saturday at nine
Gabe. I was watching TV while pondering a thread name. Oh well.

So according to local Phoenix Valley gossip and the like, the young little scamp Zana had somehow meandered her way not only away from their packlands, but straight into the rankings of the ever-fearful Inferni, or so he had assumed. How many creatures had advised him about that pack of coyotes, anyway? Adelaida had been almost petrified at the thought of Inferni and had encouraged him to keep his distance. DaVinci's romance and lover had been claimed by the lands... speaking of, he wouldn't have minded running into Ryan, anyway. She was a pleasant one to visit. He wondered why he hadn't come to wander their lands before, but as he neared Inferni two-legged and mellowed, Jefferson found himself growing all the more curious about their customs and traditions. Why was Inferni such a place to be feared?

Actually, he found it quite pleasant. The brute stopped rather suddenly when he found the borderlines, peering left to right and shrugging his shoulders. He wasn't about to summon anyone--why bother howling, anyway?--he'd more just come to see if a little Zana was romping around on her own in such foreign territory. Iskata had given up on her, and DaVinci had his own kids to worry about. Jefferson was refusing to believe he'd developed some sort of soft spot for the miscreant whelp, but had no intentions of "taking her back". Finding out that she was alive and happy, well, was all he really cared about. She wasn't his kid. He didn't need kids or more heads to keep from rolling. Hell.

He harrumphed, somewhat, and held his gaze over the snowy, foreign lands he could see one-eyed. Seemed peaceful enough. Quaint. Nothing he found fearful there, unless he wanted to take after Deuce and her maniacal rage for different blood types. Hell, Jefferson was duel-blooded and could have cared less. Had he been pureblooded wolf, the creature may have worried more about his safety, but had yet to trespass or go meandering around looking for Zana. No, perhaps he'd wait awhile, grow accustomed to the borders and the easiest path to and from Phoenix Valley. Burn some time. If someone stopped by, he could ask about her. At least he wasn't back home, having to listen to his underlings whine.


     The cigarette left a white-gray trail in the air, hanging idly from Gabriel’s right hand. It had been a long while since he had smoked, but the desire was familiar and necessary. He only smoked occasionally, doing so when the opportunity was available. Corona had picked up the habit, which was where he had gotten this one from. Smoke coursed through his throat and expanded his lungs, and was pushed out in a motion as mechanical as any. The wind turned, and he was surprised to find an unfamiliar scent coming his way. Well, not exactly unfamiliar.
     Finishing off the tobacco, the doggish male made his way closer to the scent. Gabriel paused once he spotted the wolf. It was not out of anything less then surprise; scarred and ruined as he was. Frowning slightly, Gabriel approached and realized why the scent was so familiar; Zana had been carrying the same scent when she had arrived. Wonderful. “Do you need something?”


The stench of cigarette was like a stain in the sky, very unexpectedly entering his breath and lungs and nearly choking the unsuspecting brute. Though he had spent countless hours in the small cabin with its lit fireplace and the resulting scent of smoke that still somewhat blew through the room rather than chimney, Jefferson was not used to the smell of cigarettes. He managed to swallow the discomfort in his throat and peer questionably at the stranger that had approached. If he was the accused smoker, the cigarette had already been ditched. There was no immediate threat, especially since the creature maintained a leisurely air and, as expected, had had some sort of mild reaction to Jefferson's scarred appearance. The brute would never get used to that look he received so commonly.

"Not really, no," the cyclops muttered, turning to face the stranger. He didn't really have "reason" to be there, other than seeing the lands for himself. It was just coincidence that Zana was nearby, possibly. "Rumors have it that these lands are supposed to be dangerous," he commented, single green eye wandering the milieu, "but it looks fine to me. One of the pups from my pack supposedly wandered this way." His eye flashed. "Zana. You know her? I'm not here to get her. I don't give a flying fuck." No, she was safer here than back in Phoenix Valley with her moody, uncaring mother and romantically-stressed stepbrother. Hell if Jefferson would adopt her.


     Gabriel’s lips pursed together just slightly; he could still taste the tobacco on his tongue, drying out his mouth. His companion set about explaining himself. Dangerous. The stranger with the peculiar visage had said something along the same lines. Even though Inferni no longer set out with murder and genocide as their goals, Gabriel was glad that the reputation still held. It would do them well. Especially with God’s Sword at the helm.

