Face to Face
Amy wasn't a fool. She wasn't about to let herself be circled by some stupid wolf that was too busy spitting out speeches to keep track of her. Smirking she bowed down, slipping out of the loop that they'd tried to form around her. And for your crimes of trying to hurt one of mine, you'll have to face the humiliation of going back empty handed. She would have preferred to hurt them for trying to touch Kohaku, but with Lucias in her arms she couldn't fight properly, and had to turn to run.

The golden dog was fast. When she decided to run it wasn't any gradual build up of speed. She didn't pause even once to harm the canines, needing to get Kohaku as far away from his mother as possible. She couldn't let her lies get torn down. If he didn't trust her everything she had done was pointless. It was even worse since she actually felt a slight fondness for the gangly pup, and would hate to hurt him. It wouldn't stop her from doing it, but she wouldn't enjoy it as she normally would. Her legs carried her down the streets, twisting and turning. She knew these streets, and the canines behind her didn't. She could lose them. Stay close Kohaku.

As soon as the pup turned to run, Amy was on his heels. When he paused, she even managed to surpass him despite the fact that she was burdened by Lucias. Despite the fact that they were retreated, Kohaku couldn't help but feel like his blood was on fire. Although they were in danger, it was exciting. His heart pounded like it did during the hunt and ever sense was alive and watchful. The other canines only made things better, more challenging. But with Amy there, nothing could hurt them.

Four paws pounded against the pavement as he ran only a step behind Amy. She twisted and turned in the streets, but it was easy for Kohaku to keep up. He wasn't sure how he knew when she was going to turn, or what way she would. There was just, something instinctual about it. Like he could feel what she was going to do next. Once or twice he would guess wrong, make a bad turn and have to double back. But Kohaku's reactions were quick and his body agile. Amy had taught him well after all and the hard months of constant travel had made his body lanky and muscular.

Amy's command brought a wolfish bark as he continued to follow her. Her command, was his law.

Word Count → 000

Out of character

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242 - Change in tactics. Sky's getting tired.

When Amy turned to run, Kohaku hot on her heels, evading their attempts, Sky snapped her jaws in frustration. "After them!" Came her command, automatic despite her rank. She moved to chase them, her long secui legs keeping her only a hair away, and then they'd turn or veer off in a new direction. She didn't look back to see if her packmates were following. She expected they were. "Amy Sunders, running like a coward!" She called after them, in attempts to bait the woman to stop. Her calls paused with breaths. "You'll be devil's bait someday, Amy! For your crimes, you'll see no paradise after this life!"

She turned as they did, claws scratching noisily as she put in the effort to stay on her feet. As she took up the chase again, they were further ahead. Damn them. She'd been to Halifax only a few times and the city was huge. They obviously knew it better than she did. New tactic. Kohaku. "Kohaku!" She called, chasing but not to catch them- only to stay behind them, not to lose them. "She stole you, Kohaku! Amy stole you from your real mother! Kiara! You don't belong with that woman!" She called after him, praying he'd stop or slow down. "She'll kill you, Kohaku! She'll kill you the moment she tires of you! Don't be fooled!" She was running out of energy chasing them now, her voice airy with heavy breaths.

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Word Count :: 235 OOC: This is super suck sorry

Things became confusing for the man one second he was being attacked by the boy, who luckily still had milkteeth, then he was off. The others running after and he ran too, unfortunately, as he had to sprint to get around them his energy wasn’t as good and having to fend himself from the viscious boy was an energy waster as well so though he kept behind Sky and Kiara, he could not catch up either. He heard the words and wondered why the boy ran with Amy, but then the thought of her telling him the lies that could be growing inside his head. He hated Amy even more now and wished he could do something for it.

Amy seemed to know the streets well because the chase was hard, and even though he could not catch up, he kept at the pace he was going, trying to be of some use, because he hadn’t been when they tried circling them in.. The woman was smart, and the puppy seemed to take all her commands. the poor thing, away from his mother and being brainwashed, at least that was how he saw it with the reaction of the puppy who didn’t seem to even recognisze his mother, perhaps it was because he had been so young but her scent would have been ingrained into his nose for the rest of his life.

