Fighting the Battle Lost
Peace, That was what he sought…at least for now. Usually chaos was the first thing on Legion’s mind, but when varied things permeated his thoughts into a jumble, his first reaction was often to seek solitude. The unexpected discovery of a Stormbringer had been enough to set his mind reeling. It…complicated things. It was a good deal of fun, yes, but it also meant his past was following him in a way he hadn’t expected.

Oh yes, his clan was not the kindest in dealing with its members, and even less so when dealing with the Stormbringers. It was an age old feud. He knew the reasoning for it, but part of him thought of it as a battle forever in the past that the future generations were needlessly dragged into. Originally, he was brainwashed into believing only his pack’s side. Training had been harsh, and many of the smaller scars he bore were from his own kin. However, the view wasn’t helped much by the Stormbringers. His larger scars were received from them. For as much as they touted their righteousness, they, too, had picked battles with his side…though he little spoke of how his scars had been received.

It was only after time spent reading and meditating that he’d begun to think outside the box, for himself. Even now he was still struggling with a change in perspective. But his thoughts meandered, and he wondered how they could all be so blind, fighting the war of their fathers, not their own. It gnawed at him, not knowing what view to take. Part of him wanted to patch up the differences, but one wolf could not do that, and just as easily, one wolf could tear apart an uneasy truce. He snorted at the seeming uselessness of trying.

At least here in the forest it was quiet, with only the trees to bear the brunt of a frustrated fury, digging his long luperci claws into the wood, then leaning his furred white brow against it in futility, a low snarl emitting from his throat. He actually preferred nature’s solitude when in moods like this. Any other time, he’d be fine exploring and looting the houses, but being alone in deserted human cities while in deep thought often made him uneasy. It was like the spirits of the lost were watching him from the dirty windows, and never availed to quell the storms in his heart.

Ah, what his pack members would do to see him like this…


Alexey hadn’t been too fond of this neck of the woods up until a few weeks ago when she’d first met a chestnut-colored male by the name of Dreyrugr. She’d nearly sprained her ankle that day, but such an unfortunate incident had allowed her to meet a very special someone who now occupied a place in her heart; her former lover’s cousin, of all people! He was a very temperamental man, but the Dahlian girl chose to overlook this major flaw. Thus far she’d only seen him get worked up when the circumstances called for it; mostly over people he truly cared about. Now that she thought about it, she was probably going to get a lecture for sneaking out of the pack lands without him, again.

Lexey had been lucky enough to find Kol’s brother in the Dampwoods. Perhaps if she stuck to the same area long enough, Conor would eventually turn up. It was a silly theory, obviously. But it kept her going. The pup was the Lillium’s spawn after all; he was a tenacious little bugger. Hoping for the best and keeping her eyes wide open was all she could do for the time being. Alexey planned on scouting the area one more time before heading home for the night. She wanted to spend some time with her roommate before bed; the girls had barely spoken to each other lately. Now that Kol was cooling off, Alexey yearned for a good conversation with her best friend.

Beige-colored ears picked up a low rumble in the vicinity, a sound resembling a snarl of some sort. After her encounter with the puppy-eater and Kol’s near-death experience, the two-year-old femme wasn’t sure if approaching a complete stranger was a good idea. Common sense beckoned her to stay away but her paws had a mind of their own. Before long, they led her right to where an alabaster male stood. “Oh, sorry,” she said, suddenly noting the obvious frustration on his face. She probably wouldn't get a friendly hello out of him.

He'd been so lost in his own world of thought that he hadn't even noticed the approach of the honey-colored female until she was practically feet away, speaking an apology. Immediately he swung his head over to look at her with a shocked expression on his face, but quickly wiped that away, removing his claws from the bark and lowering himself slowly to the ground.

Part of him wondered why she'd even come over to him, and made him wonder how oblivious to danger this she-wolf really was. Had he been the sort to succumb to rage he could have done some real damage to her. And it wasn't like he was being quiet about his current frustration. Maybe she was simply curious...but either way, her paws had carried her here, and now she was apologizing. Admittedly her actions made him curious, but also her very beauty. Even more so, familiar scents clung to her. Scents that screamed Stormbringer. He immediately recognized Kol's, after his run-in with her not long ago. But there was also another, of the same relations from the scent of it.

Well, perhaps he could learn something from her. It wouldn't hurt to talk, if he hadn't sufficently scared her out of her wits already. "Don't be. The things that torment me are none of your doing." His smile, brows upturned, had that hint of sadness about it. Oh, he knew she'd meant she was sorry for interrupting his silent tirade, but that mattered not, and he decided to save her from any embarrassment. "I'm more sorry to have you catch me in such an unfortunate way..." he faltered. "...not the way I'd prefer meeting a potential friend." he chuckled, seating himself on the cool earth in his typical casual manner, legs and arms seemginly askew.

Lexey felt a little awkward after voicing her apology. She wasn’t sure why she’d done so in the first place. Maybe because it seemed like a polite thing to do? The male did not react negatively to her presence, even though shock was now written all over his face. It was kind of funny, how he’d suddenly stopped assaulting the tree. The tawny female giggled inwardly, remembering her own personal vendetta against the very same plant. That tree surely deserved the treatment it was getting. After all, she’d nearly twisted her ankle by tripping over its oversized roots a little while ago.

She was intrigued now; wondering why this wolf seemed so troubled. Had he tripped too? It didn’t seem like it. Perhaps his anger had to do with something a little more personal. She too, had a lot of things weighing on her mind with Conor still missing and Kol’s recent altercation with a psychopath. His words were comforting, so was his scent. He smelled like Haven and Savina. Crimson Dreams was a peaceful pack; surely there was no need to worry.

The Caregiver’s face lit up when he referred to her as a potential friend. Meeting friendly faces was a rare thing nowadays and Lexey appreciated the gesture. It was a little naïve to feel such at ease around a complete stranger but he didn’t seem like a bad person. And she chose to follow her intuition. “Well then, potential friend, what troubles you so?”


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