M- With a Rebel Yell, She Cries "More,
WARNING: This thread contains material exceeding the general board rating of PG-13. It may contain very strong language, drug usage, graphic violence, or graphic sexual content. Reader discretion is advised.

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Setting Location Form NPCs
Location: Halifax, Spring Heights

Date: ~7 August (Backdated)

Weather: Overcast, light drizzle on and off

Time: Night
Venom Trombetta

Word Count → 1387 :: Remember when I lied to you that one day? I did have the post ready for you that night, it was just the whole "get to some place that has internet" issue that i kept on running into. I thought that i was going to be able to leech internet from the neighbors like i normally do at that house, but they secured their network and then i was stuck at that house for three goddamn days. So, I wanted to apologize yet again for my lack of pulling through earlier. So I'm sorry, luffily. Mature for weed, and maybe some cursing. Who knows what else. And also, hugeeeee filler post, It's basically just an update of Panda's life in one post since I've been lacking in new threads for her. You can probably just skim the first few paragraphs.

I dried your tears, of pain, babe
A million times, for you.

She needed the time away. She needed a good few days away, or maybe it was time for her to take her leave finally. Away from this clan. She was afraid that this was the only place for her though....She didn't know what to do really. She took to talking a little bit with Octopus mostly. Junior would butt in every once in awhile, because she was eavesdropping and doing a bad job at it. Octopus told her that this place was poison. Why the lands were poisoned was because of the false prophets that led them, and that yeah, at some point they would need to leave. Octo also felt as if they could have saved them at some point, with wise words and smart moves, but Panda would have to do some major usurping to get where she needed to be to make such a decision. Panda was non-confrontational by default, and sure, she did like being the highest rank in her tier (since there were no other healers) and sure, she would like more to do, and to be more involved with the pack, but she also did not think that she and Venom could heal this place on their own. They needed help, and help was obviously hard to find around here. Especially since her daughter could not help, even though she had so much power.

Speaking of the child, she even moved out recently. Far away from them. She understood the need of distance, and even though she did give Lillith a hard time at some point, she'd come to understand that the child was grown and she needed to be away. Panda knew the feeling. Panda also spoke to Vitani, personally about it because she began to realize that Lillith was taking a liking to Korosk, and often times Panda would come to get Korosk to ride him somewhere but Lillith would have already taken him out. It was one of those things that was really starting to get on Panda's nerves, and she had talked to Korosk about it at some point, but he always went on the defensive about it. Always going into some schpeel about how it wasn't like he could let her go by herself. If the child wanted a horse, she could wait for Vitani to give birth. That's what she would have gotten for her birthday, perhaps. Who knew what was going to happen now. Panda knew that she was gonna keep the foal if Korosk decided to go along with Lillith. Panda had yet to speak to Venom about leaving (besides a long time ago) nor had she uttered a word to Lillith about leaving, but she had also spoken to Serenade about leaving. This, was an issue to the bird, because he didn't know if he really wanted to leave his family. Panda told him to think about it, but to not speak to his friends about it, because if Panda knew anything about those goddamn birds it was that they liked to talk. A lot. Serenade agreed not to talk about it, and to think very hard about it, but he gave her the look of "you know that I'm not going to leave you, right?" so she already knew his answer without him even having to say it.

Panda took Serenade on her adventure today, for she decided to go out to Halifax. Of course, Korosk was gone, and Panda could not ride Vitani anymore, so she decided to walk. Panda told Venom that she was going to Halifax, and he had little qualms with the idea, but there was little reason for him to stay, if she wasn't going to stay. She wanted to go alone this time, but she also did not want to leave him alone, so he too came along with her. They left without a word to much of anyone as they packed the things they needed. Smokes, their weapons (Panda, a scythe, and Venom his axes, bow, and arrows), some meat, and other trinkets that their backpacks could hold. They traveled easily though, knowing not to carry things that they didn't really need, besides maybe one thing that was just because it was special to them. Venom's Microphone.

