Who are you

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>Emwe Soul

- Gender: Male
- Birth Date: 27 Jan '09
- Species:
87,5% - Canis lupus arctos (Arctic Wolf)
12,5% - Canis lupus fuscus (Cascade Mountain Wolf)

- Luperci: Ortus
- Wiki Article:
- Family:
Mother - Firefly Sadira
Father - Haku Soul
Littersibling(s) - Conor Soul
Half-Sibling(s) - Willow Soul, Colibri Haki, Ocèane Aston, Noir Aston, Attila Aston, Claudius Aston*
Aunts and Uncles
Father's side: Mew Sadira and Lubomir Varg, Melisande Sadira.

Mother's side: Kansas Sadira, Ember Phoenix, Icarus Phoenix.
* It is a family secret that the Aston children are children of Haku. By my records, only Tayui and Dawali know their father's name.

>Post Log

:017: Boys will be Boys - Conor
:023: There was one little bird in a little tree - Noir

Holy crap I need more threads!


:001: Everything is backwards, everything is weird - Lysander, Alexey
:002: Can't unlove you - Firefly
:003: I'm not afraid of storms, I have learned to sail my ship - Alexey, Cercelee
:004: The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious - Colibri
:005: Grass - Cow
:006: Dream a little dream - Catalyst
:007: Adventure awaits! - Alexey
:008: I'll never look back - Conor
:009: Cherished dreams are never asleep - Dahlia thread
A new form of living, a new form of me - Colibri
:011: Play the game - Jael
:012: Such is life - Urma
:013: dance your legs down to your knees - Kansas
:014: Entangled - Tokyo
:015: It's a snake - Haven
:016: Stalking 101 - Finn Fidh
:018: Teeth and Ambitions bared - pack thread
:019: A run towards the pantheon - Alexey, Conor, Night Thames
:020: The Sky's on Fire - Pack thread (WAR)
:021: Discovery - Read-only, Vesle
:022: Spring - Pack thread

>Personality and life

This is detailed in his SoulsWiki article, although here is a small summary:

After spending time in Phoenix Valley with Lysander, his mother Firefly putting him there with his brother, Emwe found it strange and exciting to be brought back on Dahlian land. Compared to his horror-stricken brother, Emwe is a careless, happy being, and gladly ignores that which is traumatic. He does not acknowledge his father's growing problems in mental health, nor the danger of staying with him. He does not understand Conor's fears and sadness attacks, derived from not having a safe haven to rely on, and living in a home driven by fear. Conor goes to live with Alexey instead, finding this a safer place, and after a time Emwe follows, missing his brother. As he continues to grow into adolescence, his speech problems improve, although he is not particularly eloquent. His behavior lets on that he is easily excitable, and a little bit dim, not truly understanding how things work. In general his mood is happy, although he can get upset. If he is hungry, tired or abandoned he will quickly become overly dramatic, convinced that it is the end of him. He also has a deep trust in the good of everyone, and wish that everyone could just be friends. When people "make up lies about is parents" or "decides on being mean" he becomes terribly sad, as it shakes his fundamental view of the world - that everything is happy flowers and sunshine.

Everything that he doesn't like is ignored. Anything mean done to him is suppressed.


Emwe is a mirror of both his parents, and matches his brother Conor to every last hair, except the color of his eyes. Where Conor's eyes have a trace of purple, Emwe's have a trace of blue - from his father. Haku is overall brownish, but Emwe have more contrast like his mother, and overall has clearer markings. He has a chocolate brown base (like his father) littered with the copper and cream of his mother.


Detailed in his SoulsWiki article.


There was one little bird in a little tree,
He was all alone, and he didn't want to be.
So he flew far away, over the sea,
And brought back a friend to live in the tree.
table is hiar :o

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//Emwe Soul

tar det siste verset av en sang han ikke kan

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur a neque ac lacus elementum iaculis. Aenean neque. Fusce laoreet nibh nec lorem mattis iaculis. Donec eu erat. Mauris lacus odio, cursus nec, molestie a, aliquam in, lorem. Ut accumsan gravida orci. Nam eget velit sit amet arcu blandit mollis. Sed nec libero. Nunc at ligula eget nibh lacinia elementum. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Mauris risus turpis, lobortis nec, rutrum eu, blandit sed, sapien. Praesent aliquam. Quisque et augue sit amet felis ornare malesuada. Nulla rutrum faucibus tortor. Ut tristique tellus vel quam. Ut ultrices enim vitae sem. Donec cursus congue dui. Vivamus interdum tincidunt elit.

In vitae enim vel odio pharetra pretium. Sed sit amet dui. Suspendisse potenti. Donec faucibus lorem non ante. Maecenas mi. Nulla mi augue, tempus ac, eleifend vitae, imperdiet non, dui. Vestibulum sagittis risus sed nisi. In nunc. Quisque nulla dolor, imperdiet sed, accumsan non, consectetur non, arcu. Donec pulvinar posuere enim. Morbi volutpat, odio eu venenatis commodo, est enim suscipit dui, et porta orci ipsum ac augue.

