I'm trying to set my mind free
[WC: 639 | Pts: 0] Sorry, this came out to be MUCH longer than I expected.

They headed west, trying to escape his daughter’s pursuit. He had to hand it to her, she was pretty determined to have his head. Tyko snorted at the thought of allowing his daughter to kill him. On one side of the story – he killed her mother, she wanted to kill him – it seemed only fair. But the other side didn’t give Axelle a say. She just had to live with the pain and possibly move on. That’s what Tyko had to do once he found out what he had done. Then he had to live with the pain of losing his most prized possession – his youngest daughter, Kimat. She carried his last name and because of that, he treated her like gold. It was just the way he saw things, and luckily she wasn’t completely gone, gone. She was just lost.

Deo carried him and Abella westward, not really steering towards any particular direction, just to land that looked clear and rideable. But maybe he should have been heading toward dense forests to hide, but Tyko wasn’t one to hide. He’d rather fight, to the death if he needed to, than hide. Abella, on the other paw, would rather stay out of all of this. But she couldn’t. He was her master and whatever he went through, she did too. The healing cuts all over her body proved it.

The trio came to a clearing, well, not really a clearing because it has rows and rows of sunflowers. Tyko figured it was a big enough spot for him to rest safely and still be hidden in a way. The flowers would cover their scent, mostly, and their huge manner would surely cover them enough. It wasn’t that he was running from her; it was just that he wasn’t prepared for another attack. Not yet, anyway. She came close the first time – she wouldn’t get that close ever again.

Tyko pulled Deo over to a clearing behind a few rows of sunflowers, and dismounted the horse carefully – trying not to touch Abella’s still punctured and broken body. He managed to lift his leg off frontwards and slide off of the side of the horse. He landed on the soil with a thump, but no dust cloud due to the moist soil. Then he held his arm out to Abella so that she could slide off more easily. She had trouble lifting her leg over the horse due to her chest being, still, beyond mangled, and it was the focal point for her body as well as all her injuries. She couldn’t move any type of way without feeling the deeps cuts scream with agony. She carefully slid off Deo’s back and walked away from Tyko. She walked toward the tall, beautiful flowers and touched the first one that presented itself to her. Her eyes clouded with tears, but none fell. She could feel a whimper catch itself in her throat. She would never be beautiful like these flowers again.

Tyko let her be. She was in enough pain just trying to heal, let alone to mention the emotional pain she must have been feeling. Sure, she was prepared for something like this to happen, but nothing like what actually did happen. He quietly tied the horse to a nearby tree, wrapping his reins around a low tree branch to keep him there, even though there was nowhere for the horse to run to except for miles and miles of flowers. Tyko didn’t say a word even after the horse was tied and he turned around to watch Abella touch each flower softly and whisper to each one, heading toward the far end of the field. Though he had no idea what she was saying to each sunflower, he gave her her alone time, and he enjoyed watching her weird antics.

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Form NPCs


Eris is by Kiri!

The dark-hued woman rarely traveled outside of Salsola. There was little reason to do so -- virtually every need was sated by the pack. Eris had remembered, however, in the calm thought provided by her newfound happiness -- she had a job. Her job's specific duties entailed prowling the outlands and seeking those who would make good flesh and filler within the ranks of her pack. There was a vague sense of embarrassment within Eris; she did not know how she could have allowed such a thing to leave her head, and could provide only the excuse of heartbreak and deep-set hurt.

That had left her, though. It had happened faster than she could have imagined. Smiling to herself as she looked down at the chestnut shoulders of Horse, the dark-hued woman knew the cause of such happiness and named it Pandemic. It would be so good to draw him to the forefront of the next Supper and announce to all of Salsola -- and irrevocably, for she was the Crone and fit to make such judgements of mateship within the pack -- their union. She contemplated it idly as she rode the horse east, having no particular direction.

She had a bag of things strapped to the rear of her saddle -- secured, of course, by the Tarat slave rather than Eris herself, for she did not trust her fingers to securely tie the knots holding the bag in place -- and was also keen-eyed to find trade. The summer season meant long travelers, and she hoped to perhaps find some rarity traveled far northward from Eterne or even parts further south. It was not her luck, however, to find a trader -- as she passed the first of the wild-growth sunflowers, the dark-hued woman inhaled sharply and perceived a scent.

