[M] Sweet Revenge
WARNING: This thread contains material exceeding the general board rating of PG-13. It may contain very strong language, drug usage, graphic violence, or graphic sexual content. Reader discretion is advised.


OOC here.

Word Count → 000

She had been returning to the camp, planning on gathering what few items had been forgotten when she'd taken that unexpected trip to Anathema. Several material comforts had been left there. Halfway through Amy had come across something she hadn't expected, something that raised her hackles and brought a bitter smile to her face. It looked like she would be the one catching the drop on him this time. Wordlessly she pulled the bag holding Lucias off from around her body, and deposited it in the wagon. A sharp bark kept the others from following, madness in her eyes as she turned away and began to walk. She was not going to surrender. She was going to make him pay, and perhaps scream for mercy. Every bit of pain he had inflicted on her, she would return.

Only her knives adorned her body, clothes stripped down as she shifted to secui form, using the more powerful form to run down the route. Besides, every time they had met she hadn't been wearing clothes. Why break the tradition? She would be adorned in blood, and watch him writhe in pain beneath her. She was going to make him regret ever seeing her, ever thinking that he could lay claim to her. The injuries she'd inflicted on him last time would be nothing. Perhaps she would neuter him. Yes, that would be a brilliant idea. Make it so he could never take his twisted pleasure again. Laughing she ran, the knives strapped to her thick frame as she began her hunt.

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Setting Location Form NPCs
Location: Ethereal Eclipse

Date: ~31 August (Backdated)

Weather: Shady, and warm

Time: Afternoon
Amon Russo

Mars is in control. You know that, but I'm telling for the readers. Also, Amon is already missing 80% of his tail.

He had been out with Amon today, again, hunting. Amon and Mars spent a lot of time doing this together, because they were the two males in the Russo family and they had a family to feed. Amon helped his father because it made him feel important, and Mars let Amon help because Mars was wanted to spend more time with the masked male with no tail. They had branched out far from the Court packlands, because they often would make their trips outside of the lands to hunt. Never had they really had the luck of catching something bigger than a rabbit on the lands. If they had any luck, the two Russos could herd a bunch of deer into the Court lands so that they could have something to munch on later, but even that was a stretch. They were doing okay today though, for they had caught the scent of a deer herd.

We're gonna do this one practically. Fawns, and does are the targets, but watch for the bucks. You don't want to be stabbed with their horns. spoke Mars as he looked at his son and they continued on the trail. Along the trail that they were following, he couldn't help but notice that there was the scent of fire, and the scent of others around. Mars stopped suddenly as he found that the overtone of all the scents was one that he knew....but...he didn't really know. He couldn't put a finger on who it would be, and how he knew them, but he knew that he knew it. In all reality, that was Hurricane's sense kicking him in the back of the head and telling him that something was happening, and that he should go towards the scent. The curled tail of the wolfdog was for once, held straight out as he sniffed the air. "What's the matter, dad?" asked Amon as he looked at his father with his bi-colored eyes.

I suddenly...don't feel safe out here, Amon. Mars couldn't figure out what was making him anxious, but there was something in his gut that told him that he should not have come out with Amon today. Paranoia perhaps? There had been a bunch of attacks on the Court recently, so it was only logical that he be paranoid. "Dad, I know this is around where Misha and Vladmir were killed, but we're okay, lets just keep going" spoke Amon as he nudged his father with his nose pressing into Mars' shoulder. Mars' mismatched ears caught the sound of something peculiar though. It sounded like metal clinking against metal, a chorus of running feet, and clinking metal. This was the sound he was hearing, and it was only when he heard laughing that his tail stood high on his back, steel eyes focused on where the laughing and the sound was coming from. Amon wondered why his father was sticking around to see who it was, when they could have been hunting and ignoring the crazy laughter of a deranged wolf that was on the prowl. What Amon didn't realize, was that they were the prey. Mars stood tall in his secui form and his fur stood on edge. Who was this canid, and what did they want.

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OOC here.

