no one can find the rewind button - p garnet
The morning dawned, a cold, crisp pearl gray followed by a flurry of snow. But at least it wasn't raining. The Chief Sergeant found that snow was much more pleasant than rain, if only for the fact that it fell far more quietly than the latter. Although it was early morning and cold, Geneva had been up before the sun. She found it easy to begin her days early, before her other pack members were usually awake. It had not always been her habit to be an early riser, but she felt that when she slept in that half the day had escaped her. Today was she looking forward to a productive day.

She had checked the stores in the kitchen earlier and found them low. Not surprising, though. Crimson Dreams was a fairly sizable pack, and on top of that, it was supporting four growing pups. She smiled at the thought of Naniko and Anu's children. She had grown especially close with Haven and Salem over the last few weeks.

This morning she planned on replenishing as much of the stores as possible. She padded away from Haven Mansion, this morning in her four-legged lupine form. Geneva was a small-boned wolfess, her build very lithe and child-like. She had been the runt of her litter and had never grown to quite normal size. She was still quite thin, although not alarmingly frail as she had been when she had first arrived at Crimson Dreams.

Small as she was, she was not the world's best huntress. Not even by a long shot. But what she lacked in size and weight, she made up for in speed and determination. She had spent countless hours over the last few weeks in this Valley, becoming familiar with the prey that frequented it. Now she no longer just brought mice home. She had been able to catch quite a few rabbits, and not just the sickly, small, and slow ones either.

A small herd of deer loped through the field probably five hundred yards in front of her. She watched them wistfully. She'd never, in a million years, ever be able to take one down on her own.

Garnet was wandering about in the early morning air, generally enjoying her self. While she generally stayed with Jazz until latter in the day, but for some reason or another he had to go out this morning, so the small female didn’t see much reason to stay in the mansion. When the large wolf wasn’t there, to be honest, she really was uneasy about the whole ‘building’ thing. Maybe it was just because she was a ‘country’ girl at heart, but she rather liked being outside, where she could see and hear all around her and breathe the fresh air.

The coyote sighed, stomping through the snow in lupus form. She didn’t know why she was in her smallest form, but she had felt the need to go running, and this was the body to do it in. In her current size, she could never be mistaken for a wolf, unless a very small one, as she was just a really long-legged coyote. Somehow her legs had traveled down the bloodline from some wolf ancestor she had way back. Suddenly, Garnet wondered if she and Jaz had children, would the wolf be dominant over the coyote or would they be some strange mix? She began to hope that they would look like wolves more than coyotes, if they looked anything like coyotes it would bring them nothing but trouble.

In her thinking, the dark lady hadn’t been watching where she was going, and promptly she bumped into another female. Thankfully, she hadn’t been walking fast enough to knock anybody over, and the coyote-lady quickly back up. ”Oh, I’m sorry, I wasn’t paying attention.” She quickly bowed her head slightly to the other female, whom she was startled to find was actually quiet small. Her red eyes glanced in the direction that the she-wolf had been looking and she spotted a small group of deer. Garnet couldn’t remember the last time she had deer.

Lime green eyes flashed to the right just before a compact black form collided with her. Anticipating the impact, she shuffled to the side slightly, lessening the force. Not that it had been that much of a force at all. She blinked and found herself nearly nose to nose with a woman with strikingly red eyes. She was dazzled for a moment by the strange color. She breathed in sharply and barely caught the scent she recognized as Jazper's. Geneva's nose was barely functional, so the fact that she could detect the scent at all meant that the coyote before her must be covered in his scent.

She smiled, recalling the kind words the dark giant had shared with her days before. He had spoken fondly of a woman named Garnet. In fact, he had called her "his girl." Looking into her red eyes, she found that name would be very fitting and appropriate for this woman. Going out on a limb, she voiced her theory. "Are you Garnet?" she asked, warmth in her voice. "Jazper's...friend?" she had nearly asked if the dark coyote was Jazper's "girl," but she found it easier not to make such close assumptions. "I'm Geneva," she added, before turning her attention toward the herd of deer. They hadn't seemed perturbed by the commotion.

She jerked her head toward the small herd, gesturing silently before lowering her body to the ground. Her lime green eyes danced and she smiled, tail wagging slightly. She was extending a silent invitation to Garnet to hunt with her, if she wanted to.

Sorry this is both late and short. ><

The coyote perked her ears up in surprise as the wolf spoke her name. She blinked a few times before slowly answering the female. ”Yes… how did you know that?” The dark lady gave the wolf a suspicious glance before turning her eyes to the deer in the field. Her name was Geneva, but that didn’t tell the coyote who she was exactly. As the she-wolf gave her a silent signal her eyes grew wide. ”But… I’ve never hunted deer before!” She looked nerviously between the deer and the small wolf. The biggest game she had ever caught had been a wounded goose, and that didn’t really count. The small coyote could probably blame her poor nutrition as a child for her small stature.
Sometimes short can be good! Big Grin And no worries.

"I met Jazper the other day," she said, without taking her eyes off the small herd. "Don't worry, Garnet, I've never hunted them before either!" But that wouldn't stop her, not today when there was a light in her heart that radiated from its place in her chest to all her muscles, making them burn for air and action.

Geneva had always been small, content to follow in the shadows of the stronger, the larger. But today she felt strong and able and size had nothing to do with anything. She didn't wait to see if Garnet would follow her, though she hoped the dark coyote would. She sprang into action, taking off after the deer with surprising speed. What she lacked in physical strength, she made up for tenfold in speed. >Lime green eyes shining with the thrill of the chase, she came close enough to nip the heels of one of the elder male deer. His liquid brown eyes glazed, letting Geneva know that the game of prey and predator had begun. The chase was on! She loped off after him, hoping that Garnet would show up not close behind her.

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