Slowing Horse considerably, the woman stretched tall in her saddle and peered with sharp yellow-green eyes. She had only a small knife, but she was not so far from Salsola that the chestnut mare could not carry her safely home. Pressing onward, she had just decided to ignore and attempt to bypass the scent entirely when the figure of a horse standing amongst the sunflowers entered her vision. She soon saw the figures standing close at hand, and stilled her mount entirely, peering at them with curiosity. One seemed to be engaged in the act of attempting to eat the flowers, and the other was simply watching her. Eris perceived after a moment that it was not eating the first was engaged in, but speaking. She herself stared now, perplexed by this action as well as her silent watcher.

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[WC: 453 | Pts: 0] Ooc.

Abella was so absorbed in speaking to the flowers that she did not notice that she was nearing the stranger. Closer and closer as she whispered to each large, yellow bud, she came toward the black female on her chestnut horse. There were still sobs stuck in her throat, but talking to the beautiful, tall plants soothed them just enough to keep her crying at bay. Or not at all. The cream-colored coyote lost herself in nature while she tried to forget why she had so many cuts and bruises. Her chest was a huge scab and whenever she moved the wrong way, she would start gushing blood again. The edges around it were pink, and that was a clear sign that the wound was healing ever so slowly.

Tyko eyed the strange woman from where he stood, but said nothing. She seemed to be just as curious as to what Abella was doing as he was. She also didn't look like she posed a threat - so he let her watch the girl as well. He eyed the woman, but stood there with his arms crossed over his chest, not moving. When he thought they had made eye contact, he nodded to her with a slight smile on his lips. He had been in a good mood for the past few days, despite all the events that had happened.

Abella continued along the long row of flowers, and was literally about to face the woman’s horse. How she didn’t catch on to the scent right in front of her was a mystery; Maybe it was because the scent of the flowers masked all smells around her, and because there were so many... For no particular reason, she decided to look up. She hadn’t noticed the woman before, and upon seeing her, the coygirl jumped - and with the jerky motion, cracked her scab and fell on her ass in the dirt. She just sat there gaping up at the Salsolan woman with wide purple eyes and a, now, small trickle of blood leaking between her breasts. She didn’t bother wiping it away, but scrambled to her feet and backed away from the Crone. She bowed instantly, feeling a sense of importance radiating from the woman. ”My apologies, madam.” She bowed lowly to the woman, and then rose and scampered away back towards Tyko with dirt on her ass. She reached the middle of the field and stopped and turned back towards the stranger, but kept her eyes from directly meeting hers. She wasn’t sure who to go to. Tyko brought her so much emotional pain - he reminded her of what happened - and this new woman could be a danger.

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Eris is by Alaine!

The dark-hued woman had enough experience with coyotes -- being one herself, having lived in Inferni, and surrounding herself with those of Lykoi and Kimaris blood still -- and recognized this blood in the one speaking to flowers. The other was a dark-colored male, his fur colored a deep chocolate-charcoal sort of color. It was his eyes that drew her attention, however -- they were brilliant and bloody red in his face. No -- they're pink, she realized. His size impressed her more than his eyes, however, and she peered over that form attentively, wondering if its services were to be hired out. His motion was a small one, and Eris returned it with a slightly wider smile, though her gaze was quick to return to the flower-speaker. She then only gave furtive glances toward the tall male, playing at observing primarily the coyote girl.

And good thing she did, for the girl came closer and closer. As she approached, Eris saw the wound upon her and was surprised at its size and freshness, though she did not yet comment. The canine seemed to be in another world entirely. Eris leaned forward a little as the woman approached, her saddle squeaking. Perhaps it was that which caused her to look up, or perhaps she was already in the process of such when Eris leaned forward -- but in any case, the woman was scared about witless and fell backwards onto the earth. Eris only blinked at her apology, and watched the slight creature scamper toward the taller wolf.