Suspendisse at massa. Cras lacus. Nunc ipsum neque, congue quis, malesuada a, posuere quis, eros. Phasellus tortor. Mauris cursus. Maecenas ante nisi, tristique pulvinar, pellentesque tincidunt, vestibulum at, urna. Phasellus augue elit, condimentum non, volutpat at, mollis ac, mi. Quisque vehicula vestibulum quam. Nullam sollicitudin lacus sit amet justo. Morbi libero. Aliquam erat volutpat. Mauris velit mauris, varius et, congue nec, dapibus placerat, nisi. Integer leo est, mollis at, ultrices ac, volutpat eu, ligula. Donec non sapien non magna porttitor venenatis. Pellentesque tempor. Sed tincidunt nisl nec lorem. Integer ipsum neque, luctus at, pharetra eu, tempor et, sapien. Praesent dignissim vulputate lorem. Etiam ullamcorper enim sit amet urna. Nulla sed dolor at sapien iaculis porttitor.

Nullam interdum, turpis eu laoreet tempus, lectus purus ultricies velit, eget tempus lacus metus eget nisi. Donec interdum sapien ac ante. Sed neque. Ut tempor malesuada metus. Ut turpis justo, aliquam vel, mollis non, gravida nec, est. Nunc placerat nulla eget nulla. Mauris at tellus. Maecenas cursus libero non neque. Proin accumsan ipsum nec enim. Mauris sodales est id lectus. Nulla vitae dui quis odio ornare tempor. Nunc faucibus blandit est. Nullam ante tellus, dignissim sit amet, rutrum quis, facilisis non, magna. Quisque lacinia, lacus et venenatis convallis, diam purus tincidunt eros, id vulputate libero magna eget purus. Pellentesque imperdiet, mi a feugiat varius, tortor neque vestibulum nulla, non mattis mi augue sit amet tortor.

Nulla in leo. Duis ut odio. Nullam pulvinar vestibulum lectus. Fusce mattis ante eget risus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vivamus vitae dui. Nulla tellus justo, viverra ut, laoreet sit amet, ornare vel, velit. In lacus. Curabitur at metus sed elit tincidunt consectetur. Integer tristique mollis turpis. Phasellus suscipit pulvinar odio. Nunc et arcu sed felis placerat tempor. Vestibulum volutpat metus eget tortor. Mauris tincidunt sodales ipsum. Nam tempus dui ac arcu. Ut nec urna. Nulla varius. Curabitur in elit ac sapien elementum elementum. Morbi lorem. Nulla facilisi.

//der er de like tøysete og rare alle mann //

blah blah


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam nec tincidunt massa. Vestibulum dictum massa a neque vestibulum vitae interdum nisl lacinia. Quisque dignissim nisi sed nisl volutpat ac blandit orci consectetur. Aenean convallis sodales dignissim. Integer vestibulum laoreet enim, eu tempor nibh malesuada ultricies. Vivamus adipiscing vehicula malesuada. Sed mi nunc, tristique ut placerat et, consequat condimentum odio. Proin sit amet quam magna, at lacinia lacus. Nulla viverra leo vitae diam eleifend in tincidunt velit consectetur. Praesent quam risus, tincidunt a blandit id, tincidunt ut eros. Phasellus condimentum pretium mattis. Etiam ac massa erat, at sodales leo. Nam pretium dui in ligula euismod id accumsan lectus tempus. Vestibulum molestie rhoncus cursus. Duis in magna neque.

........Aliquam erat volutpat. Curabitur vulputate aliquam scelerisque. Donec sagittis orci et justo congue consectetur. Praesent sit amet lacus urna. Duis in feugiat felis. Sed lorem nisi, pellentesque a ultricies in, pretium tempus purus. Sed sed tellus ut purus viverra feugiat ac vel lorem. Donec gravida dignissim nulla, eget gravida sapien viverra id. Ut eu felis id odio cursus ornare. Praesent sollicitudin arcu quis lectus facilisis molestie. Suspendisse vel tellus ligula.

........Donec hendrerit cursus quam, a bibendum magna pellentesque quis. Morbi ullamcorper dignissim felis at pretium. Nunc posuere dui ac libero varius vulputate. Morbi adipiscing rutrum neque ut facilisis. Vestibulum placerat lacus eu augue laoreet sodales. Aenean sed risus pharetra ipsum aliquet vestibulum eget et arcu. Proin laoreet congue mattis. Pellentesque tempor felis vitae arcu congue at tristique tellus commodo. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Maecenas metus urna, venenatis id laoreet faucibus, varius non magna. Sed ipsum odio, rutrum quis pulvinar ullamcorper, fermentum a sapien. Praesent laoreet mauris vitae lacus venenatis cursus. Aenean tincidunt sapien id enim consectetur quis rhoncus arcu interdum.

Table by Sace/Hemming. Thanks! Big Grin
Set by Ithen!



