[J] What doesn't kill you makes you crazy
she's quiet when she's down
strangers from other towns

nowhere to be found
on this side of the scene
OOC Stuffs:
Character Name: Soran Aatte.
Character Birthdate: 19th August 2003.
Whether she is a regular wolf or a Luperci: Luperci.
Your e-mail: glass_and_black_roses@hotmail.com
A secondary form of contact: PM me! Smile Always PM me in fact (I am a lazy one when it comes to checking my emails XD)
OOC note:I would like it if Soran was greeted by someone that has met her before please, but it is open to everyone Smile Also I am so, so sorry to whoever has to read this, I wanted to explain where she had been, but it seemed I may have gotten a little carried away XD. I promise that I don't always write a zillion words XD.
WC: 2034

The day that the ebony wolf had heard about her adopted daughter's death had been one of the worst of her life, comparable to the many heartaches she had felt whenever a loss had crossed her path and in her life she had had so, so many losses; hearing that she had been murdered by a bear had been the final straw. She had sat whining under a tree for countless hours, curled uselessly at its trunk, had she been able she would have been weeping inconsolably, tears would have been streaming down her muzzle, making her fur sodden. Perhaps it was a blessing that wolves could not cry, she had been a pathetic enough sight without being soaked to the skin and choking on every wet breath. The obsidian fae had sat there for what seemed an age, slowly the warmth of the early summer sun had given way to the chill of a summertime evening, the cloudless sky providing no barrier between the openness of space and the lands, seemingly letting all of the heat out of the world. The ebony fae had been cold, but had not been able to find the energy to shiver, it all seemed pointless, everything had very quickly become far too much effort. But bubbling beneath the surface of this pit of miserable grief was something far darker than sorrow, more intense than loss; rage. The sable female had begun to shake, her green eyes changing subtly, a furious fire beginning to burn in the depths of them. With barely a moment's pause she had been on her feet, stalking across the lands, snarls echoing from her maw with every step that she took, her long legs had moved her to the entrance of the New Dawn cave briskly. Without a second thought the tall female had strode into the cave, by now most wolves were asleep, jade eyes scanned them all, attempting to memorise the way they all looked, the way that they smelt; after all it would be at least two weeks before she saw them again. She marched towards the area that her mate Deuce and she herself shared, smiling down at the pale sleeping form that lay curled there. Every time she saw the pale female she fell in love over again, it was a shame that she would have to leave, especially without saying goodbye, but she knew that if she awoke the alabaster female in order to tell her what she was planning that her pale lover would simply talk her out of it; the sable female could not have that, fury was fueling a lust for revenge that nothing but the act of taking the bear's life would quench. As silently as possible she had stepped over her sleeping lover, deft fingers feeling around the shelf of stone that lined where the couple slept, soon enough she found what she had been looking for, her canvas satchel, she slung it over her shoulder quickly, picking up the other item that she had been hiding; she had been intending to get rid of it, to throw it across the borders and never think of it again; but now she was glad that she hadn't. She placed the sharp knife into the satchel and bent to kiss her sleeping mate's maw gently, a whispered goodbye ushered from her lips and she marched out of the caves and into the night. Out of the New Dawn lands.

The ebony female had walked for days, nothing had stopped her endless trudging, except for finding herself outside of an abandoned fire station, then a glitter of amusement had crossed her eyes, she had found an axe and happily taken it along, she would need a large weapon that she could swing at the lumbering foe that she was going to meet. Soon enough for her, though in reality it had been several days, perhaps even bordering on two weeks she had found a cave, inside the unmistakable scent of bear reeked, pouring out and assaulting the sable lady's snout with it's pungency. A litter of carcasses and bones lay outside, many of them wolven in shape, she was certain that she had found Blind's killer; if not it would be good enough, a murderer of wolves would suffice. The fight had been brief but vicious, the sable female had buried the axe in the large brute's skull, but had received a fierce clawed paw across the chest, slicing her chest open. To the green eyed female they had been unimportant, only flesh wounds, the four parallel lines had stopped bleeding quickly and so the female had simply lifted the corpse of a wolf over her shoulders and had begun to walk, her Luperci form making her shoulders broad enough to carry one. It was not Blind of course, but to be able to give one wolf a proper burial in her honour would be enough for the dark New Dawner. She should have paid more attention to tending to her wounds.

