Let me be your spark of life

Slight PP with the thrown spear at the end; let me know if you want it changed, ^=^

Cwmfen breathed deeply, closing her eyes as she sat leaning against the tree. With each breath, she released the stress that had built up in her body. The tension in her muscles did indeed fall away, loosed into the cool air that carried away her worries. And that incessant pain seemed to lessen if only marginally, allowing her mind the room to think more clearly. And the black fae listened to the silence, audible now for the absence of that ceaseless throbbing. She listened to the whisper of the tree as the wind played with its bare limbs, the soft creaking of its trunk as the old creature struggled against the air and time, the soft movement of the water that traveled up its core to feed and nourish the life. And, as she listened closely, the warrior could hear its song, just as she could hear the song of her sword, of her bow, and of her spear. Just as she could hear the song of war as it flowed through her body. But it was silent now, silent and dormant for as long as it would take for those wounds to heal. But the tree’s cool bark soothed the long scar that marred the length of her back, and for once it was quieted.

But the peace was disrupted by a sound. The woad bound ears flickered forward as the white orbs opened. She turned to watch the place in which the couple had left, knowing that they had not gone far. It was almost as if there was a quarrel, and she thought she could hear someone growling. A soft growl of warning came from her own throat as she pushed herself to standing, ignoring the sudden flash of pain that cut through her body. The black fae moved quickly, and it was as if she bore no wounds. Stepping with a fluidity from the gentle roots of the tree, her left hand shot out to grab the spear. And the weapon leapt with life at her touch, singing with that strange song that filled her mind with a strange peace. Her maw waved once in the air as she scented their trail before she was moving again, her steps silent without a whisper of passing.

And what Cwmfen found did not please her at all. The tranquility of the warrior’s face was broken as she let loose a snarl that charged through the cool air like a wild cat. But there the snarl was mostly for effect, for the warrior, trained in tranquility, was incapable of great rage. With a great effort, the warrior threw the singing spear with perfect form and aim, the leaf shaped blade branded with the Raven cutting the air with ease as it flew with great speed. The blade bit the male, cutting ever so slightly his upper arm that held Svara. A warning. But it had drawn blood. With a satisfying sound, the spear landed in the forest floor, angled perfectly for its flight. But the effort had not been without consequence. The woad marked fae gripped her right arm, for the shoulder had not been ready for that effort, torn by the jaws and claws of that red-eyed coyote. But it was of little consequence. “Do you not know, dog?” And the alto melody was calm as her face was smoothed once more. She stood in challenge to the other as she replied to the last of his words, the only words that she had heard of the argument. “One is to never touch another in anger.”


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Svara hadn't expected him to grab her arm. The action caused her to swing her head in his direction even though she couldn't see his face. At the moment she wished she could see his face. His scent was filled with anger which made Svara give him a questioning look, or at least the closest she could with out her eyes. "Hmm so I tell you to go away and suddenly I'm a pup eh? Well this pup would like if the pedephile would let go of her arm." Irritation was forming in her voice as she jerked her arm back.

His anger filled words only made her cross her arms over her chest. The sound of something quick and moving past her made the red she wolfs ears move back. There was no reason to look behind her she couldn't see. The sound of Cwmfens voice rose up and it made Svara turn her head away from Leroy. He spoke of her childish mannerisms and yet he was the one having the tempertantrum. Usually she would curse at him or yell like she always did, but she was tired her eyes hurt and she knew this treatment was worse.

She knowing he had left. "Hmph you shouldn't waste you bloody time with my troubles Cwmfen!" There was humor in her voice as she addressed the women. "Although you better be damn nice to me after I told him to leave! Maybe giving me back that dagger?" Svara suggested leaning against the den enterance.

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[ooc; he leaves da area

Moving through the trees he didn't run or walk be kept his same pace as the blood dripped down his arm, red eyes staring forward he was heading back to his out packlands as this frustration only built inside him. Ears back he roamed without a sound as the little red dripped down to his white fur, her reaction didn't bother him at all his mind was set on the matter. Letting a snort out Leroy didn't stop at the boarder he didn't regret anything but refused to let that child woman, child pull him around when he as bleed on this lands for a simple cause. Wanting to sleep, a long restful sleep he walked.


I’ll close the thread after my post, ^=^

Cwmfen had expected Svara to protest her act made against the husky, for thus far it had been so. Of course, such thoughts would not have stopped the warrior, for she would tolerate no such behavior form any creature, male or female. And it had been the male’s mistake to protest in that manner, and it seemed to the female that he had a knack for causing trouble within the Dahlian boarders. But the female was confused, for only moments before the male had been completely understanding of Svara, holding her and responding without protest to her occasional snaps. She wondered what had made the change, but the warrior did not and would not press the girl for the details. All the warrior needed to know was the act, and she had seen it clearly. She though then, however, that such a reaction may have been something completely belieing his anger and aggression. She thought perhaps that it may have been hurt pride and indignation, for such a reaction had spurred Brennt to attack her once she had rejected his moves to mate with her (or so she believed; that male had been strange, and she did not quite understand him). But whatever the case, this husky lacked the control of a man. Perhaps he should go and learn it.

But to the female’s surprise, the red hued girl did not rebuke the black hued fae’s attack upon her lover. To the contrary, Svara continued to push him off, unaccepting of his behavior. Despite herself, the female felt a small flicker of pride for the girl’s actions. This once again sparked that hope that she had felt when first meeting with the girl. This was a more direct manifestation of the girl’s strong will. If only she would use such a force more adeptly, with control and purpose, to command the respect and to command a presence. Perhaps there was hope for this girl yet. Regardless of the irritation that the female felt for the girl’s disrespect, she understood the hormones that may be dictating such volatile behavior, and she understood now the effects of her mother’s presence. And the female understood also the potential of all creatures, and she hoped that the girl would be more open to the teachings and advice that her packmates had to offer.

The male left then, without verbal protest, and he did not look back. The warrior stood there for a moment, watching the place where his form had disappeared, and watching it still even when there was nothing. At length, the female released her right arm, shaking it slightly to help alleviate the pain, which only worked marginally. Then she went to retrieve the thrown weapon, pulling it from the earth as it sang to her with satisfaction. With a light smile, the female turned as the girl spoke, and for a moment, she thought that such words were made in anger. But it seemed that it there was some humor to them after all. A light smile graced the warrior’s maw. “I’ll stay out next time,” the alto melody replied softly, her silver tones dancing on the air. And to the girl’s next comment, the warrior only smiled, her agreement silent and held openly within the air. Her silent, fluid steps returned her to the roots of the tree as she turned to the girl. “I may agree to that,” the warrior said with a slight smile, “if you will never disrespect it again.”


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