She looked toward the pair curiously, the pink-eyed man and his bleeding companion. Eris did not know what to make of this, but she didn't much feel there was danger -- clearly, the wanderer was delusional or brainless or both. The taller one -- he had not yet spoke, and she could not judge his mind. She remembered the smile. That's the strangest thing I've seen in quite a while, she said, drawling the words slowly. Her accent, slight as it was and inapparent in most cases, was layered over the voice for effect. Her smile was toothy. What were you saying to the flowers, my dear girl? Her voice had returned to its normal sound.

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[WC: 355 | Pts: 0] Ooc.

Despite Abella getting so close to the woman, she seemed utterly amused and very much so curious as to what she was doing with the flowers. Her big purple eyes watched the duo cautiously, not comprehending why the woman would speak to her and not Tyko first. He was her ‘master’. But the other continued to talk to her anyway, and glancing back at Tyko and not seeing an angered expression on his face, she stepped toward the other woman cautiously as to close the extra distance so that they would speak. ”Encouragement. I told each one how beautiful they are.” Something she wished someone would do for her. Her voice was small and quiet, but she projected it as much as she could. She wasn’t used to speaking with others and rarely ever had a conversation with anyone before. Except for Axelle. She seemed nice enough, even though she was a clear enemy of Tyko’s and a mate to the monster that mangled her chest.

Abella wasn’t sure whether to introduce herself or not, but was interrupted anyway. The sudden appearance of Tyko calmed her nerves, strangely, in this situation. It took the pressure off of her for a few seconds. Seemingly, he had been walking up the rows behind her as she explained her conversation with the sunflowers.

”Peculiar girl, isn’t she?” His tenor voice boomed from behind Abella as he walked into view. He stopped just beside his servant, and looked up at the woman. He was good for talking about her like she wasn’t even there - like she was some sort of pet that wasn’t worthy to be joined in his conversation. The cream coyote just stood there silently, switching her eyes between the pair as they conversed. ”I’m Tyko Amini, and who might you be?” He was exceptionally polite to this woman for no particular reason. He wore a friendly smile the whole time he was in her presence, but he did not bow. He couldn’t sense the importance of the female before him - and they were in neutral lands - her rank held no importance out here.

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Eris is by Titmouse!

The dark-hued woman appraised the chocolate-furred male. He was dark as shadow itself, the color of sunset's smoky haze in the deep and thick southland forests. She much preferred the bared marshlands and flat, desolate landscape to the far north -- there were these patches of beauty, like the sunflowers, after all, but not all could have the lovely straw-colored coats of Itachi and Tlantli. Coyotes, she thought, noting the sudden anger passing over the larger male's face. His brilliantly pink eyes were directed at the girl, however, and when Eris's gaze flicked toward the coyote, she saw fear. Recogition tingled at the back of her neck.

She only smiled adoringly in the coyote's direction, though it was the patronizing and indulgent smile of a parent dealing with a particularly petulant or slow child. Her gaze was drawn to the male, stalking through the sunflowers. His voice was deep and low, and he introduced himself promptly. The dark-hued woman shifted in her saddle, unwilling to dismount in the face of potential danger. Her smile changed when it turned to him and became more sincere.

Very peculiar, Eris agreed. Eris Eternity. Is such a well-trained creature for trade, by chance? the dark woman asked. Another slave to do her bidding, in replacement of Molcaxitl -- and this one, she might even treat nicely to the end. At least until she tired of looking upon it and sought her fun through other means. You've broken her so well. It was an observation and not a question as to whether the cowering coyote was a belonging and not a person -- Eris's experience was such with chattel. She recognized them quite well.

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(283) Ooc.

Abella’s eyes widened as she realized what the female was talking about. Her being her slave. She quickly switched her gaze back to Tyko, pleading silently that he wouldn’t agree. Being his servant wasn’t always so pleasant, but she couldn’t imagine being someone else’s servant. He actually cared for her, as anyone else wouldn’t. He tried to save her, as he briefly mentioned once after the incident- she couldn’t see this woman risking her life to safe her from danger.