Photo courtesy of Genista

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One minute he was in her grasp and the next, gone like the wind. He had slipped through her teeth like flowing water and the anger in his eyes.... Kiara shuddered. What could she do to keep him by her side, what could she do to bring back her lost little boy? He had once loved her, called out to her in the sweetest voice. He had never been aggressive before and used to be the kindest pup she knew. Sure, he had shown evidence of a wild streak, but it there had once only been innocence in his pure soul. Amy had ruined him, corrupted him, defiled him. The golden dog had taken her pup away in more than one way and Kiara didn't know how to bring him back.

The white mother stood frozen as she watched her son's retreating form. Both Jiva and Sky flew past her, easily giving chase. Sad sapphire eyes looked on, and she started forward with only slow steps. It felt as if the world had collapsed in on itself and time had slowed down to a crawl. She could see each breath Kohaku took as his legs slowly propelled him forward. Seeing his retreating form was agonizingly painful, forcing a desperate whine from the arctic female. Her steps grew quicker, longer, but she was already so far behind.

Time started to speed up and the distress that Kiara felt grew exponentially. She was loosing him! Springing to life, the lithe female shot forward like white lighting. Her muscles contorted as she gave chase, but Amy's path meandered and swayed randomly, twisting and changing directions rapidly. Kaira did her best to follow, pushed herself harder than ever before. She could see Jiva and Sky and barely make out Kohaku as he pelted down the streets. Each step brought her closer by the tiniest margin, but it was enough to keep her hopes up. She couldn't let him get away.

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wc: 000
The more the wolf behind her shouted the farther ahead Amy got. She wasn't wasting her breath shouting things that meant nothing, after all. Rolling her eyes Amy ignored the insane female. It wasn't cowardice to protect her child. Amy slipped around another corner, taking the time to double back. She actually went through the levels of one building, coming out at the second level and taking the time to pause and measure the distance. The next building was a single story, as she'd known it to be, and close enough. Tucking Lucias closer she glanced over at Kohaku. Be strong.

Bracing herself Amy pushed off, crossing the distance. She hit the roof heavily, lucky that the roof was able to still support her weight. Catching her breath she scrambled around, finding a place where there was an emergency ladder. Shimmying down it Amy hit the ground again and took off. It was a good thing that she had such strong endurance. Crossing the street Amy continued her confusing path, knowing that it wouldn't be long before those behind her faded away.

Despite their speed, knowledge, and head start, the pair of loners were unable to shake the pursuing wolves. Kohaku ran as fast as his lanky body would take him, using every ounce of speed and endurance that his arctic blood awarded him. Even as they twisted through the streets, he could hear the New Dawn wolves, one in particular was especially loud. Her shouts charged through the space between them and spoke of cowardice and evil. Kohaku growled, upset by the stranger's words. How dare she say such things about his caretaker. She didn't know Amy. Still Amy didn't seem to mind and Kohaku followed her lead. If she did not retort, then why should he?

The female's next bout gave Kohaku every reason to turn around. Anger flared inside him, burning bright in his emerald eyes. HOW DARE SHE! Kohaku's next growl was visible and he turned his head to look back at her, the hatred clear in his seething gaze. That wolf was wrong! Just when he was about to turn around and attack, Amy veered into a nearby building. Scrambling, the pup rushed to join her. When the reached the stairs, things became tricky. Kohaku had climbed stairs before, but never so fast. The rising floor was difficult to climb and it slowed the young male down considerably. Panting, he did everything he could just to keep up with Amy and stay a few steps ahead of their pursuers.

When he finally reached the top, Amy commanded strength from him. Kohaku gave a quick bark and watched in awe as she leapt to the next building. He hesitated for only a moment before taking the leap as well. Just a moment later, the pup landed heard against the roof and listened as the building groaned in protest against the abuse. Kohaku looked back, watching to see if they would follow. Frustrated and angry he turned to shout, "LIARS!"

Amy was already dashing down the fire escape, forcing the pup to follow. Heat built up in his face and his heckles stood on end. The pup's fangs ached to cause that female pain, his mother pain. How dare his mother show up before him. How dare that stranger say such cowardly words. Why Amy even let them get away with such an insult was beyond him.

Word Count → 000

Out of character

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349 - Sky's done. Roof's done, too. xD Sky's a fat ass.

