{M} god CAN'T hear YOU life WILL fight YOU
WARNING: This thread contains material exceeding the general board rating of PG-13. It may contain very strong language, drug usage, graphic violence, or graphic sexual content. Reader discretion is advised.

SEBBY MY DEAR. fail start, but at least they've got the good stuff? xD

--334 words--

Almost greedily the long fingers of the ruddy Lykoi rolled the joint, fiery eyes glowing with contentment as he flicked the silver lighter to ignite it slightly. A poof of grey smoke lifted to the skies, the sweet scent filling his sensitive nose as he breathed in. So much had gone on, a lover lost, a home found. And the latest? A child. A perfect Lykoi child. This was the first day he could enjoy himself, distance himself for a couple of days to reunite himself with his old ways. The Spanish hybrid rather missed smoking up, it likely was not safe for a new baby anyway. The city was the ideal place, not as far as it had been when in Inferni.

The chocolate man pocketed the lighter in his jeans back pocket and strolled towards one of the shops, glancing up to read the faded sign, grinning as he saw what it was. It was some sort of liquor store or brewery, and as he walked in a spark of hope filled the coyote's heart. The first room smelled of soured wine, dodging broken glass to get to the back. There seemed to be some sort of cellar that went under-foot. Lifting his ears higher, the redhead went down to inspect. He didn't trust the old wooden stairs going down, but luckily none of them broke under his weight. Joint still puffing smoke from the corner of his lips, Jac took a bit of a drag and continued. And as he made it into the cold cellar, he almost jumped for joy. There was not a huge motherload of wine that were intact, of course someone had been here to take a couple. A lanky arm reached out to grab a nicer bottle, reading the date on the label. 1982. That was alright, and he sat himself down on a comfortable couch in the corner with it. Today was a good day for sure. Getting drunk alone wouldn't be too much of a problem, having the essentials right in his very reach.

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Woot Big Grin

Sebastian dozed in the corner of the dark room, somewhat tipsy from the bottle in his hand. He had always had a knack for finding wine wherever he went and was certainly pleased with his latest find. Wine, wine, wherefore art thou? Didn't matter, he would find it anyway. It seemed as though the Italian had dozed off into a drowsy sleep a few hours before and woke up blearily as a new scent invaded the room.

Sebastian yawned quietly and stretched, his light orange eyes blinking. He took another long sip of the wine, only recently freed from his half-sleep. That scent was familiar, mixed with a smoky scent he recognised. Jacinto?

The artisan got to his feet and slunk over to where the Spaniard sat on the couch, sneaking up behind him. Yes, it was definitely Jacinto. Sebastian grinned.

The sly Italian leaned over and gave his ear a quick, sharp nip, just enough to sting a little. He wanted to give Cinto a little bit of a surprise.

Big Grin

--??? words--

The lanky musician known that this place would be the jackpot, perfect as it was with all its values. Perhaps he'd return here another day, collect sole more of what this old brewery had to offer. He had just lain back against the soft plush of the couch, laying off opening up the bottle until he was almost wild for the taste of aged wine. This place was the greatest, it just had to be. The smoke was beginning to make him feel light, a few colors swarming his vision but not impairing him. Jac felt good here, no other explanations.

He had not heard another slinking around the room, or even chanced that he was even sharing this place with another until he felt it. It was a sharp momentary sting on one of his ears, standing up right after. It might've been some sort of spider, or perhaps one of the bugs that appeared at night. But none fit the deal, those were distinctively teeth. The scent was lost in the thickness of the burning herb, and from here he picked out a swatch of red fur. A grin changed his face, moving towards his old friend the artisan. The bottle was placed down, sitting by the couch. He stood, stretching a little and stepping towards the Italian. You surprised me! Cinto murmured half-accusingly, a light smile on his face.

Sebby must've found this place before him, which was just the slightest bit of sad considering perhaps the claim to the liquor belonged to the fox-like man. But he seated himself back on the couch, bottle in his hand. With an inviting gesture, the chocolate hybrid said contentedly Why don't you join me, has been a while, yeah?

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Sebastian chuckled at the lanky musician. The way he had jumped up had been pretty comical, but at least he didn't seem annoyed about the unusual greeting Sebastian had seen fit to bestow upon his person. The Italian sauntered over to the front of the couch, grinning widely at the startled musician.

"I intended to," he rebuffed smoothly, hips swinging a bit more than strictly necessary. Idly, he wondered how high Jacinto was. It was hard to tell. He didn't have much experience with drugs. He seemed sensible enough, if a bit giggly. And friendly.