Tyko smirked at the woman’s question. ”Nice to meet you, but no. She only serves me.” Abella felt like fainting from the relief that she felt. ”She’s not trained. She’s serves me because I saved her life once.” And then continuously after, he didn’t say. She was one troublesome coyote. She always managed to get herself in trouble. Though, if she was to be trained – she would probably be a very obedient pet. He looked onto Abella with pride in his eyes, and he rested a hand on her opposite shoulder and pulled her closer to him. The cream-colored girl smiled up at Eris.

Then he turned his gaze back on the female above him on her horse. ”Do you live around here, Ms. Eris?” It was his charm working. He was always incredibly polite to females, especially assertive, attractive ones like Eris before him. Abella whispered in Tyko’s ear, asking to frolic with the sunflowers again. Tyko nodded to her and slapped her lightly on the ass cheek. She skipped away happily and continued touching every flower, but didn’t say anything to them this time. She was aware that her privacy had been breached and she was being watched by an interested slave-master.

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-- /drags ass all over 'souls ;_; sorry for the delay, life stinks

Eris is by Requiem!

What a pity, the dark-hued woman drawled, shaking her head. I had a pretty thing like her once, but... well, she was lost to me, the woman said, lifting the back of one hand to press it against her forehead a moment. Keep yours well, sir, the woman said, smiling pointedly. The marks across the small canine's chest were fearsome indeed -- though of course, it was the epitome of hypocrisy for Eris to advise against physical punishment of one's slaves. Molcaxitl's punishments and even things that hadn't been punitive were things against which Eris had once sworn to protect Molca. Slaves were undeserving of loyalty, but the best should be kept well -- there was no use in a dead servant.

The dark woman paused her answer as the slave leaned close, studying their companionship with a sharp eye. His affection was more obvious than Larkspur's, and it would have been difficult for her not to see. Her chartreuse eyes watched the retreat of the slim canine and returned promptly to Tyko. Perhaps, she said, smiling coyly. What if I told you I was from Inferni? she said, again lifting her hand. This time it went to her mouth in a dramatic gesture of shock. It was not entirely untrue, either -- in a distant way, she was from Inferni, just as she was from Anathema, too. I thought residence was like age -- something you don't just ask a lady. There was again the coy grin, and her tail twitched a few times with mirth, evidence of her playfulness. For all of it, though, she was no Salsolian betrayer -- games were simply another way of accomplishing the end result.

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(268) It's alright, I just thought you forgot about me :/

Tyko could hear the faint footsteps of Abella behind him, but his mind focused on the good-looking woman before him. He couldn’t help but smirk as he caught on to the woman’s games. ”If you were from Inferni I would think of you as noble. Inferni has helped me once.” He held no judgment against them, and had no reason to. Even though the coyotes seemed to be sure that he was going to slaughter them whenever they turned their backs, he wouldn’t have. And the fact that they had helped them in the end only gave them more points in his eyes.

Tyko’s smirk grew into a big smile, and he chuckled lightly. ”Well, Ms. Eris, if you are uncomfortable with answering my question, then don’t. Just like with age.” He moved his arms from being highly crossed on his chest to a more relaxed crossed, somewhere between his chest and midsection. ”Well, if it’ll make you feel more comfortable, I will tell you why I’m interested – I am a loner, and I’m looking into somewhere to take permanent residency.” His smile still remained lightly on his lips, ”And you, my dear, seem to come from a well-leaded pack. I can tell.” Which was lie, he couldn’t tell. He just wanted to coax the answer out of her, in a nice, pleasant way so that he didn’t scare her off. Though, something about her seemed to draw him in – maybe it was her demeanor. He liked it. He wondered if where she came from there were more like her… He hoped he would learn of this place.

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Nope, just had a spate of IRL troubles followed by a period where the troubles made me really really really not feel like posting. ;__; I had posted in Player Updates about it, but I don't expect everyone's seen that; no worries! I also did get your PM, but am waiting on Mel, who has also been slow lately... D:

Eris is by Savannah!

The dark-hued woman's head swiveled at this, surprised by the response. One brow arched upward, chartreuse eyes blinking rapidly a few times. She made no immediate response, but the coal-hued woman listened intently, both ears listened. She had forgotten all about the coyote girl; her master or owner or protector, whatever he was to the girl, was more interesting. She was only a small thing, but there was strength in this one's limbs -- and perhaps loyalty. Her smile brightened steadily as Tyko spoke, enjoying what she was hearing more and more.

