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(: Sorry for the wait.

Faolin walked down the beach, it was sunny for once, but still chilly. Her paws followed a small trail that lead towards the mansion. She stopped for a moment and relaxed her body, closing her eyes she forced herself to shift. She had been so used to shifting back and forth that it was becoming much easier and faster for her to do so. It was not at all painful, but it was a bit uncomfortable to hear the loud sickening cracks and groans that she let out as her bones lengthened and snapped into place. She wiggled her toes and they slowly turned into fingers, and her back feet stretching out into longer legs. Her spine arched as she finished the last of her transformation and the woman collapsed into the dirt and rolled over onto her back.

She had yet to find her son and daughter. Gabriel had said they were here, now where the hell were they? How could they not notice her scent all over the lands? The thought of them searching for her and them moving further away from each other had made her laugh and she sat up, placing her hands on her ankles as she thought about what she was doing again. Oh, yeah, the mansion. Maybe she could find them there? Or someone there that knew of their where-a-bouts. With a yawn, the red woman pulled herself up and gave her hair a shake, running her fingers through her hair. It had grown fairly long and was a mass of waves and ringlets here and there.

She finally reached her destination, placing her paw on the door she slowly pushed it open. It was slightly ajar for those that were in their other form. When she walked in a wave of scent hit her and she frowned, it wasn't her babies though. Turning around the woman stepped back out onto the deck and sat on the staircase.

Corona had known Faolin was back long before she had seen her. Save for her sister-in-law wandering every which way across the territory, the borders had been reminiscent of her as well. She had come back with someone who Corona had yet to meet, but it had left her feeling uneasy. So to see her coming towards the mansion in such a manner that she did had allowed Corona to shy away from the window watching of the world, thinking that maybe she would find her own way in and come wandering through the mansion next. In truth, the gold-haired Lykoi had pushed herself into being a recluse. She liked being out of sight and out of mind, though still one of the forces that somehow and supposedly led Inferni.

Which still was something she had not quite gotten used to, having never done such a thing before. Maybe it came naturally, but she found it no different than anything else she had ever done. Having authority didn't mean anything much to most she encountered, because they were family. They deferred however they wanted to and she accepted it. The gentle creak of the door being pushed open did not draw her out of the room she was in, but the retreating footsteps did. Stepping lightly after them, it surprised Corona that Faolin would rather sit out in the cold than stow away in the warmth of the building that was so commonly frequented by the curious. “You're back,” she stated from the doorway, leaning against it to fold her arms, “again.” The fact that she had left again had bothered her more than anything.

“Where did you go and why did you leave?”
[html]<style type="text/css">.febfaotemp b {color:#873e34;} .faooneooc {font:8pt Georgia; font-style:italic; color:#873e34;}</style> ... 20temp.png) bottom no-repeat #dedede; color:#514640; font:8pt Tahoma; line-height:1.2em; padding:1.0em; padding-bottom:17em; text-align:justify;">

There was a few flurries starting to fall from the sky and a faint smile crossed the woman's lips. Nothing was funny, but it felt so nice to be back here. She watched the snow fall to the ground and she let out a long sigh. This was nice, it was something she could grow used to again. Her tail swished back and forth on the wood beside her as she sat there contentedly. She was about to stand up and go in search of her children once again when she heard footsteps from inside the house. The Mogotsi woman looked over her shoulder as the golden woman appeared in the door way and her words fell harshly on her ears.

You're back a slight pause, again. She flinched slightly and her red eyes drifted back down to the ground then turned back on her sister-in-law. No, I didn't leave. I was on the beach the day of a hurricane. The waves pulled me in and drove me out to sea, she rose to her feet and let out a sigh. A passing ship picked me up, it was a while before I came to. They had to make a few stops and then the Captain had to go off a rough description. I realized how big the world was, and how small this place actually is. It was hard, but we got back here, she said, red eyes glancing up to meet the blue of her new leader.

It's good to see you again, Corona, she added, with a small smile on her face.

She could have said many things about the circumstances that had drawn Faolin away, but she refrained. Part of her wanted to point out how uncommon hurricanes were that far north, point out that she lacked apparent survival skills if a storm was able to take advantage of her. But part of her, if not the majority, evaded the idea altogether. Why bother? “How fortunate that you survived,” Corona said tonelessly as Faolin rose up and turned to face her. If she had never come back, would Gabriel have been none the wiser? Would he have snapped in the same way that Ahren eventually did when she never came back?

She couldn't help but hear Ahren's voice in the back of her mind and the promise to put an end to Matinee. “But I'm glad you're all right, and certainly not the only one,” and she mimicked the small smile her in-law gave with honesty. The situations were literally similar in their manner, husbands and their wandering, disappearing wives. Some taken, some leaving of their own accord, all of them had their reasons. “Where all did you go on this ship? I've been to a few places in the world over the last couple of years.” Part of her didn't want the conversation at all, but she persisted in having it. There wasn't any way she could still be so unadjusted and grieving all of these months later, right?

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