Summer Goodbyes, Fall Hellos

OOC here!

Word Count → 000

The days were flying by and her pregnancy was progressing. Fayne was now stuck in Lupus form for the duration of her pregnancy and happy to do so. She would do anything so that her puppies were healthy and happy when they were born. With a smile on her face she trotted to her beloved meadow. Once there, she began to pick flowers of every color and sort. Soon, they would start to disappear during the fall and winter only to arise again in spring. Oh the spring. She could wait to see them all in full bloom again, this time she would have Noah and her pups to share the lovely sight with. The thought warmed her as she picked a bunch of flowers. She wanted to simply make her den here, but would feel much more comfortable denning near the communal den where she and Noah slept with all of her family. There, she would be surrounded by happy faces which was exactly what she wanted. The flowers were great, but by the time she gave birth they would be fading. For now, she could bring them back with her as she started to dig out her den.

Once she was happy with the amount of flowers she had collected, she began her journey back to the communal den. It took her longer than usual to get back since she didn't run faster than a trot now a days to keep Noah happy. Once she got back she picked found a spot. It was near some trees where a patch of flowers grew, soaked in sunlight all day through the trees. Fayne set the flowers down under the tree and began to dig. It would take her weeks to get her den the way she wanted it, so she needed to get started right away.

She dug for an hour straight and by the time the hour was over she had created a substantially large hole in the earth, it was merely the entrance to her den, but it was a grand start. Thinking she had exerted herself enough for today she made her way to the stream nearby and stepped into it wiping the dirt off of her paws. She lifted her head to yawn and whined happily, tail wagging excitedly behind her as she stepped back out of the water. Fayne stretched on the grass and rolled over onto her back looking down to her own slightly bulging stomach. Her and Noah's puppies were in there, growing nicely, and she couldn't help but admire them...even though she could see past her stomach. Hello there...I can't wait to see you. In time my loves. She cooed, rolling over onto her other side to snap at a daisy. If only she could play, she really wanted to but of course that was one of the many things she shouldn't be doing and so she wouldn't do so. She was bored though and wished for something to do to occupy her time other than sit and talk to her unborn puppies.

Image courtesy of lightspeed-suzuka@deviantART; table by Haley

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Occ- New member here to release Fayne from her boredom, for a little while at least! Smile

Tali was really getting to grips with her new home, in a couple of days she had explored every rock and tree in New Dawn. And now came the next part, getting to know her fellow pack mates. She'd already met four of the members, each with a warm welcome, and was hoping to meet the rest soon, before doing helpful deeds for her new pack.

The thought of hunting thrilled her, it combined both her love of nature and running. Tali yipped happily as she bounded through the forest, hoping to bump into someone in her run. At a point where a straight path broke out at her feet, Tali increased her run and practised her rhythm. Her paw thudded softly in a constant beat, a tactic of Tali that help her make quick bounds and boost her speed.

As the trees grew more frequent, Tali slowed down to a slow trot, her tongue rolled quickly as she panted. She looked around at the forest, fall was coming and the leaves edges were just starting to cook and brown. Soon the dry floor would be covered in crisp yellows and browns, and prey would be searching for last resources for the harsher winters. But for now, Tali would make the most of the fading summer.

Soon Tali came across a small clearing, and a freshly dug hole stood in her path. She lowered her snout and absorbed any scents that covered the dirt. Her ears twitched at a noise, and she gazed over at the nearby waters. A wolf lay close-by, clearly relaxed and content. Tali padded closer to the she-wolf and wagged her tail excitedly, another pack member. That's five down... Tali thought to herself.