"I'd love to." Sebastian's grin flashed wider. The foxy male leaned in for a hug from the Spaniard, wrapping his arms around Cinto's torso in a tight hug and nuzzling his face into the taller male's chest. Without letting go, he pushed the Spaniard back onto the couch and curled up beside him to lean against his side.

[b]"Anything new in you life?" the Italian enquired mildly, as though pushing people on couches and snuggling up to them was nothing unusual. And really, it wasn't.

(321) Out of character here.

It was great to see him again, even from a bit of a distorted perspective such as his own, with reality swirling blissfully before his eyes. A wide-set toothy grin accompanied his starry gaze, taking in the offered hug with open arms, holding the artisan tight. Admittedly, he missed Sebastian. It had been thinking of Omni that had ruined their moment, their fun. He had given up something that she would have done anyway, all because he cared. He was a little bewildered as Sebastian let go, thinking the hug was done for. But lithe hands pushed him down, back on the couch, and that same lithe body was nestled so close to his own. An arm draped itself around the Italian's shoulders, letting his muzzle subconsciously nuzzle into the younger man's creamy throat.

He was comfortable, bottle by his hips, snuggled up and warm. He didn't really want to move, perhaps forget about the pot and the booze and doze off beside the foxy male, but that couldn't be risked. A tall ear twitched as he was directed a question, thinking about how it should be answered. The Lykoi hybrid gazed to the ceiling thoughtfully, returning his muzzle to face Sebastian. A lot has happened--I uh, I have a child now. It was an accident though. She had a mate, and my mate left me. He shrugged, as if it didn't mean much, where he wanted to cry from Omni's absence. Fingers fiddled to uncork the wine, watching as it flew off into the corner of the room. The joint still frothing smoke into the air, Jac held it out for Sebastian, remembering how he had tried it. His free hand brought the bottle to his lips, drinking the fire down in a gulp before placing it between them. Wiping his mouth, Jacinto asked quietly, his mouth close to his friend's ear And you? What have you been up to?

Jacinto is by Requiem!

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Sebastian cuddled up closer to the taller male, snuggling up to his side as Jacinto draped an arm around his shoulders and ducking his head to rest his muzzle on the Spaniard's shoulder, still clutching his wine in one hand as he curled up against the musician's side.

Damn. First Hadley, then Jazzy and now Jacinto. Why were all the bi men having children this year? Really. The little jinxes ruined everything. Parents got their responsibilities, which generally included only banging the woman who had decided to have the monstrosities. And if it didn't, parenthood generally didn't go well with casual liaisons outside of mateship. Even if they were single, their sex drive tended to evaporate. Which left poor old Sebastian out in the cold.

And Jacinto's love life had been rightly fucked, by the sound of it. His mate had left him and the mother of his children had already had a mate. Well. That certainly wasn't good, even if it meant Jacinto was available. Cinto didn't seem too cut up about it. Granted, he was most likely stoned and drunk, but still. No weeping or wailing, and he didn't seem to mind Sebastian's cuddliness.

The Italian took the offered joint and took a short drag, exhaling the smoke against the side of Jacinto's neck as he considered the Spaniard. "Sounds unfortunate," he mused. "I'd understand if you did not wish to speak of it." Really. An accidental child with a married woman when his own mate left him. Unfortunate did not begin to cover it.

"Me?" Sebastian considered for a few moments. He'd had sex with people. Painted things. Had a foursome with his leader. Nothing very exciting, really. "Not much out of the ordinary," he admitted, taking a sip of wine. "I've been very bored lately, to tell the truth."
The hybrid's mind at the moment was a bit of a blur, blacking out the angst and hurt left from Omni's wake like a dim black line, as if it didnt happen, yet he stated it like the truth. Jac didn't know what he'd call the significance of the both of them. Certainly not a true relationship, but a bit of a closeness. Likely they never would truly be something, that was why the tawny spaniard strongly believed in living in the moment. The smoke had him dizzy for a moment, if he was standing; likely the poor coyote would have slumped to the floor. It provoked no fear, but a bit of peace. His mind was safe right now, far from the stress of sobriety and the fact of not being influenced from such an aromatic source. Jacinto closed his eyes, inhaling the puff given from his companion. An ear flicked, hearing the words of the foxy Italian.

It wasn't all to bad. Not really, at least for now.