Word Count → 000

Her nose was low to the ground, practically buried in the scent as she raced along. A pack was in the vicinity, she knew that, but she didn't care. What mattered was that she would catch this creature, and literally tear him apart. He would never touch her again. Instead of being someone for her to hate and fear meeting, he would hate and fear her. A chance like this didn't come around often. Then again, someone like him didn't come around often either. He was the only one other than that blasted Panda woman to force her to submit, and injure her in such a way. For that, she would take his screams with her to the grave, and enjoy every minute of it.

The scent of deer joined in. He must be hunting. And a younger male, similar in scent. How sweet, he had a family member with him! That would make her revenge even better. After all, hurting him was rough, but injuring family was a pain that could never be forgotten. Bursting into the clearing she howled her triumph, continuing a straight charge forwards. He wasn't covered in dirt and ash as he usually was, but clean, with his scars standing out clearly. The lower form would have concerned her, but this was the one she was the most confident in, the one that she could fight others off in, and used to kill. Why should she fear him like this?

Her eyes darted over to the younger canine, and quickly changed direction. That one would be taken out first. Her jaws snapped forwards, aiming to grab him at the neck and shake him about. Once the younger one was down and out she would concentrate on her enemy, and take her sweet time carving his body into small pieces. Maybe she would even do him the favor of killing him, and put him completely out of his misery. If he survived her torment, that is.

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OOC: It's been awhile since I could use this table. I only use this table when Mars is in his Secui or Lupus forms.

Mars' mismatched ears flicked as he listened to the sound of rustling woods. Something was coming at them, and fast. Within seconds the beast was upon them. Something seemed familiar about her, and she smelt of pups, and milk. She had recently given birth. Had they stepped on her territory? Was she only protecting her pups? Couldn't she see that Amon and Mars were not in the area to harm her and her pups? Obviously not because the dog swiftly charged at them. Mars was bracing for impact, but it never came, instead the dog went for Amon. Amon was still unsuspecting, so when the snapping jaws wrapped around his scruff, he immediately thrashed about, trying to get ahold of whatever fur of hers could get ahold of. Amon let out yelps of pain and snarls of displeasure as the woman bit him. He thrashed still, kicking out his legs and clawing whatever he could. He even tried to throw his weight on the ground, so he could get the golden woman off of him.

Mars finally snapped out of it when he heard the yelp come from his son, and he turned into angry daddy mode. He snarled and he launched himself at the golden dog, his teeth snapping in the air and heading straight for the woman who was hurting his son. He didn't know who the fuck she was, but she had little right to be doing what she was doing (in his mind at least. Hurricane knew exactly why Amy was here, and he was just in the background, laughing and watching.) Get the fuck off of him, you crazy bitch! snarled Mars as he grabbed onto whatever he could reach, without accidentally biting her knives that was on a shash that hugged her form. She was out to kill today, but why Mars and Amon? What did they ever do to her?

Hurricane knew. Amon was clueless, as was Mars. Who the fuck are you even? What the hell is your problem? We're hunting deer, we weren't even doing anything to you!reasoned the elder of the Russos, all while trying to stay out the line of fangs ripping into him. He soon would rid himself of trying to reason with her when she continually tried to hurt Amon though. Run when you have the chance, Amon. I'll take care of this bitch. ordered the elder Russo. He wanted his son out of the way, so he could deal with this woman on his own. Amon didn't deserve to be harmed and Mars knew that. Deep down, Mars knew that this was all his fault in the first place.

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OOC here.

Word Count → 000

Her grip was sharp, tearing into the scruff of the whelp she grabbed. His struggles pleased her, growling deeply as her tail swayed emphatically with delight. Occasionally swipes at her body struck, a sharp tingling sensation from the scratches. None went deep, Amy just shaking her head as if it was a rat she'd caught, instead of a grown dog. Tossing him to the side Amy turned to face the one that plagued her, the one that she dreamed of torturing. This was sweet indeed, facing him with the tables turned.

Braced against the ground Amy lowered her head, a mad grin on her features as he charged up to her. What a fool, thinking that he could take her on when she was in her strongest form! When she had come planning to fight, instead of caught unprepared. Grow a tongue, did you? He'd almost not talked at all the last two times they had met. Well, counting this they had only truly met three times. Her jaws locked with his, large paws swiping up at his body to push him away before turning to attack and ravage the child again.