When they got to the Spring Heights, they walked along the boardwalks, looking for any beach-side shops that weren't already raided. They were looking for anything to keep them entertained, and after awhile, Venom and Panda started their vocal practice as they walked along the streets. If only they had brought Venom's guitar! They would have probably traded the microphone for that, but the guitar would have gotten in the way of their weaponry, and they needed that just in case they came upon any dangerous folk. They had their screams to keep themselves entertained though, so that was always fun for them.

Serenade got tired of hearing them screech at each other, so he took to the skies, and he started to screech at them to shut up. Venom ended up ending the scream fest when he had the urge to smoke. I think it's time to smoke, Panda. Look at our view too, it's so pretty here. Energy is good here. spoke the male as he looked at Panda. Panda smiled lightly and raced to an old bench wall and she took a seat on the top of it and looked at the moon over the water. You're right, Venom, it is really pretty here. There's good energy here, but something does draw me to the South. Do you not feel it? asked Panda as she started to get her marijuana out of her bag and she got herself a dried tobacco left from her stash and she started to roll a blunt. I do, but I think we should rest for the night. Or at least have some time to play in the city. I mean, how often do we come here, babe? asked the Italian as he joined her on the wall and he held a smile on his maw. Seldom, but Lillith isn't holding us back anymore. She barely wants anything to do with us anymore. Were we really- No, we weren't, so don't even ask. Something happened when we weren't around. Maybe it was Anathema's lands... Venom interrupted Panda and she sighed lightly and continued to roll the blunt. Maybe the lands south of here will be good for us. Even if we do have to be loners, Alex. I don't know if we can help them. Panda spoke, just above a whisper as she licked the blunt closed and then Venom offered her a lighter, in which she took and flicked it to dry the leaf again. After a moment she put it in her mouth and lit the end of it and inhaled the smoke. The long drag ended soon and she handed the blunt to Venom and he did the same. They repeated this in silence for some time before Venom found something to say. Maybe we are supposed to help them from afar....What do you think about starting our own pack, Panda? You'd be a great leader, you know. asked Venom, his tone soft, and encouraging. ...I....That's a lot of responsibility...I...I dunno Alex...- Just think about it. If we find somewhere to stay, and we can be happy there, why couldn't we? Just....think about that. Venom had faith in Panda, he really did. I will. I-It's a lot to think about, though. It's not like I haven't thought about it before though... the woman spoke, a small sigh coming from her maw as she took a drag from the blunt and she passed it back to Venom. Do you really think I'll be a good leader, Venom? Panda asked as she let her dark chocolate eyes rest on her soul-mate's own hazel ones. She focused much on the red in his left eye. His words were what made her look down at his mouth. Of course you would. The best perhaps. he chuckled and hit the blunt.

Venom Speaks
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image © Nat!


((527)) Oh pfft! Don't be so hard on yourself, bby~ I totally understand, and the great read made it well worth the wait! But, thank you for letting me know!


This was the exact type of weather that made living in Halifax so comfortable to the red merle male. Overcast, soft fog, dark skies... Just like home! All it needed was a towering Big Ben, old red phone booths and discarded, tattered Union flags. A nice, broken down double decker bus would finish off the scene quite nicely, giving the ruined city an authentic London feel.

Harvey Butler sighed heavily, his breath visible as vapors in the chilly air. It didn't effect him any; not only was the aussie dog rather used to the grim climate, his lengthy fur did a nice job at keeping him warm and dry.

Clothing wise, he bore a pair of tattered, but, for the majority intact black shorts, riding low enough on his hips that his furry tail could sway comfortably behind him. He had a cracked pair of sunglasses atop his head, resting on his mess of copper locks, and a black tie knotted around his neck like some sort of human child trying to dress himself (he wasn't really sure how to properly fix the tie, so he improvised, and he at least thought he looked pretty dashing despite the ignorance). They were items he found sifting through the ruins, and thought they really held no purpose or sentimental value, Harvey figured there was really no sense in letting "good" objects go to waste, and it was amusing, in the least.