Don't worry about it. Most stories end and another begins. The redhead mused, taking back the joint to hold it thoughfully in his fingers. And that's a long story, safe for a better time, yeah? A gentle smile was given, opening his eyes to grant a wink, lifting the bottle to his muzzle over the artisan's body. Quickly, a swig was downed, placing the bottle back between them as the fire travelled to is stomach.

Jacinto settled down, happily and contentedly snuggling into the other for warmth. A wide yawn escaped him, giving away his sleepiness. But the Lykoi prince listened, keeping himself alert enough to hear out his guest. Bored? Really, that was unfortunate. With his palm, Jacinto patted the younger man on the shoulder, a look of concentrated empathy written across his angled visage. That's too bad, man. Wish I knew how to speed things up...I'm not much of a whirlwind however. Lifting a shoulder, the dusky coyote shrugged and made a gesture towards the bottle. Alcohol was often something to make the mind all electric in short, and more interestong things almost always happened on the road to intoxication, and that road was currently being traveled by Jac.
"Mmm-hmmmmmm..." Sebastian hummed thoughtfully, snuggling up closer to the Spaniard when he took the joint back. At this point, the Italian looked ready to be swallowed up by Jacinto's fur, he was pressed so neatly against the larger man. He idly rubbed the side of his muzzle against the Spaniard's chest. "Poor bunny. I hope you feel much better soon..." Sebastian trailed off, distracting himself for a few moments with the soothing motion of stroking Cinto's bare chest with his snout.

Then he collected himself. "Of course," he said complacently, taking the bottle and downing another gulp, shivering as the fiery liquid hit his stomach. "You'll have to tell me some other time. I'll give you a sheep if you do." People liked sheep, didn't they? Sheepy sheep. And he could make a blanket from its fuzz or eat it or milk it. No, not milk it. People didn't milk sheep, did they? Maybe it was goats?

Who knew.

Sebastian passed the bottle back to Jacinto, speaking nonsense. "Worry not, dear Jacinto Lykoi the Third. I'm sure that someday very soon, an appropriately sexy and charming man or woman will leap to your loins and join you in bonding matrimony." Sebastian nodded wisely. "I know these things, cara mia. Pro-" he hiccuped. "Prophetic, I am."

excuse the fail post ;-:

(321) Out of character here.

Never once did it occur to the young man that quite possibly the choice of getting up and moving bceame a valid option. Perhaps he thoroughly enjoyed the company of the Italian, and quite possibly did he picture things...In his mind perhaps. Who knew really? His mind was on a lot, nevermind the swirling patterns behind his very eyelids from the trail of smoke he blew out. A happy sigh escaped his maw, half-listening to Sebby's words. Jac didn't expect sympathy all that much, what was done was done. A calluoused hand moved up to gently stroke the younger man under the chin affectionately, closing firey eyes in absolute bliss. For now he abstained from the booze, as at this moment he clearly was dizzy enough, and floating on whatever Seb chanced to offer him. A grin was set into his features as the other began speaking of sheep and such other nonsense, not judging him for it...But amused definitely.

Jac tipped an ear the other man's general direction as he rambled on about mateship and something about loins...Almost made him think, thoughfully nibbling Sebastian's ear. Perhaps...
Jacinto had found to have something for Io, perhaps something withheld. As she already had a lover...Open reationships din't bother the guy. But for now, it was a lost manner. Tawny fingers trailed from the cheek of the other to his chest, almost distractedly. It's good to see you again, Sebby. And really, it was. As genuine as the hunter could say it.

Jacinto is by Requiem!

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Sebastian let out a rumbling purr of a growl in his chest as Jacinto stroked him under the chin and nibbled on his ear. He chuckled quietly, snuggling closer and tighter against the fiery-eyed Spaniard and nuzzling his shoulder and chest with his ruff and muzzle. He loved cuddling very much, and was pleased to find someone willing to sate that particular desire. The artisan sighed out a soft breath against Cinto's furry chest, his teeth flashing in a quick smile and he took the joint and blew some smoke against Jacinto's throat, chuckling before he gave it back.

"Mmm-hmm...." Sebastian leaned into his touch as Cinto stroked his cheek and chest, one hand taking his to press it more firmly against his own bright, clean, white-furred chest and slowly moving it to his muscular, lean abdomen.

Sebastian wrapped an arm around the Spaniard, slinking it behind his back and grabbing onto his side to pull him a little closer. "You too, tesoro," he purred warmly, raising his head to give the cuddly man a quick lick on the side of his neck.

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