J-AW Singing, Crafting, and Trading

Adrian approach the borders with mixed emotions. His nerves had been trying to overwhelm him since he had woken up this morning and decided today was the day. And now, as the giant tree that marked the center of the borders grew more and more visible, Adrian excitement grew. Adrian was tired of always traveling alone. He wanted to settle down and share his music with everyone else. And it would be nice if he was around some people that shared the same love for music and art of any kind as himself. Adrian's nerves had started to fade as he thought about that, a smiling spreading across his face. But it wasn't until Adrian could clearly see the border tree that his nerves disappeared. The tree was decorated with all kinds of art and silly stuff. It made Adrian's smile spread across his face from ear to ear and he laughed some. Any place that decorated their border like this, Adrian knew he would love.

By the time he got to the edge of the border Adrian had laughed at the different things written on the tree or items hanging from it. He liked that tree. He looked away from the tree though, looking out over the pack land he could see. It looked like a beautiful place. Adrian nodded his head to himself, ready to call for someone to come greet him. The wolf gathered up his voice, like he would to sing, only this time he let it out as a clear, musical howl. Adrian howled for a few seconds until the tune he had put into his howl was over and he let the howl drop off. Now comes the waiting... Adrian thought with a sigh. Waiting was the one thing he hated most of all. So Adrian paced back and forth, waiting for someone to come. He stopped for a second and wondered if Hotaru would be the one to greet him. But then he shrugged off the thought of his sister. If she was, he would just deal with it. But he was hoping someone else would greet him.

Word Count → 000

Out Of Character text here

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(309) OOC:

Eclipse had been gathering fall plants, leaves of such that were ripe only in the fall, spices she could add to her food, and anything that would spice things up. She was humming a tuneless sound as she walked along the forest which had amazing array of plants and life all over even in the early stages of fall. She loved this time of year, but loved the winter time even more. She thought about running in foot high snow drifts and making snow food. That was when she heard the howl.

Curiosity came to her as it always did. This howl wasn’t any different from others she had greeted with, it was at least telling them someone was at the borders waiting for an audience so her bow stayed on her back as she moved through the forest towards the border, if she guessed correctly the border tree. Herself being creative only in cooking had not added to that tree, but she suspected that it was full of different things now. She was proud as it was where the back became a pack and just thinking and knowing such history made her wonder how it really did truly come to be.

She let herself stop a little to listen before emerging to see a man.... well it certainly smelled like one, but it looked like hotaru. She squinted and sniffed the air, seeign if her mind was playing tricks on her, either it was or there was a wolf that looked exactly like her new friends standing there, except the opposite gender. She stepped forward cautiously; “Hello, I am Eclipse Soulstorm, you are at the border of Cercatori d’ Arte. I heard your call, is there something I can help you with?” She asked calmly but was entirely disconcerted by the man’s appearance.

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Table by Kite/Aly

Adrian stopped and turned on his heel to face the female that had emerged. Adrian smiled right away, noting how attractive the girl was. It was one of the first things he did, whether they were male or female. He was such a stud in his own mind. Being able to sing and perform in front of others required a lot of confidence and Adrian conveyed that easily. Adrian felt like he had to move but he stopped himself, smiling as she introduced herself as Eclipse. "Hello there Eclipse Soulstorm. It is nice to meet you. I'm am Adrian Kido." He said. His hand dropped to the recorder by his side that was attached to the rope around his waist. He ran his hands over the intricate pattern, again remembering his sister giving it to him. He was here to make her forgive him. He wanted to have his sister in his life again. Adrian also glanced back over his shoulder at the metal case that he had found shortly after entering Nova Scotia. It was outside of a mean smelling pack. Inside the case was a simple metal flute that played good music.

He looked back towards Eclipse, knowing that she could help him with what he needed. "Yes actually there is. I would like to join Cercatori d'Arte. I think it would be a good home for me." Adrian said, looking over Eclipse's shoulder at the border tree with a smile. Not only was Hotaru in this pack but so was Ookami, who he had meant just the other day. Adrian had enjoyed his time with the other male and that had been what had pushed him over the edge in deciding to join Cercatori d'Arte. "I already know some people from this pack and they left me with the impression that it was a very friendly place." He said, chuckling as he also gestured to the tree which seemed to back up that evidence.

Word Count → 000

Out of character here.

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(218) OOC:

She watched him intently, he moved different than she did, though she learned later on the woman could not see and was astonished and unbelieving until she played back her memory of their meeting. She was blind. This man was not. He watched as Hotaru’s double spoke, and his hands go to an instrument. Eclipse, though she lived in a pack full of musicians and artists, didn’t know what it was but was smart enough to know it was a music maker raise her eye and guess what his next words were.

She nodded at him, looking over at the strange case he had behind him and tilted her head in curiosity but said nothing for a short time. She smiled when he said it was a very friendly place and pointed to the tree and she couldn’t help but flush; “Everyone here is very nice. Our pack is for anyone but benefits mostly on the arts as well as merchanting. Is there something that you can help with in the pack for our protection and as you said, friendliness?” She said smiling, though she was sure they would be friendly even if he did not join. She was itching to bring up Hotaru and her likeness of him but she wasn’t able to.