The Cockney canine was making his way down the street from the home he was staying in temporarily, deciding a nice walk in the fresh air would help him rest easily.

Sudden noises caught his attention, and his flopped ears perked (well, at least as much as flopped ears would) at the sound. They were... Voices? They at least resembled so, he thought-

Then even his curiosity was interrupted by what sounded like a distressed shriek, an animal-like screech that made his heart skip a beat. It was merely a bird, and he became soon aware of it, but when one isn't expecting such a cacophonous call, fear is understandable, and, mostly, inevitable.

Once his heart had ceased in it's racing, and his nerves had calmed, Harvey continued, bi-coloured eyes glancing about, not in a suspicious or paranoid manner, but with wonder.

He heard something else.

Bloody 'ell... The australian shepherd mumbled, Maybe I'm not goin' cooky aftah all.

He smiled somewhat at his own comment about his sanity, and kept up with his walking. Yep, he was most certain he was hearing voices. He assumed somebody must be near, and by the sounds of it, possibly with company. It didn't much shock him anymore. During his time in Nova Scotia, he'd gotten to meet plenty of other canines like and much unlike himself. When he'd first arrived, meeting with a stranger was like shaking hands with the Queen herself, but he'd learned to settle down some, content now that he knew he wasn't alone on this new land.

Harvey traveled on, nearing the source(s) of the voices, keeping his brown and blue eyes open and alert, but he otherwise was doing as he planned: enjoying himself.

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Coding by Sie

Word Count → 535 :: I suck for the wait, again. And I'm glad you liked my post, sometimes i think i just write too...much? Sometimes I just really get into Panda and Venom. It's hard not to.

I can not hide what's on my mind,
I feel it burning deep inside.

Even they, these two unique wolves were not from this land. No, for they had only been in Nova Scotia for about a year and a half now. They came from Florida, where there was sunshine and beaches. The two snow birds were quick to move from Florida to Chicago once their custom allowed them to leave their pack, and once they had finished their time in Chicago, they moved here, to Nova Scotia. Or so, that's what the story is. Who knows what happened between the time where they lived on the road. Panda and Venom never were too keen on telling people about where they were from. It was strange, and different where they had come from, and that's what they were trying to escape. They did not want to live in the strange swamplands of the American Peninsula. They did not come without their beliefs though, oh no, the two wiccans were still in the magickal world that they always lived in, always would live in.

They filled their air with joyous and nonsensical chatter, the two soulmates, their souls forever intertwined in eternity. They believed that no matter what form, what body their soul possessed, they'd always find each other, and their soul would not be satisfied until they are found in their lives. They knew that, and they'd forever believe this. While they chittered and chatted, they passed their blunt back and forth, as well as trading facial expressions, laughter, and ridiculous ideas of things that were not so possible. They let their imaginations flow as the marijuana took them to an altered state of mind. One that was innocent, and fun-loving. One that they loved to be in. Eventually, it seemed that their ridiculousness had attracted a lone dog, by the looks of him. Panda was first to see the man, but Venom was first to sense him. The hazel cat's eyes looked over to the merled man, as did the dark chocolate ones of the monotone Corson. Her rank meant nothing here. She was wondering if her rank meant anything at all to her anymore. Venom found himself looking at a strange canine, his aura, at least. The Italian smiled a stoned, friendly smile. Panda offered a small grin and she gave a small bark to the man. Come, sir, we do not bite! Panda could not help but let a giggle pass her as she welcomed the man over. It was a stoned giggle, mind you. She was feeling particularly friendly, and she felt up for a party, if it was possible. Venom could see this in her aura, which made him also brighten up a bit. He liked seeing Panda elated and happy. Oh, and stoned. He liked seeing her stoned too. It was entertaining, and pretty funny.

