbed her by the throat. She immediately started to panic. The terror showed on her face as she looked at him wide eyed. The moment didn’t last long enough, however, as she was slammed against the ground. Before she could react to that one, she was punched in the stomach. She choked on the air that escaped her so quickly, and before she had the chance to recover from that – he began clawing at her chest. The piercing movements didn’t hurt at first as she was in shock. She laid still on the ground, quiet, not believing what was happening to her. She felt the man’s claws cut through her skin, but the pain she felt didn’t seem real to her. It felt white hot at first, but then faded to the back of her mind. Her eyes glazed over, as they would when someone was absent from consciousness. The male continued to hack away at her beautiful skin, but she showed no reaction.

Her mind took her back to a happy place – one of which was her homeland. She remembered her mother, and her father. And her siblings that were now dead. It seemed everyone’s family was attacked by some unworthy wolves or dogs – whatever they were. All she could remember was that she survived it. She had a few light scars from that night – fighting off what she could while running for her life to get away. She did that a lot – run for her life. She wasn’t too great at fighting, so running was her alternative. It was usually the one she picked first. All the pain was numb to her as she stayed out of her mind. Her past kept her occupied, and that night brought more water to her eyes. That was the only reaction he was getting out of her – tears – and they weren’t even for him.

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WC:: 409 - OOC Points - 3

Kai's eyes seemed more feral than ever now, as he looked down to this female. Her body was his to do with as he pleased, and as his claws tore through her fur and dragged down into her flesh, the scent of her blood was quick to fill the air, intoxicating to him. It lingered there heavily, fogging his mind somewhat as he watched her closely, and yet even as he attacked her, frustration was quick to lance through him. No screams of agony, no writhing in pain. Only tears. Pulling his hand back and releasing his grip around her throat, Kai looked over her with a dark, dangerous, predatory snarl. "Is that it?" Kai leaned down and bared his fangs, looking ever more menacing with every passing second. "Is that all I get?" Pulling back his fist once more, he rammed it towards her face in a powerful blow designed to pull her back from wherever her mind had retreated to.

After making contact with his punch, Kai let his eyes linger down over her form to the deep scratches he had made on her chest, and with another snarl, he let his fingers dig into the wounds he had already made, his eyes searching hers as if to gauge her reaction. He wanted her to scream, wanted her to feel the torment he was inflicting, he didn't want her vacant and agreeable. He needed to see that terror in her. "Don't worry, Princess, we're only just getting started. Plenty of time for screaming, I guess." He had used a very specific term - the same nickname he had given to his mate when they had first met, when they had first bumped heads, so to speak. As he looked down at this female, Axelle once more popped into his mind, but it was something of an unwelcome visit - he found himself imagining how he would feel if someone was doing what he was doing to Abella, to Axelle. It made him shiver, but a shake of his head banished the thought from his mind. It only made him bury his fingers deeper into the wounds he had made, wriggling his fingers against the cuts to bring her back from where her mind drifted. "Doesn't it bother you that he has given you to me to do with as I please for such a small price? A blade? Aren't you hurt that you aren't worth more to him?"

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</style>Thanks to Cait for the table! Sign by Sammiie
[WC: 269 | Pts: 0] – Are you gonna submit this towards his specialization?

The punch that brought Abella back from her ‘happy place’ was enough to rock her world. The rush of emotions and feelings was enough to knock her off of her feet, if she wasn’t lying down already. The burning, hot pain from her chest was enough to send her screaming – but she held it in the best she could, only letting out a little squeak. The squeak was followed by quiet sobbing on her part, but she refused to scream. She couldn’t be useless to Tyko. She couldn’t.

With her jaws clenched, she answered him, ”I serve him willingly. It isn’t about what I’m worth, it’s about what I’m willing to do for him.” Obviously anything. Her squeaks evolved into whimpers as the pain started to grow on her. ”What good will this do for you, cutting me up? What happened? You’re girlfriend make you angry?” Abella squeezed her eyes shut for a moment, but it didn’t make the pain lessen at all. ”You know – I can help you with anything. Sex, killing, favors, anything.” It was amazing how she was holding a conversation… She was in extreme pain – but no one would ever know the kind of defenses the little coy girl had.

Back at 'camp', the horse stomped stomped it's hoof. He could sense the tension in the air, even from the small distance between them. Tyko couldn't because he was ignorant. The thought would never have crossed his mind - that anyone would use Abella for anything aside from a sexual favor or two. He never thought anyone would go lower than that on the totem pole.

