[M] the sands of time
WARNING: This thread contains material exceeding the general board rating of PG-13. It may contain very strong language, drug usage, graphic violence, or graphic sexual content. Reader discretion is advised.

ooc: backdated to sept. 2 maybe?

And yet another tragedy shook the foundation of the pack they were in. Hotaru's pups, dead.. it was something inconceivable to her, that so many pups' deaths would be so close to each other. Hers were the only ones to survive without any troubles, or sicknesses.. it was almost a curse. She was the only one to have her children, and yet with no lover to share them.

Levent had left, too, leaving behind a letter.. he had felt guilty for the deaths of the pups, and so had fled the pack without telling her. She knew that he felt guilty. But Hotaru had needed him.. and now he was gone, ran from her and the rest of the pack. Another family broken.

She was by the border tree, wanting to escape from the horrors but not able to bring herself to take her pups out of their homes just yet. They were with her, tiny and unseeing and unhearing, but with her, and safe for the time being. She would not abandon them like so many had abandoned the pack before her. She would not leave her pack now, in any sense.

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Tony was angry. Furious. After finding out about his father's whorish ways he'd not stopped shaking. Externally his eyes were ochre, like dark mustard, but internally they blazed like hell fire. Red. A mist covered his vision as he stormed towards the borders on Milite the very horse that had near paralysed him. His arm was still broken, but healing steadily. And it didn't affect his riding in any way, Tony rode with one hand and urged the stallion on faster. He'd speak with this Skye. This supposed ally.

He landed on the borders, dismounting quickly and marched forwards towards the only person he could see. He was larger, and held more mass than the woman, and he attempted to use that to his advantage. 'Ah want t' speak with Skye Collins' he said sternly, his voice even but breaking with anger. His tail beat the air behind him furiously.

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short sorry ;-;


The scent and sound of another riding towards the borders hit her simultaneously, and immediately she felt a turning in her stomach. Whatever this was, it was not good. She raised her tail and ears in curiousity and defense as a large man rode up to the borders, his eyes smoldering and his muscles tensed in seeming anger and rage.

As he dismounted, his tail raised, giving off an even angrier expression than before. Swiftly, Skye shifted Esmeralda so that she was holding both pups with one arm, and took out her knife. It would be difficult, if not impossible, to fight with her pups, but she would set them down if she needed to defend them. This man clearly was angry, and out for blood.

He demanded that he speak with Skye Collins. Skye immediately snarled loudly, the feral growl ripping through the air with a dominant feeling to it, attempting to force the angry male into submission. Her tail raised, her ears perked high, and she took on a defensive stance, holding her knife close to her in case she needed to fight. The pups, sensing the tension, began to cry.

"I am Skye Collins," she snarled. "What do you want, and why do you approach my packlands so hostile?"

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He accidently ignored the pups, perhaps he wouldn't have spoke so loudly or let himself become so aggressive if he'd noticed them. He was armed of course, but made no movement to unsheathe his heavy sword all the same. 'B' 'cause I wan'ed t' see th' whore tha' seduced m' dad! Some ally...' he said loudly, his fur was on end and his eyes darted from her face to her knifes. Cute little knives. He mused mentally. Wouldn't stop his if he wanted to get violent. But with a broken arm he was willing enough to avoid physical conflict, even if it was something easy to win.

His teeth weren't bared either, but his eyes were narrowed. 'Nearly cost 'a mateship too...' he reminded sternly. Not that he at all thought any better of Alyssum. And his respect for his father was severely depleted. And Lorenzo (though it was hardly his fault). And both Sophia and Aro were nothing more than stoners, and Aro was a serial womaniser.

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short sorry ;-;


The pups' cries grew louder as the man's voice raised - although they could not hear very well, they could hear some, and they could certainly hear the man yelling angrily at their mother. Their wails grew in volume until it was almost impossible to ignore by the time the brutish man was done insulting Skye.

Skye snarled at the man, holding her pups away from him as if he were some sort of horrendous beast ready to strike. So much had happened since she had seen Jazper last. So many horrible things had happened, so many tragedies had struck her pack, and this worm decides that he should scold her like some insolent pup?