     Zana. Both eyes sharpened and locked on the scarred male with ferocious intensity. “She’s here,” he said flatly. “My son found her wandering near the beach.” His tone, though he did not fully intend it, was criticizing and condescending. If there was anything Gabriel had strived to do, it was raise his children right. “Do you know who her parents are? I haven’t gotten anything out of her except that she’s a Lykoi and something about a monster.”


He received something of a bitter reply to his query, though the one-eyed brute was not all too surprised. He scowled as always, somewhat relieved at the stranger's response, and shrugged his shoulders. "Well, the monster's not me," he said, hardly joking. It was more of a statement for the sake of clarity... his patterns of scars weren't exactly beautiful in beholding. "Her mother's an ex-leader of Phoenix Valley, Iskata. She had an... 'accident' a few months back, and ended up with all kinds of scars and hell on her face. Can't see a thing anymore." He shrugged.

"Iskata gave up her power and abandoned Zana. Her son was taking care of her for a while, but I'm not surprised she wandered away. Better off, probably." He extended a hand (his good one, of course), a stern look in his eye. "Jefferson, the pack's current leader. I'm not here to cause trouble."


     The corner of his lips pulled back in a faint, mildly amused half-smile. As scarred as this fellow was, Gabriel’s own mother had been nearly as mangled, and he found a ferocious beauty in her despite her physical flaws. What made the smile vanish was Iskata’s name; Gabriel’s whole demeanor faltered for a moment, as sudden as a flashbulb burning out. His eyes narrowed however slightly and his face contracted, darkening. Accident. Blind. However useful this information was, it did not change the fact that Gabriel knew how she was—and knew now that she or her son would come to his home for the girl. They were all too alike, the Sadria clan.
     Gabriel’s right hand, scarred up and down the forearm and bearing stigmata on the palm, grasped his companion’s firmly and gave it one shake before releasing. “Gabriel de le Poer. Though I wouldn’t doubt Iskata or her brat of a son has mentioned the name before.” Without waiting for a pause, he cocked his head slightly, eyeing Jefferson flatly. “You look like you’ve found enough trouble for yourself,” he added.

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Sorry for the wait. I have so many threads. >_<

The fact that this Gabriel referred to DaVinci as a brat put a snide smirk on Jefferson's face, an obvious sign of agreement and a lack of argument. The silver-furre idiot was still a thorn in his side and a royal pain in the ass, but the one-eyed brute had come to appreciate what he did. He was a hard worker and got things done, even if everything he managed to get finished was never the highest priority. Regardless, though, he was still Iskata's idiot of a son and the leader worked well with his subleader either way.

"It doesn't ring a bell," he said quietly, shaking his head and shrugging his shoulders. Of course, the Patriarch had always tried to stay out of Iskata's and DaVinci's business. They had too many connections already, and Jefferson just preferred to stay the outsider looking in until it was necessary he get involved. Although now on edge, having seen Gabriel's reaction to the mere mentioning of the ex-Matriarch, Jefferson's green eye wandered and he replied casually, primarily unfazed. "I've been around," the cyclops answered nonchalantly. "I don't even know how I got most of these. If anything else, at least I have a level of intimidation that comes in handy." A joke--a chuckle.


     If there was one thing Gabriel considered himself competent, if not talented in, it was his attention to detail. In truth, this was not necessary a good thing. For indeed, the man had developed a frightful bit of paranoia after so many years. Not all of his enemies were dead, and not all dangers gone. They lurked just outside of the borders, watching, waiting, and above all he had to remain diligent. To not do so was a foolish thing indeed, and he would reject his position as commander should that day ever come.
     That was why he saw the expression in reference to DaVinci and noted it so quickly. It would make things easier down the line, knowing that Jefferson knew how his subleader acted. Gabriel offered a polite smile at his companion’s comment. “You’d be surprised,” he offered. “The last leader of Inferni had one eye and a dozen more scars then you and still terrified the neighboring packs.” She had been doing that long before Gabriel and his siblings had been born, of course. “I also knew a man in a similar situation who could probably make the devil shudder.” This was neither a joke nor hypothetical praise. If there was one thing Gabriel believed it was that his parents were monsters.

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Jefferson was pretty goddamn frightening as he was, even if he didn't hold the global record for scarring or something of the like... not that he wanted to, after all. The brute's ears flicked forward thoughtfully at the mentioning that the clan's former leader had been similar to he, and for a brief moment, Jefferson wondered if Gabriel had developed a slight trust for the torn-up Patriarch because he resembled someone else, but the concept was quickly thrown aside. Jefferson didn't really care if he was trusted or not.