Some might have said Eris owed loyalty to Inferni; she had been a member there, once upon a time. It was so distant, the woman could hardly remember. But she did remember how she'd felt, her reason for departing. Unappreciated was an understatement. Still -- perhaps it had changed in the time since. Though she was not so frequent a traveler to the neighboring pack's borders, even she could smell the difference. Ezekiel was gone and replaced by some stranger, some unrecognized scents Eris did not wish to bother with.

Oh, my, she said when he'd finished. You've cornered me. Well-played and good game. Her head dipped forward just a few inches in conceding defeat, but the devilish sort of smile was still on her muzzle. Do you know of Salsola? Or, more appropriately -- do you know of strength and secrecy? Surely one such as yourself is capable of surviving -- no, exceeding -- the... strict requirements for membership.

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Finally, an answer. Success. He got it out of her. He had to fight back the smile that was pushing his lips. He needed to keep his smooth poker face, and it was no trouble at all fighting back that bigger smile. "Strength and secrecy you say?" The smirk that was already there grew a bit bigger. ”I’m not one to brag, but I am pretty much made of both.” Tyko liked to keep whatever he did to himself, and that included everything. He kept his relationship to Abella subtle – only informing those who knew of the relationship, like Eris. He told everyone else that she was a traveling companion. No one really needed to know their ‘agreement’.

Tyko frowned a bit, ”Though, I can’t really say I know much about Salsola. I haven’t been on these lands too long.” He had actually came around the warmer months, but he couldn’t quite put an exact finger on it. The smirk returned to his lips and he looked up at the female on the horse, ”But I do like a challenge.” The kind that were present with settling into the new ways of a pack. Tyko felt that life got too boring when one stayed in the same place for a while. He needed change, and he needed something new, fresh. He needed Salsola.

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Eris is by Alaine!

Eris was, after all, supposed to be a recruiter: and now that she was no longer Auxiliary, it was not her job to accept or decline any of them. She had no input any longer, and therefore felt absolved of any issues arising from Salsolian newcomers -- though she would have been quick to brag of her achievement in attracting a successful one. Such was the dissonance in her mind, evident in all she did and yet completely beyond her own notice. She nodded a small nod as the dark-hued man spoke, allowing her own smile to show. She was pleased with herself, and pleased with him -- more so than she would have been with another Molcaxitl.

Strength, secrecy, loyalty. That's the minimum of what you ought to know. You're all of the above -- what challenge, again? The dark-hued woman hoped, in fact, the male would find little challenge in Salsola -- as long as she could remember, the balance of gender had been severely skewed toward women. Eris, for one, did not believe in the weakness of her own sex -- but she appreciated balance, all the same. You'd have to bring a gift to our borders -- one worthy of my daughter, our leader. She could not even say with certainty what it was Salvia might like, but she knew her pack's desires. Useful things, or pretty things. Pretty and useful is wonderful. She thought of the knife given by Alessandra -- departed or not, the gift was still lovely.

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Yayyyyy - finally this pack stuff is moving alonggg Big Grin

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Then Tyko lowered his eyes from her and eyed her horse. He seemed to be a trustworthy steed, though that was just what he saw from it now. He silently nodded as she restated the minimal requirements of this 'Salsola' place. He sighed, and answered when he let out his big breath, ”The challenge of settling into a new pack, is all.” He didn’t mind those kinds of challenges. He just wanted to find a place that would accept him, and after so long – he finally found one.

He pondered the gifts. What type of gifts would be suitable to give the alphess? He wanted to make a big impression because he was just a charmer like that. He wanted the leader to remember him for what he was worth – and he wanted to be worth much. ”What type of gift do you think would be best suitable?” He had no idea what to bring… He was aware she just told him the gist of what he could bring for them, but he needed some more ideas.

Then her words caught him, ”Your daughter, you say? You must be proud." He couldn't really comment much else on the girl because he hadn't met her yet. He wanted to say that she was a fine girl, but his words would just be empty shells with no meaning. And Tyko was not one to waste words.

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