show me how to live

The apocalypse. It had happened so many times in his head already that sometimes he wished the actual thing would happen sooner just so he could see the entire world fall apart and not just his own. What would it be like to watch the sky shatter for real? To feel the heat of that star crush them? To watch as the trees all caught fire and the grass blazed orange and everyone crumble to pieces? Realistically, he knew even if it were to happen in his lifetime, the actual visuals of a dying planet would not be so spectacular and that he would still be long dead before he could see the lands laid to waste. It was a disturbing thing to wish for anyway. The world was fucked enough as it was; he didn't really need to see it as dark and dreary as the inside of his skull.

We already think we're gods, the hybrid said, We always did. It's not a matter of growth or evolution. They were all born thinking they were kings, high and mighty, invincible. But they were really just the most fragile things in universe. I'd like to see the end of the world. It would fit nicely with all of the fire and brimstone he'd see after that.

indent Worlds began and ended every day. They weren’t special. They didn’t mean a thing. “Me too,” Ahren said, opening his eyes again. Strangely enough, they seemed almost sober. He hadn’t been sober in a long time, though, but it didn’t matter. None of this theoretically, philosophical bullshit mattered in the long run. They were what they did, not what they imagined themselves to be. They were action, they were thought, they were carbon based bodies that were going to die and crumble like everything else around them.
indent Drawing a cigarette from his side, Ahren struck a flame and breathed in smoke. “Me too, man.” With his exhale the smoke rose in the cold air, spiraling upward, vanishing into the thoughtless empty space between heaven and earth.


Seemed like a good place to end. ._.

He wondered where the ghosts would go when the world finally ended. Did they need the planet there to survive or was it all the same to them? Would they dissolve into the empty space and disappear into the nothingness like they should have in the first place or would they forever haunt the dead and barren piece of rock and dirt that they had lived on for so many hundreds of thousands of years? When he had been younger he had believed in the void that would come after death -- the final nothingness that awaited them after their consciousness faded from their quieted bodies. Thinking back on that now, he wished it would be true after all. He had met ghosts. He didn't want to be one of them. Ultimately, he still just wanted to run away from everything and the emptiness offered him that.

The end of the world. Maybe he wouldn't see it for a few more weeks, months, years if he was terribly unlucky, but for now, there was smoke in his system and nothing else on his mind so he just breathed out slowly and said nothing more.

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