So I'll strum my guitar

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Forward dated to the 20th, his door is open so anyone is free to just walk in his house Smile Oh and the song he is singing is "Don't fall in love with dreamers" by Kenny Rogers.

Adrian was sitting in a chair in his dining room and the chair was leaned back against the wall. His feet were off the ground and he was balancing the chair against the wall with a grin of triumph. He leaned forward, balancing the chair in open air on two feet, before letting it plop back down on all four feet. Adrian was bored out of his mind and just wished for something to do. The male wolf hated, hated, sitting around with nothing to do. And that all he had been doing for the past three hours since he awoke. If this kept up, he was going to go insane. Adrian walked to his front door and opened it, hoping to let some cool air inside the house. And he liked listening to the people outside. Adrian walked back into the dining room, through the kitchen, and to the storage room. He opened the storage room door and pulled out his guitar. He closed the door and went back through the rooms until he was in the living room. From there he could see the front door, though he was facing it at a forty five degree angle, so he could only see out it through the corner of his eye unless he looked up at the door.

He set the guitar on his lap and strummed it a few times, tuning it until it rang clear and right on all notes. Then he played a few cords to a song he had learned once one his travels from an older wolf who had learned lots of human music and knew how to read human words. "Just look at you sitting there. You never looked better than tonight and it'd be so easy to tell you I'd stay, like I've done so many times. I was so sure this would be the night you'd close the door and wanna stay with me. And it'd be so easy to tell you I'd stay like I've done so many times." Adrian sang, playing the chords to the song on his guitar as he sang. He was loud, enough to where someone passing by him on the street could probably hear. But he didn't care. Right now he just wanted to drown in the music that he was singing.

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She walked slowly through the square, talking with Tehu. The conversation bounced back and forth softly, arguing about hunting techniques. Dalgina was a good rabbit hunter, able to take down the best of them. Tehu was pretty good as well, though when it turned to prey any larger than that neither were equipped to take it down. So they stuck to discussing how to take rabbits down easier, the language a mix between the low speech that Tehu spoke and the foreign words Dalgina had grown up speaking before english.

The sound of beautiful music took her attention, Dalgina turning and gazing in that direction. It was a section of the town that didn't really have anyone living in it, at least that she knew of. Curious she moved over quietly, tail swaying a little behind her. Tehu piped down as well, knowing how rare it was for Dalgina to do this. She rarely let her curiosity guide her anymore. The black female kept to the shadows, doing her best to stay hidden from everything else. Peering into the house Dalgina blinked, rubbing her eyes. You're not Taru. He sure looked like her though.

Adrian looked up as he heard a voice just as he ended singing. That she-wolf who stood in the doorway was black as night and had various sets of accessories. Adrian noticed all the different kind of jewelry that she wore. Adrian strummed a few more chords on his guitar before turning to face her completely, "No, I'm not Hotaru. I'm Adrian." He said, noting he confused look. It was obvious that Adrian hadn't been a very popular topic of Hotaru's. When they were pups, she would always talk about him to members of the pack. Now no one knew he even existed. "I'm her twin brother, Adrian Kido." He said, with a smile.

"And who are you?" Adrian asked. It could be that this girl was just a friend of Hotaru but Adrian couldn't be sure. He looked the girl over again. She was short, at least compared to him, and she held herself like she was uncomfortable in his house. He wish he could do something to put her at ease but he wasn't sure what he could do. So he just sat there and smiled at her, waiting for an answer.

Word Count → 000

OOC Text Here.

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It was the strangest sensation, seeing the familiar brown eyes actually look at her. Taru never did manage to meet her eyes the way that this wolf was. They had strange depths to them, a different feel to them than anything Dalgina had seen in Taru's. They told her how different the two wolves were, and she knew she'd never mistake him again. There was no way that Taru could ever look the way he was now, holding the guitar with complete ease in the stone home. His use of Taru's full name did let her know that he knew her, and wasn't just saying the name. It wasn't like many called Taru what she did, a child's nickname that she hadn't given up.

Suspicious Dalgina stepped back, Tehu's wings fluttering as he adjusted his stance and peered in. Twin brother? Taru had never talked about her family before. Taru had never really told her about her past. Dalgina had never thought to ask either, rather selfishly of her. She'd only wanted to know the Taru that was her in that moment. So she had lost so much of Taru. She'd have to solve that now, and ask Taru about her past. I'm Dalgina, Taru's friend. She taught me how to speak with Tehu. Straightening up at the sound of his name Tehu chirped brightly. Bright girl.

Adrian's friendly personality showed itself as he smiled at Dalgina, "Hello Dalgina, it is nice to meet you." He said, glancing down at his guitar and strumming the little E string. It felt good to feel the rouch texture of the cord under his touch, and it reassured him of...he wasn't sure what. That even though Hotaru had cast him aside, that all the rest of his family was dead, he still had a place making music. He cringed internally when Dalgina called his sister Taru. Adrian missed the days when he had called her that. Those days were long gone now, because Hotaru no longer thought of him as a brother or even a friend. And only those close to Hotaru called her that.

Adrian wasn't sure what to say to the girl standing in his door way, but he wanted to be friendly so he smiled and gestured to one of the chairs, "You can come in and sit if you like. I don't want to be a rude host and keep you standing." And then, just because Adrian was curious, he added, "Hotaru can speak low speech?" Adrian asked, looking at Tehu and then at Dalgina with a curious look. He hadn't realized that Hotaru could do that. Though he supposed a lot had changed over the years.

Word Count → 000

Sorry it took me so long to reply.

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Dalgina moved in, scanning around the room. It was furnished well enough, reflecting the feel of the wolf before her. It was a touch simple, without the overlaying mess that tended to flourish in Dalgina's wake. Her part of Taru's house was never complete without scattered art pieces that had been partly completed and jewelry that had been forgotten. Her hand played over the beautiful bracelets on her arms, listening as they clinked softly. It was a nice background to the strumming of his guitar.

Tehu muttered quietly, clearly deciding that Adrian wasn't worth trusting because he wasn't Taru despite looking like her. Dalgina touched him softly to quiet the bird and perched on the edge of one of the seats. She wasn't entirely comfortable, but she never was around those she didn't know. She'd have to put up with it until he became more familiar to her. His question drew a puzzled look from both creatures, looking as if Adrian had sprouted a second head. Of course she can. She's always been able to. Dalgina had known Taru for almost all of her life, and Taru had always spoken that language for as long as she'd known her.

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