She had walked for many days, trudging, the weight of the corpse becoming steadily less and less able to bear. She had blotted out her senses, simply walking, the sooner she got back to New Dawn and buried this wolf the better, she would have her release, she would feel that Blind had been avenged. Had she been paying more attention to herself, rather than ignoring the rumbling of her starved stomach, the fact that she was far too hot now, even at night, she would have realised that something was seriously wrong. The uncared for, untended wounds on her chest were beginning to fester, infection was beginning to ravage her body. Soon enough she was finding that she was shivering in the middle of the day, the weight of the wolf causing her body to bow now, each step was an effort, her chest burned as if it were on fire. Soon she was imagining shapes, losing her way in her delirium, walking in endless circles, her feet taking her much further from New Dawn, rather than closer to it. Finally, one day her body had had enough, her emerald eyes rolled back into her skull and her legs gave way, collapsing backwards in a dead faint. And so there the sable female lay, shivering and shaking, unable to sweat her body was reaching incredible levels of dehydration, the heat increasing beneath her skin with each passing moment. Her eyes rolled in her skull and intermittently she cried out, calling names that she had not uttered for weeks, some even years. Hallucinating dancing images of her children, her dead friends, even Hollow at one point, something which had made her wail with fear and fury. After what seemed an eternity she heard a voice that had more clarity than any she had imagined.
"Mother?" The voice seemed to come from nowhere, and then there were hands on her face, blessedly cool hands, she reached up weakly, barely able to see, Conri she thought, it had to be her red son, he had come to save her right at the moment she was certain to die. But the scent was wrong and as her heavy eyes flicked open slightly they fell upon her youngest son, Flavian.
“Flavian, what are you doing here?” She muttered, her voice barely louder than a whisper, her throat so dry that every breath was a rasping, agonising act. Strong arms lifted her and a wave of panic rolled through the sable female, when had Flavian gotten so big? So strong? How much of her son's life had she missed? She was about to ask when unconsciousness took her again and she slumped against her strong son's chest.

It was several days later when she next awoke, her chest ached with a surprising pain that made her yelp as she moved. Beside her was a cup filled with cold clear water, with trembling hands the dark female lifted it to her lips and drained it in one swift motion, in her recovering state it was the most delicious thing that she had ever tasted. Aching with every moment she slowly rose and padded out of the small cave, familiar scents washed over her, her children, her ex mate, her former pack, a smile twitched at her lips as she stepped into the bright sunlight of the day. A squeal of "mother!" greeted her ears as her youngest daughter Kiwi tackled her into a warm embrace, causing the wildfire of pain to streak across the sable female's bandaged chest, making her wince. She returned the embrace though, inhaling the scent of her youngest daughter. Over the next few weeks the sable female was accepted into her old home, she made it very clear that she was not staying, but Dayna, the Alphess and her former lover had insisted that she stayed until she was fully healed. Soran was told of what had happened to her, her children and her former mate had been beside themselves with worry she was told, she had been delirious for days, she cried out and shook, she cursed everyone, everything; she had called out the names of her children, her friends, her pack mates, when she had begun calling out names of dead wolves that she knew and reaching out as if she saw them before her had been when her children had been certain that she would die. But it seemed that the ebony female was more resilient than they had expected, despite her advancing years. The most surprising thing had been that Dayna, despite the awkwardness in their parting, had kept a constant vigil beside her bed, along with the children that they shared. Soran learned new levels of gratitude while she stayed with her former pack. And slowly, ever so slowly the dark furred female had regained her strength. She had stayed for her birthday celebration, a day that had been both joyous and saddening and then she had decided that it was time to leave, she missed Deuce and Zalen, her pack needed her. It was time to return home. So the sable female had packed up her belongings, kissed her children goodbye, reminding them that she was there whenever they would need her, she thanked Dayna, pulling the alabaster female into a warm embrace and then she had set off in the direction of home.

