Got so much salt from your lies
Roar and stuff. There, I gave you your wish! Now let Haku at least have one hit just so that he will not be completely humiliated! Q_Q Wink 500+

The male silently gritted his teeth at this whole situation. There was a flicker of excitement attached to it all though. This was not one of Haku’s usual opponents. It was one that had seemingly turned fighting into some kind of art. The Lilium had never bothered to learn about martial arts, because few else seemed to give it thoughts anyway. He believed in brute force and willpower more than anything, but he had this sneaky suspicion this fight would not turn out to his advantage. The male was faster and had a completely unknown technique that he had not seen before, and so Haku’s usual way of fighting was close to pointless. Still, he had gotten some entertainment, sure, but that was not what this was about. The Dahlian male usually fought either in basic wolf or secui form, not the more complicated luperci form. Against a master in martial arts, he did not have good chances. Well, his chances has been better than they were now, he was sure. To fight with weapons was something he somewhat disliked. He liked the older more traditional ways of the wolf, but it seemed it was a dying path. He could of course attempt to learn techniques that were similar to the coyote’s if he absolutely needed it, but the male seemed to have gone past a stage where such things seemed less attractive. Haku did what he wanted; this was simply not the level of fighting that was advantageous to him.

It was almost by instinct he raised the bat with both hands to parry the golf club that came crushing down on him from above. Clever, very clever. Metal beats wood. The wood was thicker than the club, and the wood had also been hardened, but Haku’s experience with weapons was rather poor. He stepped slowly backwards as he utterly focused on parrying the crushing blows the now superior male sent in every direction. Loud clashes of metal and wood were now the dominant sounds that sounded through the deserted toy store. The full blooded wolf was calmer than he should be in this pressured situation, but to slowly admit defeat did not give the chocolate and cream man any deep mental troubles. His tightened jaws slowly loosened as the blows kept coming for him, and his furrowed forehead smoothened out as the man reached his usual calm again, no matter if he was about to lose the fight that seemed to have become a mortal one. Whatever. Haku did not want to be pressured all the way back against one of the shelves. It was over any way, and he accepted that. After a last parry, he ignored the golf club that came down from above, and only threw our his arm to slow the blow so that it would not be powerful enough crack his skull while he swung the bat against the man’s side.

Haku’s blow was not a vital one, but it would hurt enough if it hit. The coyote’s blow came down hard enough despite the handle hit his raised arm first. The Lilium felt a small river of something warm start its journey down the side of his head, but that was the last sensation that was noticed before the shadows in the store extended from their rightful places and filled his whole world with something dark and sticky he could not escape from. The limb body of the Lilium hit the floor with a limb dump, it was over.

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Lol yay! And yes, he can smack Onus in the side XD

Onus usually didn't fight with weapons. He preferred to defeat or kill his enemies with his own two hands. But improvising weapons was something he was good at when it came down to a pinch situation. Or in this case, his opponent had crossed the line. The moment his eye wrap had been undone the sense and the reason in the man had disappeared, leaving only the need to maim and fight and cause suffering. His arms holding the club were a flurry of blows. His only desire to hit the man. Make him pay. So far every attack had been parried by the bat and he snarled. Ivory canines glimmered with malice in the darkness of the store. The buzzing in his head kept increasing and increasing and increasing until it was the only thing he could hear. Not even the crashing of wood against metal could overcome it.

Sick satisfaction leaked through him as he realized that one of his blows at the wolf's head was going to hit. Then he felt the bat slam into his side. The wind had been knocked from him but he kept his eyes on the bastard. Watched as the blood leaked from where his golf club had struck and he collapsed to the ground. Then the buzzing in between his ears was gone and there was only silence. Control had entered his frenzied mind again. The man grimaced as he tentatively touched his side where the bat had struck. Painful, but his ribs hadn't been broken. There would definitely be a big bruise underneath his short fur though. Right now breathing too deep brought a wave of pain, as well as standing up too straight. The coyote moved to retrieve his hat, not even checking to see if the wolf was alive or not. It didn't matter.

He threw some of the toys down on his level to knock the fedora off the high shelf, knowing that climbing back up there would be foolish. After having been successful in that venture he walked to the other side of the shelving unit and picked it up. His footfalls staggered over to where the beast had undid the knot in his cloth. It wasn't laying on the floor. But it hadn't been in the wolf's hands when they battled again either. With a groan he got to his hands and knees to look underneath the nearest shelf. There it was. Bastard. One hand reached under and he knelt there as he retied his mask. A strange calm washed over him as his onyx eyes were once again covered. Slipping the hat back over his ears he got back to his feet and slowly exited the store, one arm wrapped around his beaten side.


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