Skye never had a long temper. When someone disrespected her, or taunted her, her temper lit up like a bonfire in the forest. Unafraid of the man, fueled by the pain and anger and grief that struck Cercatori d'Arte like a wave, she took steps forward until she was face-to-face with the brute, looking up into his eyes with pure hatred that would not have been there had she and her pack not been through hell in these past months.

"How dare you," she snarled, the voice strangely - and dangerously - quiet at first, but rising in volume, "approach my pack, in the wake of grief and tragedy, to insult me like some petty child?" Her fur was bristling now, and she knew that she was, perhaps, overreacting, but the pain and rage that took hold of her now were fueled by d'Arte's great pain. She held up her knife now, ready to attack him if he tried to enter her territory or harm her children, who were visibly upset now and wailing.

"Worm!" she roared. "Leave now, if your only intentions are to chastise leaders and upset small children!" Her ire rippled like the ocean inside of her, knowing that she was spending too much time on this insect of a man, but not caring. Her pups wailed even louder now, fear now tinging their voices.

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Skye approached him, but he stood his ground. The Knight scent drifted from him alongside misplaced dominance, anger and his own scent alongside them. He probably could have scented the other Knights Skye held in her grasp, but his own being performed a blockade. He was not afraid. Not frightened by Skye. A puny woman. 'An' y' dare to fuck people for fuckin' fun? Y' 'ave any idea 'ow screwed up y' made thin's back home?' he questioned with a slight growl.

But his attention was switched suddenly. When Skye spoke of pups. His ochre eyes darted towards the newly noticed children and the red mist faded, 'Oh...' His aggression shrunk suddenly. He rushed to mumble an apology and then cast his gaze down to the floor, clearing his throat, gulping and repeating himself, 'M sorry...'

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short sorry ;-;


Clearly this man was not very intelligent. He remained even after she had told him to leave, remained on her own territory, to insult her further. He knew nothing of her, knew nothing of her past or what had occurred on that night. He was a lowly worm, not even of her pack; his aggression, his anger, all pointed towards a threat to her pack. And that would not be tolerated.

Suddenly, he lost all aggression - his eyes lowered, and he seemed to shrink. Not that it mattered to Skye. He was still a threat to her pack, still not leaving even after she had told him to. He truly was an idiot.

"Perhaps you didn't hear me the first time," she said, her voice low, soft, and dangerous. She was not stupid - she could tell that he did not find her a threat. That was fine. Underestimating her would only give her the upper hand if she had to strike.

"Leave. Now."

She did not care that he apologized - he should have thought of that before he opened his blathering, driveling mouth. She lifted her lip, showing her sharp fangs, and tensed, revealing her tightly coiled, wiry muscles. She let loose another snarl, giving the man a clear warning.

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urh, short can close this now?~

When he should have been begging for mercy, his body froze as ochre eyes pointed towards his siblings. No. Half sibling's. This whore's bastard brood. His tail flickered behind him with a flash of frustration again. And as Skye growl he growled back. Louder and deeper. 'M not on y' territory, whore!' he hissed, the skin on the top of his muzzle wrinkling tightly. Tony's good arm moved towards the belt of his sword and pulled it up, reshuffling the position for comfort. He huffed with frustration. 'Fine'. He stated with a scowl.

Tony stepped back with a growl, 'Fine...' He looked over his shoulder and called back. 'An' keep y' bastard mutts away from m' family!' Keep them away from his legitimate family. His fast approaching children.

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short sorry ;-;


She snarled loudly this time, stepping even closer to him, prepared to strike him with her knife to silence his insolent tongue once and for all. He took a step backwards, however, indicating that he was about to leave - but then his hand hovered over his sword, ready to draw it.

"Draw your sword and die," she hissed through clenched teeth, her muscles tensed and her body low to the ground, prepared to put her pups out of harm's way and kill the Cavalieri man. He seemed to finally have some sense in him and headed away, calling out after her.

She did not care. "Never return here!" she yowled after him, her eyes on fire and her heart racing in rage.

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