It had taken a long while but that was where Soran found herself now. She reached the borders and stopped, smiling at the small lines of stones that still marked the border in places, an act that had been her doing. The scent of the lands was changed, but she supposed that she had been away for almost three months, close to four in fact, everything changed. The day was warm, though it was evident that Autumn was beginning to take over the lands now, leaves on the trees were beginning to change to shades of russet and gold and to fall here and there. Somewhere a bird was calling, more than likely a warning to others that the sable huntress was nearby, silver hoops glittered as the dark female turned her left ear towards the sound. All around the lands felt welcoming to the dark female, she felt that she was indeed coming home properly this time, oh how she had missed them all. The breeze caught Soran's mane and made it flutter, along with the two feathers that adorned the left hand side of it. Her jade eyes scanned the lands with a sharpness that they had not had for months, a smile crossed her lips. She wondered if they would be shocked, seeing her like this, four new scars across her chest, running from her right shoulder to the bottom of her ribs on the left hand side of her chest, a shocking new addition if ever she knew one. The lady took a deep breath and let out a loud call.
"Zalen! Deuce! Anyone?!" She shouted, before dropping to a kneel before the borders of the lands, jade eyes roaming the lands for a sign of her mate or her adopted son.

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Table by the fantastic Raze (Vesper) <3<3


Now that his pack was back in the den, the Alpha felt the anxiety that had been gripping him for the past few days dissipate. The hurricane had come and gone, leaving behind a path of near destruction. The trees near the edges of the forests had been stripped, the sandy beaches had changed shape, and the open grounds had been stripped of grass. Still, the New Dawn lands had managed to retain most of its inherent beauty, so Zalen was not put off by the changes. The Dagger Caverns had protected the pack well, and the main den had been fortified enough that it only needed a small amount of maintenance to get back to what it had been before. Everyone was alright and the repairs to the clinic were already commencing, but there was something that was bothering the Alpha. Deuce had been missing from the caves, and she had yet to reappear. The disappearance of pack members was not too unusual, it had happened many times before, but each time it did it made Zalen very uneasy.

After checking up on Adonia, who was beginning to blossom into motherhood, much to his pleasure, the dark Alpha headed towards the borders, trying to sniff Deuce out. Unfortunately, any trace she might have left behind in her leaving had been washed away by the wind and rain of the storm, and he knew it was pointless to search for her. Like all those who chose to left, sometimes they would reappear, or never again; he was beginning to learn that it was out of his control.

He was about to head back to the den, or towards the clinic to help, when he heard a call. It was not a howl, but a cry, and it was calling his name, and Deuce’s. His ears perked immediately; he would recognize that voice anywhere, it was Soran. His heart flipped sideways and upside down in an instant. Like a demon he ran towards the voice, all four optime limbs carrying him across the muddy ground to meet her. She came into view; she had changed, but he recognized her instantly; he did not hesitate and stood to embrace the woman, SORAN! You’ve come back! His tail went into a tizzy of motion.

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she's quiet when she's down
strangers from other towns

nowhere to be found
on this side of the scene
Yaaaay! Happy meeting Big Grin
WC: 715

The sable female scanned her surroundings as she sat there, folding her hands neatly in her lap as she did so. The seemed changed, all around there was evidence of destruction, the sable female wondered what could have happened, she had seen frightful storms in the past that had left chaos in their wake in the past, but this seemed even more extreme, perhaps there had been a storm to end all storms; something that the dark lady would not be able to fathom with imagination alone. The idea was harrowing and for a moment she worried for the safety of her pack, whenever she was a member of a group she considered them to be family, she would defend them with her life if needs be; had she missed something that she could have helped with? The idea of wolves suffering due to her absence was painful for Soran, but the scent of the lands still, although faint were there, the pack was still here, though it seemed that the rain had washed some of the scent away, yes that was what it must have been, the scent of rain was still pungent in the air. For a moment the sable female frowned, where was everyone? Perhaps they were all in the cave, had something awful happened that they needed to be together away from the borders? The worry was soon crushed though as a familiar jet black shape came barreling towards her at great speed, a smile split the ebony female's face as she recognised the Alpha running towards her, her tail wagging furiously, hammering against the ground with a gentle thudding sound. Soon enough he was upon her. Standing to embrace her and seeming elated to see her. She grinned and reached to embrace him in return, licking and nipping behind his ears as a mother would do to a beloved pup as she so often had done to him before. Her tail was still wagging furiously and she could not help but emit a joyful whine as she held her adopted son.
“Zalen, it is so wonderful to see you! I am so sorry that I was away so long.” She spoke, almost chuckling in her joy at seeing the young jet male before her.