Hello and welcome! Big Grin

Word Count → 000

The Delta had started to ponder over more thoughts about her pups. They were all she thought about these days. She was thinking of names, what they would look like, how Noah would react when he saw them for the first time. Everything was perfect in her mind but she knew that the mind often thought thoughts that were appealing. Even so, she had high hopes for the future. Even with the worries Noah had for himself as a father, Fayne was confident he would be a great one. The only problem that was persisting and needed to be dealt with, was Amy. Fayne was safe within the borders but she hated being limited to her pack lands. It was almost as if everywhere else but New Dawn belonged to Amy. Fayne sighed and glanced down at her belly again, a warm smile returning to her face. She didn't want to think about it now.

A scent wafted into the small wolf's nose and she rolled over alertly, ears perking in the direction of the sound. It wasn't long before a wolf she'd never seen before walked in her direction, tail swaying happily behind her. Fayne was excited to see anyone right now. She let out an excited yelp and stood walking towards the evident new comer. New Dawn was always accepting new souls into the pack, it was a good thing for them to have an increasing amount of members. Fayne had a hop in her step as she approached, her head held high to assert her dominance over the subord. She was always a proud wolf and now she felt the need to be dominant with children on the way to protect. Even with the dominance clear on her body, she took no time in greeting the she-wolf with a lick near the ear. Hello, you must be New Dawn's newest member. I'm Fayne, one of three Delta's in the pack. It's nice to see new faces around here.

Image courtesy of lightspeed-suzuka@deviantART; table by Haley

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Occ- Thanks ^^

As soon as the wolf spotted Tali, she changed her a appearance to a more submissive one. She trotted over quickly to meet the she-wolf. Tali gratefully accepted the friendly lick, and returned with the same action to the she-wolf. She smiled, "I'm Tali Navara, it's nice to be so welcome here."

Tali took her time to examine Fayne; her fur was a flood of silver, white and black. Tali glanced over at the hole, "Did you dig that by yourself?" She asked, "I would have helped if I'd have got here earlier." Tali didn't mind digging, it wasn't the most thrilling past time, and would always leave mess to clean away. But the size of the hole Fayne had made looked like it had been made for more than just a past time.

Tali's ear lifted and her head twitched to the side as a lone bird rushed from the brush of a tree, sending forth an explosion of loose leaves. "It's a shame I didn't join earlier, New dawn must have looked beautiful in early summer." From what Tali had already seen, the lands here were a beautiful green, but from what she knew, the coming of fall would change this.

OOC here!

Word Count → 000

The interaction with the newcomer was welcomed. She was grateful to see more than the inside of the den at these times and having a new face to talk to was truly a blessing. Maybe she could gush about her mate, or her coming children. Her stomach was starting to bulge slightly and soon she would be plump and full. Nobody would be able to miss her then. Tali is a beautiful name. New Dawn is always welcoming new faces. It's refreshing. It was also nice to speak with someone who didn't know about all of the hard times in New Dawn. There was Amy, who Tali needed to be warned about at some point or she'd end up hurt. Fayne would get to the serious stuff after they talked and got to know each other.

Both she-wolf's eyes fell on her hole. It wasn't too big, but it was getting there. She needed to get it big enough for herself and however many puppies she was going to have. It would serve as a safe place to raise them and give birth to them. Fayne's eyes lit up as she nodded, confirming the den was hers. Yes. I'm not done. I still have a long ways to go before it's finished...but I have time. She was referring to her pregnancy which seemed to have gone unnoticed by the new wolf. Too bad, now Fayne would have to bring it up herself if she wished to talk about it.

Tali switched the subject to New Dawn's summers. Fayne's tail began to sway as she thought about the meadow where she had been about an hour ago. It was the most stunning place in her eyes, but ever inch of the pack lands were lovely. You have no clue Tali! During the summer, everything is wonderful. The meadow is full of freshly blooming flowers. It's my favorite place. There is still an abundance of flowers there, if you wanted to go see it. Not many other wolves here took the interest she did in the meadow. It was her place in her eyes. She thought maybe she could have her pups there, but she didn't know if it'd be the safest place. Still, it would be wonderful to be surrounded by flowers if they were there when she popped.

Image courtesy of lightspeed-suzuka@deviantART; table by Haley

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