She didn't even look back as she charged again to where the child laid. You know what you did. Amy wasn't ready to shift quite yet. She still wanted to crush his spirits, push him to where he willingly gave himself up to her. Powerful jaws lunged to crush against the other dog, ready to tear open his back and send his blood flowing into the earth. There would be no better way to get him out of control, and unable to control himself during her games.

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OOC: I hope you don't mind me getting Amon out of there. Poor kid probably is gonna end up with problems with as much shit as I've put him through. >.<' Sorry for the wait as well.

Amon stumbled over his legs as the woman ripped into his flesh. He fell to the ground, and soon he was thrown away. He heard the words of his father, and the moment he felt that she was not attached to him, he tried to get up. He fell a few times and Mars saw that. Get the fuck up and run, AMON! snarled the elder of the Russos. She teased him, saying that he grew a tongue all of a sudden. This confused Mars, and he held his ears back on his head as he lashed his curly tail left and right. I don't know what you are talking about! snarled the male, but it didn't seem to phase her all too much since she locked her jaws with his own when they clashed, and she pushed him back with her front paws. Her claws ripped through his flesh at this moment, giving him thin claw marks on his chest, just below his tattoos. He whimpered and regained composure, quickly because he saw that she was going after Amon yet again.

Mars felt so bad for the kid, but he was not going to let this bitch hurt him as much as she seemed to want to. She told him that he knew what he did, and truthfully he didn't. I DON'T KNOW YOU! I DON'T KNOW WHAT I DID TO MAKE YOU SO ANGRY! screamed the male at the top of his lungs as he pushed himself between the woman and his son. He snarled and he started biting at wherever he could easily get her. He continued to assault the woman as she tried to harm Amon, and Amon finally was able to get up, and once he was up, he started to run, immediately. It was only seconds before he was out of view of the two adults dogs.

Leave us alone! Go be with your pups! he spoke to her, for he could obviously smell the milk on her, as well as see her swollen teats that hung even in her secui form. I don't even know your name, and I've never seen you in my life! So just, leave me and my family alone! growled the male as he stared at her with his icy blue eyes. He had gotten a distance on her for a moment, but he stood between her and the direction that Amon went. If she charged at him again, he'd be sure to rip the flesh of this woman, as to get her away from him.

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OOC is just fine

Word Count → 000

She could smell his blood, egging her on. That was perfect! He would bleed. Her excitement raised at the scent, her attack picking up speed. She wasn't just going to give up on that. The younger one was running, but Amy had spent a lot of time training herself for such instances. Hunting down other canines was one of the true delights of her life. The stupid mutt intercepted her though, the feel of his fangs slicing through her flesh a background to her frenzy. It was doubtful that she could have stopped herself at that point, slipping into a blind blood lust that struck out.

Growling she stood tall against him. My pup? It's yours as well, not that you'll ever touch her. Perhaps if I tear your blood out she won't have to deal with being related to you. She let the words stay in the air before she leaped forwards, intent on fulfilling her promise. He would bleed, and there would be no mercy from her. Her movement was sharp, twisting to avoid his fangs and claws and turn into his side. It left her own side exposed for a moment as she went through, but she didn't care if she bled as long as he bled more.

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He was getting frustrated, extremely. Enough to where he was getting a headache..She was one quick motherfucker too, especially in her secui form. He was lucky to cut her off from running after his son, but that only stopped her for a moment. She stood tall in front of him, he was taller naturally than her, so he stood straight too, and he let his fangs show at her. She spoke though, and accused him of having the same blood as her pup. Meaning that he was the father. He was glad that Amon was far enough away to not hear the accusation, because Mars suddenly felt horrible. He felt in the pit of his stomach that she was not lying. Hurricane chuckled in the background at the words of the woman. Hahahahaaa, The bitch found us. Next time I see her, I'm going to kill her. growled the sociopath that lived in Mars' body. Hurricane did not use the mouth to speak, he only let the thoughts echo in Mars' head. Mars' entire ridge spiked up on his back as he stared at the woman. There's no way that I can be the father of your pup. growled Mars, denying that he was the father.