She stepped away from the embrace, bowing her head in a gesture of submission, he may have been a son to her in her eyes, but he was still the Alpha of the pack after all, her Alpha. She smiled at him again after this though, her tail still wagging, she was filled with such elation to see him again she could barely contain herself.
"I am so, so sorry that I left so suddenly. Just, hearing of Blind's death, I was grief stricken and so filled with rage, I went to find the bear that had killed her in order to exact my revenge." Soran confessed, a sudden pang of guilt washing over her as she realised that she had lost the corpse that she had been carrying, she had failed in her attempt to bury a fallen wolf in Blind's memory, in her way of making peace with herself. She had failed all because she had been too stupid to pay attention to her own wounds. She had been stupid, she was quite lucky though that the kindness of her family had somehow found her, even when she had been alone in the woods.
"I found a bear and I fought it, I won, but unfortunately I did not get away uninjured." Soran explained, shame in her voice as she spoke. She tapped the uppermost scar on her chest, wondering if Zalen had noticed them.
"I was too involved in getting back here to realise that they were getting infected, if my son hadn't found me I would have died." The sable female explained, a heavy sigh escaping her lips.
"That is where I have been, my son took me back to my former pack, they insisted that I stay until I was fully healed, it took too long, far too long for my liking, I am so, so very sorry Zalen." Soran spoke, looking ashamed as she did so, hanging her head and running a hand across her face as she did so.

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Table by the fantastic Raze (Vesper) <3<3


Zalen held Soran close to him, desperately so, almost as if he wasn’t truly convinced she was there. But it was Soran, she smelled like Soran, sounded like her; Zalen couldn’t believe it. She returned his embrace and he could feel the cold barrier of sorrow nearly melt away; had he not been a stronger man, he might have broken down to weep at her feet, but he managed to keep himself together. It was easier once she began speaking, and pulled away to submit before him.

She told her story, how she had left to search for the bear that had killed blind, how she had faced him and nearly died himself, how she was found by a son and an old pack. He felt himself fill with gratitude for the pack, and wished there was a way he could thank them, but they surely must be far, far away. At the end, Soran apologized, covering her face and Zalen was quick to grab her hand and clasp it in his own, No apologies, Soran, you must never apologize. It is true that I and the others were sad to hear of your leaving, but I love and trust you, I knew you had a good reason. He smiled and pulled her into an embrace again, I’m so glad you’ve returned, but New Dawn is not the same as when you left. He pulled back, his smile turned into a look of regret, Titania is no longer with us, there was an accident and she lost her memory, I believe she lives in Sangi’lak now, a new pack to our north.

He stood, pulling her up with him, and began leading her into the pack lands, And… Deuce is also gone; her disappearance is recent and I plan on looking into what happened to her. Also, New Dawn was just hit by a hurricane, which explains what you see. He gestured at several stripped trees, And… then there’s Adonia; she’s carrying my litter. He looked at Soran to gauge her response, there was just so much to tell her.

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Rest now, traveler, for you are home.

Your brothers and sisters welcome you to New Dawn!

Congratulations! You no longer stray from the path and have returned to life as a true wolf. You do not have to face this world alone, and now may rely on the wisdom of your pack to guide you.

If you have any questions or concerns you may always seek your alphas' guidance by contacting Nat (Zalen Damaichu). Feel free to start posting in your new home immediately, or if you would like to plan a thread you may poke your muzzle around in Thread Requests or Open Threads!