"Sounds like Inferni's seen better days," he remarked, hardly even smirking at the slight joke. Gabriel struck him as the type who only flared up when something got in his way, but didn't forward his clan into striking fear in the hearts of children for a living or something stupidly similar to that. Jefferson did find himself mildly intrigued by the past leader who had been as scarred as he, however. "What was his name?" I'm sure we were very different.


     There was little that Gabriel feared, outside of the wrath of God Himself. He did not fear for himself, either; he had accepted that one day he was going to die, and this did not frighten him. It was a soldier’s mentality, one he had been raised with. A peculiar darkness crossed the Aquila’s face, and for one brief moment, he looked as mad as his dead father. “Not that much has changed,” he said shortly. As long as Inferni had men like Hybrid (and, though he loathed to admit it, himself) they would always have the old potential.
     Harnessing it was another matter entirely. “If you mean the leader of Inferni, her name was Kaena Lykoi.”

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Strange, how reactive this stranger seemed to be. It was obvious to Jefferson that this Gabriel held himself in a high regard one way or another, though the one-eyed male had yet to fully distinguish why or how. It was a curious case, nonetheless. While the cyclops remained casual and harmless, some level of subtle tenseness was repeatedly introduced into their conversation, as if Gabriel was waiting for the Patriarch to sudden turn on him and attack. It was obvious that he was not trusted here--judging by his reaction to Iskata's name, that was the most understandable reasoning why. There was something there that Jefferson did not know... and one way or another, he wanted to find out. He didn't apologize after the Inferni man snapped and corrected him. He had a pride in Inferni and its reputation.. in the same way that Jefferson knew his own potential for intimidation with his scars and occasionally used it for his own advantage. Unlike Gabriel, he was ashamed of it.

"What's your connection with Iskata?" He said stiffly, abandoning his former jovial attitude for the time being. It seemed some sort of business had to be done; he was in charge of protecting his pack and its members, even if he was no good at it. Surely Gabriel could respect that in some fashion, but then again, Jefferson couldn't find himself so sure.


     Both of Gabriel’s ears perked up and swiveled forward, as if this question was somehow unexpected and remarkable. There was a moment of hesitation, curious as to whether or not the woman had explained that herself before. Once more his remarkable paranoia clamored, whispering doubt in his ears. It had kept him alive this long, but it had, perhaps, driven him mad.
     Incredibly, and certainly not because he wanted to, Gabriel smiled. “She’s had it out for my family for years. My father raped her sister.” Useless information. “A few years ago one of her former mates attacked my wife. I killed him. She’s made a point to harass our clan despite being warned to stay away, just like that hothead son of hers.” A shrug, a small change in his eyes. Gabriel was watching and studying his companion’s reactions as steadfast as a hunting cat or serpent. “Though from what you’ve told me about her state, I doubt that’ll be a problem in the future.”
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Hot damn I'm slow. Why don't we just turn this towards a close?

It was rather clear that the Inferni leader had some sort of distaste for Iskata, but from the sounds of it, the both of them were perfectly understandable in how they felt about each other. Jefferson watched Gabriel carefully, green eye diligent and intent; had he been younger, he might have reacted differently. He might have denied such things or tried to justify Iskata's behavior one way or another, but no... he knew how she was. Jefferson knew she tended to get involved in things she didn't and that she was too stubborn and hotheaded for her own good.

Gabriel seemed almost relieved that Iskata was blinded and out of the way, but in a similar fashion, Jefferson was too. She needed the rest and the excuse to back down, else she'd find herself in worse trouble one way or another. "...Yeah," he answered slowly, somewhat overwhelmed by the sudden spitting of words that he was trying to absorb all at once. He could have easily agreed with what was said about DaVinci, but Iskata? He still wasn't sure. The Patriarch just nodded and shrugged. "She's as stubborn as she used to be. That's all." His eye moved past the Aquila for a brief few seconds, just to look over what looked like such peaceful land that stood behind him. That done, he began to turn on his heel. "Well, if Zana's here, then I'll get off your land. If you need her out of your hair, though, you can throw her back my way and we'll figure something out." He cleared his throat, mind somewhat more troubled than when he'd first approached. "It was nice meeting you."


     The information changed something in the scarred man’s face, but what exactly that meant Gabriel could not read clearly. It had been the same trying to read his mother. Of course, Kaena had been mad. This, at least, Gabriel did not gather from Jefferson. “Certainly,” he offered in response, amber eyes sharpening only slightly as doubt rose in his chest. “It was nice meeting you as well,” the hybrid added, watching as his companion turned and left the borders.
     Gabriel waited only a few moments more before he turned and ventured further into The Waste.


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