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WC:: 636 - OOC Hmm yeah I could I guess, Hope you don't mind the break at the end hehe

Those little squeaks of hers weren't enough for Kai, not nearly enough. He wanted her to yell, to scream, to shriek in agony and torment. Despite what he was doing to her, despite the way he was prizing open the cuts he had made to her chest, still she didn't cry out. Not only that but she actually talked to him, carried on a quite civilized conversation with him. However, something she said made Kai stiffen a little - this girl was beneath him, the scent f her blood quickly beginning to fill the air, and she was willng to take it all, for him. For her master. This girl was willing to go to Hell and back if he asked her to. Such devotion, such loyalty. It was something Kai had never really known before, it was certainly never something he had shown another before. Axelle once more drifted into his mind, unwelcome this time. Would he do the same for his female? Abella was willing to go through anything for Tyko. Was Kai willing to do the same for Axelle, if she asked it of him?

When the slave girl mentioned his girlfriend, his mind was sharply brought back into focus and as he stared down at her, suddenly his hand grabbed her throat once more as if to silence her, but she managed to push out a few more words about what she could do for him. He snarled in reply - he didn't want her help with anything, and certainly not sex. His grip tightened on her throat as he withdrew his fingers from the bloody cuts he had created upon her chest. "Leave her out of this. This has nothing to do with my mate." With each passing second, anger and rage flared in Kai, but it wasn't at her or her words. It seemed bigger than that, more general. Kai had always carried a chip on his shoulder, for as long as he can remember he was angry with the world. But since Axelle had calmed him somewhat, made him happier than he had been in a long while, that deep-seated fury had been contained, bundled down inside himself. Well, now it seemed it longed for a release, and unfortunately, it would release itself upon this female.

Baring his fangs dangerously, Malakai felt a rush of adrenaline flood through him, spurred on by the delicious scent of blood pounding through his nostrils. But once more his mind drifted back to his earlier thought - would he go through what this female was going through, for Axelle? Would he be willing to suffer in the same way, for her? He knew that he would. For her, he would do anything, whether it be to simply protect her or whether it was for some other reason. If she asked it of him, he would do anything she wanted. That realization touched a part of him so deep, so hidden away from the world that it made his whole body relax somewhat, even as he pinned this female down in such a brutal fashion. His eyes softened a little as he thought of his mate, back on Anathema lands, wondering if she would approve of his behaviour, of how he was choosing to release the build up of darkness within him. He figured she wouldn't - could a female ever agree with the physical abuse of another? Then again, Axelle had her own dark side to consider. "I don't need you to help me with anything. All I need you to do is keep still." Kai released her throat and in a swift motion, his hands lowered to take her left hand and wrist. Applying a great amount of force, he bent her wrist unnaturally, hearing the bones and joint pop and snap.

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[WC: 483 | Pts: 0] – You should!

The wounds in her chest burned badly, but she was not going to allow herself to pussy out. It was something she was trying to prove to herself. She was always the quiet, scared girl in Tyko’s presence – but what would she be without him? What if he died one day and left her alone. Would she ever get that chance? Maybe he would kill her off first. She couldn’t see him giving her freedom any time soon, willingly anyway.

Her breathing was shallowed and she continued to whimper – only for it to get louder when he grabbed her by the throat. As if she wasn’t in enough pain, now she couldn’t breathe either. Her scared, purple eyes watched him as he warned her about talking about his mate. She didn’t say anything, which was translated to something she understood. When he let her go, she let her head fall back on the earth. She didn’t pay attention to what he was doing next – she was expecting more cuts, but no. This was something far worse. She could feel him twisting her wrist, so she let it fall limp – thinking he was just trying to turn it to a good position, but when she felt a sharp sudden pain, she couldn’t help it. A high-pitched, girlish scream emitted from her throat, "AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!" Then she passed out.

Back at camp, Tyko jumped up as did Deo. The horse neighed loudly, and Tyko grabbed his dagger and hobbled over to the horse. He untied him from the tree and jumped on his back. The horse was hesitant, though, and didn’t want to run through the trees. ”GO!” Tyko was frustrated, and determined to get to her in time. He couldn’t imagine what the tyrant had done to her to make her scream like that. Finally, Deo ran weaving through the trees. Then about halfway through, he halted sending Tyko flying over his head. The black man landed on his ass in a pile of leaves, and cursed the horse. He got up, nonetheless, and ran towards his companion’s scream. When he neared the two and saw her bloody and broken – and unconscious – Tyko lost it. He ran toward the man with his knife up and ready to slit the other’s throat.

Before they started fighting, he could have sworn that the dagger came in contact with at least the other’s shoulder. Tyko was mindlessly fighting the man. No one hurt Abella like that, and at the moment – he wasn’t even sure if she was alive. She lay in the dirt motionless and bloody. Her wrist was contorted in a unnatural way and Tyko was going to kill the man. His movements were quick towards the other, using mostly punches and kicks – but he tried to sneak the dagger in here and there. His aim was to kill the man, but he needed to disarm him first.