She could hear her packmates running to keep up. She ran faster, longer legs propelling her well once she quieted down and breathed properly again. With a growl, she veered, claws extending to grip the ground in a painful skid. She watched as she recovered as the dog and her stolen whelp disappeared into a building. She didn't wait for backup. She never did. Wolfdog, sworn as she was to the hunt, darted into the building at that top speed, scratching wooden floors as she charged up the stairs after them. Kohaku slowed and she reached a paw to grab hold of him, missing as the pup reached the top and darted off after Amy again. With a curse, she hurried up and after them, gaining speed.

She watched with shock as Amy leapt out of the window. Kohaku followed, and she rushed forward. She slowed for only a moment, saw the jump and deemed it safe enough if the pup could do it. She pushed off and aimed to land on the roof below as Amy made an escape down the fire way. She hit the old roof, the building made a sickening sound and suddenly, the world around her became dark. The roof broke underneath her, sinkholing and dropping her onto the floor of the room below. She yelped, forgetting the chase in the chaos of it all.

Some struggling later, she'd get free of the rubble of wood and paneling. With a shake, she was fine- tired and shakey and in no condition to run, but otherwise perfectly healthy. This confirmed, she remembered Amy. A snarl ripped from her bared teeth and she looked up at the hole in the roof. That snarl became an enraged howl- but at least she wasn't hurt. With a rumble, she turned to head outside, to meet up with her brother and sister. Another howl met the air as she reached the road again, calling them to her and still voicing her frustration. Amy Sunders would pay for what she'd done. Humiliated and empty handed, Sky was livid.

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Word Count :: 229 OOC:

Jiva kept up his pace, running behind Sky. His lungs started to ache, but he pressed on. He would continue this chase until they caught them. Of course that wasn't to be as Jiva skidded to a stop when he saw Amy jump, his heart leapt as Kohaku followed. Then Sky joined them a few seconds later and he heard a loud crash. His heart leapt to his throat as he hurried to see that the roof had collapsed; “Sky!” He cried out, they didn't know each other that well, but she was still pack and that was a nasty fall she took.

Amy and Kohaku were out of his mind as he found a way down to the caved in building and pulled roofing off Sky, hoping she didn't break any bones or anything. She was freed and howled her frustration, and Jiva followed her out of the building. He sighed, sad that they lost the bitch, and that Kohaku was not with them. They were going to go home empty handed. He took in a long deep breath of exhaustion and exasperation, he was annoyed that they went out empty handed. “That worthless... “ He decided not to finish his sentence. His tail drooped and so did his ears as he had been the one who was suppose to push them towards the women.

Photo courtesy of Genista

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ooc goes here

The chase continued drawing out longer and longer as all the canines were growing tired. The arctic female's breath came as ragged pants and her muscles burned as she pushed them farther and faster. Kiara forced her body, fit and healthy as it was, to its very limits in an attempt to get closer to her son. All she needed was to grab hold of him again and not let go. She would be stronger and hold on to her son with all her might. If only she could reach him.

In a drastic turn, the fleeing pair entered an abandoned building and were closely followed by Jiva and Sky. Kiara dug her paws into the ground and propelled forward, hope rising in her eyes. A building, and a bad mistake. There would be no where to run in a building. Amy had made a mistake and was trapped. Excited, Kiara dove into the open doorway, not even testing her surroundings to make sure that the building was safe enough to walk through. But before she could reach the top, a sickening crash sounded through the halls. Freezing, the arctic female waited for something to happen as her ears and nose went wild. Jiva came barreling down the stairs a moment later and Kiara turned to follow, her mind coming to all the wrong conclusions.

Kiara's heart sank to her paws as she saw the state of the nearby building. Sky stood in the middle of the ruins, looking put out and a little dirty. The female's muzzle lifted to howl her frustration and Kiara joined in with her own woes. The white wolf's howl was filled with sadness and longing, her voice calling out to Kohaku and pleading for him to return. Numbness crept across her body, swallowing her mind as a single word echoed in her heart: useless. She was useless. Turning, the arctic female followed Amy and Kohaku's scent for several more blocks. The pads of her paws ached and her muscles groaned as she forced them to move. With most of her energy spent, Kiara could only manage to move at a sluggish walk.

Finally Kiara gave up as her body nearly screamed for a break. Her haunches dropped onto the broken concrete while her mind thought about Kohaku. Amy had changed him. Kohaku wasn't just gone in body, but in mind. He wasn't the son she had known.

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