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Table by Kite/Aly

Adrian smiled at Eclipse and nodded his head as she asked if he had something to offer to the pack. A pack made for someone of the arts was perfect for Adrian. "I have my music to offer. My grandmother trained me from a young age to be very musically talented." Adrian explain, then gestured at the case behind him. "I've already got myself a very nice flute over there. And I have a guitar back in the city I was staying in." He said with a grin. He was slowly collecting more instruments. But so far he knew how to use all of the ones he had found. What he really wanted was a challenge. Something that he would be forced to learn.

Adrian also shrugged and added, "I also have family in Cercatori d'Arte. I'm not sure if you know Hotaru, but she is my sister. Twin sister actually." He said with a sheepish grin. He wasn't sure if having family in the pack would help but it couldn't hurt. And even if him and Hotaru weren't on the best of terms, they were still brother and sister. Anyone could see that.

Adrian's hand fell to the recorder and he took it off his belt and held it out too Eclipse, "She carved this for me when we were younger" Adrian stopped and looked at the recorder with a sad expression, "She carved it a long time ago. Seems like forever ago actually." Adrian finally smiled, shrugging off the melancholy feeling that had been creeping up on him. He wasn't sure if the two of them would ever be as close as they were back then again, but Adrian would sure as hell try to make it happen.

Word Count → 000

Out of character here.

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Skye was not deaf to the call that sounded from the borders, from a mysterious and unrecognizable loner. As she drew closer, she could pick out the scent of Eclipse, as well as a slightly familiar scent; it smelled something like Hotaru, but it was wrong. The scent was male, rather than female, and most resemblances to Hotaru stopped at the very surface of the scent.

Holding her two pups in her arms - they were now almost one month old and quiet adventurous and a handful - she made her way to the border, near the Border Tree where the call had come from. Finally, she saw Eclipse, along with the strange loner. He looked identical to Hotaru in every way - it was very strange, and she assumed that he was, perhaps, her brother.

Her suspicions were confirmed as she caught the tail-end of something he was saying, that he was Hotaru's sibling. "Hotaru is indeed in the pack," she said, breaking through the trees so she was visible to the two canines. She dipped her head to Eclipse before training her eyes on Hotaru's sibling. "I am Skye Collins, leader of Cercatori d'Arte. Do you wish to join us?"

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(214) OOC:

Eclipse grinned at him as he spoke of his instruments and let her know what they were and she nodded satisfied, though before she could get the chance to call for the alpha he spoke of family already being in Cercatori, and her tail wagged and she beamed as he spoke Hotaru’s name; “You two do look just alike, and she still does carve, I saw her make some very beautiful celtic practice work a while ago.” she said. Hoping this would be good news to him.

Then she heard the alpha speak and she nearly jumped out of her skin. There was her leader with the two pups she just bore to greet the young man and she grinned at her, as well as the puppies; “Oh Skye! We have Adrian here, he wishes to join the pack. He says he has various skills in playing instruments.” She grinned at the woman, and stayed though her own work of greeting the loner was done now that Skye was here. “Would you like me to take your pups? We can go back to the town and I can watch them until you are done here.” She offered, her tail wagging at the thought of pup sitting.

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Table by Kite/Aly

The giant wolf looked kind of surprised that Hotaru was still carving. Three days ago it wouldn't have surprised him but he had meant Hotaru the other night. And he had discovered she was blind. Adrian hadn't known. She didn't have any weird film over her eyes, they were still the clear eyes he remembered. He wasn't sure how she managed to still carve but he was still happy to know that she did. Carving had always brought her joy just like his music had him. "I'm glad to hear that. She always did love celtic designs. That is what my recorder's design is." He said, indicating the wooden instrument he held. He put the instrument back on his belt and look up as an unfamiliar voice spoke.

Adrian listened to the Alpha female, smiling at her and her two pups. Adrian loved puppies. They were always so playful and sweet. Adrian bowed his head to Skye and smiled, "Yes Ma'am I do. I think I would fit in nicely here." Adrian glanced at Eclipse and smiled, "Not just instruments. I can sing too." Adrian said with a chuckle. His grandmother had made him well rounded, though he had trouble with some instruments. He had never like percussion instruments like drums. He could never find himself connecting with them like he did other instruments. "I would like to make your lovely pack my home, if you would have me." He said to Skye while Eclipse offered to take the pups.

Word Count → 000

Out of character here.

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Welcome to Cercatori d'Arte!Site - Rules - Ranks

Hello, and welcome to Cercatori d'Arte! You've just joined one of the many fantastic packs in the world of Souls; based on trade and good relations, this pack is perfect for a soul looking for a friendly place to stay - so welcome to the family! Some things you might want to check out in this unique pack are:

___1. Check out the pack game, where you can earn points to get cool titles and icons!
___2. Read up on the information about the ranks and co-ranks so you can advance in the pack!
___3. Look at the territory map so you can get a feel for the territory of Cercatori d'Arte and choose a house in Thornbury for your character to live in if you want!

If you don't know where to start posting, you can check out the thread requests forum or the open threads! You can also create or join an all welcome thread for some IC fun. Why not also start plotting with other members and begin a fun plot or activity that people can enjoy and experiment with?


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