we can send a car to find you.


(!@#$%)Two red eyes stared into the space in front of them, though they registered little other than the fact that there was a lot of "green stuff" around. That wouldn't always be the case--so even as his vision blurred in and out of focus, he did his best to appreciate the fact that there was still foliage and vegetation around to ignore. In some of the drier spots, trees had already begun to prepare for the winter by withdrawing pigment and nutrients from their leaves. Before too long all of their deciduous cousins would follow suit and then discard the spent leaves for good. The plants on the forest floor would succumb to frost or hungry deer and what little remained would be dull. Even evergreens seemed less vibrant in the winter.

(!@#$%)Curled up neatly at the base of one such tree, a pine, the golden hybrid rested and waited. He'd completed his routines earlier in the day and he'd decided to stray away from Inferni for a bit. Walking up the mountain had been nice, but about halfway up he just stopped and stayed put. What disturbed him most, perhaps, was that nothing was going horribly wrong. Things had been quiet since the war had ended. Initially he'd been relieved, but now he scarcely knew what to do with himself. It was somewhat troubling to the guy who was supposedly on top of everything all the time... if there was nothing to be on top of, he was just kind of stuck floating around, wasn't he?

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