Yay! Soran's home Big Grin

The sable female was so pleased to see the younger jet pelted wolf before her. She had missed him more than she had realised, she loved her children and when she ahd been with them she had been so happy to be in their company. But somehow she had felt like something was missing from her life, now she was back in the New Dawn lands, her jet adopted son in her arms she suddenly felt whole, she knew what she had been missing all of this time, it had been her family here. She would always love her children more than anything else on this planet, but her love for her pack, her extended family that lived here was a close second and without them she would never feel whole again. She was elated to be home, it was a wonderous feeling. As she apologised Zalen pulled her hand away from her face and gripped it tightly with his own, the sable female rested her other hand over his and smiled, it was amazing to see the male, to be able to touch him, to be sure that he was alive and well. Oh how she had missed her Alpha, she had missed the whole pack in fact. The male spoke and said words that made the sable female's heart soar with joy, he told her not to apologise, that he loved her and he trusted her and that he knew she would have had a good reason. She felt that her reason had been good, despite her hasty judgement, she had loved Blind as a daughter and had felt more than anything that she needed avenging, her death had been a terrible tragedy and if the sable female had not avenged her then she would have never been able to function again; that kind of fury, if repressed would have been the most destructive thing that could have happened to the pack. Who would have known what the jet lady would have done if she had stayed, if she had bottled up the feeling, forcing it down and ignoring it; when she had finally snapped, who would have been on the receiving end? What would have happened? She did not want to be a killer, she never wanted to be like her psychopathic father and hiding the feeling would have potentially caused her to become him.

Zalen's face changed as he spoke, saying that New Dawn was very changed from when the ebony female had last been there, the sable female's face formed into a frown as he spoke of Titania leaving. An accident? What could have happened for his mate to lose her memory and leave? But... she had been so very much in love with Soran's dark son, and he with her, what on earth had happened? The sable female's ears flattened against her velvety skull as she mused over it, a terrible tragedy indeed.
Oh Zalen, times must have been so hard for you, I am so sorry to hear that. Why did she leave? Was it all because of her memory loss? Soran asked, her eyes filled with sorrow for her ebony son. She allowed herself to be lead into the lands, finding herself relaxing as she entered her home once again, she squeezed the male's hand in a gesture of comfort. But then the male spoke again and Soran's heart dropped into her feet, an icy chill crept over her, even making her shudder involuntarily, Deuce had gone? Where had she gone? Why had she gone? She hadn't gone to find the sable female had she? She should have explained, she should have said what she was doing before she had gone, she should have reassured the pale female that she was coming back and would always love her lady. It was all her fault, the pale female was missing and it was all Soran's fault. The ebony female's mind whirled with thoughts of her pale lover, the female that had always held her heart, even if she hadn't known it. Soran felt sick, dizzy, she felt awful.
Oh... Was all that the sable female managed to reply, her hands shaking. Zalen spoke about what had happened to the lands, there had been a hurricane apparently, she nodded in reply, her mind still lost in the sea of worry and confusion that the loss of Deuce had placed there. She did manage to give the lands a glance though, yes a hurricane would explain what had happened, Soran had only read about them in books, but they had sounded terrible.

Zalen then mentioned a female called Adonia, a female that was carrying his pups, the whirling of the sable female's mind was ceased for a moment. She looked at Zalen, her mouth falling open slightly, she had known him to fall in love rather quickly, but surely this was very quick.
What? Zalen when did this all happen? I am very happy for you of course, but this is huge news, you must tell me all about it. Soran replied, gripping the males hand again and slowing to a halt, she needed to know what happened.

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WC: 863
Table by the fabulous Alli


I’m going to put an OOC ending on this just so we can close this thread out.

When Zalen mentioned Deuce’s absence the wave of pain that emanated off of Soran was nearly palpable. He reached up and put a supportive hand on her shoulder; he was extremely aware of how it felt to lose someone; it had happened to him many times in his life. But Soran seemed to recover soon enough, or at least, bury her worry for a later time. She began asking him questions about what he had said, and he could tell in the lilt of her voice that she was reacting the same way others were when mention of Adonia’s pregnancy came up. Zalen knew it was a strange thing for some of them, but he also believed that their pain stemmed from human beliefs.

Taking a deep breath, he began to explain everything. About his finding Titania’s birthing den abandoned and the corpses of three miscarried pups, how Shawchert had soon arrived bearing news that Titania had lost her memory. He also explained how he had chosen Adonia to bear his children, because they both wanted offspring, and that she seemed a good choice to do so. He did not, however, speak on any feelings he might have for her, instead explaining the situation as a way to bring a new generation into New Dawn. He told Soran everything, his trust for her running deep.

They took their time making their way back to the den site, and once there, many of New Dawn’s members who remember Soran greeted her exuberantly. The experienced woman seemed overjoyed to see them, but Zalen could tell that she was still worried immensely for the white female that was not present. The Alpha then decided that he would most definitely find out what had happened to Deuce.

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