She leapt at him then, in a fury of fangs and claws, and he did his best to keep her fangs from his flesh, but she got a hold of him on his shoulder, her teeth digging deep into his flesh. The only reaction he had besides turning and trying to bite at her side was to throw himself at her and onto the ground, trying to crush her under his weight. He was naturally bigger than she was, more than likely in all of his forms, because she was a dog, a full dog, while he had at least some wolf. That gave him size and bulk. His mother hated him for his size and his bulk, as well as his eyes and his blood. She was one of the many reasons that Mars had the multiple personalities.

He snarled as he tried to get her off of him, and when she finally let go, he jumped up and backed away from her. He wanted to run, but he knew that she would chase. GO FUCK YOURSELF! I'M NOT YOUR PUP'S FATHER! snarled the male as he got in a defensive position and he braced himself for her to charge at him again.

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Amy laughed, shaking her head. It was good he denied it. She would never allow him to lay claim to Lucias, cursed or not. Does it matter? Now you pay. Amy flashed forwards. He was larger than her, but it didn't matter. She'd fought larger opponents before. She was in her best form, and the one he'd used to humiliate her was currently not available. If he even attempted to change forms, Amy would tear him to pieces. He was stuck facing her at her best shape, instead of in the weak way that he'd found her before.

Leaping forwards Amy managed to skim over his body. Her claws slashed as she twisted around, moving to his back. He had such a beautiful tail. Curled, and clearly the same as the one that Lucias had. It was a shame that he couldn't keep it. Amy lunged forwards, catching the tail in her mouth. She didn't bite it off. That would be too easy. He would only feel the pain from that for a short time. Instead she ground her mouth, letting her fangs roll over the bone and utterly destroy it, shattering what had been there. The tail was broken. He'd have a mark to remember her if he survived this encounter.

Speed was her ally here. Amy might use her weight against the smaller opponents she hunted, but that didn't mean she couldn't use her ability to move faster than those that fought against her. As soon as she was satisfied with the tail she was darting away, and moving in to slash through his thick coat with her claws. If it was thinner she could easily pull his skin off, and use it to decorate her wagon with. She'd just have to satisfy herself by tearing through it as best as she could, unfortunately, and do what damage she could manage.


He couldn't believe how fast this female was. The all of that dog blood must have bred some good speed into her. Mars was built more for endurance, and strength, but strength was of no use if you did not know how to use it. She asked him a question, of if it mattered or not if he was the father. Apparently it must have since she was attacking him. It must be! Otherwise you'd have no reason to attack me! snarled the man as he prepared himself for her. He knew she would chase him if he ran, and he also knew that she would be able to outrun him. She might get tired quicker than he, but she would catch up to him in no time if he ran. So he didn't. She danced all around him then, and at some point she caught his tail in her mouth and she crunched down on it a few times. The pain was excruciating, and he let out a howl of pain as he pulled himself away and he tried to put a distance between herself and he, but she just kept on coming at him.

He was lucky that her claws did not get him all that well. They scratched at his face though, leaving thin lines of blood trinkling down his face. He huffed and finally was able to get some distance between the two but it was not enough, no. She quickly came back at him with her claws and teeth bared. He bared his teeth and snapped at her while she came at him. They locked jaws, and once they were drawn on their hind legs, the male started to slash out with his claws, trying to get whatever he could to try to deter her from making the decision of wanting to harm him. Soon they were back on the ground again with all fours and he did not wait for her this time, this time he snarled and fought back. He charged at her with his teeth snapping left and right, trying anything to get some of that golden fur in his maw.

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OOC here.

Word Count → 000

He was an idiot. He couldn't figure out why she'd want to hurt him? Shut up! She was going to split him into as many pieces as she could. The howl that broke from him was deeply satisfying, knowing how badly damaged his tail would be. It wouldn't heal properly. For a moment she just savored the sound of his cry before he was leaping forwards and away. He wouldn't escape though. She would bring him down.

Their jaws met, claws moving to draw across her belly. Amy reared up and locked against him, blocking his blows and striking hard. They fell apart, but not until a thin line had been drawn across her leg. She dodged the worst of his jaws, though she felt him tear something on her back. Rapidly she fixed her teeth around one of his legs, and crunched, yanking it as hard as she could. She was going to leave him unable to fight back.

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