Hey, the name's Panda, and this is Venom. Panda spoke to the dog man. Panda simply adored the man's fur, it was so pretty. She'd seen the blue version of this dog, but never a red, like he was, and she was intriuged by the male. Hey, do'ya know if there's any parties going on tonight conoscente?

Venom Speaks
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image © Nat!

((286)) It's quite alright, sorry for not getting to this sooner myself! Writing "too much" isn't possible. xD I love description, being a visual person, so it's great for me! And I totally understand~


What he'd discovered wasn't quite what he excepted; two rather stranger looking wolves giddy on something strong. Harvey wasn't one for drugs of any kind, including alcohol, but he was aware of their existence, and their impact upon usage. Though, he wasn't against them, either. It was a neutral sort of feeling, and therefore the Brit didn't feel the need to judge those who pleasured themselves with the help of something such as smoking or drinking.

If anything, they could be deemed actually quite amusing to watch. What, with their overly expressive faces and mirthful laughter, one could only be entertained whilst observing them. A soft chuckle escaped the red merle aussie dog before his flopped ears perked slightly upon hearing his person being addressed.

Oh, ya don't, do ya...? Harvey joked along, Not sure 'ow well I can trust ya, but I guess I'll learn tha' relatively soon, I will. With that, he came closer, as invited, and listened as they were introduced by the one resembling a panda bear.

It's a pleasure t' meetcha both, it is! The cockney dog said with a slight bow. I'm Harvey Butler. Harv for short, if ya please. Whenever he introduced himself, he made sure to enunciate the 'proper' pronunciation of his name, for when he said it in his usually thick accent, it ended up being 'Arveh Butlah.

Though he could easily recognize the Italian speech, he was ignorant when it came to terms of another language. He let the unknown, assumed sort of name go, and instead answered, Par'ies? I'm not really tha sort t' really know 'bout tha' kind of stuff, mate. Not much of a par'y goer meself. He said with a brief grin.

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Coding by Sie

Word Count → 401 :: blah shitty post, I'm sorry :[

Was this the only evidence that proves it?
A photograph of you and I.

The stoners watched the dog, and Panda was particularly happy when the male joked along with them, and he came closer. Panda took a good look at the male, drinking his appearance in like a freshly brewed beer. She continued to smile at him. He had a funny accent, and it was charming to Panda, and when he spoke, she couldn't help but smile. It'd been some time since she'd heard an accent like his, and she tried to remember where that accent came from. England was it? One he spoke his name, Panda committed it to memory. Venom as well, though he seemed less interested, and more quiet since he did not know the male. Sure, he would make his comments every once in awhile, but he was a man of little words anyways (even though him and Panda would go on and on about something or another) it was in the presence of the right people where he was loud and in his comfortable zone. New people made him uncomfortable.

Venom's question was answered with a "I'm not the party going type" and it made Venom frown a little bit. You should go to a party over here. They are pretty cool. spoke the Anatheman with a nod of his head. Panda looked at Venom for a moment and then back at the merled man. The blunt was passed to her, and she took a hit off of it and then she turned to Harvey. Join our party then, Harvey. suggested the woman with a wide smile before she offered the blunt to the man. Maybe that would get them all on the same level so that they would be able to joke and laugh about everything that they spoke about, even those twisted subjects that Venom was known for bringing up. Those subjects made for good conversation though. It gave them things to think about.

Venom reached into his backpack and he pulled out a bottle of vodka that he'd been saving for some time now. He figured this was good enough company to share it in, so he opened the bottle and took a shot, and then handed it to Panda. She too took a shot, and smiled before she looked to Harv and held it up. Would you like to join us, Harv? asked the woman with a charming smile.

Venom Speaks
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image © Nat!
((367)) It's perfectly fine! ouo

Upon observation, the red merle shepherd really wasn't too sure what to think of the pair; unnatural colours streaked their manes and they seemed adorned in strange little accessories that the simple male found interesting. Atop of their appearance, they talked about things that seems foreign even to the British gentleman.