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WC:: 436 - OOC points: 3

Darkness swam beneath his gaze as he watched the female pinned beneath him, held against the cold, unforgiving Earth, and as the scent of her blood lapped languidly at his senses and sanity, it wasn't long before he was rewarded in his efforts by that scream. Such delicious music to his ears. A chill ran down his spine at the noise, his fur ruffling a little as he savoured it. But it ended all too soon as the female lost consciousness and her form went limp - no more whimpers or yelps or screams. A shame.

As Malakai's predatory gaze swept over the female briefly, as if deciding on what he would do to her while she was out for the count, it wasn't long before the sound of hooves drumming to the ground grew louder with each passing moment. Her scream had been heard. Kai's body tensed as the thunderous noise grew closer but didn't back away from the limp slave girl, still hovering possessively over her. She had been paid for, after all. When his eyes found the one who approached, when he saw it was the girl's master, Malakai let a heavy, aggressive snort escape from his nostrils, feeling the pace of his heart quicken. He knew hurting her had been against his rules, but Kai had never been one for following the rules, especially those rules created by ones who were unable to enforce them.

The other made a charge for him, dagger raised. The dagger Kai had given him as payment for the slaves time. He had gotten the impression that she meant nothing to him, that the girl was simply a commodity, something to be sold for his own gain, but seeing the rage flare in his eyes, watching as he made his attack on the girl's behalf, Kai reconsidered. This wasn't the anger of one whose possession had been damaged, this was the reaction of one whose friend, whose companion, had been hurt. Never the less, as Tyko came at Kai, he bared his fangs and snarled before fighting back - his blade was Kai's main concern, but in his efforts to avoid the knife, a few other blows were landed. One blow landed harder than the rest, giving Tyko the opportunity to drive the blade into Kai. Not too deep, but deep enough. The shoulder wound stung and the scent of his own blood drifted into the air but it was not something he could afford to focus on too much. "I paid for the hour...!" Still so arrogant and cocky. "Don't worry, I'll bring her back when I'm done..."

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</style>Thanks to Cait for the table! Sign by Sammiie
[WC: 0 | Pts: 0] – Alright, knock Tyko out in your next reply and we could start the next thread Smile

Abella still lay motionless on the cold forest floor. She was oblivious to all of it, and would be for a long while. Her body was bloody and her wrist was throbbing so much it felt numb to her frozen form. She probably had lost a significant amount of blood already, and going without medical attention for a long while wouldn’t help at all.

Tyko was still running on pure adrenaline. Most of the other male’s blows hit, and Tyko was getting dizzy, but he wouldn’t stop. ”I don’t care!” He roared at the other, still punching with the dagger and kicking at whatever he could reach. ”You hurt her, you get hurt!” His voice roared at the other and he still managed to land some blows, even when his head was spinning. He needed to knock this man out so he could get Abella safely away to someone who could heal her.

Using all of his strength, Tyko chopped and punched and kicked away at the other – with or without luck, he wasn’t sure. He could’ve sworn that a few more of his punches landed, but he was too high on the moment to even realize it.

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WC:: 430 - OOC Points 3

As the sting of the shoulder wound spread over him, his mind couldn't block it out any longer, and it only drew a deep, long, aggressive snarl from his muzzle and chest, a dark noise that would tell Tyko of Kai's anger and savagery. He had known Tyko's condition about not hurting the girl, but he hadn't cared. In Kai's mind, the girl had been paid for, and so he could do what he pleased with her. He had this pent up rage, this fury burning in his veins and this girl was to bare the brunt of it.

With Tyko's own blows landing, Kai had to dodge more than a few flying punches, and although a few of them landed, Kai knew more than a few of his did, too. With a heavy snarl, Kai launched himself at the other male in a tackle and knowing the male had an already weak leg, Kai focused his attention on it. Getting himself in a suitable position somewhat above the male, Kai unleashed a flurry of clawing motions at Tyko's lower body and legs. Knowing it would take a large amount of Tyko's attention, Kai took the opportunity that presented itself and landed one blow at the male's face, a harder blow than the rest. The knock out blow.

In a second, the male had stopped fighting back, and instead had gone quiet. Kai's heart raced and his chest heaved with every breath as the adrenaline began to wane in his system, and glancing over to the girl, he saw she was still out for the count. They both were. His smirk reappeared and climbing to his feet, ignoring the sting of his own wounds, his ear twitched a little, hearing low animal noises from the treeline. Kai knew that the male had arrived on the scene quickly, and now he knew how. A horse. Perfect. Standing over the girl, Kai quickly scooped her up into his arms and approaching the animal slowly, he tossed Abella onto the beast. He wasn't the biggest fan of horses but this way, Tyko would beleft in the woods, with nothing. Turning back towards the male, Kai crouched by him and took the dagger he had given him as payment for the girl, really leaving the male alone now. Turning back to the horse, Kai took a few attempts to mount the animal, and it was clear he was no expert in riding but he was sure he could manage to make it back to Anathema lands with the girl, the horse and the dagger.

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