something i don't know

He smirked triumphantly as his half-brother let go and pulled back, and immediately he rolled and shot to his feet. His stomach smarted from the grip, and there was blood trickling into his fur from the places that Gabriel's teeth had punctured the skin, but not as freely as the gashes on the side of his face. Lips peeled back at the leader's words, but on the whole, he didn't care about the promise of exile. His tail thrashed once behind him as he regarded the beast, and then his growling abruptly stopped.

Good, he hissed, eyes wild. I was gonna leave this fucking clan of sniveling bitches anyway. And with that, he turned and took off over the sands, not caring if the large, oddly marked coyote hybrid was trailing behind him.

Because now, Andre had been set loose on the world, not tied down by the laws of Inferni any longer.


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