Fusce egestas diam non lacus. Praesent velit nibh, pellentesque facilisis, hendrerit id, imperdiet id, mi. Curabitur pretium placerat felis. In sollicitudin neque. Donec consequat quam. Ut leo massa, dictum non, placerat eu, faucibus a, nunc. Duis auctor, nulla in egestas varius, dui leo feugiat est, interdum interdum tortor lorem eget velit. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nullam ipsum nunc, vulputate nec, nonummy euismod, tempus a, mauris. Fusce rhoncus, metus ac facilisis suscipit, nisi lorem interdum mi, ac tempor lacus sem eget augue. Nunc faucibus magna eget dui. Suspendisse diam. Aliquam aliquam consectetuer pede. Suspendisse sodales, mauris ut ultricies fermentum, sapien risus interdum pede, quis mattis lacus turpis a velit. Duis tortor. Donec sit amet odio id arcu pulvinar facilisis. Phasellus mi. Sed ac mauris eget ipsum fringilla lacinia. Nunc fringilla adipiscing urna.

[doHTML]<center><div style="width:417px; border:1px solid black; background-color:#000000;">
<div style="text-align:justify; padding:10px; font-family:tahoma; color:#f1dbb9; line-height:15px;">
<i>ooc</i><br><center> --- </center><br>

Fusce egestas diam non lacus. Praesent velit nibh, pellentesque facilisis, hendrerit id, imperdiet id, mi. Curabitur pretium placerat felis. In sollicitudin neque. Donec consequat quam. Ut leo massa, dictum non, placerat eu, faucibus a, nunc. Duis auctor, nulla in egestas varius, dui leo feugiat est, interdum interdum tortor lorem eget velit. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; <span style="font-weight:900; color:#675e36; font-family:georgia, times;">Nullam ipsum nunc, vulputate nec, nonummy euismod, tempus a, mauris.</span> Fusce rhoncus, metus ac facilisis suscipit, nisi lorem interdum mi, ac tempor lacus sem eget augue. Nunc faucibus magna eget dui. Suspendisse diam. Aliquam aliquam consectetuer pede. Suspendisse sodales, mauris ut ultricies fermentum, sapien risus interdum pede, quis mattis lacus turpis a velit. Duis tortor. Donec sit amet odio id arcu pulvinar facilisis. Phasellus mi. Sed ac mauris eget ipsum fringilla lacinia. Nunc fringilla adipiscing urna.

</div><img src="http://i692.photobucket.com/albums/vv289/souls/Emwe/request--postingtablechairhouse.png" /></div></center>


Bull-body reference:
[Image: emwecharactersheet_smaller_trans-1.png]
lineart credit: http://charizard2005.deviantart.com/art/Wo...ineart-76990893
Colors by myself

[Image: EmweMakeyourKiritar.png]
Kiritar, colored by Marit (moi)

[Image: emwewiki.png]
Manipulation by myself - Emwe as a puppy

[Image: request--emwe.png]
Manip by Ithen - Emwe as halfway to adulthood
Secret santa 09, by Meghann!

[Image: emweav_meghann.png]
200 x 200

http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/S ... etable.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

ooc text. Vigi filler ftw! =D

####Certainly, the nature of this call was not something he could guess, knowing that the one-armed King was most unpredictable. It was not as if he had spent much time with him at all, only brief meetings. At some point, Vigilante felt that he would need to become more familiar with Jacquez, but he did not know how to go about doing that. They were most assuredly different from one another, and he had never been one to get along with most immediately. In fact, until he had arrived in this pack, the only one he had been comfortable around had been his sister. Now, at least, he believed that he had one friend and quite a few acquaintances that he was growing fond of. It was a start, and though he did not expect to be close to everyone, he did want to know the others in his pack, especially the eccentric and intriguing King.

####The question took the dog mutt by surprise and he took a moment to contemplate his answer. He had never met either leader from the two packs that Jacquez had mentioned, but then, his own leader had both of his eyes (unless something had happened recently to remove one or both that he did not know of) and the question did not pertain to him. It was a strange question, however. "I would not be one to do such a thing," he said, forming the sentence carefully and calculating the words. That was only half true, as he had attacked packs in the past, but it was only for specific members, sometimes even the leaders. "But if I were of the mind to do that, then yes, I suppose I would be weak enough to stoop to such a level." He viewed it as a weakness to be willing to do such a thing, but if one were to be happy attacking an entire pack, then he supposed that they would use anything that they could to their advantage, as unfortunate as the idea was.

####He was intrigued as to what had brought the King to ask him this question, of all of his pack members. They had never had a conversation, other than to give him a home in the pack. Was it possible, then, that Jacquez had decided that his opinion would be valid, for one reason or another? "Why is it that you ask me, specifically, this question?" The call had been meant for him, surely. There was no question of that in the least. However, he simply could not fathom why Jacquez would call for him, rather than for someone he had known longer and more personally, unless this was a question he had asked of many others thus far. He did not see the relevance of the question, however, he was willing to discuss it to further understand the collie's purpose in asking him specifically. For whatever reason, his leader had decided that Vigilante was someone he should ask, and, willing to please his King as necessary and also curious, the malamute-shepherd mix was very much interested in hearing the King's reasoning.


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