there is black coal filling up our homes
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_____“Yeah. Maybe it's a figure of speech for some and not for others,” she went on to say with a small tilt of her head to one side. “But I don't really see how we need to find ourselves. I feel like I know myself pretty well, at least as well as we can know ourselves.” Perhaps the only people had trouble knowing themselves were crazy to begin with or something to that effect. She shrugged, feeling as though she really didn't have much to say about the topic on a whole.

_____It wasn't like she knew anyone who had ever really needed to find themselves. The older they got, the more they learned, and the more that they learned the more their world was shaped. It was a little funny to think that at some point in her life she thought things would stay as they would have been and to look at it now, nothing was the same. Her mother was gone as were many of her siblings. The world had changed for all of them.

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sharksArkham didn't really feel like he could say the same. He knew what his favorite food was, what his favorite color was, where he had come from, those simple facts. But he did not know what he wanted, where he wanted to go, if anywhere, and what he wanted to do with his life. He did not know his purpose, he supposed, and he did not know whether he was destined to go crazy in the end. His sisters seemed so different from his brothers; Rachias, Ahemait, and here, Corona, were nothing like Andre, were nothing like Samael or Gabriel. Some went faster than others; some hid it better than others, but the coyote had a distinct fear that one day, he would end up just like them, if he wasn't already. Some people said that family didn't matter in the end, and that you were who you were, but they also said that insanity sometimes ran in the blood.

sharksHe fell silent, unable to think of anything else to say. The fire was warm, and the rain kept beating on the doors and windows, like a monster in the forest, a wolf at the piglets' door.

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_____The silence was welcome as it fell between them, their voices faded out and the sounds of the storm outside and the crackling fire became the things that Corona focused on. Though she truly wondered just who the cloaked young man really was, she also knew that there were greater things to deal with. Finding her father, finding Jasper, even finding Laruku would have been a happy sight for her. For them, she didn't know what her return would mean. She didn't know if the circumstances that had brought her back would mean anything, but it definitely left her wondering whether or not she would be there for good or not. Instead of letting the four winds throw her every which way, maybe this time the sense of home would stick permanently, and it like the fire, would be welcome.


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