Par'y? I 'aven't 'eard of any sort of get togevah... The aussie dog chuffed. He was by no means upset by his company, but the talking of parties, the obscure dress and the usage of drugs and alcohol was something really different.

He was introduced to rebel sorts before, especially in his line of work back in London's East End, but he never got involved himself. Drugs, he cared little dor, and he'd seen the worse effects of alcohol from those considered close (though thinking now, that may have been physically, not toward any sort of friendly relationship).

Ignorance came often to the cockney canine, but he wasn't a pup. Despite that fact, though, to see this scene in Niva Scotia, outside his homeland, was shocking. Perhaps anything was possible here. And perhaps there was still much about the area he'd have to learn.

Still, he smiled.

"Join our party then, Harvey."...What?

He couldn't help but let out a somewhat nervous laugh. Oh, uhm... The offer wasn't anything he really expected ever getting. Should he let impulse drive, and just let loose? Maybe a little assistance wouldn't hurt... Harvey had never obtained the drive to acquire, let alone use, substances, though he had the ability in the gang. Now that it was there for him, he wasn't sure how to take it.

'Ere I am tryin' t' start a new life for meself... Is dis how ya do it? He thought aloud, in a way trying to portray his war within himself. I mean, I 'ppreciate the offer an' all, but I don't want t' get meself in any trouble if the whole reason I came 'ere was t' be'eh meself, right?

It wasn't that he thought just trying the drugs this one time would seriously affect his future, but he didn't want to take that risk if there really was that possibility.

Do I...?

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Word Count → 551 :: ;.; Shoot me for forgetting about this thread.

Sometimes I don't know why, we rather live than die.
We looked up towards the sky for the answers to our lives

Panda watched the male as uncertainity brushed not only over his face, but over his aura as well. Panda furrowed her brows and looked at the male with a confused look on her own face. Venom had been looking out towards the water when a prick of energy from Panda had caused him to look over and see a confused Panda, and an uncertian Harvey. Venom cocked his head and stared at Harvey. What kind of man would refuse the offer to let loose every once in awhile? Venom certainly was not one of those men. Sure, if it was too much, he knew when to stop, but to get a buzz on? Sure, he would do that. He took another drag of the blunt as it was offered to him. It seemed as if the cockney canine was not willing to be friendly and join them in their little 'celebration' or 'party' as they liked to call it. Truthfully, it was not much of a party since it was only them two, getting high and drunk.

The bottle that was offered to Harvey was withdrawn as the male asked her a question. It sounded more like a thought, and she actually couldn't help but laugh at the male for his depth, and his considerations of what the alcohol could "do to his future" and whatever else he was going on about. Sounds like you need a drink to answer that question. purred the Italian as he motioned for the bottle from Panda. Panda gave him the bottle willingly and once it was in Venom's hand, he threw his head back and he tipped the bottle to his lips and drank some of the fiery vodka. Oh how he loved the burn as it went down his throat. He chuckled lightly and tried to give the bottle to the man again. Come on dude, we don't bite! A few drinks, and some smoke tonight won't do nothin', I mean, as long as ya' ain't gonna get addicted to it. Both Venom and I only drink every so often, so it ain't hard to pace yourself. spoke the woman as she let her chocolate eyes sit on the male. It was weird that he did not join them, for if the woman and man asked probably anyone else, they would not have refused. It was a friendly gesture, and it wasn't often that it was shot down with philsophical questions of the future. Fuck the future, live in the now. If the now affected the future, then get over it. There were worst things that they could be doing. Like the synthetic drugs that some Luperci did, like cocaine, and heroin. Meth, even though rare, if you found a Luperci that cooked it, you would be set if you wanted to just fuck over your life a million times over and then die a painful and probably lonely death.

How about just one swig? Then we won't feel bad for partying without ya'. the male suggested as he looked at the male with his bright hazel eyes and a grin on his maw that was not so innocent. That was his normal smile though, but it wouldn't be like Harvey would know that.

Venom Speaks
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image © Nat!

Forum Jump: